Prevent Atom Editor from auto creating files - atom-editor

at the moment I try to experiment a little bit with Atom for writing an API documentation with RAML. Everything works fine but one damn thing:
Everytime I type some file paths (e.g. !include schemas/file.schema Atom auto creates the file when I'm not quick enough with typing. So, in some cases I have a hole bunch of file-zombies in my schema folder. That's kind of annoying.
My setup is standard Atom on MacBook, with api-workbench plugin, which includes linter as well. I already had a look at all those settings concerning auto completion - nothing found there. Also, Google doesn't show any hints. Any Tips?
Best regards,

It looks like this is a defect in the api-workbench package:
Api workbench creates new schemas, while i type their paths. For example below, i can see two-three files created while i type full name:
- myschema: !include schemas/myschema.json
Will create following files:
schemas/myschemas.json - this file is existing, i've created it before. all other files are redudant and i have to delete them.
Bug is not reproduced with examples, which i can also include in my document. Having issues while edition RAML 0.8 files.
If you want to help the package maintainers fix the defect, can I suggest you put together a minimal but complete example that reproduces the issue, this will make it easier for them to identify and resolve the issue.


How do I prevent values of custom registry entries to be overwritten on reinstall of my package?

My package introduces registry entries. Changes by site administrator should not be overwritten on reinstall of the package.
Many ways to Rome. I chose ftw.upgrade. I like the declarative way of the upgrade step syntax. Its possible to use an upgrade directory for generic setup xml-Files like propertiestool.xml. No need to define handler python code. The upgrade works well. The admin can upgrade from control panel and in my case the new property is added. Insomma: For a new property just these have to be added: an upgrade-step declaration for source and destination version and directory where to find the properties.xml. Thumb up! –
You can pilot what to do when installing a Plone add-on by providing an Extension/ file with a install method inside:
def install(portal, reinstall=False):
if not reinstall:
setup_tool = portal.portal_setup
This way you are driving what Plone should do when installing.
If you need it: the same if for uninstall:
def uninstall(portal, reinstall=False):
if not reinstall:
setup_tool = portal.portal_setup
This way you can prevent the uninstall step to be run when reinstalling.
Warning: as Mathias suggested using quickinstaller -> reinstall feature is bad.
Warning: this will not probably work anymore on Plone 5 (there's open discussion about this).
I think what you describe is one of the problems upcoming with the increasing complexity of Plone's stack, and one of the reasons, why it is not recommended to execute a re-install anymore, but to provide a profile for each version of the Add-On, via upgrade-steps (as Mathias mentioned). That increases dev-time significantly and results in even more conflicts, of my experience. Here are the refering docs:
Elizabeth Leddy once wrote an Add-On to ease that pain and I can confirm it does:
And the great guys from FTW, too, I never used it, but looks promising:
Neither used this one, even claims to have some extra goodies, like cleanup broken OFS objects and R. Patterson's on it:
As we're here, the first good doc I could find about it ~ 1.5 years ago, comes from Uwosh, of course:
Another solution can be, to check, if it's an initial- or re-install, and set the properties programatically via a Python-script, conveniently called '', like described in this answer:
How to check, if my product is already installed, when installing it?
That way one can still trigger re-installs without blowing it all up.
Lastly, a lot of the GS-xml-files understand the purge-property, setting it to False, will not overwrite the whole file, just your given props. This might, or not, apply to your case, you can find samples in the above referenced official doc.

Frama-C: access to the cil/src/ext modules data and few others questions as well

first of all, i will explain what i would like to do here : given a C big programm, i would like to output a list of producers/consumers for a data and a list of calling/called-by functions of the function where this data is.
for doing this, i am thinking about using what computes some modules of frama-c, like or in my own plugin.
however, as i read the plugin developper doc, i can't manage to see how we can have access to the data of those modules.
is a "open.cyl_type" sufficient here in my own plugin?
moreover, here are my other questions :
i tried using by the way pdg plugin for my purposes but when i call it and it says "pdg graph computed", how can i access it?
is there any more documented thing about "impact" plugin than the official webpage, in depth, how it works fondamentally? (i have to say that i'm in like a pre-project phase, and that i installed frama-c with the apt-get on ubuntu and that i did not get an impact plugin working (i'll see by compiling the sources))
by the way, do you think i'm using the right method to get to my purposes?
Your question is quite unclear, and this answer is thus very generic. As mentioned in the developer documentation, there are two main classes of plugins: static plugins, compiled with the kernel and whose API is exposed in a module (usually of the same name of the plugin) in Db. Dynamic plugins, such as Semantic_callgraph register dynamically their entry points through the Dynamic module.
If you do make doc in Frama-C sources (I'm not sure that there is a corresponding package in Ubuntu) you can access documentation for the Db module in FRAMAC_SOURCE_DIR/doc/code/html/Db.html and the list of functions registered by dynamic plugins in FRAMAC_SOURCE_DIR/doc/code/dynamic_plugins/Dynamic_plugins.html.
I think that, following Virgile's advice, you should get the source code anyway because you will most of the time need to browse the code to find what you are looking for. Beside, you can have a look at the hello_word plug-in (in src/dummy/hello_world) to have an example of a very simple plug-in. You can also find some examples on my web site at to find out how to have access to some information in the AST.

Docs for harfbuzz-ng or API details

I was working on harbuzz old one. now a new version of harbuzz-ng has came. now this structure is completely changes in comparison of old code. Without API docs its really hard to work/use this library. I google about it but didnot find any relavent details.
How can i start using it. Any test program to understand the input and output for this library.
If anybody have a test /hello world type from or any reference docs for API please share.
Some good and simple examples are listed on Harfbuzz wiki, 1, 2
I suggest you a higher level library, Pango if you need layout things like line wrap and I guess you would find better doucmentation for it than HarfBuzz itself.
You may have a look at State of Text Rendering also.
adding to the above examples i have also made and collected some sample harfbuzz examples which you can find it here
this link might aid you
I would say you should read all Harfbuzz mail archives
plus go to harfbuzz github acc try reading pr and issues threads.
at last due to scarcity of documentations,the only doc you got is the sourcecode itself :P

How do I get a full list of genres from the Gracenote Music API?

We are currently working with the Gracenote Music API and are wondering if there is a full list of generes and mappings between the different hierarchies of genres. Ideally, we'd love a dump of those tables in the backend Gracenote system. If .csv's, text files, or even XML are easier to provide, we will figure out a way to import that data in our system.
If a full mapping isn't available, a list of top level genres would be very helpful.
I'm afraid there is no way to iterate the list of genres via the Web API. Most of the client SDKs have this capability.
It turns out that there are at least three sources for example code in the GNSDK:
Properly maintained samples in the "samples" directory. This will compile into full applications with minimal effort (once you've settled on a makefile solution for your platform, as a complete Automake setup is not yet part of the package).
samples/code_snippets - These are useful to look at, but do not necessarily build into full apps, and may not be completely up to date with the SDK.
Code linked from the documentation. This is a problem if you downloaded the SDK as an archive and the documentation as a PDF, as the links will resolve as relative file links, not HTTP links, and you won't have the files. You need to look at the HTML version of the documentation on the server to find these files. However, they are apparently outdated and will not build without some (relatively minor rework). This can be done using the primary samples as a guide.
So, all of that said, what you want to look at in the GNSDK Developer's Guide is "Advanced Topics : Using Lists". You will want to read that entire section, then find and work with the sample application referenced on page 93.
To get the list of genres (or moods, or eras) you need to make a call to the "fieldvalues" API, you can see how to do it here:
This call will give you the list of supported genres:
You can then use the returned ID's with pygn.createRadio()

How to use FTS in SQLite with Monotouch for iOS

I'm looking to build an iOS app using Monotouch that has a rather large sqlite db full of text. I need to provide fast searching over this text.
My best solution right now is the FTS module (preferably version 4). I have read that the default instance of sqlite on iOS does not support FTS. If this is true what is the recommended way to build a custom instance of sqlite with Monotouch? Or can this be done at all?
I found this site describing how to accomplish this with xcode, but it is not clear how I would accomplish with Monotouch.
Any help is much appreciated!
As I mentioned in my comment above I got this working and since Stack Overflow has really helped me out I wanted to contribute a little to give back to the community.
This is coming from a .NET developer who is a N00B when it comes to iOS/MacOS/XCode/Monotouch.
Although I tested this out on the iPad simulator I have yet to test it out on an actual device.
End disclaimer
This is a quick how-to compile your own version of SQLite and include it in your Monotouch project with the goal of supporting Full text search.
Step 1:
Download the SQLite amalgamation file.
This includes all of SQLite in one file.
Step 2: Compile the SQLite source in Xcode for iOS.
There is a good walkthrough on how to do this here:
I followed steps 1-5, skipped #6 since we're not adding additional headers.
Instead of using the compile flags used in the walk through I used:
There may be others you want to add as well.
These compile flags are added in XCode, to the "Build" tab of the project under "Preprocessor Macros".
Once you've compiled this you should have "mylibrary.a".
Step 3: Include this file in your MonoDevelop project
Add mylibrary.a into MonoDevelop as any other file, right click it and make sure the build action is 'Nothing'.
In your project options select "iPhone Build". You need to add additional mtouch arguments. Add the following
-gcc_flags "-L${ProjectDir} -lmylibrary -force_load ${ProjectDir}/mylibrary.a"
Step 4: Build a c# wrapper
You could probably find a good wrapper to include at this point but I just quickly rolled my own.
For a good tutorial on writing an SQLite wrapper in C# check this page out:
Because your library is a part of the project you don't need to reference the library by name but instead use the "__Internal" keyword. *NOTE THERE ARE TWO UNDERSCORES IN "__INTERNAL" * (Don't ask me how much time I wasted before I realized that)
Here's a sample of one of mine
[DllImport ("__Internal", EntryPoint="sqlite3_open")]
static extern int sqlite3_open_v2(string filename, out IntPtr db);
There's obviously a lot more to putting together a wrapper, but there's lots of info out there on how to do that. One gotcha is to properly marshal the strings you get returned from SQLite. (see for more info on Marshaling)
This was intended to be a quick walkthrough on getting a native library compiled in into MonoDevelop/monotouch, and I hope it helps someone.
You would have to do the same thing, build your own libsqlite3.a, and mangle all the public exports so it doesn't conflict with the libsqlite loaded by the system, and then you would need to modify whatever library you want to bind to sqlite to [DllImport ("__Internal")] instead of libsqlite.
