Key vault values from deployment, and linked templates parameters - azure-resource-manager

I have a template to create a key vault and a secret within it. I also have a service fabric template, that requires 3 things from the key vault: the Vault URI, the certificate URL, and the certificate thumbprint.
If I create the key vault and secret with powershell, it is easy to manually copy these 3 things from the output, and paste them into the parameters of the service fabric template. However, what I am hoping to do, due to the fact that this cert has the same life cycle as the service fabric cluster, is to link from the key vault template to the service fabric template, so when I deploy the key vault and secret (which btw is a key that has been base 64 encoded to a string. I could have this as a secret in yet another key vault...), I can pass the 3 values on as parameters.
So I have two questions.
How do I retrieve the 3 values in the arm template. Powershell outputs them as 'ResourceId' of the key vault, 'Id' of the secret, and 'Version' of the secret. My attempt:
"sourceVaultValue": {
"value": "resourceId('Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/', parameters('keyVaultName')"
"certificateThumbprint": {
"value": "[listKeys(resourceId('secrets', parameters('secretName')), '2015-06-01')"
"certificateUrlValue": { "value": "[concat('https://', parameters('keyVaultName'), '', parameters('secretName'), resourceId('secrets', parameters('secretName')))]"
But the certificateUrlValue is incorrect. You can see I tried with and without listKeys, but neither seemed to work... (The thumbprint is within the certUrl itself)
If I were to get the correct values, I would like to try pass them as parameters to the next template. The template in question has quite a few more parameters than the 3 I want to pass however. So is it possible to have a parametersLink element to link to the parameter file, as well as a parameters element for just those 3? Or is there an intended way of doing this?

Ok, try this when you get back to the keyboard...
1) for the uri, you can use an output like:
"secretUri": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets', parameters('keyVaultName'), parameters('secretName'))).secretUri]"
For #2, you cannot mix and match the link and some values, it's one or the other.
A couple thoughts on how you could do this (it depends a bit on how you want to structure the rest of your deployment)...
One way to think of this is instead of nesting the SF, deploy them in the same template since they have the same lifecycle
instead of nesting the SF template, nest the KV template and reference the outputs of that deployment in the SF template...
Aside from that I can't think of anything elegant - since you want to pass "dynamic" params to a nested deployment really the only way to do that is to dynamically write the param file behind the link or pass all the params into the deployment resource.
HTH - LMK if it doesn't...

Can't Reference a secret with dynamic id !!!!
The obvious problems with this way of doing things are:
Someone needs to type the cleartext password which means:
it needs to be known to anyone who provisions the environment and how do I feed it into an automated environment deployment? If I store the password in a parameter… ???????
"variables": {
"tenantPassword": {
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"ID": "[concat(subscription().id,'/resourceGroups/',parameters('keyVaultResourceGroup'),'/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/', parameters('VaultName'))]"
"secretName": "tenantPassword"


pass value from one step into the next step in ARM deployment

I’m using ARM template deployment to create resources.
As part of the deployment (at a given step), I need to use a secret from an existing keyvault.
Is there a way to fetch that data at one step and pass it to the next step that needs that data?
You can use the Key Vault Secret in ARM Template by using something similar to below example:
"adminPassword": {
"reference": {
"keyVault": {
"id": "/subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<KeyVaultRG>/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/<KeyVaultName>"
"secretName": "vmAdminPassword"

Firebase POST to Realtime Database adding an extra section

I'm trying to upload data into Firebase Realtime Database I have tried first doing a POST through the API this is my Query:
Method: POST
EndPoint: https://[PROJECT_ID]
Note I'm using my Project ID
Headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
"name": "Rene Alas",
"correo": "[Email]",
"image": "[URL to my Image]",
"title": "Albo Aficionado",
"acceso": 0
I tried this on Postman but it gets me an additional part:
As you can see it added a middle part between my given ID and the Data which is Auto Assigned in this particular example:
Any Ideas how I can put the information underneath the given ID so it doesn't auto assign that key?
Kind Regards?
HTTP semantics say that POST creates a new resource under the location, which is what Firebase does in your situation.
If you want to write a value you specify to the location and overwrite any existing data there, that'd be a call with the PUT method.
If you want the data you pass (on a key by key basis) to be combined with data already at the location, use the PATCH method that Martin mentions.
If you want to update that node, the HTTP request method is PATCH and not POST.
This can be used to update individual childs, see the examples.

How to concatenate constant string with jsonpath

I have AWS step machine and one of the step is used to notify failure using SNS service. I want to select some metadata from input json into outgoing message. So i am trying to concatenate constant string with jsonpath like below
"Notify Failure": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sns:publish",
"Parameters": {
"Message.$": "A job submitted through Step Functions failed for document id $.document_id",
"Subject":"Job failed",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx"
"End": true
where document_id is one of the property in input json
However when i try save state machine defination i get error
There is a problem with your ASL definition, please review it and try
again The value for the field 'Message.$' must be a valid JSONPath
I was able to solve a similar issue using:
"Message.$": "States.Format('A job submitted through Step Functions failed for document id {}', $.document_id)",
Described in a AWS News Blog post.
The JSONPath implementation referenced from the AWS Step Functions documentation supports String concatenation via $.concat($..prop) but sadly this does not work when deployed to AWS, suggesting that AWS uses a different implementation.
Therefore there is no way to do string concatenation with JSONPath in AWS.
As the message suggest you need to provide a valid JSONPath.
"Message.$": "$.document_id"
You cannot use any string interpolation as it invalidates the JSONPath format. You will need to construct the message in the preceding state.
I know that this thread is quite old, but I think it might be useful for some people.
It IS actually possible to concatenate strings or JSONPaths in AWS Step Functions thanks to the function States.Format.
The principle is the same as the string format method in Python.
Example with strings
"States.Format('{}<separator_1>{}<separator_2>{}', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz')"
will give you
Example with JSONPaths
"States.Format('{}<separator>{}', $.param_1, $.param_2)"
will give you
'<value of param_1><separator><value of param_2>'
NB: You can also combine strings with JSONPaths.
Hope it helps!

Use PUT or PATCH verb when request is updating and deleting: Real life design

I've been trying to get the HTTP verbs right lately, however I have a doubt regarding using PUT, PATCH or even POST for the following scenario.
The front end part is sending the following JSON data:
name: "Spanish-01",
code: "ESP01",
students: [{
IdStudent: 1,
name: "Peter Parker"
IdStudent: 2
name: "Ben Reilly",
dirtyRemove: true
The back end code will update the Class record (e.g name and code). However, it will also delete the students with flag dirtyRemove, and those live in another table called Student.
So what's the rule here? Since PUT and PATCH according to here is for updating an existing resource. In this case the back end is both updating and deleting at the same time?
Should I use PUT or PATCH or neither?
NOTE: Don't mind about the FE part, I minimized the scope in order to get a more straightforward example
How your resources are implemented internally using tables is an implementation detail. It doesn't matter.
That said, your example payload doesn't fit PUT (to remove a student, you would omit it). It might fit PATCH, if you properly label the payload with a content type describing what semantics you expect.
Nit: the HTTP spec is not a W3 document, and the version you're looking at is outdated.

Why use DELETE/POST instead of PUT for 'unfollowing/following' a user?

Referencing this API tutorial/explanation:
The tutorial explains that to 'follow a user', you would use:
POST /api/profiles/:username/follow.
In order to 'unfollow a user', you would use:
DELETE /api/profiles/:username/follow.
The user Profile initially possesses the field "following": false.
I don't understand why the "following" field is being created/deleted (POST/DELETE) instead of updated from true to false. I feel as though I'm not grasping what's actually going on - are we not simply toggling the value of "following" between true and false?
I think that the database layer have to be implemented in a slightly more complex way than just having a boolean column for "following".
Given that you have three users, what would it mean that one of the users has "following": true? Is that user following something? That alone cannot mean that the user is following all other users, right?
The database layer probably consists of (at least) two different concepts: users and followings; users contain information about the user, and followings specify what users follow one another.
Say that we have two users:
{"username": "jake"},
{"username": "jane"}
And we want to say that Jane is following Jake, but not the other way around.
Then we need something to represent that concept. Let's call that a following:
{"follower": "jane", "followee": "jake"}
When the API talks about creating or deleting followings, this is probably what they imagine is getting created. That is why they use POST/DELETE instead of just PUT. They don't modify the user object, they create other objects that represent followings.
The reason they have a "following": true/false part in their JSON API response is because when you ask for information about a specific user, as one of the other users, you want to know if you as a user follows that specific user.
So, given the example above, when jane would ask for information about jake, at GET /api/profiles/jake, she would receive something like this:
"profile": {
"username": "jake",
"bio": "...",
"image": "...",
"following": true
However, when jake would ask for the profile information about jane, he would instead get this response:
"profile": {
"username": "jane",
"bio": "...",
"image": "...",
"following": false
So, the info they list as the API response is not what is actually stored in the database about this specific user, it also contains some information that is calculated based on who asked the question.
Using a microPUT would certainly be a reasonable alternative. I don't think anybody is going to be able to tell you why a random API tutorial made certain design decisions. It may be that they just needed a contrived example to use POST/DELETE.
Unless the author sees this question, I expect it's unanswerable. It's conceivable that they want to store meta information, such as the timestamp of the follow state change, but that would be unaffected by POST/DELETE vs. PUT.
