Set caffe net parameters via string - encryption

What I want to do is the following:
I encrypted the ".prototxt" and ".caffemodel" file, so the files are not readable and the parameters not visible. During my program I decrypt the file and store the result as a string. But now I need to set the layers in my caffe network.
Is there a method to set the caffe network layers with the parameters from my string? Same for the layers in the trained network? Something comparable with the source code below (I know this source code would not work)?
shared_ptr<Net<float> > net_;
string modelString;
string trainedString;
//Decryption stuff
net_.reset(new Net<float>(modelString, TEST));
Thank you a lot.

You could initialize a NetParameter class directly using the Protocol Buffer API of the NetParameter class (you'll need to include caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h):
bool ParseFromString(const string& data);
and then use it to initialize a Net class using the following constructor:
explicit Net(const NetParameter& param, const Net* root_net = NULL);
and for copying the weights:
void CopyTrainedLayersFrom(const NetParameter& param);
It's important to note that the above method requires that the string variable contains binary-formatted protobuffer and not the text-format. While the caffemodel outputted by Caffe is already in binary format, you'll have to convert the prototxt file to binary format as well, but you could do that using the protoc command-line program combined with the --encode flag.
For a more information, I'd suggest you'll look in the Protocol-Buffer's website:

Loading net model from text format (without converting with protoc) can be done by following:
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
// [...]
NetParameter net_parameter;
bool success = google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(model, &net_parameter);
if (success){
net_.reset(new Net<float>(net_parameter));


DoGet with multiple parameters not being recognized

I'm currently trying to connect a Lua Script with a GS WebApp. The connection is working but due to my lack of knowledge in GScripting I'm not sure why it isn't saving my data correctly.
In the Lua side I'm just passing in a hard-code a random name and simple numerical userid.
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local scriptID = scriptlink
local WebApp
local function updateSpreadSheet ()
local playerData = (scriptID .. "?userid=123&name:Jhon Smith")
WebApp = HttpService:GetAsync(playerData)
On the Google Script side i'm only saving the data on the last row and then add the value of the userid and the name.
function doGet(e) {
// console.log(f)
function callName(userid,name) {
// Get the last Row and add the name provided
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1,1).setValues([userid],[name]);
However, the only data the script is saving is the name, bypassing the the userid for reasons I have yet to discover.
setValues() requires a 2D array and range dimensions should correspond to that array. The script is only getting 1 x 1 range and setValues argument is not a 2D array. Fix the syntax or use appendRow
sheet.getRange(sheet.getLastRow() + 1,1,1,2).setValues([[userid,name]]);

Sending vector data in the bus

I have a vector data (an array variable for example float32 mydata[5];). for transmitting a single primitve/basic data in a bus its pretty simple.
inside_data.SampleTime = -1;
this element can be put inside a using
But this works when the input is a primitive. But what if my data is a vector. like float32 a[5]; then how can i send this data element in a bus.
So I tried to use a constant block named a with datatype single in which the input part i changed it as [1 2 3] which is a vector input.
another element is b with uint8 datatype.
i used the s-function builder just to check the working of this model. i already set everything (bus_mode on , datatype to be bus type etc). in the output part i used something like:
But it throws error as
c:\program files (x86)\matlab_v7111_r10bsp1\extern\include\matrix.h(313) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'mxLogical'
c:\program files (x86)\matlab_v7111_r10bsp1\extern\include\matrix.h(313) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
my final aim is to use it for s_function
so if i declare a variable in s_func as
real32_T *a_output[5]=(real32_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);
and then i have a strcuture(because am transmitting data with a bus so the bus header file has this structure) and how do i declare and assign the input to the output.
but the problem is with the declaration. it gives me error cannot convert from real32_T to real32_T * .
The main idea is to create Bus of type you need.
I did it this way:
num = zeros(15,15,15);
move = zeros(15,15,15);
a = struct('number',num,'movement', move);
busInfo = Simulink.Bus.createObject(a);
You can see it's possible to create any data structure, array, vector anything you want and then create Bus Signal of the same type.
I use this in callbacks/preLoadFcn (Model Explorer) to define this type in workspace, it creates slBus1 variable (its Bus Signal of my type), so I need to define output (or input if necessary) of any block like slBus1 only. And then use Bus Selector to work array data.
Can it helps to you?
It depends of what you want.
For example: I create s-function for feedback system. It use my structure like this:
function a = fcn(BusSignal)
num = zeros(15,15,15);
move = zeros(15,15,15);
%...some math actions with num and move...
a = struct('number',num,'movement', move);
%...and some action with a structure... for example:
if (c>b)
a.number(1,2,3) = 15;
a.movement(1,2,3) = 42;
a = BusSignal;
Look at this - I use Bus signal at entrance and at exit and use Bus Selector to work it's data with.
REMEMBER to define input and output data as Bus Signals!

Unable to read AT Command Response

I test some basic AT Command in Hyperterminal. The GSM modem response as per my command too. But problem is that it shows me the unreadable text. I use the following code :
+CUSD: 1,"0062004B006100730068000A00310020004D0032004D0020005400720061006E007300
AT+CUSD=1,"*247#",15 command should display
Menu 1
Menu 2
Menu 3
Something like that. But it displayed the hexadecimal code which it unreadable. How can I get plain text ? Can anyone help Me ?
Judging by information provided. Where when you send the +CUSD request with DCS (Data Coding Scheme) of 15. And the response from the Bkash service with DCS of 72. It looks like your modem does not support the encoding specified in the DCS from Bkash.
I found is fairly similar question and solution to this question. Try and ensure that +CSCS is set to something like IRA or GSM and see what happens then with your +CUSD responses.
Use the following functions to decode "UCS2" response data:
public static String HexStr2UnicodeStr(String strHex)
byte[] ba = Hex2ByteArray(strHex);
return HexBytes2UnicodeStr(ba);
public static String HexBytes2UnicodeStr(byte[] ba)
var strMessage = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetString(ba, 0, ba.Length);
return strMessage;
for example:
String str2 = SmsEngine.HexStr2UnicodeStr("0062004B006100730068000A00310020004D0032004D0020005400720061006E0073006600650072000A0032002000440069007300620075007200730065000A00330020004D007900200062004B006100730068000A0034002000480065006C0070006C0069006E0065000A");
// str2 = "bKash\n1 M2M Transfer\n2 Disburse\n3 My bKash\n4 Helpline\n"
Please also check UnicodeStr2HexStr()
Hi this code is something called PDU (Protocol Data Unit). To decode it is not straight forward. you need to understand the structure first.

How to use REngineException

I'm using JRI. I'm assigning a Java variable to R variable:'size'.
I have a statement :
final Rengine re = new Rengine(Rargs, false, null);
String arg1="10";
re.assign("size", arg1);
The problem is in 're.assign("size", arg1);'. I want to use REngineException. HOW TO USE IT? Am I wrong in using re.assign()?
NOTE: I did enough googling.
There are two different packages for Rengine, the first "org.rosuda.JRI" is what you are using, and does not have a class named "Class REngineException", the other package that has what you are looking for is org.rosuda.REngine, so load the other Jar into your project.

How to correctly uppercase Greek words in .NET?

We have ASP.NET application which runs different clients around the world. In this application we have dictionary for each language. In dictionary we have words in lowercase and sometimes we uppercase it in code for typographic reasons.
var greek= new CultureInfo("el-GR");
string grrr = "Πόλη";
string GRRR = grrr.ToUpper(greek); // "ΠΌΛΗ"
The problem is:
...if you're using capital letters
then they must appear like this: f.e.
ΠΟΛΗ and not like ΠΌΛΗ, same for all
other words written in capital letters
So is it possible generically to uppercase Greek words correctly in .NET? Or should I wrote my own custom algorithm for Greek uppercase?
How do they solve this problem in Greece?
I suspect that you're going to have to write your own method, if el-GR doesn't do what you want. Don't think you need to go to the full length of creating a custom CultureInfo, if this is all you need. Which is good, because that looks quite fiddly.
What I do suggest you do is read this Michael Kaplan blog post and anything else relevant you can find by him - he's been working on and writing about i18n and language issues for years and years and his commentary is my first point of call for any such issues on Windows.
I don't know much about ASP.Net but I know how I'd do this in Java.
If the characters are Unicode, I would just post-process the output from ToUpper with some simple substitutions, one being the conversion of \u038C (Ό) to \u039F (Ο) or \u0386 (Ά) to \u0391 (Α).
From the looks of the Greek/Coptic code page (\u0370 through \u03ff), there's only a few characters (6 or 7) you'll need to change.
Check out How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?
How about replacing the wrong characters with the right ones:
/// <summary>
/// Returns the string to uppercase using Greek uppercase rules.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The string that will be converted to uppercase</param>
public static string ToUpperGreek(this string source)
Dictionary<char, char> mappings = new Dictionary<char, char>(){
{'Ά','Α'}, {'Έ','Ε'}, {'Ή','Η'}, {'Ί','Ι'}, {'Ό','Ο'}, {'Ύ','Υ'}, {'Ώ','Ω'}
source = source.ToUpper();
char[] result = new char[source.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = mappings.ContainsKey(source[i]) ? mappings[source[i]] : source[i];
return new string(result);
