DateTimePicker Range for and Access Database -

I am a frustrated Newb. I am trying to use a couple of datetimepickers to display the date range from an Access Database in a DataGridView. Here is the code I am using:
Dim dtp1 As String = DateTimePicker1.Text
Dim dtp2 As String = DateTimePicker2.Text
Dim strCriteria, task As String
If dtp1 = "" Then
MsgBox("Please Enter The Date Range", vbInformation, "Date Range Required")
strCriteria = "([Appt Date] >= #" & dtp1 & "# And [Appt Date] <= #" & dtp2 _
& "#)"
task = "SELECT * FROM BDC1 WHERE (" & strCriteria & ") order by [Appt Date]"
End If

Try to change your code to :
Dim dtp1 As String = DateTimePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("#yyyy/MM/dd#")
Dim dtp2 As String = DateTimePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("#yyyy/MM/dd#")
Dim con As SqlConnection ="Your connection string here"
task = "SELECT * FROM BDC1 WHERE [Appt Date] BETWEEN '" + dtp1 + "' AND '" + dtp2 + "'
order by [Appt Date]"
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(task , con)
dim dt as new datatable()

Related Input string was not in a correct format

Here is a picture of error
Keep Getting error
input string was not in correct format
strSQLStatement = "INSERT INTO Cart (CartID, ProductID, ProductName, Quantity, Price) values('" & strCartID & "', '" & Trim(lblProductNo.Text) & "', '" & lblProductName.Text & "', " & CInt(tbQuantity.Text) & ", " & decPrice & ")"
My guess is the CInt but it works in another similar application . Not sure what is going on . Here is the code
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class HTML_Product_Detail
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Request.QueryString("ProductID") <> "" Then
Dim strConn As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionStringOnlineStore").ConnectionString
Dim connProduct As SqlConnection
Dim cmdProduct As SqlCommand
Dim drProduct As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQL As String = "Select * from Product Where ProductID = " & Request.QueryString("ProductID")
connProduct = New SqlConnection(strConn)
cmdProduct = New SqlCommand(strSQL, connProduct)
drProduct = cmdProduct.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If drProduct.Read() Then
lblProductName.Text = drProduct.Item("ProductName")
lblProductDescription.Text = drProduct.Item("ProductName")
lblPrice.Text = drProduct.Item("Price")
lblProductNo.Text = drProduct.Item("ProductNo")
imgProduct.ImageUrl = "images/product-detail/" + Trim(drProduct.Item("ProductNo")) + ".jpg"
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
' *** get product price
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQLStatement As String
Dim cmdSQL As SqlCommand
Dim strConnectionString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionStringOnlineStore").ConnectionString
strSQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE ProductNo = '" & lblProductNo.Text & "'"
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(strConnectionString)
cmdSQL = New SqlCommand(strSQLStatement, conn)
dr = cmdSQL.ExecuteReader()
Dim decPrice As Decimal
If dr.Read() Then
decPrice = dr.Item("Price")
End If
'*** get CartID
Dim strCartID As String
If HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("CartID") Is Nothing Then
strCartID = GetRandomCartIDUsingGUID(10)
Dim CookieTo As New HttpCookie("CartID", strCartID)
Dim CookieBack As HttpCookie
CookieBack = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("CartID")
strCartID = CookieBack.Value
End If
'Check if this product already exist in the cart
Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQLStatement2 As String
Dim cmdSQL2 As SqlCommand
strSQLStatement2 = "SELECT * FROM cart WHERE CartID ='" & strCartID & "' and ProductID = '" & Trim(lblProductNo.Text) & "'"
Dim conn2 As New SqlConnection(strConnectionString)
cmdSQL2 = New SqlCommand(strSQLStatement2, conn2)
dr2 = cmdSQL2.ExecuteReader()
If dr2.Read() Then
Dim intQuantityNew As Integer = dr2.Item("Quantity") + CInt(tbQuantity.Text)
strSQLStatement = ""
cmdSQL = New SqlCommand(strSQLStatement, conn)
Dim dr3 As SqlDataReader
Dim strSQLStatement3 As String
Dim cmdSQL3 As SqlCommand
strSQLStatement = "INSERT INTO Cart (CartID, ProductID, ProductName, Quantity, Price) values('" & strCartID & "', '" & Trim(lblProductNo.Text) & "', '" & lblProductName.Text & "', " & CInt(tbQuantity.Text) & ", " & decPrice & ")"
Dim conn3 As New SqlConnection(strConnectionString)
cmdSQL3 = New SqlCommand(strSQLStatement3, conn3)
dr3 = cmdSQL3.ExecuteReader()
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetRandomCartIDUsingGUID(ByVal length As Integer) As String
'Get the GUID
Dim guidResult As String = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
'Remove the hyphens
guidResult = guidResult.Replace("-", String.Empty)
'Make sure length is valid
If length <= 0 OrElse length > guidResult.Length Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Length must be between 1 and " & guidResult.Length)
End If
'Return the first length bytes
Return guidResult.Substring(0, length)
End Function
End Class
The issue is almost certainly here:
The exception information even says:
Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
You cannot convert a String to an Integer if the text doesn't represent a valid value and an empty string obviously doesn't represent a number. Validate the data first or else validate and convert in one go using Integer.Tryparse.

search query from 2 dates and 2 time

I have 4 Datetimepicker. the 2 datetimepicker is on dateformat(datefrom,dateto) and the other 2 datetimepicker is on Timeformat(timefrom,timeto).
I want to search a table that display only in datagridview that will display only start on Date from and time from to date to and time to... But my code doenst work.
here's my code:
Dim fromto As String = String.Empty
fromto &= "Select * from setplan where endplan >='" & dtimefrom.Text & "'and endplan >='" & dtimeto.Text & "' and [Dateinput] >='" & ddatefrom.Text & "' and [dateinput] <= '" & ddateto.Text & "'"
Dim connection As String = ("provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\planning.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;")
Using conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connection)
Using cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(fromto)
With cmd
.Connection = conn
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = fromto
End With
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As New DataSet
If ds.Tables.Count > 0 Then
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Using
End Using
End Sub
You need formatted string expressions for your date/time values:
fromto &= "Select * from setplan where endplan >= #" & ddateto.Value.ToString("yyyy'/'MM'/'dd") & " " & dtimeto.Value.ToString("HH':'mm") & "# and [dateinput] >= #" & ddatefrom.Value.ToString("yyyy'/'MM'/'dd") & " " & dtimefrom.Value.ToString("HH':'mm") & "#"

value of type 1-dimensional array cannot be converted to string visual

In this threat help me with the each row ( Make a for each using SqlDataReader
But when i wanna save the data ( on GM.AsigDupla(Txtfecha.Text, cboPlanta0.SelectedValue, cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text, cboAlmacen.SelectedValue, cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text, mater, lot)
the varibles od the arrarys mater and lot show the error : value of type 1-dimensional array cannot be converted to string
Dim mater() As String
Dim planta() As String
Dim almacen() As String
Dim lot() As String
Dim cantidad() As String
Dim cantadiat() As String
Dim undad() As String
Dim Cantidadc() As String
Dim CantidadB() As String
Dim Session1() As String
Dim fecha() As String
Dim RowCounter As Integer = 0
Dim Con34 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Con34.ConnectionString = C.GetAppConfiguracion("Inventario", "ConnInventario")
'Dim editCustQuery As String = "select Idmaterial , IdLote from s_RptInventarioSAP where idPlanta = '" & cboPlanta0.SelectedValue & "' and IdAlmacen = '" & cboAlmacen.SelectedValue & "'"
Dim editCustQuery As String = "select * from dbo.s_RptInventarioSAP"
Dim CustCommand As New SqlCommand(editCustQuery, Con34)
Dim sqladapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(CustCommand)
Dim tableresult As New DataTable(editCustQuery)
For Each TableRow As DataRow In tableresult.Rows
mater = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(0)
planta = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(1)
almacen = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(2)
lot = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(3)
cantidad = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(4)
cantadiat = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(5)
undad = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(6)
Cantidadc = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(7)
CantidadB = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(8)
Session1 = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(9)
fecha = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(10)
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
Dim resultado As String
resultado = GM.AsigDupla(Txtfecha.Text, cboPlanta0.SelectedValue, cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text, cboAlmacen.SelectedValue, cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text, mater, lot)
'i = i + 1
With lbError0
.Visible = True
.Text = resultado
End With
Catch ex As Exception
lbError0.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
End Sub
Ok I see a couple errors.
Dim mater() As String
Dim planta() As String
Dim almacen() As String
Dim lot() As String
Dim cantidad() As String
Dim cantadiat() As String
Dim undad() As String
Dim Cantidadc() As String
Dim CantidadB() As String
Dim Session1() As String
Dim fecha() As String
Dim resultado() As String
Dim RowCounter As Integer = 0
Dim Con34 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Con34.ConnectionString = C.GetAppConfiguracion("Inventario", "ConnInventario")
'Dim editCustQuery As String = "select Idmaterial , IdLote from s_RptInventarioSAP where idPlanta = '" & cboPlanta0.SelectedValue & "' and IdAlmacen = '" & cboAlmacen.SelectedValue & "'"
Dim editCustQuery As String = "select * from dbo.s_RptInventarioSAP"
Dim CustCommand As New SqlCommand(editCustQuery, Con34)
Dim sqladapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(CustCommand)
Dim tableresult As New DataTable(editCustQuery)
For Each TableRow As DataRow In tableresult.Rows
mater(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(0).toString
planta(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(1).toString
almacen(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(2).toString
lot(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(3).toString
cantidad(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(4).toString
cantadiat(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(5).toString
undad(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(6).toString
Cantidadc(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(7).toString
CantidadB(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(8).toString
Session1(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(9).toString
fecha(RowCounter) = tableresult.Rows.Item(RowCounter).Item(10).toString
resultado(RowCounter) = GM.AsigDupla(Txtfecha.Text, cboPlanta0.SelectedValue, cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text, cboAlmacen.SelectedValue, cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text, mater(RowCounter), lot(RowCounter))
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
'i = i + 1
With lbError0
.Visible = True
.Text = resultado
End With
Catch ex As Exception
lbError0.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
End Sub
Ok this should work but there is something I don't understand you are displaying the result in a textbox I presume. but here is the trick. As I answer on the previous thread, the variable mater and lot are arrays, you can not call mater or lot directly. You have to specify what item of the array. With the modifications I did, resultado is another array so you can not call it directly you have to specify the item resultado().
I need more information what you will do with resultado.
For Each TableRow3 In tableresult3.Rows
mater3 = tableresult3.Rows.Item(RowCounter3).Item(0).ToString
lote3 = tableresult3.Rows.Item(RowCounter3).Item(1).ToString
Dim Con5 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim StrSQL4 As String
Con5.ConnectionString = C.GetAppConfiguracion("Inventario", "ConnInventario")
StrSQL4 = "EXEC P_AsigDupla2 '" & Txtfecha.Text & "', '" & cboPlanta0.SelectedValue & "', '" & cboPlanta0.SelectedItem.Text & "', '" & cboAlmacen.SelectedValue & "', '" & cboAlmacen.SelectedItem.Text & "', '" & mater3 & "', '" & lote3 & "', '" & tbDupla.Text.ToUpper & "','" & estatus & "'"
Dim CmdAd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(StrSQL4, Con5)
RowCounter3 = RowCounter3 + 1

Convert Date to yyyyMMddhhmmss using SQL Server CONVERT

I need to compare between dates by converting the SQL Server datetime value (ex: 20-Feb-14 12:52:48 PM) to yyyyMMddhhmmss
I tried the following but still need to replace the spaces and ":" and can't do multiple replace
REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), (OrderDate), 120), 19), '-', '')
Any ideas?
Here is my full code:
Dim dsOrders As New DataSet
Dim daOrders As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Cnn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Select O.OrderID,O.Status,O.OrderDate, O.DeliveryDate, OD.Title,OD.Data from SPLBL_Orders O join SPLBL_OrderData OD on O.OrderID=OD.OrderID where OD.LanguageID=1"
'''' Generate Filter Results
If txtKeyword.Text.ToString <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL + " OR OD.Data Like N'%" + txtKeyword.Text.ToString + "%'"
End If
If txtMemberID.Text.ToString <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL + " and O.MemberID = " + txtMemberID.Text.ToString
End If
If chkFeatured.Checked Then
strSQL = strSQL + " and O.Featured=1"
End If
Dim lstStatus As ListItem
Dim strStatus As String = ""
For Each lstStatus In ddlStatus.Items
If lstStatus.Selected Then
If strStatus <> "" Then
strStatus = strStatus + ","
End If
strStatus += lstStatus.Value.ToString()
End If
If strStatus <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL + " and O.Status IN(" + strStatus + ")"
End If
If txtStartDate.Text <> "" Then
Dim strSdate As DateTime = txtStartDate.Text.ToString
Dim strStart = strSdate.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")
If txtEndDate.Text <> "" Then
Dim strEdate As DateTime = txtEndDate.Text.ToString
Dim strEnd As String
If txtEndDate.Text <> "" Then
strEnd = strEdate.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")
strEnd = Date.Today.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")
End If
strSQL = strSQL + " and REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), (OrderDate), 120)), ':', ''), '-', ''), ' ', '') Between " + strStart + " and " + strEnd + ""
End If
End If
strSQL = strSQL + " order by OD.OrderID desc"
You're causing yourself unneeded trouble because you're going about this the hard way. You should be using parameterized SQL for this (and any time you want to pass a variable value into an SQL query):
strSQL = strSQL + " and OrderDate Between #dateStart and #dateEnd"
Then pass your start date and end dates to the query as DateTime parameters with the names #dateStart and #dateEnd.
For information about using parameterized queries in VB:
How do I create a parameterized SQL query? Why Should I?
Here's essentially what you need to do. Note that I've created an SqlCommand object and added parameters to it as the query is built up. You'll need to use this SqlCommand object when you execute the actual query.
Dim dsOrders As New DataSet
Dim daOrders As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Cnn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand()
Cmd.Connection = Cnn
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Select O.OrderID,O.Status,O.OrderDate, O.DeliveryDate, OD.Title,OD.Data from SPLBL_Orders O join SPLBL_OrderData OD on O.OrderID=OD.OrderID where OD.LanguageID=1"
'''' Generate Filter Results
If txtKeyword.Text <> "" Then
strSQL += " OR OD.Data Like #keyword"
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#keyword", "%" + txtKeyword.Text + "%")
End If
If txtMemberID.Text <> "" Then
strSQL += " and O.MemberID = #memberId"
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#memberId", txtMemberID.Text)
End If
If chkFeatured.Checked Then
strSQL += " and O.Featured=1"
End If
Dim lstStatus As ListItem
Dim statusCount As Integer = 1
Dim strStatus As String = ""
For Each lstStatus In ddlStatus.Items
If lstStatus.Selected Then
Dim paramName As String = "#status" + statusCount
strStatus += ", " + paramName
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, lstStatus.Value.ToString)
statusCount += 1
End If
If strStatus <> "" Then
strSQL += " and O.Status IN(" + strStatus.Substring(2) + ")"
End If
If txtStartDate.Text <> "" Then
Dim startDate As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(txtStartDate.Text)
Dim endDate As DateTime
If txtEndDate.Text <> "" Then
endDate = DateTime.Parse(txtEndDate.Text)
endDate = DateTime.Today
End If
strSQL += " and OrderDate Between #startDate and #endDate"
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#startDate", startDate)
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#endDate", endDate)
End If
strSQL += " order by OD.OrderID desc"

Customized ToolTip on MSChart Data

I'm trying to show a 'customized' ToolTip on an MSChart on an page, using
The chart displays OK, but I'm trying to get it to show the 'YEAR' as part of the tooltip, as well as the XY values.
I can't figure out how to do it.
Here's the code that I'm using to build the chart:
dt = New DataTable
For i = 0 To t_YEARS.Count - 1
Sql = "SELECT att_Topic, att_Value, att_Year from Att "
Sql += " WHERE att_Year = '" & t_YEARS(i) & "' "
conn.ConnectionString = strConnString
cmd = New SqlCommand(Sql, conn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
While dr.Read
dt.Rows.Add(dr(0), dr(1), dr(2))
End While
Chart1.DataSource = dt
Chart1.Series("Series1").XValueMember = "Topic"
Chart1.Series("Series1").YValueMembers = "Value"
Chart1.Series("Series1").ToolTip = "#VALX - #VALY"
Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").Area3DStyle.Enable3D = True
Well, there may be a better answer, but I figured out a work-around anyhow ... I'm adding the YEAR to the axislabel. Then, in chart1_customize, changing the color of the bar, based on different axislabel. Seems to work.
dt = New DataTable
For i = 0 To t_YEARS.Count - 1
showDATA = False
Sql = "SELECT att_Topic, att_Value, att_Year, att_Data from BWS_Att "
If (RBL_LIMIT.SelectedValue = 1) Then
showDATA = True
Sql += " WHERE att_Attrib = 'Location' "
Sql += " AND att_Data IN ('" & String.Join("','", t_LOCS) & "')"
ElseIf (RBL_LIMIT.SelectedValue = 2) Then
showDATA = True
Sql += " WHERE att_Attrib = 'Department' "
Sql += " AND att_Data IN ('" & String.Join("','", t_DEPTS) & "')"
Sql += " WHERE att_Attrib = 'Company' "
End If
Sql += " AND att_Year = '" & t_YEARS(i) & "' "
Sql += " AND att_Topic IN ('" & String.Join("','", t_CATS) & "')"
Sql += " Order By att_ind"
conn.ConnectionString = strConnString
cmd = New SqlCommand(Sql, conn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
While dr.Read
'dt.Rows.Add(dr(0), dr(1), dr(2))
thisYR = dr(2).ToString
If (lastYR <> thisYR) Then
lastYR = thisYR
End If
If (showDATA = True) Then
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(dr(2).ToString & "|" & dr(3).ToString & ":" & dr(0).ToString, dr(1))
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(dr(2).ToString & ":" & dr(0).ToString, dr(1))
End If
Chart1.Series("Series1").ToolTip = " #AXISLABEL | #VALY"
End While
Private Sub Chart1_Customize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Chart1.Customize
Dim C() As Drawing.Color = { _
Drawing.Color.Khaki, _
Drawing.Color.DarkSalmon, _
Drawing.Color.Goldenrod, _
Drawing.Color.MediumAquamarine, _
Drawing.Color.Tan _
Dim CN As Int16 = 0
Dim thisC As Int16 = 0
Dim LAST As String = String.Empty
For Each dp As System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.DataPoint In Chart1.Series("Series1").Points
Dim x As Array = dp.AxisLabel.Split(":")
If (x(0) <> "") Then
Dim H As String = x(0)
If (LAST <> H) Then
CN += 1
thisC = (CN Mod 5)
End If
dp.Color = C(thisC)
End If
End Sub
