Rename-ing some woocommerce fields - wordpress

I have been having some hard times trying to configure my website.
I have been looking left and right on the internet for how can i rename certain fields on my webpage. I came to a point were i dint find any more snippets that i can use. If someone is kind enough to hekp me with the snippets for the bellow problems i would be extremly grateful :D
1) Login/ Registration form
i have renamed the Login and regitration form, but i cant rename or completly remove the recover password button ( i tried 4-5 snippetes so far and non worked)
2) On my Account page i did some editing with the gettext snipped, but i wasn't able to translate the following word "Logout" and "edit your password and account details"
3) i don't know how to translate the "search producs", the content of the box
4) i dont know how to rename the "apply coupon" button and the content of the box. For this one i used some snippets, but nothing happened :(
bellow, you can see my website

Making adjustments like you have referenced are fairly simple to do in Woocommerce. Having said that, one of the first things to understand is how to correctly make changes to Woo template files. The easiest thing to do is to copy the entire directory /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates to the root of your theme in a directory named YOUR_THEME/woocommerce. This now allows you to adjust any of the templates without touching files in the plugin directory (which you should NEVER do) while retaining the ability to update Woocommerce as updates are available.
Now, to make your changes:
Login/registration form - All changes you need can now be made in wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/woocommerce/my-account/form-login.php
Changes for this can be made in wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/woocommerce/my-account/my-account.php.
Changes to the search form - If this is using the Woocommerce search form, try making your changes in wp-content/themes/YOUR_THEME/woocommerce/product-searchform.php. If it is not there then try finding the search template used by your Wordpress theme.


How to create a user input form with WordPress?

I'm completely new to the whole WordPress scene so I kind of don't know the "WordPress way" of doing the desired task:
Create a form where a user would fill in some details (such as name, surname, upload a video or post a youtube iframe link)
Submit it, once it's done - an admin must verify that everything has been filled out correctly and after that the video can be seen on the website.
Should I write a plugin of some sort that would do that or how does it happen?
Thank you.
The Gravity Forms plugin allows you to do exactly what you're looking to do. With it, you can set up a form that creates a post and sets it to be 'Pending Review' in WordPress. This tutorial contains everything you need to know about what you'll need to do.
If you want to create a Custom Post Type (ie. 'User Page') to better separate user submissions, you'll need to employ this special add-on (as mentioned in the tutorial above).

How to use the Concrete5 "Page Rating" Add-On

I have a page that shows search results containing pages that matched the search criteria. All of the pages returned are the same type of page (e.g., a person's profile). I want to add a star rating system to it so users can rate the profile.
I've tried adding a custom page attribute and updating it using the output rating helper but that didn't work. It looked like it worked but when I refreshed the page it just went back to whatever the rating was set to originally.
So, I added the "Page Ratings" add-on ( and installed it. There are supposed to be 2 blocks associalted with it. I'm assuming the list block is the one I need in my case. However, when I go to the page and try to add one of those blocks to my area I don't see them listed. Does anyone know how to use this add-on? There is barely any documentation for it.
You do realize this is a "pay for" application? As such, most of the Developers that do charge for their add-ons are very responsive. Not to push you away from here, but if you have a problem with the installation, payment, etc. Really should be addressed by the Developer.

Wordpress - How to create a fav posts feature

I want my users to be able to mark posts as favorite. I tried the wp-favorite-posts plugin, but it doesn't work. I mark posts as favorites and after refreshing the page it's all gone. Furthermore, if I put {{wp-favorite-posts}} to a page, it just shows the text.
So I want to create my own solution, but don't really know how. I have never edited the WP database, but I have plenty of PHP mySQL experience.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction ?
You can use post_meta. You can store the "favourite" aspect as a custom field attached to each post. You don't need to manually edit the database (i.e. via mySQL).
When you want to show the favourited posts, run a custom query that only shows posts with the specific custom field that you've specified.

WordPress: Web Form with Image/File Submission

First of all, I am absolutely new to WP.
I am hoping to build a site using WP and figured out how to manage every thing except one feature. The feature that is required is to be able to submit a form with files (images in particular) by a non member.
For example, you should be able to visit the site and fill a form and submit your image along it.
Is it possible to upload files as above? How is this achievable?
Thanks in advance.
If you are not a wordpress coder , I would sugest you use a plugin for that .
Some options :
and many more ..
read also this tutorial : - it is not for VISITORS but for registered users - but it might help you to understand what is needed to be done .
I would use the Contact Form 7 plugin to do this, as it's extremely easy.
In the plugin settings you'll be able to choose what parts of the form you'd like to include, adding a way to upload is one of those options. You can even limit the type of file that is being used as well the max file size.
Once you create a form in the settings, you just use its shortcode to add it to your Wordpress page.
Yes you can upload file, but it is not a Wordpress specific solution, unless you want to use a plugin. You can code html/php as per usual to achieve it:
To embed it on a page, you can create a Page in Wordpress, and assign it a custom page template that you create with the upload form:

Drupal 7 vocabulary page

I've created a custom page for a specific vocabulary (using zen theme)
Works so far as I can customise the page, but I cannot for the life of me work out how to render a custom field (field_banner). Very new to drupal, I can find the field at
Basically, on a per 'term' basis, I want to display an array of images (field_banner) at the header of the template. Hope my question makes sense, still overwhelmed by the Drupal way of thinking, so rather confused!
Firstly you need to make sure the field gets loaded on that page. Is it a node ?
What I suggest is you install the dev module and when you see your page you should see dev tab. In that tab you need to find your field set to access. Once you find it in the list then you can access it in your template file.
The code should look something like this
