Nginx-redis module returning string length along with the value from Redis - nginx

I am using redis2-nginx-module to serve html content stored as a value in redis. Following is the nginx config code to get value for a key from redis.
redis2_query get $fullkey;
redis2_pass localhost:6379;
#default_type text/html;
When the url is hit the following unwanted response is rendered along with the value for that key.
How to remove this unwanted output? Also if key passed as an argument doesn't exist in the redis, how to check this condition and display some default page?

(Here's a similar question on ServerFault)
There's no way with just redis2 module, as it always return a raw Redis response.
If you only need GET and SET commands you may try with HttpRedisModule (redis_pass). If you need something fancier, like hashes, you should probably try filtering the raw response from Redis with Lua, e.g. something along the lines of
content_by_lua '
local res = ngx.location.capture("/redis",
{ args = { key = ngx.var.fullkey } }
local body = res.body
local s, e = string.find(body, "\r\n", 1, true)
ngx.print(string.sub(body, e + 1))
(Sorry, the code's untested, don't have an OpenResty instance at hand.)


HTTPRequest roblox

i'm currently making a roblox whitelist system and it's almost finished but i need 1 thing more i scripted it and its not work (code below) i didn't found nothing to fix what i have (script and screenshoot of error below), thanks.
local key = 1
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local r = HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = ""..key,
Method = "GET"
local i = HttpService:JSONDecode(r.Body)
for n, v in pairs(i) do
print(tostring(n)..", "..tostring(v))
I assume the website that you are using to validate the key
returns the response in raw if so then
local key = 1
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local r = HTTPService:GetAsync(""..key)
local response = JSON:Decode(r)
I think this is because you tried to concat a string (the url) with a number (the key variable) try to make the key a string

How to get a part of url? (nginx, rewrite, lua)

How to get a part of url?
For example:
have url: /aaa/bbb/ccc?test=123
I need to get part of url /ccc into the nginx variable.
I want to get a variable with a value = "ccc"
I will use the variable in location {}
url = '/abc/def/ghi?test=123'
-- here ^ to here ^ then back 1
q = url :find('?')
head = url :sub( 1, q -1 ) -- /abc/def/ghi
-- reversing is just an easy way to grab what would
-- would be the last delimiter, but is now the first.
head = head :reverse() -- ihg/fed/cba/
slash = head :find('/') -- 1st ^
-- same as above, grab from beginning, to found position -1
folder = head :sub( 1, slash -1 ) -- ihg
folder = folder :reverse() -- ghi
-- reverse again, so it's right-way 'round again.
Commands can be stacked, to make it smaller. Harder
to explain the logic that way, but it's the same thing.
head = url :sub( 1, url :find('?') -1 ) :reverse()
folder = head :sub( 1, head :find('/') -1 ) :reverse()
I would suggest to use a library, available from official OpenResty Package Manager OPM:
opm install bungle/lua-resty-reqargs
This library works for both GET and POST variables:
local get, post, files = require "resty.reqargs"()
if not get then
local ErrorMessage = post
-- Here you basically have `get' which is a table with:
-- { test = 123 }
The API is a little bit weird because the function returns 3 values.
In case of failure, it will return false, ErrorMessage, false.
In case of success, it will return GetTable, PostTable, FilesTable. Except this, it just works.
You can use it in a location block:
location /aaa/bbb/ccc {
content_by_lua_block {
local get, post, files = require "resty.reqargs"()
if not get then
local ErrorMessage = post
ngx.say(string.format("test=%d", get.test))

xmlhttp request in a node-red function node

Is it possible to make http GET requests from within a node-red "function" node.
If yes could somebody point me to some example code please.
The problem I want to solve is the following:
I want to parse a msg.payload with custom commands. For each command I want to make an http request and replace the command with the response of a HTTP GET request.
msg.payload = "Good day %name%. It's %Time% in the %TimeOfDay%. Time for your coffee";
The %name%,%TimeOfDay% and %Time% should be replaced by the content of a Get request to http://nodeserver/name,..., http://nodeserver/Time.
thnx Hardilb,
After half a day searching I found out that the http-node can also be configured by placing a node just before it setting the
msg.url = "" + msg.command ;
msg.method = "GET";
I used the following code to get a list of commands
var parts = msg.payload.split('%'),
len = parts.length,
odd = function(num){return num % 2;};
msg.txt= msg.payload;
msg.commands = [];
msg.nrOfCommands = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len ; i++){
msg.nrOfCommands = msg.nrOfCommands + 1;
return msg;
You should avoid doing asynchronous or blocking stuff in function nodes.
Don't try to do it all in one function node, chain multiple function nodes with multiple http Request nodes to build the string up a part at a time.
You can do this by stashing the string in another variable off the msg object instead of payload.
One thing to looks out for is that you should make sure you clear out msg.headers before each call to the next http Request node

NIO Http file server - connection closed prematurely

I want to create an HTTP static file server using java NIO and it works fine for small files, but seems to truncate the HTTP response for larger files (672 KB out of a 3.8 MB image is returned according to my Chrome Inspector, and my browser displays a a partially corrupted image). Is this code below incorrect?
(I know there are existing libraries for this and eventually I will use one in my project. But initially I want to implement a basic one myself to see if my project concept is feasible.)
Iterator<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key =;
if (key.isAcceptable()) {
// New Client encountered
.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
} else if (key.isReadable()) {
// Additional data for existing client encountered
SocketChannel selectedClient = (SocketChannel);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(548);
String requestedFile2 = getRequstedFile(key, selectedClient, buffer);
FileChannel fc =;
String string = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\nContent-Length: "
+ (Files.size(Paths.get(requestedFile2)) + "\n\n");
while ( > -1) {
buffer.flip(); // read from the buffer
(Exception handling etc. omitted for brevity)
I have a content-length-mismatch error message. So what is the right way to determine the HTTP response size when reading a file's contents using the NIO API?
That should be
and the loop should be
while ( > 0 || buffer.position() > 0)
You're assuming everything got written by the write.
Also you need to change the HTTP header line terminators to \r\n.
And you need to study RFC 2616 about the content length.
I guess you have to check return value from selectedClient.write(), check the SocketChannel.write() documentation:
Unless otherwise specified, a write operation will return only after writing all of the r requested bytes. Some types of channels, depending upon their state, may write only some of the bytes or possibly none at all.
Which could be the case here. Either add another inner loop which would write to output as long as there are bytes remaining in the buffer. Or you can amend the loop according to example in ByteBuffer.compact():
while (buffer.position() > 0 || > 0) {
buffer.flip(); // read from the buffer
And remember that the code supposes that selectedClient is blocking. If that wasn't the case, you would need to invoke another select() waiting on the selectedClient becoming writable...

Peculiar error with ColdFusion on BlueDragon.NET

We've got an odd issue occurring with ColdFusion on BlueDragon.NET. Asking here because of the broad experience of StackOverflow users.
Tags inside POSTed content to out BlueDragon.NET server gets removed, and we're not sure where in the stack it's getting removed. So for example if we post this data
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<sd ac='' pc='7.0' at='1289834380459' ct='' ><t id='lo8' sc=';;' st='c' /></sd>
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<sd ac="" pc="7.0" at="1289834380459" ct="" ><t id="lo8" sc=";;" st="c" /></sd>
<table border><td>hello3</td></table>
<sd ac="1">hello5</sd>
<t />
<t attr="hello8" />
What we get back is this:
That is, anything that starts with < and ends with > is getting stripped or filtered and no longer appears in ColdFusion's FORM scope when it's posted.
Our server with BlueDragon JX does not suffer this problem.
If we bypass using the default FORM scope and use this code, the tag-like content appears:
// get the content string of the raw HTTP headers, will include all POST content as a long querystring
RAWREQUEST = GetHttpRequestData();
// split the string on "&" character, each variable should now be separate
// note that at this point duplicate variables will get clobbered
RAWFORMFIELDS = ListToArray(RAWREQUEST.content, "&");
// We're creating a structure like "FORM", but better
BetterFORM = StructNew();
// Go over each of the raw form fields, take the key
// and add it as a key, and decode the value into the value field
// and trap the whole thing if for some reason garbage gets in there
for(i=1;i LTE ArrayLen(RAWFORMFIELDS);i = i + 1) {
temp = ListToArray(RAWFORMFIELDS[i], "=");
try {
tempkey = temp[1];
tempval = URLDecode(temp[2]);
StructInsert(BetterFORM, tempkey, tempval);
} catch(Any e) {
tempThisError = "Malformed Data: " & RAWFORMFIELDS[i];
// Log the value of tempThisError here?
// WriteOutput(tempThisError);
<cfdump var="#BetterFORM#">
If we do this, and use the created BetterFORM variable, it's there, so it does not seem to be a problem with the requests being filtered at some other point in the stack. I was thinking maybe it was URLScan, but that appears not to be installed. Since BD.NET runs on .NET as the engine, perhaps there's some sanitization setting that is being used on all variables somehow?
Suggestions, ideas, etc are welcome on this issue.
I don't have a BD.NET instance handy to check, but Adobe ColdFusion has a setting in the cf administrator to strip "invalid tags". That's my best guess. Adobe CF replaces them with "invalidTag", my guess is that BD.Net just strips it silently.
It turned out to be very mundane.
We had a custom tag that did customized string replacements. On one server, it was modified to NOT replace all tags. On this server, we were using an older version that did. So the fault was not a difference between BlueDragon JX and BlueDragon.NET -- it was developer team error.
