Wordpress permalink and HTTPS - wordpress

I installed HTTPS on my website in WordPress . I use CloudFlare for it and I made changes to the URL in WordPress administration and the CloudFlare plugins etc.
screenshot of home page modification
My concern is the following I have HTTPS in my WordPress general settings . I have HTTPS in the permalinks confirmation page.
Only once editing a page or a project under the title permiliens the portfolio is in HTTP ...
I do not understand why it does not go into HTTPS ( for doing so on other sites I do not remember such a problem).
Can you help me?

First of all make sure that your site is only opening up with https and not with http and https.
In the WP general settings wordpress and site name should start with https
Then logout and then login back to wordpress admin. Post that your permalinks should start displaying as https. Also you need to change the internal links to https manually.
Let me know if that fixed the issue. I had similar problems with my site, for which i moved to https just yesterday. Also let me know if you did anything extra for your site.


My Website (Wordpress) Loads Bad when (www.) and it's normal when acessed without (www.)

https://www.excelintercambio.com/ (With www. loads all wrong)
https://excelintercambio.com/ (Without www. looks fine)
The website it's not mine, I've been doing some SEO work for a client and his website turned into this out of nowhere. Of course, the heat is on me and the client is asking like crazy to me to resolve. I'm not at all expert with wordpress and was just editing texts for his website, so I'm pretty sure that I didn't messed up anything.
However I need to fix this.
Can you guys help me with? It's suposed to look be acessable as www.
Please change WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) from wordpress admin settings. Go to Settings > General Settings and set www in WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).
I think this is happening due to WP Rocket plugin.
https://www.excelintercambio.com/ In this url JS and CSS files are not loading its showing 404 error.
Can you once deactivate WP Rocket plugin and then check

Wordpress Subdomain sites redirect to main site

We use wordpress and our subdomain sites recently started redirecting to our main site.
Exmaple, sub.example.com/products redirects to https://example.com/products and gets a 404.
I did notice if I add https:// in front of the subdomain it goes to the proper subdomain site. What would cause that? How would I fix that issue? I want the user to be able to put sub.example.com and get the proper site without needing to type in the https part.
The only thing that I remember changing recently was adding the ssl certificate.
I recently experienced this issue. Check for any wordpress plugins forcing HTTPs on any http domains. Or anything on your subdomain forcing https when it isn't an https site.

Installing vs implementing SSL and do I need to set up redirects after installing SSL?

I have a Wordpress blog on a Bluehost server and now want to start selling something through Gumroad (from a pop-up directly from my site), for which I need an SSL certificate.
I already bought the SSL certificate from Bluehost and they say it's now 'installed' and told me to change the url on a working page to https:// to double check and thats working fine.
What I'm really confused about is this: Since the https:// already seems to be working, does that mean that my entire website has now been duplicated and I need to set up redirects from http:// to https:// to avoid Google penalties?
I only really wanted to use https:// for the sales page of my product which isn't set up yet. I thought I still had to implement the SSL certificate through a plugin like the Wordpress HTTPs plugin and would be able to do so only for that single page, leaving the rest of the website as is.
All of my inbound and outbound links are http://, so I'm a little worried now. Could someone clear this up for me?

Wordpress SSL on Booking Page

Good Day Mates,
A mate and I are setting up a Wordpress site for surfing tours. We are using Gravity forms and authroize.net. We had an ssl installed successfully but our wordpress page is still saying the connection isnt fully secure. https://offthebeatentrackadventures.com.au/booking-surf-trip/
It looks like it's pulling the menu items in http:// and not http://
We installed and configured the plugin http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-https/ to force SSL only on this page. Upon loading the [page it goes to HTTPS but the external items are loading http://
Is there any other way to get the SSL to work? It seems as this plugin is not doing the job.
In General > Settings make sure the URL is entered as https://. The other solution is to do something with .htaccess

Wordpress: Issues with shared SSL and custom permalinks

I want to apply SSL to about 4 pages of my wordpress site which visitors will only see when they go through a checkout procedure.
I am using the wordpress plugin 'WordPress HTTPS (SSL)' for the SSL capabilities - WordPress HTTPS (SSL)
I have a shared SSL certificate and the SSL pages only display when I set the permalinks to be default. Otherwise I get a 404 error. This seems to be quite a common error.
I really want the site to display Pretty Permalinks for all pages and posts on the site, but I am willing to compromise on these 4 pages.
Therefore, my question is, can I set all pages to be Pretty Permalinks except these 4 SSL pages, which need to be set as default pages? If so, how?
I have tried several Permalink plugins without any real success.
Are you sure that your server is allowing the use of Pretty Permalinks?
Do you have the mod_rewrite Apache module enabled?
Are you allowed to override server configuration with .htaccess files? This is specified by the AllowOverride Apache directive(found in the Apache configuration file)
If you have no idea about those - ask your hosting provider for support - they should know if those are enabled.
The easiest way to confirm that the Permalinks are working in general is to disable the WordPress HTTPS (SSL) plugin and see if the pretty permalinks are working or you are still getting the 404 page.
