Loading src files once per session in asp.net - asp.net

I have way too many pages in the application that basically load the same set of xml and js files for client side interaction and validation. So, I have about dozen lines like this one <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/CreateMR.js"></script> or like this one <xml id="DefaultDataIslands" src="../XMLData/DataIslands.xml">.
These same files are included in every page and as such browser sends request to read them every time. It takes about 900ms just to load these files.
I am trying to find a way to load them on just the login page, and then use that temp file as source. Is it possible to do so? If yes, how and where should I start?
P.S. A link to a tutorial will work too, as I have currently no knowledge about that.
I can't cache the whole page, because the pages are generated at runtime based on the different possible view modes. I can only cache the js and xml file. Caching everything might be a problem.
Anyway, I am reading through the articles suggested to figure out how to do it. So, I may not be able to accept any answer right away, while I finish reading and try to implement it in one page.
Turns out caching is already enabled, it is just that my server is acting crazy. Check the screenshot below.
With Cache
Without cache
As you see, with cache, it is actually taking more time to process some of the requests. I have no idea what that problem is, but I guess I should go to the server stack exchange to figure this out.
As for the actual problem, turns out I don't have to do anything to enable caching of xml and js files. Had no idea browsers automatically cache js files without using specific tag.

Totally possible and in fact recommended.
Browsers cache content that have been sent down with appropriate HTTP caching headers and will not request it again until the cache has expired. This will make your pages faster and more responsive and your server's load much lighter.
Here is a good read to get you started.
Here is ASP.NET MVC caching guide. It focuses on caching content returned from controllers.
Here is a read about caching static content on IIS with ASP.NET MVC.

Basically, you want to use browser caching mechanism to cache the src files after the first request.
If you're using F12 tools in your browser to debug network requests, make sure you have disable cache option unchecked. Otherwise, it forces browser to ignore cached files.
Make sure your server sends and respects cache headers - it should return HTTP status 304 Unmodified after first request to a static file.
Take a look at Asp.Net Bundling and minification - if you have for example multiple js source files, you could bundle them into one file that will be cached on the first request.
Additionally, if you use external js libraries, you could download them from a CDN instead of your server - this will both offload your server and enable user browser to use cached script version (meaning - if some other page that user has visited also used the same script, browser should already have it cached).

One approach is caching static files via IIS by adding <clientCache> element in web.config file. The <clientCache> element of the <staticContent> element specifies cache-related HTTP headers that IIS and later sends to Web clients, which control how Web clients and proxy servers will cache the content that IIS and later returns.
How to configure static content cache per folder and extension in IIS7?
Client Cache
for more info on client side caching read this part of Ultra-Fast ASP.NET 4.5 book:
Browser Cache and Caching Static Content
Other approach is caching portions of page.
if your are using Web Form:
Caching Portions of an ASP.NET Page
and if you are using MVC, use Donut Hole Caching
ASP.NET MVC Extensible Donut Caching
Donut Caching and Donut Hole Caching with Asp.Net MVC

The browser has to ask the server if the file has been modified or not since it put it to the cache, therefore the http statuscode 304. Read more from https://httpstatuses.com/304.
As this is asp.net please make sure you are first running it with
<compilation debug="false"/>
as enabling debugging has some side effects which include.
"All client-javascript libraries and static images that are deployed via
WebResources.axd will be continually downloaded by clients on each page
view request and not cached locally within the browser."
More read from https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/prashant_upadhyay/2011/07/14/why-debugfalse-in-asp-net-applications-in-production-environment/


How to invalidate browser cache using just configuration in the webserver?

For a long time I've been updating ASP.NET pages on the server and never find the correct way to make changes visible on files like CSS and images.
I know if a append something in the URL the browser will think the file is another one:
<img src="/images/myLogo.png?v=1"/>
or perhaps changing its name:
<img src="/images/myLogo.v1.png"/>
Unfortunately it does not look the correct way. In a case were I'm using App_Themes the files in this folder are automatically injected in the page in a way I can't easily change the URL.
So my question is:
When I'm publishing de ASP.NET Application on the server what is the correct way to signal to IIS (and it notify browser after that) that a file was changed? It is not automatic? Should I change some configuration in IIS or perhaps make some "decoration" in the code?
I've already tried many questions here in SO like "ASP.NET - Invalidate browser cache", "How to refresh the browser cache of an image?", "Handle cached images? How to get the browser to show the new version?", and even "What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files?" but none of them actually take another aproach else in a way you must handle it manually in the code instead of IIS or ASP.NET configuration.
The closer I could find is "Asking browsers to cache our images (ASP.NET/IIS)" where they set expiration but not based on the fact the files were update. Instead they used days or hour to cache those file so they would updated even when no changes were made.
I'm want to know if IIS or ASP.NET offers something related to this, automatically send to the browser that the files was changed. Is it possible/built in?
The options you have to update the browser side, cached item are:
Change the file name
Add url parameter
Place it on cache for a limited time (eg for couple of hours)
Compare the date-time of creation.
Signaling with eTag.
With the three two you avoiding one server call for each item, but the third option load it again after some time.
With the others you have to make one call to the server to see if needs to be load it again.
So you can not have all here, there is not correct way, and you need to chose what is the best for you, and what you can do. The faster from client perspective is the (1) and (2) options.
The direct answer to your question is to use eTag, or date-time compare of the file creation, but you loose that way, a call to the server, you only win the size of what is travel back.
Some more links:
http eTag
How do I support ETags in ASP.NET MVC?
Configuring ETags with Http module in asp.net
How to control web page caching, across all browsers?
Jquery getScript caching
and you can find even more.

ASP Project, workingn the server: Rebuild or clear application cache

I'm working on a .Net/ASP project and my responsibility is to work on the design part of the application only (mostly changing css, js, images, and cshtml files)
I'm working directly on the server, so my app is not running in visual studio or locally or any environment where I can rebuild the app.
That being said, any changes I make to the website takes about 45 minutes before it shows up (I do clear browser cache every time as well).
Is there any way I can manually clear the application cache or rebuild it on the server so my changes start showing immediately?
This is something I added to the we.config but still not helping:
<outputCacheSettings enableOutputCache="false"/>
Well, if I'm not mistaken the cache you're targetting is not about this kind of resources as they're simply not processed by .NET. This outputcache is rather about the final HTML rendered. So I don't think that's where you should be looking. But there may be some kind of proxy somewhere caching those resources aswell.
To avoid client/server caching problems with CSS and javascript, I usually add a time ticker to every request avoiding them to be cached client-side. It should also override any "server caching" of those resources, and I would advise testing it manually before putting an automatic solution in place. so, if you're including js file that way :
<script src="/mypath/myscript.js"></script>
you could just do that :
<script src="/mypath/myscript.js?123></script>
and see if you get the changes in the file immediately now. If yes, just automate the addition of that number (ideally a timestamp so it's always different on each request) to every javascript/css inclusion you make...

How can I make sure that static content is cached client-side?

How can I make sure that static content (images, css, javascript) is cached? What is the best approach?
Will recommend you to go through this tutorial to understand how caching happens on web (HTTP) in general.
Simply speaking, the web server needs to generate appropriate HTTP headers while sending the content to the client in order to control client-side caching. In ASP.NET/IIS environment, its IIS that typically handles the static file contents and therefore, you must configure IIS appropriately to control caching static files as per you needs. See below links for more information about configuring IIS caching for static content:
How to configure static content cache per folder and extension in IIS7?
EDIT: As you have asked about the best approach, the most prevalent approach that I see now days is to version static content (say by appending some version identifier at the end of file or URL). Once version-ed, you can treat it as immutable and then emit cache headers for caching it for infinite duration. In ASP.NET application, you can probably append the assembly version (or product version) to each static content URL. So essentially, you will invalidating the cache for every build (or every product release).
You can also make use of the HTML5 Offline web applications manifest. It allows you to set up a manifest where you define which files will be cached locally.
It is a nice, clear to understand broadly implemented, way of avoiding having to learn about IIS and HTML Caching.
(you should totally read up about those things)

Setting Glassfish http headers of cacheable resources

I couldn't find a way to control how Glassfish (v3) handles HTTP(s) headers it sends whenever I request a resource (image, css...). The problem is that inside a security-enabled web application it forces a 0 expiry date for everything (even images and css), which makes the whole application feel like a slow and buggy piece of junk by forcing the reload of every image (IE is especially sensitive for this).
I could work around this by putting the image resources in another WAR, or even a separate directory on the server, but that would defeat the point of easy (re)deployment of an EAR file.
I also have a requirement that the files MUST come through an HTTPS connection. Does it cause any problems with certificates etc. if the image context path is different from the application context path (eg. the application is at https://foo.bar.org/sm/MyApp, and the images are at https://foo.bar.org/img)?
Well, I implemented my own resource Servlet, and finally.... it works!
I'm still interested in the Glassfish solution though.

Caching of swf files in Flex application

I've created a Flex application and the size of the swf file is ~900KB.
My trouble is that the files are not getting cached. When I launch the application for the second time, the swf file is fetched again from the server.
I'm including the swf file in a jsp, and I'm not modifying any HTTP Caching Headers. I assumed that the swf files will be cached automatically. Isn't it so?
How do I forcefully cache the file? Do I need to provide anything in the MXML code or just a response.setHeader("Cache-Control","max-age=100"); is enough? Can anything be done from the flex side itself?
Suggestions please...
I presume you mean that your JSP page generates HTML which contains a reference to the SWF - this would be the common case. In this case, there are (at least) two HTTP requests made by the browser - one for the JSP page and one for the SWF file. As the SWF file is static, it may be served up by your J2EE server or by your webserver (e.g. Apache), depending on your configuration. You will need to check what cache settings are applicable to your static content (e.g. images) and ensure that those settings prevent caching of the SWF. Your JSP cache settings will only affect the HTML and not the SWF.
Ideally, browse your site using Firefox and Firebug and check the headers for each HTTP request (Firebug's Net tab). This should give you the information you need about what headers are applicable to the SWF.
I would assume that the request for the SWF is separate from the request for your JSP page (just like requests for images are separate). Thus, you probably need to configure your server to serve SWF files with a specific cache header. I doubt changing the cache settings for the JSP page will make a difference.
