Oracle named parameters - plsql

How can I use keywords with Oracle named parameters syntax ? The following gives me 'ORA-00936: missing expression' because of the 'number'-argument:
select b.g3e_fid
, a.g3e_fid
, sdo_nn_distance( 1)
from acn a, b$gc_fitface_s b
where mdsys.sdo_nn ( geometry1 => a.g3e_geometry, geometry2 => b.g3e_geometry, param => 'sdo_num_res=1', number=>1) = 'TRUE' and b.g3e_fid = 57798799;
If I run it without named parameters it is fine.
thanks, Steef

Although you can get around the reserved word issue in your call by enclosing the name in double quotes as #AvrajitRoy suggested, i.e. ... "NUMBER"=>1) = 'TRUE'..., you aren't actually achieving much. Oracle is letting you refer to the parameters by name but it isn't doing anything with that information.
MDSYS.SDO_NN is a spatial operator, not a direct call to a function. There is a function backing it up - you can see from the schema scripts for MDSYS that it's actually calling prtv_idx.nn - but the names of the formal parameters of that function are not relevant. With some digging you can see those are actually called geom, geom2, mask etc., and there isn't one called number (and you can't have a formal parameter called number, even quoting it, as far as I can tell).
The formal parameters to the operator are not named, and are effectively passed through positionally. You can't skip an argument by naming the others, as you can with a function/procedure with arguments that have default values.
So that means you can call the parameters anything you want in your call; changing the names of the first three parameters in your call to something random won't stop it working.
It also means naming them in the call is a bit pointless, but if you're just trying to document the call then you can use some other meaningful name rather than 'number' if you don't want to quote it.

Hello as mentined in you question . There are two ways in which u can eliminate this RESERVED keyword ISSUE.
1) Use "" to use any RESERVED key word for calling. But remember this is not a good coding practice.
Eg >
SELECT b.g3e_fid ,
a.g3e_fid ,
sdo_nn_distance( 1)
FROM acn a,
b$gc_fitface_s b
WHERE mdsys.sdo_nn
( geometry1 => a.g3e_geometry,
geometry2 => b.g3e_geometry,
"param" => 'sdo_num_res=1',
"NUMBER"=>1) = 'TRUE'
AND b.g3e_fid = 57798799;
2) Secondly you can just call the function without using "=>" as shown below
Eg >
SELECT b.g3e_fid ,
a.g3e_fid ,
sdo_nn_distance( 1)
FROM acn a,
b$gc_fitface_s b
WHERE mdsys.sdo_nn
( a.g3e_geometry,
1) = 'TRUE'
AND b.g3e_fid = 57798799;


How do I get output for a XQuery in MarkLogic in a one line output?

Will elaborate - when I execute the following command :
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value
Above query returns a lot of information about the database "Documents" forest, like - forest-id, host-id, etc.
I only require that it should return only the "state" of my forest. How do I do that?
Use XPath to select what you want to return.
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value/*:state/text()
Also, no need for a FLWOR you could make it a one-liner:
Or you may find that using the arrow operator makes things easier to read instead of nested function calls and tons of parenthesis wrapping them:
=> xdmp:database-forests()
=> xdmp:forest-open-replica()
=> xdmp:forest-status()
The XML elements in the response are in the namespace. So, you would either need to declare the namespace (i.e. declare namespace f = "";) and use the prefix in your XPath (i.e. f:state), or just use the wildcard as I have done *:state

How to find if item is contained in Dict in Julia

I'm fairly new to Julia and am trying to figure out how to check if the given expression is contained in a Dict I've created.
function parse( expr::Array{Any} )
if expr[1] == #check here if "expr[1]" is in "owl"
return BinopNode(owl[expr[1]], parse( expr[2] ), parse( expr[3] ) )
owl = Dict(:+ => +, :- => -, :* => *, :/ => /)
I've looked at Julia's documentation and other resources, but can't find any answer to this.
"owl" is the name of my dictionary that I'm trying to check. I want to run the return statement should expr[1] be either "+,-,* or /".
A standard approach to check if some dictionary contains some key would be:
:+ in keys(owl)
haskey(owl, :+)
Your solution depends on the fact that you are sure that 0 is not one of the values in the dictionary, which might not be true in general. However, if you want to use such an approach (it is useful when you do not want to perform a lookup in the dictionary twice: once to check if it contains some key, and second time to get the value assigned to the key if it exists) then normally you would use nothing as a sentinel and then perform the check get_return_value !== nothing (note two = here - they are important for the compiler to generate an efficient code). So your code would look like this:
function myparse(expr::Array{Any}, owl) # better pass `owl` as a parameter to the function
v = get(expr[1], owl, nothing)
if v !== nothing
return BinopNode(v, myparse(expr[2]), myparse(expr[3]))
# and what do we do if v === nothing?
Note that I use myparse name, as parse is a function defined in Base, so we do not want to have a name clash. Finally your myparse is recursive so you should define a second method to this function handling the case when expr is not an Array{Any}.
I feel like an idiot for finding this so fast, but I came up with the following solution: (Willing to hear more efficient answers however)
yes = 1
yes = get(owl,expr[1],0)
if yes != 0
#do return statement here
"yes" should get set equal to 0 if the expression is not found in the dictionary "owl". So a simple != if statement to see if it's zero fixes my problem.

GeoDmsRun cannot find 'Values' attribute inside Unique values unit, while GUI can

In GeoDMS, a geographic coding language by Object Vision, I cannot run code in GeoDmsRun.exe, which I could run without problems in GeoDmsGui.exe. The problem is that it cannot find the parameter 'Values' which is indeed not defined, but apparently implicit somewhere in GeoDMS. The GUI could find this parameter.
I tried defining the Values that lookup is looking for explicitly using
But that didn't work. It would be best to get this lookup functionality without having to use any implicit variables, but how to do that?
unit<uint32> heatNet2 := unique(buildingWithHeatDemand/roadID)
, dialogType = 'map'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
attribute<rdc> geometry(arc) := lookup(values,input/geographic/roads/geometry);
Version: 7177
Thanks for helping!
The unique(D->V) operator indeed defines an attribute E->V with the name values of the resulting unit E that maps that resulting unit E to the found values of V. GeoDmsRun.exe should process scripts the same way as GeoDmsGui.exe does, so it is a good idea to report this as issue at
Meanwhile you can try to define the values attribute explicitly:
unit<uint32> heatNet2 := unique(buildingWithHeatDemand/roadID)
, dialogType = 'map'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
attribute<input/geographic/roads> values(heatNet2);
attribute<rdc> geometry(arc) := lookup(values,input/geographic/roads/geometry);
The now explicitly defined values will refer to the attribute of the result of the unique operator.

Using Rascal MAP

I am trying to create an empty map, that will be then populated within a for loop. Not sure how to proceed in Rascal. For testing purpose, I tried:
rascal>map[int, list[int]] x;
Though, when I try to populate "x" using:
rascal>x += (1, [1,2,3])
^ Parse error here
I got a parse error.
To start, it would be best to assign it an initial value. You don't have to do this at the console, but this is required if you declare the variable inside a script. Also, if you are going to use +=, it has to already have an assigned value.
rascal>map[int,list[int]] x = ( );
map[int, list[int]]: ()
Then, when you are adding items into the map, the key and the value are separated by a :, not by a ,, so you want something like this instead:
rascal>x += ( 1 : [1,2,3]);
map[int, list[int]]: (1:[1,2,3])
list[int]: [1,2,3]
An easier way to do this is to use similar notation to the lookup shown just above:
rascal>x[1] = [1,2,3];
map[int, list[int]]: (1:[1,2,3])
Generally, if you are just setting the value for one key, or are assigning keys inside a loop, x[key] = value is better, += is better if you are adding two existing maps together and saving the result into one of them.
I also like this solution sometimes, where you instead of joining maps just update the value of a certain key:
m = ();
for (...whatever...) {
m[key]?[] += [1,2,3];
In this code, when the key is not yet present in the map, then it starts with the [] empty list and then concatenates [1,2,3] to it, or if the key is present already, let's say it's already at [1,2,3], then this will create [1,2,3,1,2,3] at the specific key in the map.

idl: pass keyword dynamically to isa function to test structure read by read_csv

I am using IDL 8.4. I want to use isa() function to determine input type read by read_csv(). I want to use /number, /integer, /float and /string as some field I want to make sure float, other to be integer and other I don't care. I can do like this, but it is not very readable to human eye.
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
; TODO check header
if not isa(str.(0), /integer) then stop
if not isa(str.(1), /number) then stop
if not isa(str.(2), /float) then stop
I am hoping I can do something like
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['/integer', '/number', '/float']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i=0l,n_elements(expected_type) do
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop
the above doesn't work, as '/integer' is taken literally and I guess isa() is looking for named structure. How can you do something similar?
Ideally I want to pick expected type based on header read from file, so that script still works as long as header specifies expected field.
my tentative solution is to write a wrapper for ISA(). Not very pretty, but does what I wanted... if there is cleaner solution , please let me know.
Also, read_csv is defined to return only one of long, long64, double and string, so I could write function to test with this limitation. but I just wanted to make it to work in general so that I can reuse them for other similar cases.
function isa_generic,var,typ
; calls isa() with keyword
; if 'n', test /number
; if 'i', test /integer
; if 'f', test /float
; if 's', test /string
if typ eq 'n' then return, isa(var, /number)
if typ eq 'i' then then return, isa(var, /integer)
if typ eq 'f' then then return, isa(var, /float)
if typ eq 's' then then return, isa(var, /string)
print, 'unexpected typename: ', typ
IDL has some limited reflection abilities, which will do exactly what you want:
expected_types = ['integer', 'number', 'float']
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if ~array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
foreach type, expected_types, index do begin
if ~isa(str.(index), _extra=create_struct(type, 1)) then stop
It's debatable if this is really "easier to read" in your case, since there are only three cases to test. If there were 500 cases, it would be a lot cleaner than writing 500 slightly different lines.
This snipped used some rather esoteric IDL features, so let me explain what's happening a bit:
expected_types is just a list of (string) keyword names in the order they should be used.
The foreach part iterates over expected_types, putting the keyword string into the type variable and the iteration count into index.
This is equivalent to using for index = 0, n_elements(expected_types) - 1 do and then using expected_types[index] instead of type, but the foreach loop is easier to read IMHO. Reference here.
_extra is a special keyword that can pass a structure as if it were a set of keywords. Each of the structure's tags is interpreted as a keyword. Reference here.
The create_struct function takes one or more pairs of (string) tag names and (any type) values, then returns a structure with those tag names and values. Reference here.
Finally, I replaced not (bitwise not) with ~ (logical not). This step, like foreach vs for, is not necessary in this instance, but can avoid headache when debugging some types of code, where the distinction matters.
Reflective abilities like these can do an awful lot, and come in super handy. They're work-horses in other languages, but IDL programmers don't seem to use them as much. Here's a quick list of common reflective features I use in IDL, with links to the documentation for each:
create_struct - Create a structure from (string) tag names and values.
n_tags - Get the number of tags in a structure.
_extra, _strict_extra, and _ref_extra - Pass keywords by structure or reference.
call_function - Call a function by its (string) name.
call_procedure - Call a procedure by its (string) name.
call_method - Call a method (of an object) by its (string) name.
execute - Run complete IDL commands stored in a string.
Note: Be very careful using the execute function. It will blindly execute any IDL statement you (or a user, file, web form, etc.) feed it. Never ever feed untrusted or web user input to the IDL execute function.
You can't access the keywords quite like that, but there is a typename parameter to ISA that might be useful. This is untested, but should work:
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['int', 'long', 'float']
str = read_cv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i = 0L, n_elemented(expected_type) - 1L do begin
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop
