Map in R, how do I draw a map of Baltimore? - r

I'm trying to do a Shiny app, and a part of it, consists into a plot of Baltimore city, and once I have this, I will print other data on this map.
I've been trying 'rworldmap', 'raster' and 'ggmap', but I'm not getting how to put the right parameters to make it work, the time i've been closer is this:
newmap <- getMap(resolution = "low")
newmap <- getMap(resolution = "low")
xlim = c(-39.3750, -76.7226),
ylim = c(39.1800, -76.5254),
asp = 1
It appears to me the south-america region, and... upside down :S
Latitude and longitude in theory should be aprox:
Anyone know how should I continue with this?
Sorry for my english,
Thanks! :)
P.S:If this can help, what I'll print later will be coordinates.

Using ggmap:
map <- get_map(location = 'Baltimore', zoom = 12)


leaflet map of the world - exclude Antarctica

The code below is reproducible - it builds the map of the world using leaflet.
I am really not interested in Antarctica and I am more interested in Scandinavia :)
Any way to cut Antarctica or at least force it to be always at the bottom of the map - so that the center of the map is farther north?
Thanks a lot for any pointers!
countries <- rnaturalearth::countries110
goodnames <- countries$name
goodnames[goodnames %in% goodnames[32]] <- "Ivory Coast"
countries$name[32] <- goodnames[32]
mymap <- leaflet(countries, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 2))
myvalues <- 1:177
mycolors <- colorNumeric(palette = c("#fee6ce","#e6550d"),
domain = myvalues)(myvalues)
mymap %>%
addPolygons(stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 1,
color = ~mycolors,
label = countries$name)
You can use setView to set the initial viewing point to any location of your choosing. If you want this map to focus on Scandinavia on opening, you can do...
mymap <- leaflet(countries, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 2)) %>% setView(lng=18.6435,lat=60.1282,zoom=2)
The coordinates are simply from searching 'Sweden coordinates' on Google. You can use a site such as to help you pick an appropriate center point.
Unfortunately 'rnaturalearth' is not (yet) available fpr R 3.4.2 and I have just updated one second ago so I can't prove my answer. But as you're asking for any pointer -
I use the 'rworldmap' package and take out Antarctica by excluding it after the map is defined by the package.
According to this my suggestion to your code would be:
mymap <- mymap[-which(row.names(mymap)=='Antarctica'),]

Add points (Lat-Lon) to a marmap plot

I would like to plot a series of lat-lon points of a seal track, each coloured according to an attribute, on to a map that shows the bathymetry (100m contours) and coastline. I learnt how to create a map to show the bathymetry+coastline using marmap and ggplot2. The code is here:
dat <- getNOAA.bathy(-58,-62.5,43,46.0,res=0, keep=TRUE)
plot(dat,image=TRUE,bpal = list(c(min(dat), 0, "darkblue", "blue","lightblue"), c(0, max(dat), "gray90","gray10")),drawlabels=TRUE,deep=c(-500,200,0),shallow=c(-500,100,0),step=c(500,100,0),lwd=c(1,1,1),lty=c(1,1,1),land=TRUE)+
scaleBathy(dat, deg=1.232, x="bottomleft", inset=5) #100km
This created a useful map. However, I am stalled over how to add the seal track on to this map.
I could do this in ggmap (using the code below) but I much prefer the marmap map
myLocation <- c(-62.5,43,-58,46)
scale_color_gradientn(colours=rainbow(6), breaks=seq(1,6,by=1))
Any guidance will be much appreciated
You should be able to add the bathymetric info from marmap as a contour layer on your plot after "fortifying" it. Without your data it's difficult to make sure that it works (and the NOAA server is down for me right now):
dat <- getNOAA.bathy(-58,-62.5,43,46.0,res=0, keep=TRUE)
dat <- fortify(dat)
ggmap(seal_map2) +
geom_contour(dat, aes(x = x, y = y, z = z)) +
geom_point(data=sealtrack,aes(color=category),size=0.5) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours=rainbow(6), breaks=seq(1,6,by=1))

How to plot polylines in multiple colors in R?

I'm working on a custom route planner in R at the moment. I'm using the output of the Google Maps Directions API. I want to show the route on a map between two places. Everything is going great so far. The only problem is that I don't know how to give the route multiple colors based on Speed at the moment. I searched the internet for a few days and I couldn't find something that fits my goal. That's why I made this post.
Then I visualized it in Leafet with te following code:
pal <- colorNumeric(
palette = unique(polyline$Col),
domain = polyline$Speed,
na.color = "#FFFFFF"
map <- leaflet()
map <- addTiles(map)
a <- 1
for(a in length(unique(polyline$Step_ID))){
map <- addPolylines(map,lng = polyline$Lon,
lat = polyline$Lat,
data = polyline[polyline$Step_ID==a,],
color = polyline$col)
a <- a + 1
map <- addLegend(map,"bottomright", pal = pal, values = polyline$Speed,
title = "Speed",
opacity = 1)
So far I think you have to create multiple PolyLines(correct me if I'm wrong) to plot multiple colors in the route. That's why I made a for loop, to add ever PolyLine into the map.
Everthing is just how want it. The only problem is the coloring of the line. I want the coloring of the lines just like Google does with traffic.
Can someone help me out with this please?
To fully replicate your question you need to provide us with the actual data for polyline (i.e, not a screenshot). Until then, I'm going to create my own data set and show you how to create the coloured lines.
And, as you're using Google's API to get the directions, I'm assuming you'll have an API key, so I'm going to show you how to do it using my googleway package
api_key <- "your_api_key"
directions <- google_directions(origin = "St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia",
destination = "Geelong, Victoria, Australia",
key = api_key)
## the results of the API give you distance in metres, and time in seconds
## so we need to calculate teh speed
spd <- (directions$routes$legs[[1]]$steps[[1]]$distance$value / 1000) / (directions$routes$legs[[1]]$steps[[1]]$duration$value/ 60 / 60)
## then we can start to build the object to use in the plot
## and as we are staying within Google's API, we can use the encoded polyline to plot the routes
## rather than extracting the coordinates
df <- data.frame(speed = spd,
polyline = directions$routes$legs[[1]]$steps[[1]]$polyline)
df$floorSpeed <- floor(df$speed)
colours <- seq(1, floor(max(df$speed)))
colours <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow","green"))(length(colours))
df <- merge(df,
data.frame(speed = 1:length(colours),
colour = colours),
by.x = "floorSpeed",
by.y = "speed")
map_key <- "your_map_api_key"
google_map(key = map_key) %>%
add_polylines(data = df, polyline = "points", stroke_colour = "colour",
stroke_weight = 5, stroke_opacity = 0.9)
See this answer for a way of making the route planner in Shiny.

Drawing line on ggmap plot between two countries using long/lat

I am a total newbie to R and I would like to draw a line (possibly weighted, e.g., by the number of trips made) between two countries. Currently, I use longitude and latitude for each capital to draw a line, but I would like to do it using the package ggmap. I was looking around, but did not find any solution so far. I would appreciate a quick help.
require (rworldmap)
all_content = readLines("ext_lt_intratrd_1_Data.csv")
skip_second = all_content[-2]
dat = read.csv(textConnection(skip_second), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors =F)
dat[5,2]<- c("Germany") # using a data where the first line is
header, but second line must be skipped as it is EU 27
and not a single country
europe <- read.csv("eulonglat.csv", header = TRUE) # using world capitals to
generate points
myfulldata <- merge(dat, europe)
map <- get_map(location = 'Europe', zoom = 4)
mapPoints <- ggmap(map) + geom_point(aes(x = UNc_longitude, y = UNc_latitude, size
= log(myfulldata$Value)), data = myfulldata, col = "red", alpha= 0.5) # this can
be plotted
# i would continue with drawing line and i searched for references
# i found arrows(42.66,23.34,50.82,4.47) - which did not work
# i tried to look for a reference work more, but could not find
# instead i found it using with the package rworldmap the following
lines(c(4.47, 23.32), c(50.82, 42.66))
# this does not work on ggmap

Plotting points on a map

I am trying to plot coordinate points on a map, but I get the error. Could you please help?
table <- read.table("table.txt", header=TRUE, sep=",")
map <- get_map(location = 'France', zoom = 6, maptype = c("toner"))
points(table$LONG, table$LAT, pch=21, bg=color, cex=0.7, lwd=.4)
Here is an idea of what the table looks like:
Try geom_point:
city <- c("Paris", "Lyon", "Bordeaux") <- c(48.856667, 45.766944, 44.838611)
my.long <- c(2.351944, 4.834167, 0.578334)
points <- data.frame(lon=my.long,
map <- get_map(location = c(left = -5, bottom = 42, right=9, top = 51 ), source = 'stamen', maptype = 'toner')
france <- ggmap(map, extent = 'normal')
france + geom_point(data=points, col="red")
Try the command ?ggmap for a list of great examples. I think the manual has done a good job, because before I read your question, I didn't even know of any of these functions. Thanks! I've learned something new.
Learn to walk before you try and run.
The points function adds points to an existing graphic. You haven't got an existing graphic yet (unless you've already done something you've not showed us).
Hence if you do points before starting a plot, you'll get an error. eg:
points(1:10,1:10) # error
plot(1:10,1:10) # no error, starts a new plot
points(10:1,1:10) # adds extra points, no error.
All your stuff with ggplot is irrelevant. Also, this is not about statistics, so you should have posted to StackOverflow. I've flagged this and it might get migrated...
