Get Window ID from xcb using a class or name - qt

I want to use Qt's QWindow::fromWinID function to draw widgets onto an external window (hopefully this will work).
Unfortunately, I need to draw on a window which has a certain name/class (I can show it using xwininfo and xprop). The only code I can find to do this is inside the source of xwininfo and xprop, but it seems like a bunch of unnecessary code to do a simple thing: find the window with a certain property equal to some string, and return its window ID for Qt to use. Unfortunately, I'm very badly versed in XCB, and wouldn't know how to start.
How can I do this without 200 lines of code?

The only code I can find to do this is inside the source of xwininfo and xprop
Which really is a great resource, alongside with xdotool.
find the window with a certain property equal to some string
Yeah, but there's no X11 built-in that does this, which is why those tools go that way. Then there's things to consider like reparenting and non-reparenting window managers, i.e., whether or not you need to descend into the client window and so on.
I'm afraid there's no much easier way. Low-level X programming, whether with Xlib or XCB, just brings some verbosity.
One thing you could consider is using the library extracted from (and used by) xdotool, called libxdo. It would offer this functionality for you in xdo_search_windows. The library uses (and therefore pulls in) Xlib rather than XCB, though.
Here's a sample program you can compile with gcc -lxdo test.c:
#include <xdo.h>
int main() {
xdo_t *xdo = xdo_new(NULL);
xdo_enter_text_window(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, "A", 0);
return 0;


What's the idea behing W-, P- and I-files?

I'm working with appBuilder and procedure editor in Progress Release 11.6.
As mentioned in some previous questions, regularly I'm having problems with the appBuilder, not wanting to open files, corrupting them (deleting parts of source code), ..., one of the reasons now seems to be the limit that a procedure cannot exceed 32K, comments included.
At first I thought "Are we back in the stone age?", pardon my reaction.
But now I start thinking that we are completely abusing the whole concept, therefore I'd like to show my view on W-, P- and I-files, please confirm (or correct):
W-files are meant only to contain GUI definitions, like a form with some frames, buttons, fill-in fields, ..., any real programming needs to be done in P-files.
P-files contain the real intelligence: there the procedures and functions are elaborated, that can be used by the rest of the P-files, or finally by the W-files.
I-files are just there to include general behaviour.
Let me give you an example:
DEFINE VARIABLE combo_information VIEW-AS COMBOBOX /* with some information on the content, if this is static */
ON CHOOSE OF combo_information DO:
RUN very_large_procedure.
{about.i} /* see here-after */
PROCEDURE very_large_procedure:
DO /* a lot */
I-file (about.i):
/* Describes the help-about menu item */
While working like this (only putting the GUI-related things in the W-file and let the "real" programming be done in the P-files), the mentioned 32K limit will never be reached. In top of that, adding a procedure can be done easily, the appBuilder will not delete it as the appBuilder won't ever open the P-file.
Is my view correct (and what about the I-files)?
In case yes: one technical question: how can I launch a procedure from a P-file inside a W-file? (Obviously, the mentioned example can't work as in the W-file I did not mention where to look for the very_large_procedure)
The naming is arbitrary and you may occasionally find other extensions being used. Having said that:
"W" is for "window", it is supposed to contain code that is related to making a GUI work. It is very often abused to contain any sort of code. It is usually abused in that way by people who learned to code on the app builder or who have never coded on anything but Windows.
"P" is for "Progress" and retconned to "Procedure". It was the standard back in the old days prior to the appearance of Windows GUI code. Any "headless" code or character mode code would typically go into a dot-p file.
"I" is for "include". This is a very old school way to create reusable code snippets and common "header files". Include files are commonly parameterized. Potentially with either named or positional arguments.
Another major extension is ".cls" files. These are for OO4GL classes (OpenEdge 10 and above).
Launching procedures is acheived by running them:
RUN myproc.p.
RUN guiproc.w.
Or, if by "launch", you mean "start a session" then you use the "-p procedureName" startup parameter along with prowin32.exe or prowin.exe for Windows GUI code or _progres.exe for batch or character code.

Getting list of windows in Tk and destroying specific ones (R)

I was wondering if it is possible to get a list of windows in Tk, and destroy specific ones. I am working in R using the tcltk interface, and am calling a function written by someone else a long time ago (that I cannot edit) which is producing additional windows that I don't want.
From the documentation here, it seems that new Toplevel windows are children of .TkRoot by default. I know that Python has a winfo_children method, which I was thinking of trying to call on .TkRoot but I don't think that method is implemented in the tcltk library. I tried using tcl("winfo", "children", .TkRoot) but I am getting an error: [tcl] bad window path name "{}" (I'm not familiar with actual tcl, so I'm probably messing this command up).
Additionally, if there is a way to call winfo children, what's the best way to process the result to identify specific windows and then destroy them?
Looking at the R sources, I see that you should be doing:
tkwinfo("children", .TkRoot)
Except that I think that won't work either, as .TkRoot doesn't have a corresponding widget on the Tk side of things. Instead, use the string consisting of a single period (.) as the root of the search; that's the name for the initial window on the Tcl side of things. And I suspect that you'll just get back a raw Tcl list of basic Tk widget names without the R wrapping as I just can't see where that conversion is applied…
Be aware that the results may include widgets that you don't expect, and that you need to call it on every window recursively if you want to find everything.

tcltk block input while processing in r

RGTK2 block user input while processing its explain how to block user input using RGTK2 but I dont know how to add that code to my GUI code, im using tcltk. What I want same like in RGTK2 block user input while processing but using tcltk2
I use this code to run button "filter cluster" and the command function is filter (function to do something)
tkpack(tkbutton(f4, text='Filter Cluster', command=filter), side='left',padx= 5, pady = 20)
In tcltk, you would use tkgrab.set on a non-responsive window and tkfocus on a window that has a binding on the <Key> event that prevents further processing. An inconspicuous tkframe is great for that sort of thing — set it to size 1×1, but ensure it is on the screen — as it has no default behaviour to get in the way. (You'll also want to make a bunch of cosmetic changes, such as marking the widgets as disabled and setting the cursor to watch.) In 8.6, there's tk busy (call with tcl("tk","busy",…) since the Tcl tk command appears to not have a convenient mapping) which makes this all much easier (though I don't know if/how that's mapped into R). The simplest way to release a grabbed window is to destroy it, but you can also tkgrab.release.
Do not use a global grab. They're easy to get wrong and can cause you a lot of grief. (If you insist, you're strongly recommended to make mouse activity cancel it and to test very thoroughly. Locking up your display is not a pleasant experience!) The default local grabs are less of a problem, since you can switch to another program and kill off a stuck app if necessary.
The full documentation for Tk (and Tcl) is online; pick the version of the docs for the version of the library that you're using, probably 8.5, hopefully 8.6 ('cos it has some nice extras) and possibly 8.4 (old skool!) As the R documentation for tcltk says, you can invoke anything in Tcl or Tk through tcl(…), passing in the words of the command name and arguments as many strings… (Tcl is a naturally var-args language and uses that extensively.) The limited scope of the default convenience mapping should not hinder you substantively.
General advice, not so closely related to your question
Most Tk programmers try to write their code to not lock users out that way if possible. You get a better user experience if you can keep the GUI responsive and instead just temporarily disable (via the state option on most reactive widgets) the parts that would otherwise trigger reentrancy problems for the duration. (The long-running processing might be also event-driven, or put in another thread, or even delegated to a sub-process. Just remember, Tk GUIs are strictly single threaded — the implementation assumes this very deeply, though it's possible to have wholly independent apps in different threads, if rather hairy to get working right — so you've got to come back to the GUI thread to update anything in the GUI.)

How can I stop Qt::ForbiddenCursor from appearing during a drag?

I'm implementing a drag and drop interface with Qt across X11 and Windows. The interface handles events such that it is not illegal for a user to drop a dragged object on an area which can't handle drops.
In this case, Qt::IgnoreAction should therefore not be treated as an incorrect potential action. To communicate this fact to the user I need a way to stop Qt::ForbiddenCursor from displaying if the current Qt::DropAction is Qt::IgnoreAction.
There are three ways I can see to achieve this (in order of preference):
To override the QCursor used for a drag with Qt::IgnoreAction to something other than Qt::ForbiddenCursor.
To override the bitmap used for Qt::ForbiddenCursor. This is pretty dirty but would be an acceptable solution as long as I don't have to delve into OS-specific configuration.
To override the call made by Qt when a drag leaves a valid drop area (I assume that Qt does the equivalent of QDropEvent::setDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction) in this case).
Could anyone suggest ways to acheive any of the above?
Note: I have also attempted to use QApplication::setOverrideCursor() just before calling QDrag::exec(). This doesn't seem to have any effect.
Check if QDragEnterEvent comes to application itself (install event filter on QApplication object). If it does, simply accept it and cursor will appear normal.

generating GUI for C++ code

i need to generate a GUI for a ready code written with C++ the code is divided into some classes containing one that represent user interface to facilitate generating GUI without big modifications on my code
and i already designed the GUI window using QT Designer
now i want to link both logical part (my classes)and GUI part(QT Designer output class) ,how to add all classes to the GUI,how to handle signals coming from GUI and send the appropriate input to the logical part
get some words from user
get slider input as an int
add files from HDD (logical part need full paths)
out some text
NOTE:first time with QT
thanks in advance for any help
You might want to start with these simple tutorials
I you need a really simple solution - call this in desired order:
QtAssistant should give you much more details and examples.
