Form handlig with variable elements - asp-classic

I have an html form that has to update contact data. But... each contact has a number of cars with related information viewed as table rows with input cells within the same form. Cars information has to be updated too. The number of cars for each person is not known in advance. How can I handle this in the Server with Request.Form;
<form action="#" method="post">
<%While Not rsVechicles.Eof%>
<td><input name="VechicleID" value=<%=rsVechicles("VechicleID")%> /></td>
<td><input name="info1" value=<%=rsVechicles("info1")%> /></td>
<td><input name="info2" value=<%=rsVechicles("info2")%> /></td>
<td><input name="info3" value=<%=rsVechicles("info3")%> /></td>

You need to have some sort of counter variable to differentiate between the rows. Also, do you really mean for the user to be able to change the vehicle ID?
dim v
v = 0
<form method="post" action="thispage.asp">
<table><tr><th>ID</th><th>Info 1</th><th>Info 2</th><th>Info 3</th></tr>
While Not rsVehicles.EOF
v = v + 1
Response.Write "<tr><td><input type='hidden' name='ID_" & v & "'"
Response.Write " value='" & rsVehicles("VehicleID") & "'>"
Response.Write rsVehicles("VehicleID") & "</td>"
For i = 1 to 3
Response.Write "<td><input type='text' name='Info" & i & "_" & v & "'"
Response.Write " value='" & rsVehicles("Info" & i) & "'></td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "<input type='hidden' name='N' value='" & v & "'>"
Then when you're reading values from the form, you can loop through the same indexes:
v = Request.Form("N") '- number of vehicles
For i = 1 to v
Vehicles(i,0) = Request.Form("ID_" & i)
For j = 1 to 3
Vehicles(i,j) = Request.Form("Info" & j & "_" & i)


ASP Elseif code not working correctly

I need assistance with asp code. My TYPEID 3 is not going to the correct link. It is defaulting to the last link. I'm trying to set the standard link for different TYPEID 's information from a database. All the other TYPEID's work with the exception of TYPE 3. Any help would be appreciated.
set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSql = "SELECT * from product_types order by product_types.sortorder;"
objRS.Open strSql, objConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If objRS.EOF then
response.write "There is currently an error with the store.</p>"
While not objRS.EOF
' set objRSrandomimg = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' strSQLrandomimg = "SELECT products.*, product_pubtype.* FROM products INNER JOIN product_pubtype ON products.pubtype = product_pubtype.PUBTYPEID WHERE (product_pubtype.pubtypeimage = 1) AND (products.instock = 1) AND (products.type = " & objRS("TYPEID") & ")"
' objRSrandomimg.Open strSQLrandomimg, objConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
' rndMax = CInt(objRSrandomimg.RecordCount)
' objRSrandomimg.MoveFirst
' Randomize Timer
' rndNumber = Int(RND * rndMax)
' objRSrandomimg.Move rndNumber
If y mod 2 = 1 Then
If objRS("TYPEID")=5 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=5&prodcat=22">
< /a>
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>">
< /a>
End If
If objRS("TYPEID")=4 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=21">
< /a>
elseif objRS("TYPEID")=3 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=17">
< /a>
elseIf objRS("TYPEID")=2 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=16">
< /a>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>">
< /a>
< /tr>
End If
End If
' objRSrandomimg.Close
' Set objRSrandomimg = Nothing
If y mod 2 = 1 Then
< td> & nbsp;
< /td>
End If
< tr>
< td colspan="2">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp"> Show All
< /a>
< /tr>
< /table>
End If
' response.write randomstoreid()
If your are checking if y is even or odd, you should use
if y mod 2 = 0 Then
Use a function to put it more clear
If IsEven(y) Then
End if
Function IsEven(ByVal numberToCheck)
If numberToCheck Mod 2 = 0 Then
IsEven = True
IsEven = False
End if
End Function
After that, clean your code to search for problems
While not objRS.EOF
If IsEven(y) Then
response.Write "Even and type=" + objRS("TYPEID") + "<br>"
If objRS("TYPEID")=5 then
End If
response.Write "Odd and type=" + objRS("TYPEID") + "<br>"
If objRS("TYPEID")=4 then
elseif objRS("TYPEID")=3 then
response.Write "Success!<br>"
elseIf objRS("TYPEID")=2 then
End If
End If

Print data in table like single row with multiple column in classic asp?

Like the date with would print in column 1 to 30, I need need employee login time and log off time in single days column ...``
I need to print data in table like single row with multiple columns in classic asp
<form name="frm_display" method="post">
Welcome: <%=Session("emp_fname")%>
<br>ID: <%=Session("emp_id")%>
dim con
dim query
dim rs2
set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs2 = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RECORDSET")
con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=hr;Data Source="
<table align="center">
<select name="selmonth">
<%for i=1 to 12%>
<%if cint(SelectedMonth)=i then%>
<option selected value="<%=i%>">
<option value=< %=i%>>
<%end if%>
<select name="selyear">
<%for i=2000 to year(now)%>
<option select value=<%=i%>>
<input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="btn_submit">
</tr> <!-- <-- missing! -->
dim dt
dt = "1-" & monthname(Request.Form("sel_month")) & "-" & Request.Form("sel_year")
query = "select e.emp_id,e.emp_name,e.CompDepart,e.des_name,U.login_time,U.logoff_time,U.login_date " &_
"from egv_emp_departments e " &_
"inner join login_mast U on U.emp_id=e.emp_id " &_
"where month(login_date)='" & request.form("selmonth") &_
"' AND year(login_date)='" & request.form("selyear") &_
"' AND e.emp_id='" & Session( "emp_id") & "'" query,con
<table border="1" width="100%">
<tr> <!-- added missing tr tag -->
dim intDay
dim daysInMonth
dim strMonth
dim stryear
strMonth = request("selmonth")
stryear = request("selyear")
If strMonth <> "" Then
If stryear <> "" Then
Select Case strMonth
Case 1,3,5,7,8, 10,12 daysInMonth = 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11 daysInMonth = 30
Case 2
if stryear mod 4 = 0 Then
If stryear mod 100 = 0 AND stryear mod 400 <> 0 Then
daysInMonth = 28
daysInMonth = 29
End if
End if
End Select
Do While intDay <= daysInMonth
Response.Write "<td>" & intDay & "</td>"
intDay = intDay + 1
End if
End if
for each x in rs2.fields ' <-- fixed typo "feilds"
response.write "<th>" & & "<th>"
</tr> <!-- added missing /tr tag -->
<%do until rs2.EOF %>
<%for each x in rs2.Fields%>
<% next %>
<% rs2.MoveNext %>
con.close %>
At first, I thought you wanted what's called a "PivotTable" in Excel, but then I noticed that you're filtering to a single employee. It's still not clear to me what you mean by "single days column" vs. "like single row with multiple column", but I assume you mean something like:
Employee: Smith, John
ID: 123456
Month: March
Day | In | Out
1 | 8 | 5
2 | 8 | 5
3 | - | -
4 | 9 | 5
... | ... | ...
30 | 9 | 4
31 | 8 | 4
In other words, your problem is that there might be days with no data, but you still want to print those rows. The simplest way to handle that is probably a temp table with the numbers 1 through 31 in it, which you then use in an outer join with the rest of your query. If you can't do that (e.g. you're not allowed to create temp tables - don't laugh, it happens), then you can do it in code instead.
The easiest way to do it in code is to put the values from the database into an array, but not by using GetRows. Instead, put each day's value into the corresponding row of the array.
dim listdays(31,1)
Do Until rs2.EOF
dt = Day(rs2("login_date"))
listdays(dt,0) = rs2("login_time")
listdays(dt,1) = rs2("logoff_time")
(I'll pause while the purists finish having conniptions. Trust me, any performance hit from using Movenext on a recordset that contains, at most, 31 rows, is going to be so infinitesimal as to be nonexistent.)
Then you simply write out the contents of the array.
Response.Write "<table><tr><th>Day</th><th>Login</th><th>Logoff</th></tr>"
For i = 1 to DaysInMonth
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<th>" & i & "</th>"
Response.Write "<td>" & listdays(i,0) & "</td>"
Response.Write "<td>" & listdays(i,1) & "</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"

How to modify Active Server Page

I have done an Active Server Page. It is running on a foyerdisplay. The ASP is displaying meetings on that Display. I limited the displaying meetings to 10. The display can display 5-6 meeting at a time. What i want is that if the display is filled with the first 6 meetings the display should "change" to a second page which displays the last 4 meeting. That should happen every 10 seconds. 10 Seconds the first 6 meetings, 10 seconds the 4 meetings and so on. How can I do that?
My Code so far:
<table cellpadding="0" style="table-layout:fixed;width:800px;">
<tr height="15"> <td colspan="6" class="underline"></td> </tr>
<col style="width:830px" >
<tr><td> </td></tr>
<table cellpadding="0" border = "1" style="background-color:white; dotted black;border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:fixed;width:1270px;">
<col style="width:445px" >
<col style="width:275px" >
<col style="width:125px" >
<col style="width:125px" >
<col style="width:150px" >
<col style="width:150px" >
<tr style="background-color:blue; height="50">
<th align="left">Seminartitel</th>
<th align="left">Zusatz-Info</th>
<th align="absmiddle">von</th>
<th align="absmiddle">bis</th>
<th align="absmiddle">Gebäude</th>
<th align="absmiddle">Raum</th>
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
set rsRaum=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open "select distinct buchung_id, von, bis, abteilung, veranstalter, THEMA, THEMA_ENABLED " & _
" ,BUCHUNG b " & _
" where r.BUCHUNG_ID = b.ID " & _
" and von >= convert(date, getdate(), 4) " & _
" and von < convert(date, dateadd(day,1, GETDATE()), 4) " & _
" and BIS >= getdate() " & _
" and STORNO is null " & _
" order by von, bis" _
' Anzahl der darzustellenden Veranstaltungs-Zeilen
lineMax = 10
lineCount = 1
color = "color1"
do until rs.EOF
' Buchungen anzeigen oder nicht "select DISPLAY_ENABLED from Buchung where ID = " & rs("buchung_id"), objConn
displayanzeige = rsRaum("DISPLAY_ENABLED")
' Hole für lfd. Buchung aus erster Reservierung Raum ID und Indikator für Kopplung "select raum_id, KOPPELBESTUHLUNG_ID from RESERVIERUNGRAUM where buchung_id = " & rs("buchung_id"), objConn
raum_id = rsRaum("raum_id")
'Gebäude "select distinct g.BEZEICHNUNG " & _
"from GEBAEUDE g, ETAGE e, RAUM r " & _
"Where g.ID = e.GEBAEUDE_ID and e.GEBAEUDE_ID = r.GEBAEUDE_ID and r.ID = " & raum_id, objConn
GebaeudeBezeichnung = rsRaum("BEZEICHNUNG")
'Hole Terminal Hinweistext "select KSTR from Buchung where ID = " & rs("buchung_id"), objConn
Hinweistext = rsRaum("KSTR")
' falls Kopplung, hole ID des "Parent"-Raumes
if not isNull( KOPPELBESTUHLUNG_ID ) then "select parent_id from KOPPELN where CHILD_ID = " & raum_id, objConn
if not rsRaum.EOF then
raum_id = rsRaum("parent_id")
end if
end if
' hole Raum Details "select bezeichnung from Raum where ID = " & raum_id, objConn
raumname = rsRaum("bezeichnung")
' Beende, falls Display voll
If lineCount > lineMax Then
exit do
End If
' optionale Unterdrückung der Titelanzeige
if ucase( rs("thema_enabled") ) = "Y" or isnull(rs("thema_enabled")) then
thema = rs("thema")
thema = ""
end if
if ucase(displayanzeige) = "Y" or isnull(displayanzeige) then
<tr "margin-bottom:100px" height="70" valign="top">
<td style="overflow:hidden;" class="<% =color%>"><% =thema %></td>
<td class="<% =color%>"><% =Hinweistext %></td>
<td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =FormatDateTime( rs("von"), 4)%></td>
<td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =FormatDateTime( rs("bis"), 4) %></td>
<td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =GebaeudeBezeichnung %><br></td>
<td align="center"; class="<% =color%>"><% =raumname %><br></td>
' jede zweite Zeile mit anderer Schriftfarbe
If lineCount mod 2 = 1 Then
color = "color2"
color = "color1"
End If
lineCount = lineCount + 1
end if
How can I modify my Code?
Create a duplicate page and pass a parameter (GET or POST) to it as RemainingItems from current page. RemainingItems here is 4 and change the current page as following:
If lineCount > lineMax Then
TO be:
If lineCount > firstPageItems Then
lineMax = firstPageItems + RemainingItems
For switching between pages, in specific intervals, you should use JavaScript timer on both pages. After time elapsed, redirect the client to the other page (each page knows the address of the other).
It is possible to do all the work in one page but since it need more work, according to question I suggest this one.

Classic ASP: Empty Select When Using If Statement

I have a simple bit of code that is filling a select object from a db table. I want to check a value to set an entry as selected, but when I check a db value, I get an empty select box. This code produces the empty box:
response.write "<td><select name='FromDept'>"
Do While not rs.eof
If rs("DeptID") = 61 Then
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & " selected>" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & ">" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
End If
response.write "</select></td>"
However, this code produces a select box with values:
response.write "<td><select name='FromDept'>"
LpCnt = 0
Do While not rs.eof
If LpCnt = 9 Then
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & " selected>" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & ">" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
End If
LpCnt = LpCnt + 1
response.write "</select></td>"
Thanks for any help!
Assign the value to a temporary variable:
response.write "<td><select name='FromDept'>"
Do While not rs.eof
dept = rs("DeptID")
If dept = 61 Then
response.write "<option value=" & dept & " selected>" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
Empty drop down means you get error in that statement and it's ignored most likely due to On Error Resume Next line you have somewhere.
First of all, get rid of that On Error Resume Next line.
Second, error in such code means type conversion problem. Try this code instead:
Dim curDeptID
Do While not rs.eof
curDeptID = 0
If Not IsNull(rs("DeptID")) Then
curDeptID = CLng(CStr(rs("DeptID")))
End If
If curDeptID=61 Then
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & " selected>" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
response.write "<option value=" & rs("DeptID") & ">" & rs("DeptName") & "</option>"
End If

Show/Split 4 rows in a table in Loop

The code below is how to show/split 2 rows in a table.
But how do I get it to show/split it to 4 rows and not only two ???
dim bCloseRow
bCloseRow = True
Do while not objTrucks.eof
If bCloseRow Then response.write "<tr>"
bCloseRow = Not bCloseRow
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
If bCloseRow Then response.write "</tr>"
Thanks for any help.
If there are more rows then four in the recordset you have to make a row more. And if there is less then four you have to insert some empty td tags.
Hope this helps
const iCols=4
dim iCount:iCount=0
if not objTrucks.eof then
response.write "<table>"
Do while not objTrucks.eof
if iCount=0 then response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
iCount = iCount + 1
if iCount=iCols then
response.write "</tr>"
end if
if iCount>0 then
for i = iCount to iCols-1
response.write "<td></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
end if
response.write "</table>"
end if
I would do this using a counter instead of a Boolean flag:
Const numCols = 4
Dim counter
counter = 0
Do While Not objTrucks.EOF
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
End If
counter = counter + 1
Response.Write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "</tr>"
End If
