Calling SignalR hub from a web api action - signalr

Basically, I've got a message on a queue that an Azure web job listens to. When a new message arrives, the web job creates a Rest post to an API action.
I'd like to call a SignalR hub that the client has registered to. This client is the original client that initiated the request for a long running process. On the api action, using the StockTicker sample, I've added a new public method that I am calling in the api action:
Hub class:
public class StockTickerHub : Hub
private readonly StockTicker _stockTicker;
public StockTickerHub() : this(StockTicker.Instance) { }
public StockTickerHub(StockTicker stockTicker)
_stockTicker = stockTicker;
public IEnumerable<Stock> GetAllStocks()
return _stockTicker.GetAllStocks();
public void UpdateReportResult(ReportRequestKey key)
StockTicker class:
public class StockTicker
private static readonly Lazy<StockTicker> _instance = new Lazy<StockTicker>(() =>
new StockTicker(GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<StockTickerHub>().Clients));
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Stock> _stocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Stock>();
private readonly object _updateStockPricesLock = new object();
private readonly double _rangePercent = .002;
private readonly TimeSpan _updateInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250);
private readonly Random _updateOrNotRandom = new Random();
private readonly Timer _timer;
private volatile bool _updatingStockPrices = false;
private StockTicker(IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> clients)
Clients = clients;
var stocks = new List<Stock>
new Stock { Symbol = "MSFT", Price = 30.31m },
new Stock { Symbol = "APPL", Price = 578.18m },
new Stock { Symbol = "GOOG", Price = 570.30m }
stocks.ForEach(stock => _stocks.TryAdd(stock.Symbol, stock));
_timer = new Timer(UpdateStockPrices, null, _updateInterval, _updateInterval);
public static StockTicker Instance
get { return _instance.Value; }
private IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> Clients { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Stock> GetAllStocks() { return _stocks.Values; }
public void UpdateReportResult(ReportRequestKey reportRequestKey)
private void UpdateStockPrices(object state)
if(! _updatingStockPrices)
_updatingStockPrices = true;
foreach(var stock in _stocks.Values)
_updatingStockPrices = false;
private bool TryUpdateStockPrice(Stock stock)
var r = _updateOrNotRandom.NextDouble();
if(r > .1)
return false;
var random = new Random((int)Math.Floor(stock.Price));
var percentageChange = random.NextDouble() * _rangePercent;
var pos = random.NextDouble() > .51;
var change = Math.Round(stock.Price * (decimal)percentageChange, 2);
change = pos ? change : -change;
stock.Price += change;
return true;
private void BroadcastStockPrice(Stock stock) { Clients.All.updateStockPrice(stock); }
The UpdateClient method on the StockTicker class is broadcasting the value to all connected clients:
Client code:
$(function () {
var ticker = $.connection.stockTickerMini, // the generated client-side hub proxy
up = '▲',
down = '▼',
$stockTable = $('#stockTable'),
$stockTableBody = $stockTable.find('tbody'),
rowTemplate = '<tr data-symbol="{Symbol}"><td>{Symbol}</td><td>{Price}</td><td>{DayOpen}</td><td>{Direction} {Change}</td><td>{PercentChange}</td></tr>';
var $reportResultList = $('#generatedReportList'),
reporRowTemplate = '<li class="list-group-item">Node Id: {nodeId}, Request Correlation Id: {requestCorrelationId}, <input type="button" class="btn btn-default" value="Download Report" onclick="downloadReport({nodeId}, {requestCorrelationId})" /></li>';
function formatTemplate(reportResult) {
var string = reporRowTemplate.replace(/{nodeId}/g, reportResult.NodeId).replace(/{requestCorrelationId}/g, reportResult.RequestCorrelationId);
return string;
function formatStock(stock) {
return $.extend(stock, {
Price: stock.Price.toFixed(2),
PercentChange: (stock.PercentChange * 100).toFixed(2) + '%',
Direction: stock.Change === 0 ? '' : stock.Change >= 0 ? up : down
function init() {
ticker.server.getAllStocks().done(function (stocks) {
$.each(stocks, function () {
var stock = formatStock(this);
// Add a client-side hub method that the server will call
ticker.client.updateReportResult = function (reportRequestKey) {
var displayReport = formatTemplate(reportRequestKey);
// Add a client-side hub method that the server will call
ticker.client.updateStockPrice = function (stock) {
var displayStock = formatStock(stock),
$row = $(rowTemplate.supplant(displayStock));
$stockTableBody.find('tr[data-symbol=' + stock.Symbol + ']')
// Start the connection
For some reason, I cannot get the client message to be called. I get no SignalR error on client or server but nothing happens.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Is there way to fill some object in middleware, for its usage in services

I have an middleware which checks that some parameters in request's header are correct, and I check that there is one entity in db associated with one parameter from header (e.g foo).
But after this I need to get that entity again for getting some properties (e.g
Is there way to set some object like { entity : fooEntity} in middleware to di and resolve that object in services?
I want to reduce db calls
this is example of app
public class SomeMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly ISomeService _someService;
public SomeMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ISomeService someService)
_next = next;
_someService = someService;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
var foo = RequestHeaderExtractor.GetValue(context.Request, Constants.FooName); // just getting value from header
var baz = RequestHeaderExtractor.GetValue(context.Request, Constants.BazName);
await _someService.Assert(foo);
await _next(context);
public class SomeService : ISomeService
private readonly IServiceScopeFactory _scopeFactory;
public AuthenticationService(IServiceScopeFactory scopeFactory)
_scopeFactory = scopeFactory;
public async Task Assert(string foo)
using var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope();
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<Context>();
var fooEntity = await context
.Include(x => x.Bar)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Foo == foo);
if (fooEntity?.Bar == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fooEntity.Bar.Something))
throw new Exception("111 alarm");
// this is fooEntity.Bar.Something consumer
public class SomeHttpClient : ISomeHttpClient
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public SomeHttpClient(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, IRequestInformationService requestInformationService)
_client = httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
var something = requestInformationService.GetSomethingFromBar(); // getting FooEntity.Bar.Something
var baseUri = new Uri(something);
_client.BaseAddress = baseUri;
// others setting
public class RequestInformationService : IRequestInformationService
private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;
private readonly DataContext _dataContext;
public RequestInformationService(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, DataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
_httpContext = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
public Uri GetSomethingFromBar()
//do the same operation like in middleware
var foo = RequestHeaderExtractor.GetValue(_httpContext.Request, Constants.FooName);
var fooEntity = _dataContext
.Include(x => x.Bar)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Foo == foo);
return fooEntity.Bar.Something;

Xamarin Firebase and Syncfusion DataGrid. How do I listen for Firebase changes?

I'm having trouble with the coding to properly listen for Firebase add or update events. My attempt below has the data loading into the Syncfusion Datagrid, but there is a weird glitch where when I click the mouse on the Datagrid and pull-down, the first record in my 4 record set gets added to the bottom of the Datagrid, showing a 5th record... if I update an element in the Datagrid, the change is not reflected in Firebase. If I add or change a value in firebase, it does not update in Datagrid. Any help to steer me in the right direction to get this to work would be appreciated. Here's the code:
the VisualStudio 2019
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="sfGrid">
using Chart_sample.Services;
using Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace Chart_sample.Views
public partial class CookPage : ContentPage
FirebaseHelper firebaseHelper = new FirebaseHelper();
public CookPage()
// for Syncfusion DataGrid
sfGrid.ItemsSource = ViewProgramModel._returnedEvents;
sfGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
sfGrid.AllowEditing = true;
sfGrid.NavigationMode = NavigationMode.Cell;
sfGrid.SelectionMode = Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms.SelectionMode.Single;
using Firebase.Database;
using Firebase.Database.Query;
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace Chart_sample.Services
public class FirebaseHelper
internal ViewProgramModel ViewProgramModel { get; set; }
FirebaseClient firebase = new FirebaseClient("");
private readonly string ChildProgram = "ControllerData/Pellet_Pirate_1/Program";
public static IDisposable returnedEvents;
public async void listenForEvents()
var programs = await firebase.Child(ChildProgram).OnceAsync<ViewProgramModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < programs.Count; i++)
returnedEvents = firebase.Child(ChildProgram).OrderByKey().AsObservable<ViewProgramModel>()
.Subscribe(eventReceived =>
if (eventReceived.EventType == Firebase.Database.Streaming.FirebaseEventType.InsertOrUpdate)
var found = ViewProgramModel._returnedEvents.FirstOrDefault(i => i._KEY == eventReceived.Key);
if (found == null)
// not in observable collection, add it
// event was updated
int tempIndex = ViewProgramModel._returnedEvents.IndexOf(found);
ViewProgramModel._returnedEvents[tempIndex] = eventReceived.Object;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace Chart_sample
public class ViewProgramModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _KEy;
private string MOde;
private int TArget;
private string TRigger;
private int TRiggerVAlue;
public string _KEY
get { return _KEy; }
this._KEy = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("_KEY"));
public string MODE
get { return MOde; }
this.MOde = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MODE"));
public int TARGET
get { return TArget; }
this.TArget = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TARGET"));
public string TRIGGER
get { return TRigger; }
this.TRigger = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TRIGGER"));
get { return TRiggerVAlue; }
this.TRiggerVAlue = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TRIGGERVALUE"));
public static ObservableCollection<ViewProgramModel> _returnedEvents = new ObservableCollection<ViewProgramModel>();
I edit your demo, I achieve the update, Add, delete function.
Here is running GIF.
I change your ViewProgramModel like following code. Just move the _returnedEvents to the FirebaseHelper.cs
namespace Chart_sample
public class ViewProgramModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _KEy;
private string MOde;
private int TArget;
private string TRigger;
private int TRiggerVAlue;
public string _KEY
get { return _KEy; }
this._KEy = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("_KEY"));
public string MODE
get { return MOde; }
this.MOde = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MODE"));
public int TARGET
get { return TArget; }
this.TArget = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TARGET"));
public string TRIGGER
get { return TRigger; }
this.TRigger = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TRIGGER"));
get { return TRiggerVAlue; }
this.TRiggerVAlue = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("TRIGGERVALUE"));
Here is FirebaseHelper.cs, Note: I achieve the update function just for the TARGET Column, I suggest your to add a Primary-key(Auto-increase) for every record in your database to achieve your search function.
public class FirebaseHelper
public ObservableCollection<ViewProgramModel> _returnedEvents { get; set; }
public FirebaseHelper()
_returnedEvents = new ObservableCollection<ViewProgramModel>();
// internal ViewProgramModel MyViewProgramModel { get; set; }
FirebaseClient firebase = new FirebaseClient("");
private readonly string ChildProgram = "ControllerData/xxxxxx_Pirate_1/Program";
public static IDisposable returnedEvents;
public async Task AddViewProgramModel()
//new ViewProgramModel() { MODE="test", TARGET=122, TRIGGER="122", TRIGGERVALUE=333, }
await firebase
.PostAsync( new ViewProgramModel() { MODE = "test", TARGET = 122, TRIGGER = "122", TRIGGERVALUE = 333, });
public async Task UpdateViewProgramModel(ViewProgramModel viewProgramModel , string oldValue)
var toUpdatePerson = (await firebase
.OnceAsync<ViewProgramModel>()).FirstOrDefault(a => a.Object.TARGET == Convert.ToInt32( oldValue));
await firebase
public async Task DeleteViewProgramModel(string mode)
var toDeletePerson = (await firebase
.OnceAsync<ViewProgramModel>()).FirstOrDefault(a => a.Object.MODE == mode);
await firebase.Child(ChildProgram).Child(toDeletePerson.Key).DeleteAsync();
public async void GetAllData()
var programs = await firebase.Child(ChildProgram).OnceAsync<ViewProgramModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < programs.Count; i++)
public async void listenForEvents()
var programs = await firebase.Child(ChildProgram).OnceAsync<ViewProgramModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < programs.Count; i++)
//returnedEvents = firebase.Child(ChildProgram).OrderByKey().AsObservable<ViewProgramModel>()
// .Subscribe(eventReceived =>
// {
// if (eventReceived.EventType == Firebase.Database.Streaming.FirebaseEventType.InsertOrUpdate)
// {
// var found = _returnedEvents.FirstOrDefault(i => i._KEY == eventReceived.Key);
// if (found == null)
// {
// // not in observable collection, add it
// _returnedEvents.Add(eventReceived.Object);
// }
// else
// {
// // event was updated
// int tempIndex = _returnedEvents.IndexOf(found);
// _returnedEvents[tempIndex] = eventReceived.Object;
// }
// }
Here is CookPage.xaml
<Button Text="add" Clicked="Button_Clicked"></Button>
<Button Text="delete" Clicked="Button_Clicked_1"></Button>
<Syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="sfGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding _returnedEvents, Mode=TwoWay} " >
Here is code about CookPage.cs.
public partial class CookPage : ContentPage
FirebaseHelper firebaseHelper = new FirebaseHelper();
public CookPage()
// for Syncfusion DataGrid
//sfGrid.ItemsSource = ViewProgramModel._returnedEvents;
BindingContext= firebaseHelper;
sfGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
sfGrid.AllowEditing = true;
sfGrid.NavigationMode = NavigationMode.Cell;
sfGrid.AllowLoadMore = true;
sfGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
//sfGrid.AutoGenerateColumnsMode= AutoGenerateColumnsMode.
sfGrid.SelectionMode = Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms.SelectionMode.Single;
sfGrid.AllowPullToRefresh = true;
sfGrid.CurrentCellEndEdit += SfGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit; ;
private async void SfGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit(object sender, GridCurrentCellEndEditEventArgs e)
//throw new System.NotImplementedException();
var selectObj = sender as SfDataGrid;
RowColumnIndex index = e.RowColumnIndex;
int selectColumnIndex = index.ColumnIndex; //2
int selectRowIndex = index.RowIndex; //3
var ob=firebaseHelper._returnedEvents;
ViewProgramModel selectObject =ob[selectRowIndex-1];
var newVale = e.NewValue.ToString();
var oldeValue = e.OldValue.ToString();
//Here just judge TARGET Column, you should judge all Columns
if (selectColumnIndex == 2)
selectObject.TARGET = Convert.ToInt32(newVale);
//If you want to achieve the all Grid change function, you should judge the selectRowIndex for every change
//if (selectRowIndex==1)
// selectObject.MODE = newVale;
//}else if (selectRowIndex==2)
// selectObject.TARGET = Convert.ToInt32( newVale);
//}else if (selectRowIndex == 3)
// selectObject.TRIGGER = newVale;
//}else if (selectRowIndex == 4)
// selectObject.TRIGGERVALUE = Convert.ToInt32(newVale);
await firebaseHelper.UpdateViewProgramModel(selectObject, oldeValue);
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
await firebaseHelper.AddViewProgramModel();
private async void Button_Clicked_1(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
await firebaseHelper.DeleteViewProgramModel("test");

How do you mock ServiceStack ISession using Moq and StructureMap?

I'm using ServiceStack / StructureMap / Moq. The service makes a call to Session, which is type ServiceStack.CacheAccess.ISession. For unit tests, I created a Mock object using Moq, and added it to the StructureMap configuration:
protected Mock<ISession> sessionMock = new Mock<ISession>();
cfg =>
However, I was not surprised when the Session object was null -- I'm pretty sure I'm leaving out a step. What else do I need to do to fill my Session property with a mock object?
[EDIT] Here's a simple test scenario
Code to test. Simple request / service
public class MyRequest:IReturn<string>
public string Key { get; set; }
public class MyService:Service
public string Get(MyRequest request)
return (string) Session[request.Key];
The base test class and MockSession classes
// test base class
public abstract class MyTestBase : TestBase
protected IRestClient Client { get; set; }
protected override void Configure(Container container)
// this code is never reached under any of my scenarios below
container.Adapter = new StructureMapContainerAdapter();
cfg =>
public class MockSession : ISession
private Dictionary<string, object> m_SessionStorage = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public void Set<T>(string key, T value)
m_SessionStorage[key] = value;
public T Get<T>(string key)
return (T)m_SessionStorage[key];
public object this[string key]
get { return m_SessionStorage[key]; }
set { m_SessionStorage[key] = value; }
And tests. See comments for where I'm seeing the failure. I didn't really expect versions 1 & 2 to work, but hoped version 3 would.
public class When_getting_a_session_value:MyTestBase
public void Test_version_1()
var session = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<MockSession>();
session["key1"] = "Test";
var request = new MyRequest {Key = "key1"};
var client = new MyService(); // generally works fine, except for things like Session
var result = client.Get(request); // throws NRE inside MyService
public void Test_version_2()
var session = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<MockSession>();
session["key1"] = "Test";
var request = new MyRequest {Key = "key1"};
var client = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<MyService>();
var result = client.Get(request); // throws NRE inside MyService
public void Test_version_3()
var session = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<MockSession>();
session["key1"] = "Test";
var request = new MyRequest {Key = "key1"};
var client = CreateNewRestClient();
var result = client.Get(request); // throws NotImplementedException here
It looks like you're trying to create unit tests, but you're using an AppHost like you wound an Integration test. See this previous answer for differences between the two and docs on Testing.
You can mock the Session by registering an instance in Request.Items[Keywords.Session], e.g:
public void Can_mock_IntegrationTest_Session_with_Request()
using var appHost = new BasicAppHost(typeof(MyService).Assembly).Init();
var req = new MockHttpRequest();
req.Items[Keywords.Session] = new AuthUserSession {
UserName = "Mocked"
using var service = HostContext.ResolveService<MyService>(req);
Assert.That(service.GetSession().UserName, Is.EqualTo("Mocked"));
Otherwise if you set AppHost.TestMode=true ServiceStack will return the IAuthSession that's registered in your IOC, e.g:
public void Can_mock_UnitTest_Session_with_IOC()
using var appHost = new BasicAppHost
TestMode = true,
ConfigureContainer = container =>
container.Register<IAuthSession>(c => new AuthUserSession {
UserName = "Mocked",
var service = new MyService {
Request = new MockHttpRequest()
Assert.That(service.GetSession().UserName, Is.EqualTo("Mocked"));

AS3 / Flex 3 Staggered Remoting + Queue

I am trying to make a class that staggers the net connections calls by a certain amount to not put too much pressure on my server, and so I don't have a dozen net connectors running around in my code.
I want a class that I can send a call command to, the class adds the call to the queue, and then about every one second it see if anything is in the queue, and if so calls it. This is what I have so far.
package net
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class Server
private static var gateway:String = "http://localhost/gateway.php";
private static var queue:Vector.<ServerNode>
private static var nc:NetConnection;
private static var instance:Server = null;
private static var res:Responder;
private var timer:Timer;
public function Server(e:ServerEnforcer) {
nc = new NetConnection();
queue = new Vector.<ServerNode>();
timer = new Timer(1000);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, execCall);
public static function getInstance():Server {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Server(new ServerEnforcer);
return instance;
private function execCall(e:Event):void {
if (queue.length > 0) {
var node:ServerNode = queue.pop();, node.res, node.args);
public function call(method:String, success:Function, failure:Function, ...args):void {
queue.unshift(new ServerNode(method, success, failure, args));
private function serverFailure(event:Object):void {
trace("Server Failure : " + event.description);
class ServerEnforcer { }
class ServerNode {
public var method:String;
public var success:Function;
public var failure:Function;
public var args:Array;
public var res:Responder
public function ServerNode(_method:String, _success:Function, _failure:Function, _args:Array) {
method = _method;
success = _success;
failure = _failure;
res = new Responder(success, failure);
args = _args;
Now when I call
Server.getInstance().call("Fetch.getData", parseAllData, onError)
public function parseAllData(event:Object):void {
public function onError(event:Object):void {
trace("Error :" + event);
absolutely nothing happens. Any idea why or a point in the right direction why this isn't working?
You created an instance of the NetConnection, but haven't actually initiated a connection with the server.
In other words,
is missing.
See NetConnection documentation for more information on that class.

Multithreading accepts value and return value

Hi guys, I wrote the following code to return a pdf report. The code is based on a multi-threading sample code. Can you guys provide some feedback about it, I am new to mulit-thread.
Much appriciate !
public delegate void StreamResultDelegate(Stream streamResults);
public class GenerateReport
private StreamResultDelegate callback;
public GenerateReport(StreamResultDelegate _callback)
callback = _callback;
public void ThreadProc()
if (callback != null)
public Stream Testing()
var reportsService = new ReportsService();
var nameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection();
byte[] pdfReportContents = reportsService.GetReport("/Rocket.Reports/RocketReport", nameValueCollection);
var stream = new MemoryStream(pdfReportContents);
return stream;
public class HomeController : Controller
private Stream streamTesting = null;
public void StreamResultCallBack(Stream s)
streamTesting = s;
public FileStreamResult GeneratePdfReport()
var g = new GenerateReport(_callback: new StreamResultDelegate(StreamResultCallBack));
var t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(g.ThreadProc));
HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Rockets_List_Printout.pdf");
return new FileStreamResult(streamTesting, "application/pdf");
I would suggest to use async controllers -> MSDN and stop using threads in controller methods=)
My suggestion is make a private object to store the result. It's the easiest way
public delegate void work_handler(Stream streamResults);
public class Report
public object Result = null;
private Thread workThread = new ...;
public void Work(object param)
this.Result = ....;
// signal finish. eg. if winapp use someControl.Invoke(signal_Handler);
// for web app use this.Session["isDone"] = true;
// for .net 4.0
private object param = null;
public void Work()
// for serial invoking
var taskOption = System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning;
System.Threading.Tasks.Task task = new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() => {... }, taskOption);
// for multiple method parallel invoke
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.Invoke(() => { this.Result = genReport(param); }, () => {... }, () => {...});
