How to design a flowchart in R? - r

is there any way to write a flowchart in R markdown to have it as an introduction in the html_output_file?

Yes, there are number of packages which can help do this. DiagrammeR and DiagrammeRsvg are two I have used successfully.
You might like to refer to the fairly simple source for the package PRISMAstatement which implements the standard PRISMA flow chart for systematic reviews using an intermediate dot format.


Abstractive text summary in R

This is a short question.
Is there a way to perform abstractive text summarization in R?
There are ways to perform extractive summary (ie extract few relevant sentences), as shown here Text summarization in R language
However, I was unable to find a way to do abstractive summary "purely" in R. I understand that abstractive summary is way more complex and typically requires model training. The two methods that might work so far are using python through reticulate package or use on of google's APIs. was wondering if anyone is aware of R package that does that without external dependencies.
thank you in advance

Hierarchical bar charts in r

I'm working on a visualization project in R and thought of creating bar charts for hierarchical data (states with constituencies in it, each constituency possessing a numeric value).
I came across this web page ( which implements exactly this using library "d3" but for JavaScript.
Is there any similar library in R to do this?
I also had similar question before! But I couldn't find any package or code online that does the same thing in R, the closest thing I found was "r2d3" package which allows you to run javascript in R.
So by leveraging the "r2d3" package, I was able to replicate it and put it into a function call "hbar", you can directly source it from my github with the code below:
For more details and use case please follow the link below:
Let me know if you need any help in terms of using this function.
You can use ggplot.
If you need more help, please share a reproductive example.

Exporting a graph as a graphml file in an R package using boost graph with plotting capabilities

I developed a C++ program using boost-graph which stores the output as graphml files.
This uses the compiled part of the boost graph library.
I wanted to include this code in an R package using Rcpp, so I used BH, however the graphml writer is not included in BH. I add that I want to include some easy plotting functionality. The possible solution that I came up with are :
Write a graphml writer, and interface it with the graph package on bioconductor for plotting.
Write an interface with igraph (no parser to write)
Any other solution ?
I think that I will use the second option for commodity purpose, however I wanted to know if somebody encountered this issue/had an input on this question ?
I want to submit this package to bioconductor.

Using Protovis with R

As question, I have satisfied with what R and ggplot2 can do for static graph, but what about interactive graphs? How combine R and Protovis to make the graphs?
There is somethings called rwebvis but seems it is no longer active.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Well, first you need a web server. Ooh, R has one of those now. Then you need some way of generating output on the web from R code - ooh, R has one of those too:
So you can then write R server pages that return JSON-encoded data that you can feed to Protovis - or if you want to get right up to date, to D3, which is Protovis++ and made of win.
Iplots is a fairly useful package that allows interactive graphing ( by this I mean selection linking between graphs, color linking, etc). It has some limitations and is not really made for producing plots as much as exploring data trends.
Acinonyx also was recently updated which is supposed to be an updated version of iplots, but from what I can tell it still has some work to do.
Not familiar with protovis or rwebvis.
There is a package from google called googlevis that enables some interactivity. This produces plots that are embeddable online. If you like protovis, the same author has another library called D3.
For running R on a webserver, I have been experimenting with RApache, which enables you to link your R installation to an apache server.
If the interactivity does not to be online, RStudio have a package called manipulate which may also be of interest.

How to make interactive charts together with R language

I'm helping my friend make a website. He previously used R language to generate statistical charts. Now he want to generate some dynamic chart so that when users move mouse over certain part of the chart there will be some description/complementary information pops up for them to read. What kind of technology/tools/packages I can use for this purpose?
PS: I've explored some possible ways, yet none of them fits my needs. I've tried rggobi + ggobi. They can't coz they are not for web applications. iPlot can't do it coz it generates histogram only. I've thought about asking R produces some intermediate date which I can pass to some JavaScript packages like HighCharts. Yet, apparently R is much powerful than JS. R can generates some advanced type of charts which JS just can't do.
You should use R to generate the data and then export it in a format that a javascript framework for graphs can understand.
This way you could benefit from the advanced statistical analysis provided by R and the presentation layer of javascript.
Lots of solutions exist for this problem, but i've heard lots of good things about Raphael and its chart plugin, which you may want to investigate
The playwith package offers facilities to manipulate rgl graphics. A couple of links:
Look at the sendplot package or the RSVGTipsDevice package.
