LyX Japanese input - lyx

I've been using LyX for a while now, but for the life of me I have been unable to find a way to input Japanese into my documents. This is particularly frustrating as I recently need to publish documents with both English and Japanese.
I'm currently running OS X El Capitan, and the LyX help page is of no assistance as the main link for Japanese LyX input (OS X) is broken.
Any assistance would be highly appreciated.


Configure ATOM to use R in windows 10

I am trying to set up Atom with R in Windows 10. I never used Atom before.
I am used to use Sublime Text, having a Sublime open in one window and sending code to the R GUI opened in another one.
I am trying to replicate this setup, and as far as possible, I do not want to have an R-studio like replica.
Is it possible?
Can anyone tell me how to make Atom and R interact?
So far I looked online and did not find much helpful information.
Thank you!

How can I change the language of the IDE RStudio?

How can I change the language of RStudio? I mean the menu and not the messages or R itself as described here: How to change language settings in R
RStudio does not exist in other languages:
The RStudio IDE is currently not localized into other languages, so
will remain in English even if you change the system settings. Is that
what you were asking?
Answer from RStudio employee here.

rstudio cannot input chinese

Ubuntu 16.04 Rstudio Can't input Chinese.
My OS all setting done for English. I tried all the methods,including link files、installed qt5、switch fcitx,but all were failed.
Sincerely I want to ask what method can solve this.
You may try your luck with this code. But I think R is not very compatible with other language rather than English. Since the R version I installed in my Chinese OS caused tons of issues.

Tools Commonly used to Program in R

I apologize if this has already been asked a different way but I couldn't find anything getting at what I wanted.
I am really getting into R from other packages (SPSS). As I learn about what truly can be done, I realize that there are additional "tools" that I need. This gets me to my question.
What setup do you have for developing R code? I can't see myself actually developing r packages anywhere in the near future, but I do see myself wanting to manage my r projects effeciently, as well as create reports and presentations in LaTeX.
For context, I develop my R code in Eclipse for Windows, but I have had a real hard time successfully setting up Latex/Sweave and Github plugins.
Lastly, do you develop code using Windows or something else?
Many thanks in advance for any insight you can lend.
Emacs has everything I commonly need:
ESS (for R),
AucTeX (for Latex),
similarly rich 'modes' for other languages I use (C++, make, shell, ...),
plus a lot of other modes you get quite used to as e.g. dired for directory/file browsing or org-mode as planner/to-do list,
the SVN integration is very good too
and there are probably a number of tools within Emacs I am now forgetting.
Works in text mode as well as graphical mode, and works essentially the same (incl ESS and AucTeX) on several operating systems (Linux mostly and Windows when I must). On Debian/Ubuntu all this is prepackaged and tends to work out of the box as well. For both Windows and OS X, Vincent Goulet has package very handy bundles, see here.
The 'daemon mode' is outstanding too -- I keep the same main Emacs session running and just connect and re-connect to it even when accessing the machine (via ssh or directly) from different computers.
Also see the EmacsWiki for more tips around Emacs.
Back to Emacs and R in particular. The R FAQ says it pretty well:
6.1 Is there Emacs support for R?
6.2 Should I run R from within Emacs?
and I like the affirmative and resounding answer to the second question: "Yes, definitely". I fully concur.
I'll second the suggestion that Emacs compliments R nicely, but let me share what the "killer feature" is for me.
Using Org-mode with Org-babel, I can write whole reports with inline graphs produced from R in raster and vector format which compiles seamlessly into a PDF report via latex. I can also view the graphs while editing, similar to a WYSIWYG editor.
I just wrapped up a major report with over 70 inline graphs with little effort, no editing external files, no issues maintaining naming between figures in my report and external files, or forgetting to recompile the latest version of a figure. Org & Babel does it all.
Example of inline R with Babel and PDF output, see the first example in multiple formats:
This is probably more relevant for package development, but it is also worth mentioning the roxygen R package that allows in-source documentation of your code. Note that even though you can't see yourself developing R packages anywhere in the near future, a package can be a very handy way of grouping related functions you develop and maintain, consistently documenting the code and keeping track of updates, even if you do not plan to distribute it.
I use a mac, and my most important tools are:
the command line, for running R
git, for keeping track of changes
github for publishing my code, bug tracking and collaboration
textmate for writing R code
Has anyone tried RStudio? It's the shiny new editor for R.
I use windows... (don't say it).
I like Notepad++ and NPPtoR. Makes it pretty easy to send things back and forth.
I use Eclipse on Windows and Linux. I compile LaTeX code (with Sweave) on Linux and I haven't bothered yet to set up the whole process in Eclipse. I need to pdflatex and bibtex files several times anyway, so I just have a terminal window with the specific string of commands handy. I tried ESS and Eclipse and they're very similar in functionality (and in my opinion the best two editors out there).
I use Eclipse / StatEt on Windows, and it Rocks !. For LaTex/Sweave I use MikTex which works well for me. For help setting things up check out this document and this post.
Other Tools you may find useful include;
If you want to build R Packages on
Windows, then get the RTools
Creating Documents, you may want to
check out odfWeave,
LibreOffice (was OpenOffice) and
the MSOffice ODF plugin
I have also
dabbled with Git but also didn't get
very far on Windows, but that was a
while ago.
For Presentations in LaTex
I recomend Beamer
I use Eclipse for both R and Latex while working on research papers. The plugins for both are very mature now. The nice thing is that you don't have to switch application while writing papers. I used different combination before but I found this to be the best.
I just got home from our local R User meeting (find one near you here) and of the 20 or so people there, all of us used a different program or tool to write R code in. I think that goes to show the diversity of the tools used to write and edit R code is just as diverse as the R community itself.

How to force asdoc run in English

My operation system is Window XP in Chinese.
I'm running flex sdk > asdoc in command line. Asdoc picks up the system default language.
How can I force it to be run in English language environment?
What you needed is the Microsoft AppLocale Utility. It allows you to run an application in the locale you specified. You may change your system locale to English too, but then some of your Chinese applications may not run correctly.
Here is a step-by-step tutorial (with pictures) by Chris Lee. His tutorial describes how to run Japanese applications on Chinese Windows, but it's similar, just replace Japanese by English and it's all done :-).
Asuka Kenji
(from Hong Kong)
