capture mouse wheel events outside qwidget - qt

I have a qwidget derived control.
I need to capture mouse wheel events outside the control / window if the mouse is button is pressed inside the control then the mouse is moved outside.
Mouse move events are captured wheel events are not.
Qt calls capturemouse when button is pressed.
I don't mind doing specific conditional statements for this if necessary.
I am testing on Ubuntu 16.04 and intend to cross compile for windows and possibly Mac,

Set widget focus policy to Qt::WheelFocus.


How can child widget capture the mouse event under such circumstance

I need to simulate drag and drop in Qt, but I'm facing a problem. Here is the simplified version of the problem:
here you can see the action I took. I pressed the mouse in the area of parent widget and moved it to a child widget, keeping pressing, I did not release the mouse until it is moved into the child Widget. However, I found that the child widget could not capture the mouse release event when I released the mouse. (Actually, I found it was not only mouse release event, but also any other mouse event which was supposed to happen when the mouse was in the child widget)
Could someone give me a simple solution to do this? Maybe It is because the widget structure in my project is quite complicated so there is something wrong stops the transfer of the mouse event.
Try to accept mouse release event in parent widget, calculate mouse position, compare to child widget, and notify child widget Qt - Determine absolute widget and cursor position.
Or use QDrag and QMimeData if you want to pass data.

Slider reacting on mouse wheel in entire application

By default QSlider reacts on mouse wheel only when cursor is on it. I want to control slider by mouse wheel not matter where the cursor is (of course only when my application has focus).
What's the best way to achieve that?
I just learned that mouse doesn't generate signals. So looks like I need to override wheelEvent in main window and use raise or lower method in it. But I guess that can cause double increment (or decrement) of slider value when mouse is hovering it.
So once again: What's the best way to achieve what I described?
You can override the wheelEvent() in your MainWindow and redirect it to your slider control, that is indeed one option.
Another option is to install an event filter on the qApp instance. This even filter then can check whether the event type is QEvent::Wheel, and when the receiver is not the slider, then again redirect it to the slider. Should work just as well.

How to check if the mouse has really left the QWidget?

Consider a QWidget window, what event is triggered when the mouse has left this window?
The window has QLineEdit fields on it and they have completers (QCompleter) for input suggestions. The actual goal is to make such an (open) completer disappear when the mouse leaves the window. This is mostly because in some environments, moving the mouse over a different window may focus that other window, but keyboard events are still sent to the QLineEdit field (even though its parent window isn't focused anymore), which is confusing.
I could implement QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) (in the window), find the currently shown completer popup and hide it, that closes the popup. But ironically, leaveEvent() is also triggered when the mouse is moved over that popup - hiding it (making it impossible to click on an item in that popup). I guess that makes sense because the popup is a different QWidget, even though the popup is indirectly owned by the window.
So how do I check if the mouse has actually left the QWidget window?
Reimplement QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) in your derived class but start by checking that rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())) is true.
If not, return without doing anything.
This should filter out all the events where the mouse is still over your widget.
Hope it helps!

Qt background task touch event

I have a Symbian Qt "background" app that displays a button type thing using CWindowDrawer derived from CActive that is visible on top of everything. I want it to be visible when the a textinput is active or the virtual keyboard is visible, preferably when a textinput is active because some phones have a hardware keyboard. When it is visible I want it to receive all touch positions as to determine if it is being pressed without it taking focus and closing the keyboard?
Basically I need a way to determine when a textinput is activated and I need a way to listen for all touch positions from a non qwidget that is also not in focus.
Any help would be appreciated.
PS. This is for Symbian Belle and Symbian C++ is also supported within a Qt application if necessary.

Qt: Can mouse event handlers block one another?

I have a simple parent widget that reimplements mousePressEvent/mouseReleaseEvent. The parent's child widgets use enterEvent/leaveEvent. When I hover the mouse over the child widgets, leaveEvent/enterEvent executes, but when I click and hold the mouse, mousePressEvent executes, but enterEvent/leaveEvent goes silent (in other words, no click and drag). Any ideas about what could be causing this?
If you press and hold down the mouse button on a widget then that widget grabs mouse events until you release the button. This is not a special feature of Qt, you can find similar behaviour in every other GUI APIs I know.
Take a look at the relevant part of the Qt documentation:
QWidget / Events:
mousePressEvent() is called when a mouse button is pressed while the
mouse cursor is inside the widget, or when the widget has grabbed the
mouse using grabMouse(). Pressing the mouse without releasing it is
effectively the same as calling grabMouse().
void QWidget::grabMouse ():
Grabs the mouse input. This widget receives all mouse events until
releaseMouse() is called; other widgets get no mouse events at all.
