How to find out if first x bits are set in a binary representation of an integer effectively? - math

In a recent interview, I was asked this question. I gave the solution by running a loop and checking every one of the x bits by right-shifting 1 every time.
Then he asked if I can do this without running a loop. I tried various approaches but could not find a solution. Can here any bit-fiddling expert help me out?
Example - if num = 15 and x = 2 then result should be true because 1st 2 bits are set in 15(01111).

I think following (Java implementation) should work:
/** Returns true if the least significant x bits in n are set */
public static boolean areLSBSet(int n, int x) {
// validate x, n
int y = (1<<x) - 1;
return (n & y) == y;
The idea is to quickly find out the number that is 2^x - 1 (this number has all the x least significant bits set) and then taking the bitwise-and with given number n which will give the same number only if exactly that many bits in n are set.


Schroders Big number sequence

I am implementing a recursive program to calculate the certain values in the Schroder sequence, and I'm having two problems:
I need to calculate the number of calls in the program;
Past a certain number, the program will generate incorrect values (I think it's because the number is too big);
Here is the code:
let rec schroder n =
if n <= 0 then 1
else if n = 1 then 2
else 3 * schroder (n-1) + sum n 1
and sum n k =
if (k > n-2) then 0
else schroder k * schroder (n-k-1) + sum n (k+1)
When I try to return tuples (1.), the function sum stops working because it's trying to return int when it has type int * int;
Regarding 2., when I do schroder 15 it returns:
when it should be returning
firstly thanks for the tips, secondly after some hours of deep struggle, i manage to create the function, now my problem is that i'm struggling to install zarith. I think I got it installed, but ..
in terminal when i do ocamlc -I +zarith i get an error saying Required module 'Z' is unavailable.
in utop after doing #load "zarith.cma";; and #install_printer Z.pp_print;; i can compile, run the function and it works. However i'm trying to implement a Scanf.scanf so that i can print different values of the sequence. With this being said whenever i try to run the scanf, i dont get a chance to write any number as i get a message saying that '\\n' is not a decimal digit.
With this being said i will most probably also have problems with printing the value, because i dont think that i'm going to be able to print such a big number with a %d. The let r1,c1 = in the following code, is a example of what i'm talking about.
Here's what i'm using :
let v1, v2 = Scanf.scanf "%d %d" (fun v1 v2-> v1,v2);;
let r1,c1 = schroder_a (Big_int_Z.of_int v1) in
Printf.printf "%d %d\n" (Big_int_Z.int_of_big_int r1) (Big_int_Z.int_of_big_int c1);
let r2,c2 = schroder_a v2 in
Printf.printf "%d %d\n" r2 c2;
P.S. 'r1' & 'r2' stands for result, and 'c1' and 'c2' stands for the number of calls of schroder's recursive function.
P.S.S. the prints are written differently because i was just testing, but i cant even pass through the scanf so..
This is the third time I've seen this problem here on StackOverflow, so I assume it's some kind of school assignment. As such, I'm just going to make some comments.
OCaml doesn't have a function named sum built in. If it's a function you've written yourself, the obvious suggestion would be to rewrite it so that it knows how to add up the tuples that you want to return. That would be one approach, at any rate.
It's true, ints in OCaml are subject to overflow. If you want to calculate larger values you need to use a "big number" package. The one to use with a modern OCaml is Zarith (I have linked to the description on
However, none of the other people solving this assignment have mentioned overflow as a problem. It could be that you're OK if you just solve for representable OCaml int values.
3937603038 is larger than what a 32-bit int can hold, and will therefore overflow. You can fix this by using int64 instead (until you overflow that too). You'll have to use int64 literals, using the L suffix, and operations from the Int64 module. Here's your code converted to compute the value as an int64:
let rec schroder n =
if n <= 0 then 1L
else if n = 1 then 2L
else Int64.add (Int64.mul 3L (schroder (n-1))) (sum n 1)
and sum n k =
if (k > n-2) then 0L
else Int64.add (Int64.mul (schroder k) (schroder (n-k-1))) (sum n (k+1))
I need to calculate the number of calls in the program;
the function 'sum' stops working because it's trying to return 'int' when it has type 'int * int'
Make sure that you have updated all the recursive calls to shroder. Remember it is now returning a pair not a number, so you can't, for example, just to add it and you need to unpack the pair first. E.g.,
let r,i = schroder (n-1) (i+1) in
3 * r + sum n 1 and ...
and so on.
Past a certain number, the program will generate incorrect values (I think it's because the number is too big);
You need to use an arbitrary-precision numbers, e.g., zarith

Counting the number of restricted Integer partitions

Original problem:
Let N be a positive integer (actually, N <= 2000) and P - set of all possible partitions of the N, where with and . Let A be the number of partitions . Find the A.
Input: N. Output: A - the number of partitions .
What have I tried:
I think that this problem can be solved by dynamic-based algorithm. Let p(n,a,b) be the function, which returns the number of partitons of n using only numbers a. . .b. Then we can compute the A with the code like:
int Ans = 2; // the 1+1+...+1=N & N=N partitions
for(int a = 2; a <= N/2; a += 1){ //a - from 2 to N/2
int b = a*2-1;
Ans += p[N][a][b]; // add all partitions using a..b to Answer
if(a < (a-1)*2-1){ // if a < previous b [ (a-1)*2-1 ]
Ans -= p[N][a][(a-1)*2-1]; // then we counted number of partitions
} // using numbers a..prev_b twice.
Next I tried to find the dynamic algorithm computing p(n,a,b) for any integer a <= b <= n. This paper (.pdf) provides the folowing algorithm:
, were I(n<=b) = 1 if n<=b and =0 otherwise.
How should I realize the algorithm from the paper? I'm new at d-p problems and as I can see, this problem has 3 dimensions (n,a & b), which is quite tricky for me.
How actually that algorithm works? I know how work the algorithms for computing p(n,0,b) or p(n,a,n), but a little explanation for p(n,a,b) will be very helpful.
Does original problem have simpler solution? I'm quite sure that there's another clean solution, but I didn't found it.
I calculated all A(1)-A(600) in 23 seconds with memoization approach (top-down dynamic programming). 3D table requires 1.7 GB of memory.
For reference: A[50] = 278, A(200)=465202, A(600)=38860513616
N=2000 requires too large table for 32-bit environment, and map approach worked too slow.
I can make 2D table with reasonable size, but this approach requires table zeroing at every iteration of external loop - slow again.
A(1000) = 107292471486730 in 131 sec. And I think that long arithmetic might be needed for larger values to avoid Int64 overflow.

Efficient program to check whether a number can be expressed as sum of two cubes

I am trying to write a program to check whether a number N can be expressed as the sum of two cubes i.e. N = a^3 + b^3
This is my code with complexity O(n):
#include <iostream>
#define ll unsigned long long
using namespace std;
int main()
bool flag=false;
ll t,N;
for(int i=1; i<=(ll)cbrtl(N/2); i++)
if(!(cbrtl(N-i*i*i)-(ll)cbrtl(N-i*i*i))) {flag=true; break;}
if(flag) cout<<"Yes\n"; else cout<<"No\n";
return 0;
As the time limit for code is 2s, This program is giving TLE? can anyone suggest a faster approch
I posted this also in StackExchange, so sorry if you consider duplicate, but I really don´t know if these are the same or different boards (Exchange and Overflow). My profile appears different here.
There is a faster algorithm to check if a given integer is a sum (or difference) of two cubes n=a^3+b^3
I don´t know if this algorithm is already known (probably yes, but I can´t find it on books or internet). I discovered and use it to compute integers until n < 10^18
This process uses a single trick
4(a^3+b^3)/(a+b) = (a+b)^2 + 3(a-b)^2)
We don´t know in advance what would be "a" and "b" and so what also would be "(a+b)", but we know that "(a+b)" should certainly divide (a^3+b^3) , so if you have a fast primes factorizing routine, you can quickly compute each one of divisors of (a^3+b^3) and then check if
(4(a^3+b^3)/divisor - divisor^2)/3 = square
When (and if) found a square, you have divisor=(a+b) and sqrt(square)=(a-b) , so you have a and b.
If not square found, the number is not sum of two cubes.
We know divisor < (4(a^3+b^3)^(1/3) and this limit improves the task, because when you are assembling divisors of (a^3+b^3) immediately discard those greater than limit.
Now some comparisons with other algorithms - for n = 10^18, by using brute force you should test all numbers below 10^6 to know the answer. On the other hand, to build all divisors of 10^18 you need primes until 10^9.
The max quantity of different primes you could fit into 10^9 is 10 (2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19*23*29 = 5*10^9) so we have 2^10-1 different combinations of primes (which assemble the divisors) to check in worst case, many of them discared because limit.
To compute prime factors I use a table with first 60.000.000 primes which works very well on this range.
Miguel Velilla
To find all the pairs of integers x and y that sum to n when cubed, set x to the largest integer less than the cube root of n, set y to 0, then repeatedly add 1 to y if the sum of the cubes is less than n, subtract 1 from x if the sum of the cubes is greater than n, and output the pair otherwise, stopping when x and y cross. If you only want to know whether or not such a pair exists, you can stop as soon as you find one.
Let us know if you have trouble coding this algorithm.

What is the fastest way to find if a large integer is power of ten?

I could just use division and modulus in a loop, but this is slow for really large integers. The number is stored in base two, and may be as large as 2^8192. I only need to know if it is a power of ten, so I figure there may be a shortcut (other than using a lookup table).
If your number x is a power of ten then
x = 10^y
for some integer y, which means that
x = (2^y)(5^y)
So, shift the integer right until there are no more trailing zeroes (should be a very low cost operation) and count the number of digits shifted (call this k). Now check if the remaining number is 5^k. If it is, then your original number is a power of 10. Otherwise, it's not. Since 2 and 5 are both prime this will always work.
Let's say that X is your input value, and we start with the assumption.
X = 10 ^ Something
Where Something is an Integer.
So we say the following:
log10(X) = Something.
So if X is a power of 10, then Something will be an Integer.
int x = 10000;
double test = Math.log10(x);
if(test == ((int)test))
System.out.println("Is a power of 10");

Decompose integer into two bytes

I'm working on an embedded project where I have to write a time-out value into two byte registers of some micro-chip.
The time-out is defined as:
timeout = REG_a * (REG_b +1)
I want to program these registers using an integer in the range of 256 to lets say 60000. I am looking for an algorithm which, given a timeout-value, calculates REG_a and REG_b.
If an exact solution is impossible, I'd like to get the next possible larger time-out value.
What have I done so far:
My current solution calculates:
temp = integer_square_root (timeout) +1;
REG_a = temp;
REG_b = temp-1;
This results in values that work well in practice. However I'd like to see if you guys could come up with a more optimal solution.
Oh, and I am memory constrained, so large tables are out of question. Also the running time is important, so I can't simply brute-force the solution.
You could use the code used in that answer Algorithm to find the factors of a given Number.. Shortest Method? to find a factor of timeout.
n = timeout
initial_n = n
num_factors = 1;
for (i = 2; i * i <= initial_n; ++i) // for each number i up until the square root of the given number
power = 0; // suppose the power i appears at is 0
while (n % i == 0) // while we can divide n by i
n = n / i // divide it, thus ensuring we'll only check prime factors
++power // increase the power i appears at
num_factors = num_factors * (power + 1) // apply the formula
if (n > 1) // will happen for example for 14 = 2 * 7
num_factors = num_factors * 2 // n is prime, and its power can only be 1, so multiply the number of factors by 2
REG_A = num_factor
The first factor will be your REG_A, so then you need to find another value that multiplied equals timeout.
for (i=2; i*num_factors != timeout;i++);
REG_B = i-1
Interesting problem, Nils!
Suppose you start by fixing one of the values, say Reg_a, then compute Reg_b by division with roundup: Reg_b = ((timeout + Reg_a-1) / Reg_a) -1.
Then you know you're close, but how close? Well the upper bound on the error would be Reg_a, right? Because the error is the remainder of the division.
If you make one of factors as small as possible, then compute the other factor, you'd be making that upper bound on the error as small as possible.
On the other hand, by making the two factors close to the square root, you're making the divisor as large as possible, and therefore making the error as large as possible!
First, what is the minimum value for Reg_a? (timeout + 255) / 256;
Then compute Reg_b as above.
This won't be the absolute minimum combination in all cases, but it should be better than using the square root, and faster, too.
