What devices are supported in Android Firebase Test Lab (Only about 16 are listed) - firebase

I only see about 16 devices available in Firebase Test Lab and from Google I/O I got the impression that there were going to be more. There was specifically a question asked about this in one of the session Q/A. Are there more devices than the ones listed on the device selection screen and if so, how can they be accessed?
Currently we're using AWS which has several hundred supported devices including devices that are running on distinct networks and I was expecting something a bit more in that ballpark.

What you see in the console is everything that's available at this moment. It's definitely a priority for the Test Lab team to get more devices on board, but it's not exactly easy to do that at the scale required for the particular set of services that Test Lab provides.
You can also get a list of devices by using the gcloud command line:
gcloud firebase test android models list
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Use Firebase Emulators as own pernament server

Can i use Firebase Emulators (Firestore, Functions) to serve them permanently on example VPS server?
Hosting + storage will be apache and from for example #angularfire I will call firestore and functions
Is this possible or i must pay for use functions :c
I won't say that it's impossible to use the emulator in this way, but I strongly recommend against it. The emulator was only meant to be used during development and testing on your local machine before pushing code to production. It's not meant to run persistently. You could run into problems if you try to use it this way, since it's not tested to work like this.
You should know that Firebase and Google Cloud products have a free tier where you don't pay anything at all unless you exceed the free limits. I suggest reviewing the billing structure to find out what you actually get for free per month. I think it's quite generous.
As Doug said it is not verified to be used as such but I have tested an on-premises solution this way (no internet, about 100 IoT clients on LAN). Hosting server handles load well. The storage emulator works fine for small data sizes. The max time I know it ran without a problem is about 3 months.

Can you test multiple devices using different accounts on Firebase?

If I ran a test using a batch of 4 physical devices on Firebase is it possible to have a different account for my app on each device?
I am working on testing an app that requires a user to sign in to an account and any changes made will be recorded on a database. Previously i was attempting to run tests using multiple devices however due to the fact that Firebase runs tests in parallel(or whenever the device is ready to receive the test) it can cause issues if 2 devices attempt to change the same thing at the same time. Im wondering is it possible to test multiple devices but use a different account on each one.
Test Lab has no built-in functionality for users to pass different configurations (test fixtures) to different device tests. You have to do this yourself. Couple of ideas:
Use a device to account map. Identify the device in test and choose the account appropriately.
Submit 4 "one device" tests, instead of just 1 "four device" test, and use environment variables to configure the test differently per test. Gcloud can accept environment variables via --environment-variables. Take a look at this Stackoverflow answer in case you need to know how to read them in your test.

iTunes search api not returning keyword results in the same order as iOS App Store

I'm trying to do some SEO and I want to index the location of an application based on keyword searching. By using the official search API, I've come up with the following query:
To search the US App Store, for the term sql server. The app I am looking for current shows up in this list at position ~20'th. If I search from my phone, the app is closer to the ~30'th position (other search terms perform even worse). I have tried to use Wireshark to capture the search from my phone to try and see if they use different endpoints, but was unable to capture due to ssl.
Does anyone know of a way to scrape iOS App Store search results in the proper order?
Apple is under no obligation to return search results in any particular order, and is likely to change them depending on client/what search cluster you hit.
Seeing what your phone is sending to the app store is very difficult, however, as Apple takes excessive measures to ensure that communications aren't being read. Last time I tried required BURP Suite, a jailbroken phone, an app to disable SSL pinning, and manually restarting the app store on the phone, which would occasionally crash it.
Set your user agent to replicate an iPhone device browsing the App Store.
Try this one... This is the most recent App Store version, emulating an iPhone X with iOS 11.3.1:
AppStore/3.0 iOS/11.3.1 model/iPhone10,6 hwp/t8015 build/15E302 (6; dt:162)

How to remove devices from stackdriver policy notification list

My StackDriver Alerting Policy setup (for the Cloud Console mobile app) has two devices with the exact same name. Only one appears to actually deliver notifications to my phone, so I can never tell which one is the correct one to deliver it to my phone.
Where does this list of devices come from? I only own one iPhone....I did get my old one replaced by Apple but that was more than a year ago, maybe it's "held on to it" somehow"?
And how can I clean it up and delete old devices?
You can see the screenshot of what the identical devices looks like, below:
My workaround has been two set up two notifications, each pointing at a different "same email", to ensure it gets routed to both the correct (and incorrect) targets.
You should remove the device from your Gmail profile

SmartWatch 2 screenshots

What is the recommended way to create screenshots of a SmartWatch 2 extension?
Unfortunately, notification extensions on the emulator look nothing like they look on a real device. Also my control extension that uses a layout (instead of sending an image) looks slightly different on the device emulator.
Bonus question (to Sony): Are there official device frames we are free to use?
Currently, the options you have are either using the emulator (as you have done) or taking photos of the physical hardware device in action.
Regarding device frames question, there is no such material available.
