I am trying to build a dynamic UI that reacts to user input. Is there a way that in a first step, an input mask is shown and after filling in a value, I can do some computation and conditional on it show a second input mask?
I am new to shiny and just trying to clarify whether it is possible or not to do this in Shiny. I very much appreciate any help!
Suppose I have a plotly graph in which I want to show another plot as hover info. Is it possible using plotly or echart4r? If yes, an example would be really appreciated.
It's certainly not a straightforward solution but this should be achievable using Shiny.
Plotly has the event_data function to allow you to access information about the user's interaction with the plot (such as where they are hovering):
You could then tie this to a reactive UI element which contains the plot you are after inside of a tooltip. You will likely need to use a bit of Javascript to move around the tooltip. See example 3 from here for an idea:
Give this a go if you'd like and if you're having a hard time, I might have the time to make a minimal example.
Is it possible to generate VBA List Control input (as shown in the screenshot) in an R Shiny dashboard?
VBA List Input Example Screen Shot
There is no reason to mimic that. A selectInput can do that when you set the size argument to a value larger than 1. Check the documentation to see how size works (it has limitations).
This might be a very basic question but I have been banging my head for this for the past 2 days.
Is there any way to get the number of options that are chosen in the dropdown box which is created by using SelectInput() (Multiple options are acceptable) function.
Depending upon the Number of Inputs, I need to change the size (width, height) of the ggplot in the dashboard.
Thanks in Advance
I'm trying to build a .html file via RStudio in to have following function(simplified).
plot1:a simple time series plot of $y_t$, where user can manually pull/drag each dot to change it's values a each time point.
plot2:a time series dependent on $y_t$, such as $f(y_t)=2*y_t+1$, once the value in plot1 changed, the plot2 will also change accordingly.
I want the .html self contained, not cloud based. I'm thinking of plotly, shininy/knitr, but I'm not sure if I'm in the direction or how to connect the dots. Hope anyone can point me to the right direction.
A self-contained/client-side html report sounds well-suited for flexdashboard. It's based on R Markdown, and therefore can accommodate Shiny elements.
I don't know if you can modify values with a mouse, but you can certainly modify values with sliders and other inputs, as well as have a second plot react to a first plot.
You may see some more possibilities in the gallery.
Is it possible to select part of a plot in Shiny UI? I would like to give user the possibility to select range of bars in plot and apply some function based on selection.
I did not find any example, but maybe someone has a working solution to this use čase.