Get degrees of freedom for a Standardized T Distribution with MLE - r

First of all, I thank you all beforehand for reading this.
I am trying to fit a Standardized T-Student Distribution (i.e. a T-Student with standard deviation = 1) on a series of data; that is: I want to estimate the degrees of freedom via Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
An example of what I need to achieve can be found in the following (simple) Excel file I made:
Inside the Excel file, I have an image that contains the formula corresponding to the calculation of the loglikelihood function for the Standardized T Student Distribution. The formula was extracted from a Finance book (Elements of Financial Risk Management - by Peter Christoffersen).
So far, I have tried this with R: <- read.csv(file.choose(),header = TRUE)
z1 <-[,1]
ft1 = fitdist(z1, "t", method = "mle", start = 10)
df1 yields the number: 13.11855278779897
logLike(ft1) yields the number: -3600.2918050056487
However, the Excel file yields degrees of freedom of: 8.2962365022727, and a log-likelihood of: -3588.8879 (which is the right answer).
Note: the .csv file that my code reads is the following:
Any ideas? Thank you people!

The formula from your spreadsheet (with n, x substituted for the df parameter and the data)
or, exponentiating,
Gamma((n+1)/2) / (sqrt((n-2) pi) Gamma(n/2)) (1+x^2/(n-2))^-((n+1)/2)
?dt gives
f(x) = Gamma((n+1)/2) / (sqrt(n pi) Gamma(n/2)) (1 + x^2/n)^-((n+1)/2)
So the difference lies in those n-2 values in two places in the formula. I don't have enough context to see why the author is defining the t distribution in that different way; there may be some good reason ...
Looking at the negative log-likelihood curve directly, it certainly seems as though the fitdistrplus answer is agreeing with the direct calculation. (It would be very surprising if there were a bug in the dt() function, R's distribution functions are very broadly used and thoroughly tested.)
LL <- function(p,data=z1) {
pvec <- seq(6,20,by=0.05)
Lvec <- sapply(pvec,LL)
xlab="df parameter",ylab="negative log-likelihood")
## superimpose fitdistr results ...
Unless there's something else you're not telling us about the problem definition, it seems to me that R is getting the right answer. (The mean and sd of the data you gave were not exactly equal to 0 and 1 respectively, but they were close; centering and scaling gave an even larger value for the parameter.)


What does the summary function do to the output of regsubsets?

Let me preface this by saying that I do think this question is a coding question, not a statistics question. It would almost surely be closed over at Stats.SE.
The leaps package in R has a useful function for model selection called regsubsets which, for any given size of a model, finds the variables that produce the minimum residual sum of squares. Now I am reading the book Linear Models with R, 2nd Ed., by Julian Faraway. On pages 154-5, he has an example of using the AIC for model selection. The complete code to reproduce the example runs like this:
statedata = data.frame(state.x77,
b = regsubsets(Life.Exp~.,data=statedata)
rs = summary(b)
AIC = 50*log(rs$rss/50) + (2:8)*2
plot(AIC ~ I(1:7), ylab="AIC", xlab="Number of Predictors")
The rs$which command produces the output of the regsubsets function and allows you to select the model once you've plotted the AIC and found the number of parameters that minimizes the AIC. But here's the problem: while the typed-up example works fine, I'm having trouble with the wrong number of elements in the array when I try to use this code and adapt it to other data. For example:
data(odor, package='faraway')
AIC=50*log(rs$rss/50) + (2:10)*2
produces a warning message:
Warning message:
In 50 * log(rs$rss/50) + (2:10) * 2 :
longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
Sure enough, length(rs$rss)=8, but length(2:10)=9. Now what I need to do is model selection, which means I really ought to have an RSS value for each model size. But if I choose b$rss in the AIC formula, it doesn't work with the original example!
So here's my question: what is summary() doing to the output of the regsubsets() function? The number of RSS values is not only not the same, but the values themselves are not the same.
Ok, so you know the help page for regsubsets says
regsubsets returns an object of class "regsubsets" containing no
user-serviceable parts. It is designed to be processed by
You're about to find out why.
The code in regsubsets calls Alan Miller's Fortran 77 code for subset selection. That is, I didn't write it and it's in Fortran 77. I do understand the algorithm. In 1996 when I wrote leaps (and again in 2017 when I made a significant modification) I spent enough time reading the code to understand what the variables were doing, but regsubsets mostly followed the structure of the Fortran driver program that came with the code.
The rss field of the regsubsets object has that name because it stores a variable called RSS in the Fortran code. This variable is not the residual sum of squares of the best model. RSS is computed in the setup phase, before any subset selection is done, by the subroute SSLEAPS, which is commented 'Calculates partial residual sums of squares from an orthogonal reduction from AS75.1.' That is, RSS describes the RSS of the models with no selection fitted from left to right in the design matrix: the model with just the leftmost variable, then the leftmost two variables, and so on. There's no reason anyone would need to know this if they're not planning to read the Fortran so it's not documented.
The code in summary.regsubsets extracts the residual sum of squares in the output from the $ress component of the object, which comes from the RESS variable in the Fortran code. This is an array whose [i,j] element is the residual sum of squares of the j-th best model of size i.
All the model criteria are computed from $ress in the same loop of summary.regsubsets, which can be edited down to this:
for (i in ll$first:min(ll$last, ll$nvmax)) {
for (j in 1:nshow) {
vr <- ll$ress[i, j]/ll$nullrss
rssvec <- c(rssvec, ll$ress[i, j])
rsqvec <- c(rsqvec, 1 - vr)
adjr2vec <- c(adjr2vec, 1 - vr * n1/(n1 + ll$intercept -
cpvec <- c(cpvec, ll$ress[i, j]/sigma2 - (n1 + ll$intercept -
2 * i))
bicvec <- c(bicvec, (n1 + ll$intercept) * log(vr) +
i * log(n1 + ll$intercept))
cpvec gives you the same information as AIC, but if you want AIC it would be straightforward to do the same loop and compute it.
regsubsets has a nvmax parameter to control the "maximum size of subsets to examine". By default this is 8. If you increase it to 9 or higher, your code works.
Please note though, that the 50 in your AIC formula is the sample size (i.e. 50 states in statedata). So for your second example, this should be nrow(odor), so 15.

How to estimate a parameter in R- sample with replace

I have a txt file with numbers that looks like this(but with 100 numbers) -
[1] 7.1652348 5.6665965 4.4757553 4.8497086 15.2276296 -0.5730937
[7] 4.9798067 2.7396933 5.1468304 10.1221489 9.0165661 65.7118194
[13] 5.5205704 6.3067488 8.6777177 5.2528503 3.5039562 4.2477401
[19] 11.4137624 -48.1722034 -0.3764006 5.7647536 -27.3533138 4.0968204
I need to estimate MLE theta parameter from this distrubution -
[![this is my distrubution ][1]][1]
and I need to estimate theta from a sample of 1000 observations with replace, and save the sample, and do a hist.
How can I estimate theta from my sample? I have no information about normal distrubation.
I wrote something like this -
data<-read.table(file.choose(), header = TRUE, sep= "")
B <- 1000
sample.means <- numeric(data) <- numeric(data)
for (i in 1:B) {
MySample <- sample(data, length(data), replace = TRUE)
sample.means <- c(sample.means,mean(MySample)) <- c(,sd(MySample))
but it doesn't work..
This question incorporates multiple different ones, so let's tackle each step by step.
First, you will need to draw a random sample from your population (with replacement). Assuming your 100 population-observations sit in a vector named pop.
rs <- sample(pop, 1000, replace = True)
gives you your vector of random samples. If you wanna save it, you can write it to your disk in multiple formats, so I'll just suggest a few related questions (How to Export/Import Vectors in R?).
In a second step, you can use the mle()-function of the stats4-package ( and specify the objective function explicitly.
However, the second part of your question is more of a statistical/conceptual question than R related, IMO.
Try to understand what MLE actually does. You do not need normally distributed variables. The idea behind MLE is to choose theta in such a way, that under the resulting distribution the random sample is the most probable. Check for more details or some youtube videos, if you'd like a more intuitive approach.
I assume, in the description of your task, it is stated that f(x|theta) is the conditional joint density function and that the observations x are iir?
What you wanna do in this case, is to select theta such that the squared difference between the observation x and the parameter theta is minimized.
For your statistical understanding, in such cases, it makes sense to perform log-linearization on the equation, instead of dealing with a non-linear function.
Minimizing the squared difference is equivalent to maximizing the log-transformed function since the sum is negative (<=> the product was in the denominator) and the log, as well as the +1 are solely linear transformations.
This leaves you with the maximization problem:
And the first-order condition:
Obviously, you would also have to check that you are actually dealing with a maximum via the second-order condition but I'll omit that at this stage for simplicity.
The algorithm in R does nothing else than solving this maximization problem.
Hope this helps for your understanding. Maybe some smarter people can give some additional input.

Finding Mean Squared Error?

I have produced a linear data set and have used lm() to fit a model to that dataset. I am now trying to find the MSE using mse()
I know the formula for MSE but I'm trying to use this function. What would be the proper way to do so? I have looked at the documentation, but I'm either dumb or it's just worded for people who actually know what they're doing.
x.linear <- seq(0, 200, by=1) # x data
error.linear <- rnorm(n=length(x.linear), mean=0, sd=1) # Error (0, 1)
y.linear <- x.linear + error.linear # y data <- data.frame(x.linear, y.linear)
training.model <- lm(
training.mse <- mse(training.model,
mse() needs two data frames. I'm not sure how to get a data frame out of lm(). Am I even on the right track to finding a proper MSE for my data?
Try this:
mean(( - predict(training.model))^2)
#[1] 0.4467098
You can also use below mentioned code which is very clean to get mean square error
mse(actual, predicted)
The first data set on which is actual one :
The second argument is the one which you will predict like :
pd <- predict(training.model ,
Seems you have not done prediction yet so first predict the data based on your model and then calculate mse
You can use the residual component from lm model output to find mse in this manner :
mse = mean(training.model$residuals^2)
Note: if you come from another program (like SAS)
they get the mean using the sum and the degrees of freedom of the residual. I recommend doing the same if you want a more accurate estimate of the error.
mse = sum(training.model$residuals^2)/training.model$df.residual
I found this while trying to figure out why mean(my_model$residuals^2) was different in R than the MSE in SAS.

Trouble with 'fitdistrplus' package, t-distribution

I am trying to fit t-distributions to my data but am unable to do so. My first try was
fitdistr(myData, "t")
There are 41 warnings, all saying that NaNs are produced. I don't know how, logarithms seem to be involved. So I adjusted my data somewhat so that all data is >0, but I still have the same problem (9 fewer warnings though...). Same problem with sstdFit(), produces NaNs.
So instead I try with fitdist which I've seen on stackoverflow and CrossValidated:
fitdist(myData, "t")
I then get
Error in mledist(data, distname, start, fix.arg, ...) :
'start' must be defined as a named list for this distribution
What does this mean? I tried looking into the documentation but that told me nothing. I just want to possibly fit a t-distribution, this is so frustrating :P
Start is the initial guess for the parameters of your distribution. There are logs involved because it is using maximum likelihood and hence log-likelihoods.
dat <- rt(100, df=10)
fit <- fitdist(dat, "t", start=list(df=2))
I think it's worth adding that in most cases, using the fitdistrplus package to fit a t-distribution to real data will lead to a very bad fit, which is actually quite misleading. This is because the default t-distribution functions in R are used, and they don't support shifting or scaling. That is, if your data has a mean other than 0, or is scaled in some way, then the fitdist function will simply lead to a bad fit.
In real life, if data fits a t-distribution, it is usually shifted (i.e. has a mean other than 0) and / or scaled. Let's generate some data like that:
data = 1.5*rt(10000,df=5) + 0.5
Given this data has been sampled from the t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom, you'd think that trying to fit a t-distribution to this should work quite nicely. But actually, here is the result. It estimates a df of 2, and provides a bad fit as shown in the qq plot.
> fit_bad <- fitdist(data,"t",start=list(df=3))
> fit_bad
Fitting of the distribution ' t ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
df 2.050967 0.04301357
> qqcomp(list(fit_bad)) # generates plot to show fit
When you fit to a t-distribution you want to not only estimate the degrees of freedom, but also a mean and scaling parameter.
The metRology package provides a version of the t-distribution called t.scaled that has a mean and sd parameter in addition to the df parameter [metRology]. Now let's fit it again:
> library("metRology")
> fit_good <- fitdist(data,"t.scaled",
> fit_good
Fitting of the distribution ' t.scaled ' by maximum likelihood
estimate Std. Error
df 4.9732159 0.24849246
mean 0.4945922 0.01716461
sd 1.4860637 0.01828821
> qqcomp(list(fit_good)) # generates plot to show fit
Much better :-) The parameters are very close to how we generated the data in the first place! And the QQ plot shows a much nicer fit.

Translate Negative Binomial parameters from R to Excel

I applied the fitdistrplus package in order to fit an empirical distribution.
It turned out the best fit was the negative binomial distribution with parameters:
dnbinom(0:10, mu = 2.6522087, size =0.6900788)
[1] 0.33666338 0.18435650 0.12362301 0.08796440 0.06439416 0.04793144 0.03607044 0.02735574 0.02086667 0.01598815 0.01229390
I am now trying to generate the same numbers on EXCEL where the parameters are required in different format:
How am I meant to do this? Any ideas?
Many thanks..
According to Microsoft's documentation, Excel uses the standard "number of draws before n failures" definition; the parameterization used by fitdistrplus is the alternative referred to in ?dnbinom as:
An alternative parametrization (often used in ecology) is by the
mean ‘mu’, and ‘size’, the dispersion parameter, where ‘prob’
= ‘size/(size+mu)’. The variance is ‘mu + mu^2/size’ in this
So if you want to get back from mu and size to prob and size (Excel's probability_s and number_s respectively) you need
muval <- 2.6522087
sizeval <- 0.6900788
(probval <- sizeval/(sizeval+muval))
## [1] 0.206469
However, you're not done yet, because (as commented above by #James) Excel only allows positive integers for number_s, and the estimated value above is 0.69. You may need to search/ask on an Excel-related forum about how to overcome this limitation ... at worst, since Excel does have an implementation of the gamma function, you can use the formula given in ?dnbinom
Gamma(x+n)/(Gamma(n) x!) p^n (1-p)^x
to implement your own calculation of the NB (this formulation allows non-integer values of n). It would be best to use the GAMMLN function in Excel to calculate the numerator and denominator of the normalization constant on the log scale ... if you're lucky, someone out there will have saved you some trouble and implemented this already ...
