Is there a drupal 7 module to change/filter content in a view via tabs that are not placed inside of the view? - drupal

I have a library page with some taxonomy topics(resource types) that are currently being filtered by some really hacky tabs that I would like to replace to do two things:
1) get new, more user friendly tabs, with the capability to be placed outside of the view yet change content inside the said view.
2) be able to have the tabs grouped together in a way I can manipulate them with css.
I am fairly new to the drupal world. What would you suggest? Thanks!

Do you use exposed filter options?
If so in the advanced tab of the view you have a option 'Exposed form in block' this way your exposed filters will be placed in a seperate block.
After saving the view you have to enable the block


How to show two views on one page in drupal

How can I show multi views on single page in Drupal?
I need to show two results, (maybe you can think 2 tables, but actually 2 views) on one page.
Anyone please help me.
You can use the panels module. That will allow you to put views in different types of layout on a page. And take arguments as required.
You can do it by creating a page with your first view. For the second view you have to create a block and add it to that page.
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As laebs suggested one way is to create block view and to add it to some region when your page is displayed.
Other way would be embedding the view from template file:
With this function you can specify which view and which display you want to embed. You can also pass the parameters this way.
And notice that you have "embed" display type (it may be hidden by default - check view options). If you use it you'll also get those nice "edit view" links when embedding view this way.
There are two ways that I know of without using other modules:
Use the Views Header/Footer area to load another view. Just click "Add" in the Head/Footer area of the Views UI and you should see "Global: View area".
Create a page template and insert the views that you'd like to have on the page within the template using some Drupal API php:
$view = views_get_view('view_machine_name');
print $view->execute_display('default', $args);

Best practice for displaying multiple views in a single page

I am working on a Drupal 7 website where there are many pages which utilize multiple views.
The way I am doing this right now is by creating a page from Drupal admin panel, and in the edit mode of that page I am calling views_embed_view to display those multiple views.
Other ways I could do this is by creating a template for that page, and putting my code inside the template.
Yet another way is to use View Fields View ( and embed the second view inside the first one.
I want to know, performance wise which is the best practice?
Create view for main page, then attach all other views to it.
Use panels and add all required views.
For Performance you need to optimized your views and monitor using Devel tool.

drupal replacing default nodes with views page

I have created a page view using field style to display a list of teasers as I want. fields configuration in views allows us to link the field to it's node. but what if we have created view for node detail page and want field to link to it's relevant view.
I had the same question, and after a bit of research this is what I've concluded:
The views module isn't intended to replace a default node view. I say this because of the level of difficulty involved in doing this and the lack of information on how to accomplish this. Ryan Weal has posted a way to accomplish this by editing your node template that doesn't look too difficult to accomplish, and here is the link.
However, it seems that a more popular solution, especially if you are like me and don't like to get into editing theme files. You can use the Display Suite module to effectively reformat the default node content as you would like.
I'm not sure if I understand you properly, but it sounds like you are wanting to display a view in a page view of a node?
In order to do this, you could:
create a small module, using hook_nodeapi() or one of the D7 replacements for this function in order to insert the output of the embedded view into this page's content, by conditionally adding a $content element when the node is of the appropriate id
or (easier, but requires allowing input type PHP) embed the view right on the page. for information on embedding views

Concatenating 3 views in one page

how could I concatenate 3 views in one page ?
Should I use blocks ?
You can use blocks, but Views provides an attachment display as well. Attachment displays can be attached other other displays within the view. So, you could create your base view, then create an attachment display that attaches to the base view, and then create a second attachment display which attaches to the first attachment display.
Attachment displays are good if each view is really just another way to view the same query (like, a summary view and a detail view). But if you wanted to combine three disparate views, blocks would be the way to go. Either create a block display for each view and add them to the same region in Site Building -> Blocks, or create a page display for one of the views and block displays for the other two.
A third option would be to use View Reference, which lets you reference views as CCK fields, if you needed the views to part of a node.
It probably depends on your layout.
if you want to embed a view in somewhere else besides your block regions, you could try the embed views module I also believe the the panels module has a much more dynamic way of rendering multiple views on the page (but flexibility also adds some to the complexity)

Drupal: How to show specific view in a particular block

Let's suppose I have created a view that shows some kind of stories.
But I want to show this view in a left-hand bar — not a link to the view, but the view itself.
How can I connect my new view with a fixed block position?
I want to be able to show real view data in various places on my page.
Is it possible or I am limited only to central area and links to views from menu?
Using Views 2.x for Drupal 6.x it's simple to create a block from a view. Every view has a set of 'default' settings and some number of display settings. A display can be a page, a block, a feed or anything else that creative module authors.
To make a block from your view, you just "Add Display" of type "block", override any settings that you want changed in the block (IE - display less items, just a node title, whatever). You then have a block that you can place like any other Drupal block.
edit: Answer to "Can you limit stories to ones that are tagged"? Sure thing. You just add a filter for Taxonomy terms.
Getting a view to display in a block is easy. Once you have created a view and assigned the view as a block position you simply head to blocks in your admin and you'll see the view.
Just select the block and save it. Simple.
If your view doesn't show, check your filters and that the view fields are correct. Usually if they are not showing it is something simple like selecting content published = yes.
You can create views as pages or blocks. As you're not telling exactly which Drupal/Views version you're working with, all I can tell so far is that, after you create the view, you can tell it to display as a block or as a page.
Then go to the blocks settings and set that to the position you want.
