Retrieve previously blocked data after login in firebase - firebase

The question itself is simple: For a Firebase app, How do you get data that was previously blocked after you login and it is no longer blocked?
As for the details that lead me to ask this question:
In this particular app, I use a simple layout with 2 main sub trees of the root tree, Users and Data. The Data tree is completely readable, anyone can read it at any time. The Users tree is almost the opposite, with the only exception being if you are logged in, then you can read a specific sub tree that is yours only. This leads to the problem that when you go to the page, this data that may be very important to you is blocked until you log in, and there is no way to retrieve it directly. After you log in, however, you now have permission to get that information, but because it was previously blocked, There seems to be no way to extract it.
I have scoured the docs and found only one trigger that might be useful, onAuth(), but even though I can run stuff after login, I cant actually get any data. The best I have gotten so far was a Firebase Reference to the specific sub tree I need, but I cant find any way to actually use that reference to get the Snapshot because it is after the page load. It seems the only option I have is to refresh the page after login and check for login on page load, but that is an awful lot of overhead. Is there some other way to get the data in a tree that you previously did not have permission for after you log in and do have permission to read it? Might there be some reference in the docs I can't find or don't understand that allows me to demand a new snapshot of a fire base reference that is not through triggers that can only be defined on pageload?

Frank van puffelen is right.
It is as simple as:
// setup and other code
ref = new Firebase(URL); //The firebase reference
myuserid = null; //Storage variable
myname = null; //Storage variable
//Other code
//Start of answer code
ref.onAuth(function(authData) { //ON login status change
if (ref.getAuth()) { //Are they logged in
myuserid = authData.uid; //Stores their UID for use
userbase = 'Users/' + authData.uid; //Get path to user info
ref.child(userbase).on("value", function(snapshot, prevChildKey) {
var newData = snapshot.val(); //get data
console.log(newData); //View data, confirmed it was what I wanted
myname =; //The important data I needed
It seems that so long as this listener is by the other listeners, it works. It runs every time the Authentication is changed, and if they are logged in, attaching a listener to the path with the information and getting it. I am sure there are better ways and probably some problems with this code, but it works for me.


What I misunderstood about the Mediator Pattern?

I'm new here and a beginner architect. I'm helping the company I work to design our new product and since I start it, I read a lot about but is never enough.
I decided to use Mediator Pattern (with Mediatr) to call my application layer.
It's cool and I got how to work with it sometimes, but sometimes I get confused.
For example, when we publish a document on our new product, we uses a RequestHandler to do everything and check all rules it needs, it's fine and works like a charm, but, when I want just a quick data, it looks likes too much for just a simple thing.
As an example, every time the user do any kind of action on my web application, I have to check if he is still logged. We have single login per user, so, if the same user connect anywhere else, the older session expires. We do it by saving on database.
On every action of my app, I go to base and check if the session key is the same, as bellow.
var sessionKey = bibliotecaCookie.Value;
var mediator = controller.GetMediator();
var isUserSessionKeyValidRequest = new IsUserSessionKeyValidRequest()
sessionKey = sessionKey
var isValidSession = mediator.Send(isUserSessionKeyValidRequest).Result;
if (!isValidSession)
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
So, I have a RequestHandler (a Handler and a Request which returns a bool) just to check if the user session is ok.
When the handler catches this request, it goes to database and execute a simple rule which is "Is the passed session the same as the stored session key?".
Is it right? Is it the right approach? Did I understand it right?
Thanks in advance guys

Partial Realms - Why and When are They Created?

I am using Realm and building a Swift mobile app. I am really struggling to understand why and when Partial realms are created.
Here is my scenario:
a user logs in to the app and is brought to the first view controller.
In the first view controller in view did load, I am executing a query to get the current user, subscribing to the query and adding an observer to let me know when the data is synced:
let currentUserArr = realm.objects(DBUser.self).filter("id == %#", userId)
self.subscription = currentUserArr.subscribe(named: "current user")
self.subscriptionToken = self.subscription.observe(\.state, options: .initial) { state in
switch state {
case .creating:
case .pending:
case .complete:
self.artist = currentUserArr[0]
case .invalidated:
case .error(let err):
This makes sense that if I check Realm Cloud, I have a new partial realm created with path as:
However, here is where my confusion starts. I log the user out. I log back in and again the code above executes. My thought would be that Realm would just reuse the partial already created, but instead it creates an entirely new partial.
Is this by design or should I somehow be reusing partials rather than having a new one created every time a query is executed (even if it is executed by the same user)?
I have posted on Realm Forums as well:
I don't believe I was actually logging the current sync user out. Upon further testing, once I did log out and log back in, the existing partial was re-used. This is a non-issue.

Meteor.users information from collection helpers

I'm trying to get some information via the collection-helpers package for non-logged in users and I'm obviously missing something fundamental here as I'm getting nowhere.
I have a relationship set up what is happily returning the element for the owner of a document, as long as that happens to coincide with the logged in user, but, I'm getting nothing back for non-logged in users (because of the security on the client side).
I've added a new publication on both client and server as
// User Profile
Meteor.publish("userProfile", function() {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'profile': 1}});
and have subscribed to this publication in the js associated with the page I'm trying to display it in
// Don't need this to be reactive, so
but am still not getting access to the profile data in the document with
<h4>Posted by: {{}}</h4>
where projOwner looks like
projOwner: function() {
var owner = Meteor.users.findOne(this.owner._id);
//console.log("Owner is: " +owner);
return owner;
What am I doing wrong??
In a publish function, this.userId is always the id of the currently logged in user. The profile of the current user is automatically published so that function doesn't do anything useful.
The real problem here is you need to get the correct subset of users published to the client. Maybe that's the project owner of the document you are looking at, maybe it's a all of the users in a group, etc. Without knowing more about your problem it's hard to say.
An easy place to start with is just publishing all of the users to make sure your code works, and then try reducing the set. Remember that publish functions can take arguments, so you could pass in, for example, the id of a project and then publish the owner like so:
Meteor.publish('projectOwner', function(projectId) {
check(projectId, String);
var project = Projects.findOne(projectId);
return Meteor.users.find(project.owner, {
fields: {'profile': 1}

meteor client minimongo retains subscribed collection info after logout. newly-logged-in-user sees old data

I'm using a publish to limit which data a user sees in their report
Meteor.publish("companyReport", function(){
if(!this.userId) return null;
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);
var userCompany =;
var userRole = user.roles;
var userName = user.username;
if(function(){Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['chiefs']);})
{return ReportCollection.find({companyName:userCompany});}
else if (function(){Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['managers']);})
{return ReportCollection.find({companyName:userCompany, managerName:userName});}
{return null;}
Now, on the client side i can simply subscribe. It's generally working fine,except:
I noticed the following odd behaviour i don't want: if i am logged-in as a "chiefs" role user, and can see a company-wide report, if i logout and then login as a "managers" user, i can still see the data i am not supposedly allowed to see.
i know that my publications control mechanism is working ok, as when i login as a manager from another browser, i see the correct results (more limited)
i can only conclude that minimongo on the client is keeping the collection data from the old subscription as a "chiefs" user.
is this correct? if so, how do i flush this data upon logout? or?
what do people usually do to avoid this?
You probably do need to flush this data on logout, which will involve saving the subscription handle and then stopping it:
// when you subscribe
var reportHandle = Meteor.subscribe('companyReport');
// then when you want to log out
If I understand your question, you want to make sure you're only ever flushing the minimongo when the user actually logs out:
Meteor.logout(function(err) {
if (err)
Ah, now I see what you're asking. It depends on the package, as there's no onLogout event listener you can use for this. You can probably monkey-patch something quite easily, but I'm not sufficiently familiar with accounts-ui-bootstrap to say for sure.

Find out all the Queries listening on a Meteor.js Collection

In Meteor, is it possible to count/find out the all the queries that are currently listening to a particular Collection?
I am trying to create a function which does: Whenever the number of users listening on a particular query (eg: myCollection.find({color:'red'}) becomes non-zero, execute a function whenever documents are changed/added to a second Collection anotherCollection.
When/how is the find method called? If it's called when someone hits a button on the page, for instance, simply increase a serverside variable that will increase when that happens. To decrease this variable when the user leaves the page, listen to the window.onbeforeunload event and decrease the count when it happens.
Alternately, if you have a login system, assign a boolean value such as online to each user. When they log in, make their online status true with the following code. if(Meteor.user()){Meteor.user().online=true;}. Make sure an onbeforeunload sets their online status to false when they leave. Then, do something like Meteor.users.find({online:true}).size() to get the amount of users online.
Basically, rather than update when myCollection.find({color:'red'}) is called, put that in a function. For instance:
Session.set('browsing', false);
function findColor(c){//Alerts the server when the user attempts to get a color.
//This is presuming they don't use the plain MongoDB command.
//Your button/however you're finding the color should use this command
if(!Session.get('browsing'))//if it's already true, don't increase the count
Session.set('browsing', true);
return myCollection.find({color:c});
window.onbeforeunload = function(){'decBrowsing');};
var browsing = 0;
incBrowsing: function(){browsing++;},
decBrowsing: function(){browsing++;}
I haven't tested this, but I hope it works for you. You didn't provide too many details on your problem, so feel free to comment below if you or I need to clarify something.
