ccavenue - iframe method shows blank page after click the paynow button in -

I am New to Payment Gateway Integration and i'm using CCAvenue iFrame method for my site. Using Query String method i sent all details like amount, merchant id, order id etc. to ccavRequestHandler.aspx.cs file.
But it shows only Blank Page without any error message.
There are all done in my testing environment and testing environment is activated from CCAvenue.
Thanks in Advance.

Finally I found the Ans...
In CCAvenue Iframe method, dont change anything in "download kit". And Use that files(dataform.htm,ccavRequestHandler.aspx, ccavResponseHandler.aspx with dll) without change anything.
Make Sure Test Environment is Activated or not from CCAvenue. if its not make call to CCAvenue they will do it. After that use test environment url( ) with Newly Generated Access code and Working key.
Sure U will Get the Final Result.
Hope, i will helps someone.


How to pass parameters from Wordpress Contact Form 7 to an external server?

I have a login form created in Wordpress using Contact form 7. I'm tryig to pass parameters from this form to an external server. But it is not happening.
I am a designer, and not much of a programmer. I understand code(sometimes) but can not write it from the scratch.
I have designed a website for a client. This client has a "Flying Returns" like logistic membership system in which members get lots of perks in shipping etc. This system is on their own server. They want the users to log in to that system from this website.
So I have created a login form using Contact Form 7. I have set skip_mail: on; I have tried a few plugins login, but either they dont log into different servers or are expensive, or does not yield correct URL and hence does not log into the system. Therefore I have finally decided to make it happen using code.
Their programmer has given me following JS code that will take the parameters from this form and pass on to their system. IF the parameters are correct, then the user is logged into the system and taken to the member's dashboard page on their server (not my website/server), else it returns an error message, {"error":"Login Data Incorrect.."}
I have tried to put this code with in the contact form. Here is the code (i've hidden the actual IP address, sorry):
document.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {
alert( "Fire!" );
}, false );
If I remove the document.location line, it shows the alert. But the above, in its entirety does nothing. If I use the URL, replace variables with actual values and paste it browser, it logs me into the system without a hitch.
I have tried quite a few different codes which I could find as possible solution on internet, this site including, but to no avail.
Please help me out. I want the email and password to be passed to this external server, if they are correct then the user should log in and see their dashboard there. Else if it gives the above mentioned error message, then I should be able to reset the form and give an error message to the user.

Firebase (Firechat) "Route not found." error

I have been trying to use the firebase fire chat, it works using the default demo url ( However, as soon as I change it to my URL it does not work, even though I have enabled twitter login, and I have twitter authentication working on another firebase app. The error message I get is the following:
{"error":{"code":"ROUTE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Route not found."}}
Any idea?
The twitter callback url for your app should be:
I found the answer, in the Twitter app settings, the following option was ticked. So, I untucked it and it is now working
Enable Callback Locking (It is recommended to enable callback locking to ensure apps cannot overwrite the callback url)
you need to set Callback URL in example,

Are there new facebook restriction for Rfacebook package?

I want to get some data from Facebook, so I wanted to create application to get token for 60 days like I did few months ago. Then everything worked well, I just followed steps from the tutorial like this:
So It was enough to create "empty" application, write in R with proper id and secret
fb_oauth <- fbOAuth(app_id="123456789", app_secret="1A2B3C4D",extended_permissions = TRUE)
fill website page as http://localhost:1410/ and autenthication was complete and I was able to make get some data from facebook. It seems that it is not so easy anymore.
When I try to follow exactly the same steps it seems that now I have to fill in my application (with some description, photos...) and "send" it to submission.
Do you have similar problem or I just miss something? I just want to use information from facebook for my own use, not for business or something. Is there any (other) way to get a token for R which allows me to get some information from Facebook without filling application. I don't think that filling it with some fake data will pass facebook verification.
I just want to use information from facebook for my own use
Then you don’t need to submit it for review.
See – it explains that you can ask any user that has a “role” in the app (meaning admin, developer or tester) for any permission without prior review.
For one, this is of course implemented this way, so that people can actually test the functionality they are developing properly. And it is also an “official loophole” for apps such as yours, that are for “private use” only, and not meant to be used by the general public in the first place.
(And this has nothing whatsoever with the Rfacebook package – it is the same for all apps, no matter what framework/SDK they might be using.)
As #CBroe said earlier, you do not need an approved app, you just need to add the users of the app as admin in the app's role menu in Facebook Developers.
Follow these steps and you will get your permanent FB token:
Create new application at with basic setup
Fill in the app name in lower case and without the words Facebook or FB for display name and namespace, category set to Business
In "Settings/Basic" I added a new "Website" platform with the URL of http://localhost:1410/ and localhost as the "App Domain"
In the "Settings/Advanced" tab I added http://localhost:1410/ as the Valid OAuth redirect URIs
Then, run this code:
app <- oauth_app('facebook', appid, appsecret)
Sys.setenv("HTTR_SERVER_PORT" = "1410/")
tkn <- oauth2.0_token(
oauth_endpoints('facebook'), app, scope = c('ads_management', 'read_insights'),
type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', cache = FALSE)
save(tkn, file = "~/Documents/RFiles/fb_token") # save the token for future use
Make sure you put 'read_insights' in scope, otherwise you are not telling Facebook what kind of permissions you want the app to take.
Finally you can use the token:

Integrate twitter in drupal 7 website

I am trying to get the twitter module (7.x-5.4) running on my local drupal 7.19 website. Already installed Oauth and registered a twitter app. I am using the keys of that twitter app.
Callback URL
twitter host
Twitter API
Twitter search
when I want to add at least my own twitter account so that the site can display my tweets. when I want to add this account, an error occurs:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of root\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php).
Could not obtain a valid token from the Twitter API. Please review the configuration.
any ideas? thanks in advance.
In my case, uncommenting the line
in php.ini resolved the error.
I'm not sure this will work for you, but this worked for me. I had the same exact error, even though I had followed the documentation. Here's the test: go to admin/reports/status. If you see the following warning: "HTTP request status Fails" this means your drupal/LAMP stack is unable to use DNS to callback to itself. In my case I used my machines's IP to access my Drupal instance. So, rather that use "localhost" use your machine's IP address (you can use ipconfig on MSWin or ifconfig on Mac/Linux) and use that for finishing the twitter account setup process.
Again, not
(substituting your machine's IP address)
I was getting the exact same error which i fixed by adding appropriate proxy server details.
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of C:\wamp\www\test_twitter\sites\all\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php
The problem was due to proxy-settings. I added values for $conf['proxy_server'] and $conf['proxy_port'] in settings.php and this error vanished.
I also verified that if i remove the proxy settings, this error is reproduced again.
Install oauth_common and twitter on your Drupal site
Check that both Oauth and the Twitter modules are enabled. I didn't use any of the other Twitter modules to do this
Go to the twitter module in Drupal
Go to the Configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
(note that the Callback URL is http://localhost/yourwebsite/twitter/oauth i.e. it doesn’t have to be
Click on the link that says register your application
Go to twitter and sign in to be a developer
Add a new application, making a distinct feed name
Enter your site details
For localhost use: for both the website and callback URLs
Press save when you've done
Next go to the Test OAuth button - this will give you your illusive consumer key and consumer secret key
Back to the Drupal website and and to the twitter module to configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
Copy and paste these consumer and consumer secret keys you just got
Press Save configuration
Hopefully no errors.
Go to the twitter tab in the module and hopefully your twitter avatar has appeared
Read the top of the page where it says "Tweets are pulled from Twitter by running cron. You can view the full list of tweets at the Tweets view."
Select the View Tweets checkbox and click view - Chances are your tweets won’t show up in the next window - yet
Go to your drupal Configuration screen and to [System] Cron and press the "Run cron"
Now go back to view tweets from the twitter module and they should all appear
[This was a pig to figure out]

weird problem - OAuthException - Access Token

Yesterday I noticed problem with my application. Everything was fine, but now something is wrong with button and postbacks.
I get error:
(OAuthException) (OAuthException) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
while im trying use .Get("me") info # postback.
I set a watch on reguest.params(signed_request) and everyting is fine, but when I click button on my app to make postback, my request.params(signed_request) value is nothing.
Any ideas how to solve problem ?
(im using 4.2.5 (?) sdk and 5.0.6 show me the same error)
Pass access token parameter to FacebookWebClient constructor:
new FacebookClient(FacebookWebContext.Current.AccessToken);
