Creating form that is filled over time - wordpress

I would like to make a form that users would fill over time. For example one day they would answer question 1, next day question 2, perhaps week later questions 3 and 4 or someone maybe wants to fill the whole form at once. In the form would be fields for text and images.
I hoped that I would accomplish this by using pdf form, but this solution lets Acrobat Reader users upload only pdf files. I need the process to be as easy ad possible for the users, so they should be able to upload jpg images. Otherwise this solution would be optimal.
I really hope that the solution would lie in a file, which user would download and send back when finished. I'm using Wordpress site, so I'm open for online suggestions also.


How to open 100000 different websites manually

I need to click in 100000 different url from websites to scrape different data about the website. The data has to be manually extracted because it is different on each website and it doesn't follow a pattern.
My question is, is there any program or script where I can paste the 100000 URL and it just open/preload some urls in tabs/windows so when I close one tab the next url opens in a new tab? This way I work in the main website tab that takes me 10 seconds to review and I click control+w and go to the next url.
This way I could save so much time instead of just clicking manually on each link and waiting for it to load.
You can use python web scraping or RPA(if you don't know basic python) and by logical steps, users can automate n number of tasks to be done.
Or you can also make use of 'pyautogui library' of python to click on visual things.
Thumbs up. If helped...

Automatically read video and trim

So I am a gamer who loves editing videos and creating montages. I play a game called Apex Legends, and find that when editing long videos (Up to 5 hours long) I follow the same procedure every time. I skip ahead in the video until I see when I get a kill (Displayed in the top right of the screen as seen in picture below).
I then pause the video and begin the trimming process.
So my question is; Is there anything out there that can "read" videos? Assuming there is, is it possible to have a code that can read the screen, identify a change in kills, then trim say 5 seconds before and after that change? I am not asking anyone to write this code, but simply want to know if its possible
(Particularly with Python as that is my strongest language). Thank you all for your time and insight.

What is an acceptable way to print from app maker?

I'm trying to figure out what the best way to print from App Maker. I have a guess management app and I need a way to print out guest passes from app maker. I have some ideas, but I'm not sure what would work or be the acceptable best practice. These will print out on a 4x6 thermal printer. Any working examples would be greatly appreciated. I've only managed to get option two below to work without css formatting.
1) Open the guest info in a page fragment and print it. This would need to print the page fragment as displayed, unsure if this is possible in app maker.
2) Create an html page by passing the guests information, open the page in a new tab and use windows print.
3) Use a mailmerge of sort on a document on google drive and print with cloud print. I'm worried that the lag time might make this slow. I'm also unsure if it's doable.
Thank You
It sounds like you want to manually print them.
You could have a 'Visitor Card' template saved as either a Google Document or Google Sheet. When the visitor signs in, duplicate that document, write your visitors information to the appropriate cells/positions, then save as a PDF in a Google Drive location.
All of the above can automated, so you'll simply have to have a tab open at the Drive location and then print the file once saved. The saving process shouldn't take any longer than 5-10 seconds, which I think is a reasonable timeframe.
Another option, which is more technical, is you directly send a request to your printer to print. Although, this would depend on your printer and technical capabilities.

How to add a membership cards to my website that can member downloaded

I have a website with Wordpress and I want to add members cards that they can fill their information and can download it from the website, but not sure how to do it I look for a plugin but I did not find.
also, I have 2 data on my website 'Event and Users' could I add them in one excel sheet or no?
I tried to look for a plugin
you need to separate your questions and add more information about your problem.
I'll try to help you:
** members cards **
You can use a form plugin to let the user fill the data (for example: name, surname, birth date, ecc..) that you need to print in the card. I suggest you to use this:
the difficult way: you can intercept the form submission with formidable specific function "" and with the collected data you can create image in the fly with php and imagemagik (or GD or other) This part need that you have a little bit of experience in development. Check next point for a much simpler alternatives
the simple way: With formidable you can create a post (or better custom post) with the collected data without working on code: then you can redirect user to that page.
Invite the user to print that page and setup a specific css for print:

DPF portfolio with fillable dependable pdf forms

I have pdf portfolio with some fillable pdf forms in it. This portfolio is generated via LiveCycle services.
All of these pdf forms have equivalent fields. For example: portfolio consists of pdfX, pdfY, pfdZ. And every pdf have fillable field "userName".
And it is not convenient for a user to put the same data to every pdf form.
User wants to put data only to the first one pdf. So, other pdf forms must be filled with data automatically.
And, there is one restriction: user can't send portfilio back to the server, so all automated changes must be done on the client side.
So, is there any way to solve such task?
If there is, please describe some algorithm\strategy of how this can be done.
Thank you.
You seem to be looking for a way to programmatically access or change the content of a portfolio element from another portfolio element. This requires the first element to be aware of the other element.
This is what I found on The PDF Developer Junkie Blog when I investigated in the possibilites of scripting portfolios. Take a look at the last paragraph. Maybe it'll point you in the right direction.
Dennis Smith | April 07, 2010 3:13 PM |
I hope you can help me. I have two pdf files combined into 1 portfolio. File 1 has a field “name” and File 2 has a field “lastname”. When someone enters a value into the field “name” in File 1, I want File 2 to contain the same value in the field “lastname”. This would be for files that are distributed to the public, so I really can’t change the security levels of the user’s computers. Right now I am combining File 1 and File 2 into a larger File 3 and just handling all of this with javascript.
Joel Geraci | April 07, 2010 3:28 PM |
Thanks for the comment: Unfortunately, that’s not possible without adding a folder level JavaScript that can add a menu item to synchronize the fields or by disabling the navigator (Flash UI) of the Portfolio.
If you disabled the navigator, you could add a button to the “Cover Sheet” that synchronized the fields.
The main issue is that items in a Portfolio cannot communicate directly with their peers and don’t know anything about their parent. The root PDF (cover sheet) does know about it’s children which is why a button placed there will be able to synch the fields.
