Prediction on Neural Network in R - r

I want to get the accuracy or the RMSE of the Prediction result of a neural network. I started using a Confusion Matrix, but as indicated by previous answers, the Confusion Matrix gives valid results for non Continuous variables.
Is there any way I can get the accuracy or the error rate of a Neural Network Prediction??
As an example here is the code I've got until now:
newformula <- perm ~ area + peri + shape
y <- rock[, "perm"]
x <- rock[!colnames(rock)%in% "perm"]
original <- datacol(rock,"perm")
nnclas_model <- nnet(newformula, data = rock, size = 4, decay = 0.0001, maxit = 500)
nnclas_prediction <- predict(nnclas_model, x)
nnclas_tab <- table(nnclas_prediction, y)
rmse <- sqrt(mean((original - nnclas_prediction)^2))
Does anyone know how can I make this work? or how can I get the Accuracy or the of the Neural Network Prediction?
Any help will be deeply appreciated.

I don't know about "nnet", but I have used the "neuralnet" library and am able to get the RMSE. Here is my full code: Just change the data for training_Data and testing_Data as per your requirements and in place of "Channel" give what is your classification attribute
dat <- read.csv("Give path of your data file here")
cleandata <- dat
cleandata <- na.omit(cleandata)
apply(cleandata,MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x)sum(
maxs = apply(cleandata, MARGIN = 2, max)
mins = apply(cleandata, MARGIN = 2, min)
scaledData =, center = mins, scale = maxs - mins))
#Splitting data in 80:20 ratio
train = sample(1:nrow(scaledData), nrow(scaledData)*0.8)
test = -train
training_Data = scaledData[train,]
testing_Data = scaledData[test,]
#neural net
n <- names(training_Data)
f <- as.formula(paste("Channel ~", paste(n[!n %in% "Channel"], collapse = " + ")))
neuralnet_Model <- neuralnet(f,data = training_Data, hidden = c(2,1))
pred_neuralnet.scaled <- pred_neuralnet$net.result *(max(scaledData$Channel)-min(scaledData$Channel))+min(scaledData$Channel)
real.values <- (testing_Data$Channel)*(max(cleandata$Channel)-min(cleandata$Channel))+min(cleandata$Channel)
MSE.neuralnetModel <- sum((real.values - pred_neuralnet.scaled)^2)/nrow(testing_Data)
plot(real.values, pred_neuralnet.scaled, col='red',main='Real vs predicted',pch=18,cex=0.7)
legend('bottomright',legend='NN',pch=18,col='red', bty='n')

As mentioned in the comments, confusion matrices are for classification problems. If you meant to classify perm according to its levels, then the following code should work for you.
rock$perm <- as.factor(rock$perm)
nnclas_model <- nnet(perm ~ area + peri + shape, data = rock,
size = 4, decay = 0.0001, maxit = 500)
x <- rock[, 1:3]
y <- rock[, 4]
yhat <- predict(nnclas_model, x, type = 'class')
confusionMatrix(as.factor(yhat), y)
If you mean to treat perm as continuous, the confusion matrix doesn't make any sense. You should think in terms of mean-squared error instead.


Receiving message "Error in model.frame.default(form = lost_client ~ SRC + Commission_Rate + : variable lengths differ ()" when there are no NA s

Good evening, I am currently running a an classification algorithm using the Caret package. I'm using the upsample and downsample function to take care of data imbalance. I've taken care of all the NA values, however I keep getting this message, "Error in model.frame.default(form = lost_client ~ SRC + Commission_Rate + :
variable lengths differ (found for 'SRC')"
The code for the dataset
clients4 <- clients[,-c(1:6,8,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,29,32,33,42,44,50,51,52,53,57, 60:62, 63:66,71, 73:75)]
clients4$lost_client <- as.factor(clients4$lost_client)
clients4$New_Client <- as.factor(clients4$New_Client)
clients4 <- clients4[complete.cases(clients4),]
Training <- createDataPartition(clients4$lost_client, p=.80)$Resample1
fitControl <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10, allowParallel = TRUE)
glmgrid <- expand.grid(lambda=seq(0,1,.05), alpha=seq(0,1,.1))
rpartgrid <- expand.grid(maxdepth=1:20)
rfgrid <- expand.grid(mtry=1:14)
gbmgrid <- expand.grid(interaction.depth=1:5, n.trees=c(50,100,150,200,250), shrinkage=.1, n.minobsinnode=10)
svmgrid <- expand.grid(cost=seq(0,10, 0.05))
Training <- clients4[Training,]
clients5 <- clients4
clients5$lost_client[which(clients4$lost_client == 0)] = -1
TrainUp <- upSample(x=Training[,-2],
TrainDown <- downSample(x=Training[,-2],
This is the code for the model itself.
m2 <- train(lost_client~SRC+Commission_Rate+Line_of_Business+Pro_Rate+Pro_Increase+Premium+PrevWrittenPremium+PrevWrittenAgencyComm+Office_State+Non_Parent+Policy_Count+Cross_Sell_Prdcr+Provider_Type+num_months+Revenue+SIC_Industry_Code, data = TrainUp, method="rpart2",trControl=fitControl, tuneGrid=rpartgrid, num.threads = 6)
pred3 <- predict(m2, newdata=clients4[-Training,])
confusionMatrix(pred3, clients4[-Training,]$lost_client)
Any idea of what is causing this error?

How to find the optimal value for K in K-nearest neighbors using R?

My dataset contains 5851 observations, and is split into a train (3511 observations) and test (2340 observations) set. I now want to train a model using KNN, with two variables. I want to do 10-fold CV, repeated 5 times, using ROC metric and the one-standard error rule and the variables are preprocessed. The code is shown below.
ctrl_repcvSE <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 5,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, classProbs = TRUE,
selectionFunction = "oneSE")
tune_grid <- expand.grid(k = 45:75)
mod4 <- train(purchased ~ total_policies + total_contrib,
data = mhomes_train, method = "knn",
trControl= ctrl_repcvSE, metric = "ROC",
tuneGrid = tune_grid, preProcess = c("center", "scale"))
The problem I have is that I already have tried so many different values of K (e.g., K = 10:20, 30:40, 50:60, 150:160 + different tuning lengths. However, every time the output says that the chosen value for K is the one which is last, so for example for values of K = 70:80, the chosen value for K = 80, every time I do this. This means I should look further, because if the chosen value is K in that case then there are better values of K available which are above 80. How should I eventually find this one?
The assignment only specifies: For k-nearest neighbours, explore reasonable values of k using the total_policies and total_contrib variables only.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Your question isn't easy to answer.
For k-nearest neighbours I use another function knn3 part of the caret library.
I'll give an example using the iris dataset. We try to get the accuracy of our model for different values for k and plot those accuracies.
dt <-
# converting and scaling data ----
dt$Species <- dt$Species %>% as.factor()
dt$Sepal.Length <- dt$Sepal.Length %>% scale()
dt$Sepal.Width <- dt$Sepal.Width %>% scale()
dt$Petal.Length <- dt$Petal.Length %>% scale()
dt$Petal.Width <- dt$Petal.Width %>% scale()
# remove in the real run ----
# split data into train and test - 3:1 ----
train_index <- createDataPartition(dt$Species, p = 0.75, list = FALSE)
train <- dt[train_index, ]
test <- dt[-train_index, ]
# values to check for k ----
K_VALUES <- 20:1
test_acc <- numeric(0)
train_acc <- numeric(0)
# calculate different models for each value of k ----
for (x in K_VALUES){
model <- knn3(Species ~ ., data = train, k = x)
pred_test <- predict(model, test, type = "class")
pred_test_acc <- confusionMatrix(table(pred_test,
test_acc <- c(test_acc, pred_test_acc)
pred_train <- predict(model, train, type = "class")
pred_train_acc <- confusionMatrix(table(pred_train,
train_acc <- c(train_acc, pred_train_acc)
data <- data.table(x = K_VALUES, train = train_acc, test = test_acc)
# plot a validation curve ----
plot_data <- gather(data, "type", "value", -x)
g <- qplot(x = x,
y = value,
data = plot_data,
color = type,
geom = "path",
xlim = c(max(K_VALUES),min(K_VALUES)-1))
Now find a k with a good accuracy for your test data. That's the value you're looking for.
Disclosure: That's simplified but this approach should help you solving your problem.

Predict Logistf

I'm using a R package called logistf to make a Logistc Regression and I saw that there's no predict function for new data in this package and predict package does not work with this, so I found a code that show how making this with new data:
fit<-logistf(Tax ~ L20+L24+L28+L29+L31+L32+L33+L36+S10+S15+S16+S17+S20, data=trainData)
betas <- coef(fit)
X <- model.matrix(fit, data=testData)
probs <- 1 / (1 + exp(-X %*% betas))
I want to make a cross validation version with this using fit$predict and the probabilities that probs generate for me. Has anyone ever done something like this before?
Other thing that I want to know is about fit$predict I'm making a binary logistic regression, and this function returns many values, are these values from class 0 or 1, how can I know this? Thanks
While the code that you wrote works perfectly, there is a concise way of getting the same results seemingly:
brglm_model <- brglm(formula = response ~ predictor , family = "binomial", data = train )
brglm_pred <- predict(object = brglm_model, newdata = test , type = "response")
About the CV, you have to write a few lines of code I guess:
#Setting the number of folds, and number of instances in each fold
n_folds <- 5
fold_size <- nrow(dataset) %/% 5
residual <- nrow(dataset) %% 5
#label the instances based on the number of folds
cv_labels <- c(rep(1,fold_size),rep(2,fold_size), rep(3,fold_size), rep(4,fold_size), rep(5,fold_size), rep(5,residual))
# the error term would differ based on each threshold value
t_seq <- seq(0.1,0.9,by = 0.1)
index_mat <- matrix(ncol = (n_folds+1) , nrow = length(t_seq))
index_mat[,1] <- t_seq
# the main loop for calculation of the CV error on each fold
for (i in 1:5){
train <- dataset %>% filter(cv_labels != i)
test <- dataset %>% filter(cv_labels == i )
brglm_cv_model <- brglm(formula = response_var ~ . , family = "binomial", data = train )
brglm_cv_pred <- predict(object = brglm_model, newdata = test , type = "response")
# error formula that you want, e.g. misclassification
counter <- 0
for (treshold in t_seq ) {
counter <- counter + 1
conf_mat <- table( factor(test$response_var) , factor(brglm_cv_pred>treshold, levels = c("FALSE","TRUE") ))
sen <- conf_mat[2,2]/sum(conf_mat[2,])
# other indices can be computed as follows
#spec <- conf_mat[1,1]/sum(conf_mat[1,])
#prec <- conf_mat[2,2]/sum(conf_mat[,2])
#F1 <- (2*prec * sen)/(prec+sen)
#accuracy <- (conf_mat[1,1]+conf_mat[2,2])/sum(conf_mat)
#here I am only interested in sensitivity
index_mat[counter,(i+1)] <- sen
# final data.frame would be the mean of sensitivity over each threshold value
final_mat <- matrix(nrow = length(t_seq), ncol = 2 )
final_mat[,1] <- t_seq
final_mat[,2] <- apply(X = index_mat[,-1] , MARGIN = 1 , FUN = mean)
final_mat <- data.frame(final_mat)
colnames(final_mat) <- c("treshold","sensitivity")
#why not having a look at the CV-sensitivity of the model over threshold values?
ggplot(data = final_mat) +
geom_line(aes(x = treshold, y = sensitivity ), color = "blue")

Same accuracy for SVM classification

I am using car evaluation dataset from UCI. I am trying to use SVM classification for it. After Model creation, when I calculate accuracy using confusion matrix, even if i change the parameters of SVM, getting same accuracy every time. Posting my code below.
#Code to read data from csv and convert to numeric
car_data <- read.csv("",header = TRUE,sep = ",",quote = "\"");
#backup original data to other data frame
car_data_bkp <- car_data;
#scaling of data
maxs = apply(car_data, MARGIN = 2, max);
mins = apply(car_data, MARGIN = 2, min);
scaled =, center = mins, scale = maxs - mins));
#sampling of data for train and testing
trainIndex <- sample(1:nrow(scaled), 0.8 * nrow(scaled));
train <- scaled[trainIndex, ];
test <- scaled[-trainIndex, ];
n <- names(train);
f <- as.formula(paste("class ~", paste(n[!n %in% "class"], collapse = " + ")));
svm_model <- svm(formula=f,train,cross = 2,tolerance= 0.00001, cost = 1000,gamma=1);
svm.pred <- predict(svm_model, test[,-7],type = "class");
table(pred = svm.pred, true = test[,7]);
#calculate accuracy

binning continuous variables by IV value in R

I am building a logistic regression model in R. I want to bin continuous predictors in an optimal way in relationship to the target variable. There are two things that I know of:
the continuous variables are binned such that its IV (information value) is maximized
maximize the chi-square in the two way contingency table -- the target has two values 0 and 1, and the binned continuous variable has the binned buckets
Does anyone know of any functions in R that can perform such binning?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
For the first point, you could bin using the weight of evidence (woe) with the package woebinning which optimizes the number of bins for the IV
# get the bin cut points from your dataframe
cutpoints <- woe.binning(dataset, "target_name", "Variable_name")
# apply the cutpoints to your dataframe
dataset_woe <- woe.binning.deploy(dataset, cutpoint, add.woe.or.dum.var = "woe")
It returns your dataset with two extra columns
Variable_name.binned which is the labels
Variable_name.woe.binned which is the replaced values that you can then parse into your regression instead of Variable_name
For the second point, on chi2, the package discretization seems to handle it but I haven't tested it.
The methods used by regression splines to set knot locations might be considered. The rpart package probably has relevant code. You do need to penalize the inferential statistics because this results in an implicit hiding of the degrees of freedom expended in the process of moving the breaks around to get the best fit. Another common method is to specify breaks at equally spaced quantiles (quartiles or quintiles) within the subset with IV=1. Something like this untested code:
cont.var.vec <- # names of all your continuous variables
breaks <- function(var,n) quantiles( dfrm[[var]],
lapply(dfrm[ dfrm$IV == 1 , cont.var.vec] , breaks, n=5)
options (scipen = 999)
read.csv("dummy_data.txt") -> dt
mydata <- dt
for(i in 1:ncol(mydata)){
val.quant <- unname(quantile(mydata[,i],probs = 0.75))
mydata[,i] = sapply(mydata[,i],function(x){if(x > (1.5*val.quant+1)){1.5*val.quant+1}else{x}})
x <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key","Y")]
y <- as.factor(mydata$Y)
fit <- randomForest(x,y,importance=T,ntree = 70)
mydata2 <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key")]
mydata2$Y <- as.factor(mydata2$Y)
####var reduction#####
vartoremove <- ncol(mydata2) - 20
for(i in 1:vartoremove){
rf <- fit(Y~.,data=mydata2,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 100)
varImportance <- Importance(rf,mydata2,method="sensg")
Z <- order(varImportance$imp,decreasing = FALSE)
IND <- Z[2]
var_to_remove <- names(mydata2[IND])
mydata2[IND] = NULL
library(smbinning) -> inp
inp$target <- as.numeric(inp$Y) *1
inp$target <- inp$target -1
result= smbinning(df=inp, y="target", x="X37", p=0.0005)
boxplot(inp$X2~inp$Y,horizontal=T, frame=F, col="red",main="Distribution")
inp$Y <- NULL
sample = sample.split(inp$target, SplitRatio = .7)
train = subset(inp, sample == TRUE)
test = subset(inp, sample == FALSE)
fit1 <- glm(train$target~.,data=train,family = binomial)
prediction1 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(fit1,test ,type="response") )
result= smbinning(df=prediction1, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
write.csv(prediction1 , "test_pred_logistic.csv")
predict_train <- data.frame(actual = train$target, predicted = predict(fit1,train ,type="response") )
write.csv(predict_train , "train_pred_logistic.csv")
result= smbinning(df=predict_train, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
####random forest
rf <- fit(target~.,data=train,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 200)
prediction2 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(rf,train))
result= smbinning(df=prediction2, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
##### K-fold Validation ########
cv_fold_count = 2
folds = createFolds(mydata2$Y,cv_fold_count,list=T);
smpl = folds[[i]];
g_train = mydata2[-smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
g_test = mydata2[smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
cost_train = mydata2[-smpl,"Y"];
cost_test = mydata2[smpl,"Y"];
rf <- randomForest(g_train,cost_train) <- cbind(cost_train,g_train) <- glm(cost_train~.,,family = binomial)
prediction <- data.f
rame(actual = test$Y, predicted = predict(rf,test))
