Text classification with R and SVM. Matrix features - r

I am playing a bit with text classification and SVM.
My understanding is that typically the way to pick up the features for the training matrix is essentially to use a "bag of words" where we essentially end up with a matrix with as many columns as different words are in our document and the values of such columns is the number of occurrences per word per document (of course each document is represented by a single row).
So that all works fine, I can train my algorithm and so on, but sometimes i get an error like
Error during wrapup: test data does not match model !
By digging it a bit, I found the answer in this question Error in predict.svm: test data does not match model which essentially says that if your model has features A, B and C, then your new data to be classified should contain columns A, B and C. Of course with text this is a bit tricky, my new documents to classify might contain words that have never been seen by the classifier with the training set.
More specifically I am using the RTextTools library whith uses SparseM and tm libraries internally, the object used to train the svm is of type "matrix.csr".
Regardless of the specifics of the library my question is, is there any technique in document classification to ensure that the fact that training documents and new documents have different words will not prevent new data from being classified?
UPDATE The solution suggested by #lejlot is very simple to achieve in RTextTools by simply making use of the originalMatrix optional parameter when using the create_matrix function. Essentially, originalMatrix should be the SAME matrix that one creates when one uses the create_matrix function for TRAINING the data. So after you have trained your data and have your models, keep also the original document matrix, when using new examples, make sure of using such object when creating the new matrix for your prediction set.

Regardless of the specifics of the library my question is, is there any technique in document classification to ensure that the fact that training documents and new documents have different words will not prevent new data from being classified?
Yes, and it is very trivial one. Before applying any training or classification you create a preprocessing object, which is supposed to map text to your vector representation. In particular - it stores whole vocabulary used for training. Later on you reuse the same preprocessing object on test documents, and you simply ignore words from outside of vocabulary stored before (OOV words, as they are often refered in the literature).
Obviously there are plenty other more "heuristic" approaches, where instead of discarding you try to map them to existing words (although it is less theoreticalyy justified). Rather - you should create intermediate representation, which will be your new "preprocessing" object which can handle OOV words (through some levenstein distance mapping etc.).


Is the information captured by Doc2Vec a subset of the information captured by BERT?

Both Doc2Vec and BERT are NLP models used to create vectors for text. The original BERT model maintained a vector of 768, while the original Doc2Vec model maintained a vector of size 300. Would it be reasonable to assume that all the information captured by D2V is a subset of information captured by BERT?
I ask, because I want to think about how to compare differences in representations for a set of sentences between models. I am thinking I could project the BERT vectors into a D2V subspace and compare those vectors to the D2V vectors for the same sentence, but this relies on the assumption that the subspace I'm projecting the BERT vectors into is actually comparable (i.e., the same type of information) to the D2V space.
The objective functions, while different, are quite similar. The Cloze task for BERT and the next word prediction for D2V are both trying to create associations between a word and its surrounding words. BERT can look bidirectionally, while D2V can only look at a window and moves from the left to the right of a sentence. The same objective function doesn't necessarily mean that they're capturing the same information, but it seems in which the way D2V does it (the covariates it uses) are a subset of the covariates used by BERT.
Interested to hear other people's thoughts.
I'll assume by Doc2Vec you mean the "Paragraph Vector" algorithm, which is often called Doc2Vec (including in libraries like Python Gensim).
That Doc2Vec is closely related to word2vec: it's essentially word2vec with a synthetic floating pseudoword vector over the entire text. It models texts via a shallow network that can't really consider word-order, or the composite-meaning of word runs, except in a very general 'nearness' sense.
So, a Doc2Vec model will not generate realistic/grammatical completions/summaries from vectors (except perhaps in very-limited single-word tests).
What info Doc2Vec most captures can be somewhat influenced by parameter choices, especially choice-of-mode and window (in modes where that matters, like when co-training word-vectors).
BERT is a far deeper model with more internal layers and a larger default dimensionality of text-representations. Its training mechanisms give it the potential to differentiate between significant word-orderings – and thus be sensitive to grammar and composite phrases beyond what Doc2Vec can learn. It can generate plausible multi-word completions/summarizations.
You could certainly train a 768-dimension Doc2Vec model on the same texts as a BERT model & compare the results. The resulting summary text-vectors, from the 2 models, would likely perform quite differently on key tasks. If you need to detect subtle shifts in meaning in short texts – things like the reversal of menaing from the insert of a single 'not' – I'd expect the BERT model to dominate (if sufficiently trained). On broader tasks less-sensitive to grammar like topic-classification, the Doc2Vec model might be competitive, or (given its simplicity) attractive in its ability to achieve certain targets with far less data or quicker training.
So, it'd be improper to assume that what Doc2Vec captures is a proper subset of what BERT does.
You could try learning a mapping from one model to the other (possibly including dimensionality-reduction), as there are surely many consistent correlations between the trained coordinate-spaces. But the act of creating such a mapping requires starting assumptions that certain vectors "should" line-up, or be in similar configurations.
If trying to understand what's unique/valuable across the two options, it's likely better to compare how the models rank a text's neighbors – do certain kinds of similarities dominate in one or the other? Or, try both as inputs to downstream classification/info-retrieval tasks, and see where they each shine.
(With sufficient data & training time, I'd expect BERT as the more-sophisticated model to usually provide better results – especially if it's also allotted a larger representation. But for some tasks, and limited data/compute/time resources, Doc2Vec might shine.

Predicting a numeric attribute through high dimensional nominal attributes

I'm having difficulties mining a big (100K entries) dataset of mine concerning logistics transportation. I have around 10 nominal String attributes (i.e. city/region/country names, customers/vessel identification codes, etc.). Along with those, I have one date attribute "departure" and one ratio-scaled numeric attribute "goal".
What I'm trying to do is using a training set to find out which attributes have strong correlations with "goal" and then validating these patterns by predicting the "goal" value of entries in a test set.
I assume clustering, classification and neural networks could be useful for this problem, so I used RapidMiner, Knime and elki and tried to apply some of their tools on my data. However, most of these tools only handle numeric data, so I got no useful results.
Is it possible to transform my nominal attributes into numeric ones? Or do I need to find different algorithms that can actually handle nominal data?
you most likely want to use tree based algorithm. These are good to use nominal features. Please be aware, that you do not want to use "id-like" attributes.
I would recommend RapidMiner's AutoModel feature as a start. GBT and RandomForest should work well.
the handling of nominal attributes does not depend on the tool. It is a question what algorithm you use. For example k-means with Euclidean distance can't handle string values. But other distance functions can handle them and algorithms can handle them, for example the random forest implementation of RapidMiner
You can also of course transform the nominal attributes to numerical, for example by using a binary dummy encoding or assigning an unique integer value (which might result in some bias). In RapidMiner you have the Nominal to Numerical operator for that.
Depending on the distribution of your nominal values it might also be useful to handle rare values. You could either group them together in a new category (such as "other") or to use a feature selection algorithm after you apply the dummy encoding.
See the screen shot for a sample RapidMiner process (which uses the Replace Rare Values operator from the Operator Toolbox extension).
Edit: Martin is also right, AutoModel will be a good start to check for problematic attributes and find a fitting algorithm.

Convention for R function to read a file and return a collection of objects

I would like to find out what the "R way" would be to let users the following with R: I have a file that can contain the data of one or more analysis runs of some other software. My R package should provide additional ways to calculate statistics or produce plots for those analyses. So the first step a user would have to do, is read in the file (with one or more analyses), then select the analysis and work with it.
An analysis is uniquely identified by two names (an analysis name and an analysis type where the type should later correspond to an S3 class).
What I am not sure about is how to best represent the collection of analyses that is returned when reading in the file: should this be an object or simply a list of lists (since there are two ids for identifying an analysis, the first list could be indexed by name and the second by type). Using a list feels very low-level and clumsy though.
If the read function returns a special kind of container object what would be a good method to access one of the contained objects based on name and type?
There are probably many ways how to do this, but since I only started to work with R in a way where others should eventually use my code, I am not sure how to best follow existing R-conventions for how to design this.

Manually Specifying a Topic Model in R

I have a corpus of text with each line in the csv file uniquely specifying a "topic" I am interested in. If I were to run an topic model on this corpus using an LDA or Gibbs method from either the topicmodels package or lda, as expected I would get multiple topics per "document" (a line of text in my CSV which I have a-priori defined to be my unique topic of interest). I get that this is a result of the topic model's algorithm and the bag of words assumption.
What I am curious about however is this
1) Is there a pre-fab'd package in R that is designed for the user to specify the topics using the empirical word distribution? That is, I don't want the topics to be estimated; I want to tell R what the topics are. I suppose I could run a topic model with the correct number of Topics, use that structure of the object and then overwrite its contents. I was just hoping there was an easier or more obvious way that I'm just not seeing at this point.
edit: added -
I just thought about the alpha and beta parameters having control over the topic/term distributions within the LDA modeling algorithm. What settings might I be able to use that would force the model to only find 1 topic per document? Or is there a setting which would allow for that to occur?
If these seem like silly questions I understand - I'm quite new to this particular field and I am finding it fascinating.
What are you trying to accomplish with this approach? If you want to tell R what the topics are so it can predict the topics in other lines or documents, then RTextTools may be a helpful package.

The internal implementation of R's dataset

I am trying to build a data processing program. Currently I use a double matrix to represent the data table, each row is an instance, each column represents a feature. I also have an extra vector as the target value for each instance, it is of double type for regression, it is of integer for classification.
I want to make it more general. I am wondering what kind of structure R uses to store a dataset, i.e. the internal implementation in R.
Maybe if you inspect the rpy2 package, you can learn something about how data structures are represented (and can be accessed).
The internal data structures are `data.frame', a detailed introduction to the data frame can be found here.
