Unable to locate package libqt5webkit5-dev - qt

Suddenly today, without us changing any configuration, all test containers began to fail because of the following error:
$ sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install libqt5webkit5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libqt5webkit5-dev
E: Unable to locate package qtdeclarative5-dev
We have the following configuration in our .travis.yml in order to use QT5 on Travis with Ubuntu 12.04:
- ubuntu-sdk-team
- libqt5webkit5-dev
- qtdeclarative5-dev
We've tried to fix this but are baffled. Any ideas? Anyone else experiencing this?

We had the same problem and after contacting Travis support I learned that apparently the ubuntu-sdk-team has stopped providing packages for Precise and you need to switch dist to Trusty. In order to get the builds working again add this to your .travis.yml file
sudo: required
dist: trusty
You can read more about it here

Ubuntu 12.04 will be deprecated in less than a year from now (exactly at 2017-04-26), and also Qt Webkit is deprecated with the new versions of Qt starting from Qt 5.5. It is removed in Qt 5.6 from the Qt distribution:
With 5.6, Qt WebKit and Qt Quick 1 will no longer be supported and are
dropped from the release. The source code for these modules will still
be available. You can continue to compile and use these modules, but
we will not be supporting them any longer.
So, you in order to maintain the stability of your development environment, either you have to stay with the current versions of Ubuntu and Qt (which has its own issues), or you have to port your code to work with the newer versions of Ubuntu and Qt, like Qt 5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.


Installing a newer version of PCL on ubuntu

I would like to upgrade my PCL to a newer version to fix a problem I have with QHull related to this issue.
I'm on ubuntu so I installed PCL with sudo apt install libpcl-dev but I can only get the version 1.10.1. How can I install a newer version ?
The problem is apparently fixed by this commit. It's in the tag 1.12.1.
I know that in theory I can use cmake and build my own PCL but from what I saw with the apt install, there is a huge amount of dependencies + I will also need this particular Qhull version that they mention in the issue and commit... I'm not sure I can make this work without the package manager. Any leads on this problem ?
Thanks !
In its simplest form, building and installing PCL goes likes this:
Clone the GitHub repo and cd inside it
Optionally checkout a git tag or stay on the master branch (default)
mkdir build && cd build
Run cmake with cmake ..
Build and install with make -j2 && sudo make install
For more information, see here: https://pcl.readthedocs.io/projects/tutorials/en/master/compiling_pcl_posix.html
When you previously had libpcl-dev installed, you can remove that package without (auto-)removing the dependencies, then you should have most if not all dependencies required for building from source already installed.
You didn't say which Ubuntu version you use, but judging from the version of libpcl-dev, I assume it is focal (20.04). The Qhull version installed there is fine, it already has a reentrant interface.

Qt - where to get /opt/qt59/bin/qt59-env.sh?

I have a project which relies on /opt/qt59/bin/qt59-env.sh which sets up QT environment. Without it, qmake complains:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick quickwidgets
It's not on my system (Ubuntu 17.10). I have QT 5.9 installed through qt5-default. I have been looking around but can't find. I've tried packages qtscript5-dev but qt59-env.sh did not appear.
What should I install to get it? Or what's an alternative to set up the environment?
Ubuntu's default packages don't include this kind of script.
qt59-env.sh comes from qt59base, that is from this ppa.
The ppa is for Ubuntu xenial (16.04), but it could also work on 17.10.
Otherwise you can just download qt59-env.sh from here and modify the paths to your installed Qt version.

qtwebengine qmake error: unkown module: webchannel

I am trying to get qt webengine running on my laptop for the first time, but can't seem to build it. I am following the instructions from here:
On the last few steps, I had to run "qmake -r" on the qtwebengine directory. This is the output:
SSL............................... Using system NSS
ICU............................... Using internal copy (Default, force system ICU with WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_icu)
FFMPEG............................ Using internal copy (Default, force system FFMPEG with WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_system_ffmpeg)
Proprietary codecs (H264, MP3).... Not enabled (Default, enable with WEBENGINE_CONFIG += use_proprietary_codecs)
Reading /home/kevin/workspace/qtwebengine/src/src.pro
Reading /home/kevin/workspace/qtwebengine/src/core/core.pro
Reading /home/kevin/workspace/qtwebengine/src/core/core_gyp_generator.pro
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webchannel
This error happened right after I installed WebKitGtk+ from here (http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingGtk) and ran "Tools/gtk/install-dependencies" and "Tools/Scripts/update-webkitgtk-libs". Before I installed WebKitGtk+, qmake would terminate at a later point.
(I installed WebKitGtk+ because, previously, running "qmake -r" on the qtwebengine directly resulted in an "unmet dependency: harfbuzz" error that I tried to fix on my own via google, and the WebKitGtk+ page was the only lead I could find that would supposedly fix that issue... big mistake!).
I am running on a (mostly freshly reformatted) Ubuntu 15.04 laptop. I installed qt5 via apt-get install, but apparently I have both qt4 and qt5 plugins installed, as well as qtchooser (I'm guessing from the WebKitGtk+ installation scripts).
Here is the output of "qmake --version":
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.4.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm excited to try out qt webengine!
In case anyone else has the same problem, I fixed it by installing qt 5.5.0 from here http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/, and using the associated qmake binary from that installation. I guess installing qt from 'sudo apt-get install' still has some issues that won't work with qtwebengine.

PyQT5 error: could not find or load Qt platform plugin xcb

Up until Anaconda3 (which contains Python 3.4) was re-installed on my RedHat 6.5 workstation, I have been able to develop Python apps that use PyQT5.
Post re-install of Anaconda I receive an error message:
....could not find or load Qt platform plugin xcb
The only difference between Anaconda installs is the folder name: /usr/local/ananaconda3 vs /usr/local/anaconda_py3
I checked libqxcb.so has no missing dependencies.
I rebuilt PyQT5.
I tried explicitly adding location of site-packages of PyQT5:
import site
Any other suggestions?
How does re-installing Python impact the use of PyQT5?
This is an error caused by having two different versions of Qt under the same installation/environment.
Check the packages installed and their versions in your environment (if for some reason you're not working in a virtual environment, you can skip the first line):
source activate yourenvname
conda list
If you see pyqt and qt both with version 4.X.X then remove them (assuming you want to work in Qt v5):
conda remove qt
conda remove pyqt
I had an issue that seems to match what happened here.
But in my case the solution was to "sudo rm -rf user/anaconda3" and reinstall it with "bash anaconda....sh", because I had previously installed it using sudo ("sudo bash anaconda....sh")

Installing iPDC Unix Programme

I am trying to install iPDC on a Centos unix laptop.
I am getting a make error when I attempt to install the programme - I have attached a screenshot of my problem.
The command run is sudo make install and I am attempting to install as the root user.
Your installed GTK version is probably too old to support this software. GtkBuilder (a component within GTK) showed up at version 2.12. To find out what version you have, run pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 at the command line. But that version has been around for quite some time. What version Centos are you running? I assume 5, which is quite old.
Upgrading GTK can be tricky, as most of your desktop software relies on it. If you're in for an adventure, the "easiest" would be to upgrade your Centos OS (to 6.x). You might be able to compile a more recent GTK from source and keep it separate from your system GTK, but that will take some patience.
It seems that GTK is not installed.
Try something like: yum install gtk2 or yum install gtk2-devel
