R- How to subset data within a time range without dates provided? - r

I am a brand new R user. I have a very large amount of data over a range of time, with time in the first column increasing by 1/32 second increments. I want to extract the section of data that falls within a specific time range; for example, all of the data between 12:11:08PM and 12:11:11PM. However, the times in this column do not have any dates. Therefore, I could not figure out how to apply lubridate, POSIXct, or any other time functions since they all required dates. Is there a way for me to subset my data with a time only function? Thank you for your time.
time id result
12:11:08 10 200
12:11:09 11 276
12:11:10 12 398
12:11:11 13 299
12:11:12 14 192
12:11:13 15 392

The problem is that POSIXct/POSIXlt stores time with an origin from "1970-01-01" with you timezone. So originally if you set the
it returns a full date format
[1] "2016-05-24 12:11:10 EEST"
You can easily subset time using default date settings (in this example function shows records after the "12:11:10"
id=c("10", "11","12","13","14","15"),
time id result
4 12:11:11 13 299
5 12:11:12 14 192
6 12:11:13 15 392
Another great solution is to use chrone library
df[chron(times=df$time)>chron(times="12:11:10"), ]


creating columns of monthly averages in R

I have a dataframe in R where each row corresponds to a household. One column describes a date in 2010 when that household planted crops. The remainder of the dataset contains over 1000 columns describing the temperature on every day between 2007-2010 for those households.
This is the basic form:
Date 2007-01-01 2007-01-02 2007-01-03
1 2010-05-01 70 72 61
2 2010-02-10 63 59 73
3 2010-03-06 60 59 81
I need to create columns for each household that describe the monthly mean temperatures of the two months following their planting date in each of the three years prior to 2010.
For instance: if a household planted on 2010-05-01, I would need the following columns:
mean temp of 2007-05-01 through 2007-06-01
mean temp of 2007-06-02 through 2007-07-01
mean temp of 2008-05-01 through 2008-06-01
mean temp of 2009-06-02 through 2009-07-01
I skipped two columns, but you get the idea. Specific code would be most helpful, but in general, I am just looking for a way to pull data from specific columns based upon a date that is described by another column.
Hi #bricevk you could use the apply function. It allows you to use a function over a data either column-wise or row-wise.
Say your data is in a object df. It applies the mean function over the columns of df . Giving you the column-wise mean. The 2 indicates the columns. This wpuld the daily average, assuming each column, is a day.
Averages <- apply(df,2,mean)
If I didn't answer this the way you would like perhaps I have not really understood your dataset. Could you try explain it more clearly?
I suggest you to use tidyverse. However, in order to be compatible with this universe, you firstly have to make your data standard, ie tidy. In your example, the things would be easier if you transformed your data in order to have your observations ordrered by rows, and columns being variables. If I correctly understood your data, you have households planting trees (the row names are dates of plantation ?), and then controls with temperature. I'd do something like :
| Household ID | planting date | Date of control | Temperature controlled |
firstly, have your planting date stored as another thing than a rowname, by example :
df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(data, "PlantingDate")
You also have to get your household id var you haven't specified to us.
Then you can manage to have the tidy data with tidyr, using
df <- gather(df,"DateOfControl","Temperature",-c(PlantingDate,ID))
When you'll have that, you'll be able to use the package lubridate, something like
df %>%
group_by(ID,PlantingDate,year(ControlDate),month(ControlDate)) %>%
could work

how to iterate based on a condition, and assign aggregated value to a row in new dataframe in R

I have a large dataset of stock prices with 203615 rows and 2 columns(price and Timestamp). in below format
price(USD) | Timestamp
3.5 | 2014-01-01 20:00:00
2 | 2014-01-01 20:15:00
5 | 2014-01-01 20:15:00
4 | 2014-01-31 23:00:00
5 | 2014-01-31 23:00:00
4.5 | 2014-01-31 23:00:00
203615 2.3 | 2014-01-31 23:00:00
Time stamp varies from "2014-01-01 20:00:00" to "2014-01-31 23:00:00" with intervals of 15min(rounded to 15min). i have several transactions on same timestamp.
I have to group rows based on timestamp with difference of one day, and caluclate min,max and mean of the price and no of rows within the timestamp limits and assign them to a row in a new dataframe for every iteration until it reaches the end timestamp("2014-01-31 23:00:00") from starting date('2014-01-02 20:00:00")
note: iteration has to be done for every 15min
i have tried while loop. please help me with this and suggest me if i can use any packages
This is my own code which I used as a way of creating a window of time (the prior 24 hours) to iterate over and create min and max values for a project I am working on...
inter is the inteval I worked on in the loop
raw is the data frame name
i is the specific row from which the datetime column was selected from raw
I started my intervals at 97th row ( (i in 97:nrow(raw) ) because the stamps were taken at 15 minute intervals and I wanted a 24 hour backward window, so I needed to leave 96 intervals to pull from...I could not reach back into time I had no data for...so I started far enough into my data to leave room for those intervals.
for (i in 97:nrow(raw)){
inter=raw$datetime[i] - as.difftime(24, unit='hours')
raw$deltaAirTemp_24[i] <-max(temp$Air.Temperature)- min(temp$Air.Temperature)
The key is getting into a real date time format. Run str() on the field with the dates, if the come back as anything but Factor, use:
as.POSIXct(yourdate$field, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
If they come back from str(yourdatecolumn here) as FACTOR then wrap it in as.POSIXct(as.character(yourdate$field), %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) to be sure it does not coerce the date into a Level number then time..
Get them into a consistent date format, then construct something like above to extract the periods you need. difftime is in the base package and works well you can use positive and negative intervals with it. I hope his helps!

Time series analysis applicability?

I have a sample data frame like this (date column format is mm-dd-YYYY):
date count grp
01-09-2009 54 1
01-09-2009 100 2
01-09-2009 546 3
01-10-2009 67 4
01-11-2009 80 5
01-11-2009 45 6
I want to convert this data frame into time series using ts(), but the problem is: the current data frame has multiple values for the same date. Can we apply time series in this case?
Can I convert data frame into time series, and build a model (ARIMA) which can forecast count value on a daily basis?
OR should I forecast count value based on grp, but in that case, I have to select only grp and count column of a data frame. So in that case, I have to skip date column, and daily forecast for count value is not possible?
Suppose if I want to aggregate count value on per day basis. I tried with aggregate function, but there we have to specify date value, but I have a very large data set? Any other option available in r?
Can somebody, please, suggest if there is a better approach to follow? My assumption is that the time series forcast works only for bivariate data? Is this assumption right?
It seems like there are two aspects of your problem:
i want to convert this data frame into time series using ts(), but the
problem is- current data frame having multiple values for the same
date. can we apply time series in this case?
If you are happy making use of the xts package you could attempt:
dta2$date <- as.Date(dta2$date, "%d-%m-%Y")
dtaXTS <- xts::as.xts(dta2[,2:3], dta2$date)
which would result in:
>> head(dtaXTS)
count grp
2009-09-01 54 1
2009-09-01 100 2
2009-09-01 546 3
2009-10-01 67 4
2009-11-01 80 5
2009-11-01 45 6
of the following classes:
>> class(dtaXTS)
[1] "xts" "zoo"
You could then use your time series object as univariate time series and refer to the selected variable or as a multivariate time series, example using PerformanceAnalytics packages:
Side points
Concerning your second question:
can somebody plz suggest me what is the better approach to follow, my
assumption is time series forcast is works only for bivariate data? is
this assumption also right?
IMHO, this is rather broad. I would suggest that you use created xts object and elaborate on the model you want to utilise and why, if it's a conceptual question about nature of time series analysis you may prefer to post your follow-up question on CrossValidated.
Data sourced via: dta2 <- read.delim(pipe("pbpaste"), sep = "") using the provided example.
Since daily forecasts are wanted we need to aggregate to daily. Using DF from the Note at the end, read the first two columns of data into a zoo series z using read.zoo and argument aggregate=sum. We could optionally convert that to a "ts" series (tser <- as.ts(z)) although this is unnecessary for many forecasting functions. In particular, checking out the source code of auto.arima we see that it runs x <- as.ts(x) on its input before further processing. Finally run auto.arima, forecast or other forecasting function.
z <- read.zoo(DF[1:2], format = "%m-%d-%Y", aggregate = sum)
Note: DF is given reproducibly here:
Lines <- "date count grp
01-09-2009 54 1
01-09-2009 100 2
01-09-2009 546 3
01-10-2009 67 4
01-11-2009 80 5
01-11-2009 45 6"
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
Updated: Revised after re-reading question.

difftime for multiple dates in r

I have chemistry water data taken from a river. Normally, the sample dates were on a Wednesday every two weeks. The data record starts in 1987 and ends in 2013.
Now, I want to re-check if there are any inconsistencies within the data, that is if the samples are really taken every 14 days. For that task I want to use the r function difftime. But I have no idea on how to do that for multiple dates.
Here is some data:
Date Value
1987-04-16 12:00:00 1,5
1987-04-30 12:00:00 1,2
1987-06-25 12:00:00 1,7
1987-07-14 12:00:00 1,3
Can you tell me on how to use the function difftime properly in that case or any other function that does the job. The result should be the number of days between the samplings and/or a true and false for the 14 days.
Thanks to you guys in advance. Any google-fu was to no avail!
Assuming your data.frame is named dd, you'll want to verify that the Date column is being treated as a date. Most times R will read them as a character which gets converted to a factor in a data.frame. If class(df$Date) is "character" or "factor", run
dd$Date<-as.POSIXct(as.character(dd$Date), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Then you can so a simple diff() to get the time difference in days
# Time differences in days
# [1] 14 56 19
# attr(,"tzone")
# [1] ""
so you can check which ones are over 14 days.

Selecting Specific Dates in R

I am wondering how to create a subset of data in R based on a list of dates, rather than by a date range.
For example, I have the following data set data which contains 3 years of 6-minute data.
date zone month day year hour minute temp speed gust dir
1 09/06/2009 00:00 PDT 9 6 2009 0 0 62 2 15 156
2 09/06/2009 00:06 PDT 9 6 2009 0 6 62 13 16 157
I have used breeze<-subset(data, ws>=15 & wd>=247.5 & wd<=315, select=date:dir) to select the rows which meet my criteria for a sea breeze, which is fine, but what I want to do is create a subset of the days which contain those times that meet my criteria.
I have used...
trimdate<-strtrim(breeze$date, 10)
breezedate<-as.Date(trimdate, "%m/%d/%Y")
breezedate<-format(breezedate, format="%m/%d/%Y")
...to extract the dates from each row that meets my criteria so I have a variable called breezedate that contains a list of the dates that I want (not the most eloquent coding to do this, I'm sure). There are about two-hundred dates in the list. What I am trying to do with the next command is in my original dataset data to create a subset which contains only those days which meet the seabreeze criteria, not just the specific times.
I think one of my issues here is that I am comparing one value to a list of values, but I am not sure how to make it work.
Lets assume your breezedate list looks like this and data$date is simple string:
breezedate <- as.Date(c("2009-09-06", "2009-10-01"))
This is probably want you want:
breezedays <- data[as.Date(data$date, '%m/%d/%Y') %in% breezedate]
The intersect() function (docs) will allow you to compare one data frame to another and return those records that are the same.
To use, run the following:
breezedays <- intersect(data$date,breezedate) # returns into breezedays all records that are shared between data$date and breezedate
