QTableView not updating properly - qt

I am creating a small program that takes user input into a model and then shows that input in several views that take it through filters.
When the user clicks the button that accepts the input, the program updates the amount of cells in the views and then resizes those cells as necessary so that they fit neatly in their area.
My problem is that the cell resizing doesn't seem to work for one of the views for some reason (I tried looking for differences but couldn't find a reason for what I'm experiencing).
I'm calling the cell resizing function in two places:
dataChanged slot.
resizeEvent slot.
If the cell resize function gets called twice inside dataChanged, then the view does update, however this involves some calculations and ui access and obviously not supposed to happen.
If I resize my window then the cells are resized properly.
I suspect that I'm always one update behind - that the view doesn't paint until the new update starts getting calculated and then that new update is on hold until the next calculation (since resize happens a lot of times in succession it might just act the same as the button but is harder/impossible to notice).
I have some dirty workarounds:
As I mentioned, if I call my cell resize function again, the view updates properly.
If I remove the second "if" in this next piece of code then everything works.
I thought I'd save my computer some work by only processing when the entire input had been received. My thinking was that, although dataChanged is emitted for every single item I'm inserting, I only really need to update once it is all in:
void MainWindow::on_dataChanged()
static int left_to_insert = -1;
if ( 0 > left_to_insert )
left_to_insert = m_model.rowCount() - 1;
if ( 0 == left_to_insert )
Is it bad to only process the last signal? Why?
I tried calling update() and/or repaint() on both the matrix and the main window.
I tried calling both of these on the viewport of the QTableView and tried calling them in succession from the matrix itself to the highest parent that didn't make my program crash. (ui->matrix->parentWidget()->parentWidget()...)
I tried qApp->processEvents().
I even resorted to emitting a resizeEvent, but this is overkill IMO as it makes some calculations be performed again.
Just in case it is somehow relevant: The data appears correctly. The only thing that's wrong is that the cells don't resize.

You need to emit layoutChanged signal from your model. But be care with large amounts of items, because handling of this signal may take a lot of time.
Similar questions: one, two

This logic in only code sample you have given is wrong. And this static keyword makes it even worse.
Actual answer:
There is ready solution delivered by Qt! See documentation of QHeaderView::ResizeMode and QHeaderView::setSectionResizeMode
Old answer:
IMO this should look like this:
void MainWindow::MainWindow()
mNeetToResizeCells = false;
connect(this, &MainWindow::NeedUpdateCellsSizes,
this, &MainWindow::ResizeTableCells,
Qt::QueuedConnection); // this is imporatant
void MainWindow::on_dataChanged()
if (!mNeetToResizeCells) {
mNeetToResizeCells = true;
emit NeedUpdateCellsSizes();
void MainWindow::ResizeTableCells()
mNeetToResizeCells = false;
// update cells sizes here
This way all data updates performed in one iteration of event loop will cause only one invocation of MainWindow::ResizeTableCells in some future iteration of event loop.


Qt measuring rendering time during which application is frozen

I have a Qt application, where, among other things, there is a function render which goes through a list of objects and creates for each an according (subclassed) QGraphicsPathItem which it then puts as a child in a (subclassed) QGraphicsScene. (It is done in the code below through a visitor GGObjConstructor which gets initialized with the variable scene which is the scene where the items are to be added to).
XTimer timer;
gobjlist gobjlis = ogc._gobjectlis;
GGObjConstructor ggoc(scene, z_value, bkground_color);
for(auto obj: gobjlis) {
obj->exec( &ggoc );
My class XTimer is used in an obvious way to measure the time for this proceeding.
Now the problem is: Only the time spent in the loop where all the items are prepared and inserted into the scene is measured by timer. For a typical example with ~165000 items this gives about 7.5 sec as timer-value at reaching timer.stop(). But the application is after these 7.5 sec still frozen, with the screen-window where the scene is to by displayed yet invisible and only after about 25 sec (hand-stopped) suddenly the display window appears with all the items to be displayed.
Now of course I would like to measure these "freeze time" (or time till the application becomes responsive again, or maybe time till display window appears). But I found no way to do this although I looked some time through stackoverflow or the net in general. The best hint I found was
stackoverflow question
The answer there seemed to imply, that it would be not really simple to achieve (overriding paintEvent method and such things).
Question: Is this true? Or is there a simple way to measure the time till the application becomes responsive again/the image is really displayed?
I had a similar problem with an application once, where I wanted to measure the time the app freezes to figure out with logging what was causing these freezes. What I came up was to measure how long the Eventloop of the mainthread was not responding, because this directly corresponds to a frozen app.
The basic idea is to not run a QApplication but inherit from QApplication and override the notify() function. Some apps do this anyway to catch exceptions which would otherwise break the eventloop. Here is some pseudo-code which should bring the idea across:
bool MyApplication::notify( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event )
// something like storing current time like:
// auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
// auto elapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(start - end );
// if( elapsed.count() > 1000 ){
// log something like: Mainthread responds again after <elapsed> seconds
// }
// Note that end must be a member variable
// end = start;
return QApplication::notify(receiver, event);
Note 1: If your app does not continuesly run through notify() you can for testing purposes introduce a dummy QTimer which triggers faster than the logging time threshold.
Note 2: if you use multiple threads, esp. QThreads it could be necessary to filter the receiver object and perform that code only if the reciever is in the mainthread.
With this code you can log every freeze of the main-thread (frozen GUI) and determine the length of the freeze. With proper logging you can figure out whats causing the freezes.
Keep in mind that this will only log after the freeze has resolved!
It is more complicated and slow, but for debugging/investigation purposes you can store the last event and Object-Tree of the reciever and log that as well. Than you even know which was the last event which triggered the freeze and the recieving Object.

performance of loops iterating over selectedItems()

I had an issue with setting items as selected... so I took a peek at the QGraphicsScene::selectedItems() function.
Ever since, I became really nervous about using it in loops.
In a construct like this:
foreach(QGraphicsItem* selectedItem, selectedItems())
// perform action with selectedItem
Will every iteration recalculate the selectedItems() function ?
(I think so, because the above becomes unstable if inside the loop I change selection)
I imagine this would have a big impact on my code speed...
So I am starting to change me code everywhere, to:
QList<QGraphicsItem*> sel = selectedItems();
foreach(QGraphicsItem* selectedItem, sel)
// perform action with selectedItem
Am I correct in assuming this will speed up the program ?
(or will it make it slower because of copying, while the replacement in loop test would not change, if I am wrong and the selectedItems() doesn't really get through all its code ?)
I wonder what other functions should be avoided... like perhaps sceneRect() or boundingRect() for items inheriting from QGraphicsItem.... Is it right to copy those to a QRectF if used more than once in the same function ?
foreach(QGraphicsItem* selectedItem, selectedItems())
// perform action with selectedItem
In this case, you're iterating over the returned selected items and as you've discovered, if the selection is changed, this can cause problems.
Is this better?
QList<QGraphicsItem*> sel = selectedItems();
foreach(QGraphicsItem* selectedItem, sel)
// perform action with selectedItem
The simple answer is yes.
will it make it slower because of copying
Not necessarily. If the container is unchanged, it won't make a difference.
However, Qt implements implicit sharing, which ensures that a container, such as QList will share the data in this case and only make a copy (COW - copy on write), when one of the copies changes.
I wouldn't worry too much over sceneRect and boundingRect, as they just return simple data types such as QRectF, rather than a container of items, so implicit sharing is not required here. Only in extreme circumstances would caching such returned values make a noticeable difference.

Qt - signal for when QListWidget row is edited?

I am working in Qt4.7, and I have a QListWidget in my dialog. I have a QString that needs to match the current text in the row of this widget (the individual rows are editable). Looking at the signals associated with QListWidget, there seem to be signals for when a different index is selected but none for when the text of a the currently selected row changes. I thought currentTextChanged(QString) would do it, but it didn't. I also thought to try to connect each individual row to something, but QListWidgetItem doesn't have any built-in signals. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Thanks!
At first it seems like QListWidget::itemChanged is the way to go, but soon you run into a problem: the signal is sent for everything - inserts, changing colors, checking boxes, and anything else that "changes" the item! Predelnik pointed that out in his answer. Some people have tried to put in flags and filter everywhere by intercepting various signals to find out if editing was the actual event. It gets very messy.
There is also QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged , which would seem like a good solution. It even has a parameter "const QVector& lstRoles" so you could scan for Qt::EditRole and see if it was really edited. Alas, there's a catch - it gets called for everything just like QListWidget::itemChanged and unfortunately, for QListWidget anyway, the roles parameter is always empty when it's called (I tried it). So much for that idea...
Fortunately, there's still hope... This solution does the trick! :
He uses QAbstractItemDelegate::closeEditor, but I prefer using QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData.
So make a connect like so...
connect(ui.pLstItems->itemDelegate(), &QAbstractItemDelegate::commitData, this, &MyWidget::OnLstItemsCommitData);
Then implement the slot like this...
void MyWidget::OnLstItemsCommitData(QWidget* pLineEdit)
QString strNewText = reinterpret_cast<QLineEdit*>(pLineEdit)->text();
int nRow = ui.pLstItems->currentRow();
// do whatever you need here....
Now you have a slot that gets called only when the list item's text has been edited!
I guess you need to look into the following signal:
void QListWidget::itemChanged(QListWidgetItem * item)
But be careful because it's being sent every time some property of item changed, not only text. I remember when we ran into the problem once when we changed item colors and got tons of false positive slots called because of that. If you need more fine tuning I guess it's better to write model/view classes yourself and not rely on QListWidget.

Flex Mobile validateNow() not working

I have a long and busy for loop which is supposed to addElement on the stage iteratively. Since it takes several seconds to execute the whole loop (i=1:N), i just want to refresh the stage at each loop so that the output is displayed before the loop reaches its final point (N). each iteration should add a displayable element before the next iteration begins.
For this i wrote the following
for(var i:int = 0; i < 280; i++){
but it is not working like i want. anyone having solution please?
You need to divide up this lengthy work so that it can occur over multiple frames. Flash/Flex do not update the screen when your code is executing. Have a look at the elastic race track for Flash to help understand why. The Flex component life cycle adds another layer on top of that as well. By the way, calling validateNow() can be computationally expensive, possibly making your loop take longer :)
There are a number of ways to break up the work in the loop.
Here's a simple example using callLater():
private function startWorking():void
// create a queue of work (whatever you are iterating over)
// in your loop you're counting to 280, you could use a
// simple counter variable here instead
var queue:Array = [ a, b, c];
callLater(doWork, [ queue ] );
private function doWork(workQueue:Array):void
var workItem:Object = workQueue.shift();
// do expensive work to create the element to add to screen
if (workQueue.length > 0)
callLater(doWork, workQueue);
You may want to process more than 1 item at a time. You could also do the same thing using the ENTER_FRAME event instead of callLater() (in essence, this is what callLater() is doing).
validateClient() docs, calling validateNow() results in a call to this expensive method

Forcing Flex to update the screen?

This may be a bit of a beginners question, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
I'm using flex to develop a GUI for a large project, specifically a status bar along the bottom. Within my StatusBar class is a ProgressBar, which other classes doing work can tell to update(change bar completion and label) as they progress. The problem I'm encountering is that flex won't update whats shown on the screen until it's too late, for example
ProgressBar initialized, 0% done
some class sets the ProgressBar to be 12% done
some class does some work
some class sets the ProgressBar to be 56% done
Whats happening is the 12% done is never displaying, it just hangs at 0% during the work, then skips right to 56% done. I've tried to understand the lifecycle of a flex component (invalidation and validation), and I think I understand it and am applying it correctly, but it's not working at all. I need to tell flex to redraw my StatusBar (or at least the ProgressBar within) after some class sets it to be 12% done, but before some class starts doing its work. How do I do this?
As mentioned in other answers, the flash player is single threaded, if you don't break up your work into discrete chunks that can be executed in separate "frames", you're going to see jumps and stutters in the ui, which is effectively what you're seeing.
If you really must see that 12% message, then it's not enough to invalidate the display list, as the display list isn't getting a chance to update until after the 56% work has completed, you must explicitly interrupt the natural event cycle with a call to validateNow() after your message has been set.
This however is not the best way to do things if performance is of concern. You might get by with judicial usage of callLater() to schedule each chunk of work in turn, as this will allow the player to potentially complete a frame cycle (and update the display list) before attempting the next step in your process.
That is not at all how the threading in Flex works whatsoever. Like many UIs it has a message pump on the main UI thread (they do it in frames). When you call callLater() it places the passed in function pointer at the end of the message pump queue (on the next frame) and returns immediately. The function then gets called when the message pump has finished processing all of the messages prior (like mouse clicks).
The issue is that as the property change causes UI events to be triggered, they then place their own messages on the pump which now comes after your method call that you placed there from callLater().
Flex does have multiple threads but they are there for Adobe's own reasons and therefore are not user accessible. I don't know if there is a way to guarantee that a UI update will occur at a specific point, but an option is to call callLater a number of times until the operation occurs. Start off with a small number and increase until the number of iterations produces the result you want. Example:
// Change this to a number that works... it will probably be over 1, depending on what you're doing.
private const TOTAL_CALL_COUNT:int = 5;
private var _timesCalled:int = 0;
private function set Progress( progress:int ):void
progressBar.value = progress;
private function DoNextFunction():void
if( _timesCalled >= TOTAL_CALL_COUNT )
_timesCalled = 0;
callLater( DoNextFunction );
Try calling invalidateDisplayList() after each changes to your progress bar. Something like :
Class StatusBar
public function set progress(value:uint):void
progressBar.value = value;
Flex has an invalidation cycle that avoid screen redrawing everytime a property changes. As an example, if a property's value changes 3 times in a single frame, it will render only with the last value set. You can force a component to be redrawn by calling invidateDisplayList() which means updateDisplayList will be immediatly executed instead of waiting the next frame.
Actionscript in Flash player, like Javascript in the browser, is pseudo-multithreaded. That is, they're single threaded, but they have multiple execution stacks. This means you can't "sleep" in a particular thread, but you can spawn a new execution stack that gets deferred until a later time. The flex way of doing this is the "callLater" function. You can also use the setTimeout/setInterval functions. Or you can use a timer object built into the flash player. Or even "ENTER_FRAME" event listener. All of these will essentially allow you to do what you need, if I'm correct about the cause of your problems.
It sounds like you have one "thread" doing most of your work, never stopping to allow other execution stacks (threads*) to run.
The problem could be what PeZ is saying, but if that doesn't help, you might want to try some deferred calls for worker classes. So your process might look like this now:
Progress initialized.
Do some work.
Update progress bar to 12. (invalidate display list)
setTimeout(doMoreWork, 100);
Update progress bar to 52.
(if your worker is a UIcomponent, you can use uicomp.callLater(...), otherwise, you need to use setTimeout/timers/enter_frame for pure AS3 classes).
Sometimes its necessary set to zero before assign another value.
progressBar.setProgress(0, progressBar.maximum);
progressBar.setProgress(newValue, progressBar.maximum);
I'm using Flash Builder 4.6 and I also have a problem for the display of my progress bar. I open a new window where I start a new multiloader class (39 Mo of content). The new window is opened in background and the main window display a progress bar until the multiloader class has finished his work. However the opening window is blocking the animation of my main window. I know it's not the multiloader class cause I saw it running correctly.
But I will try to find some new ways of doing it.
The main purpose of my post is the complexity adobe has build around flash.
When you seek ressources for your own application or answers for your questions, it's a real pain to find the good ressource. There is a total mix up (at adobe side and at user side) between AS3, Flex, Flash CS, Flash Builder, AiR, ... If you try to develop in AS3, you will find that some examples won't work for you because it is not implemented in your SDK. You have more and more forums giving you the "best practice" or ironic answers based on experiences on different developping platform.
By example, just here above, I see progressBar.value = value; With my experience, I can say that in Flash Builder 4.6, this property is read-only. But It might be a custom class made by the user but who can tell.
