Apply different Color to Image using CSS [closed] - css

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have the following image: If I wanted to change this image so that I could apply different color (to say for example the iphone screen) via CSS properties what would I need to change in the image/how would i go about doing it ?

You could make the iphone screen transparent on the actual image you store and then use the css property background-color to set the background color of the containing element in order to change the color on the screen.


How can i create a custom shape with css? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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this is the desired outcome
I tried using clippy but wasn't able to achieve that shape
You could try to use mask-image for hide some pixels in image.
.element {
mask-image: url(star.svg);
Inside url() set image url.

Customizing mat-checkbox [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to change the angular material mat-checkbox checked icon. By default, the check icon is a white tick icon shown in a colored background box. What I need is a cross instead of tick (single problem, just show cross instead of tick when it is checked). The whole day searching, could not find a proper solution for that. Would be really appreciated for any ideas with sample codes. I am using Angular 10 and scss styling.
What I want to do
You can replace checkbox's default svg with any svg here.
Just you have to manipulate you dom.
Here is the minimal working example you can achieve
I have used document which is not recommended to manipulate dom in Angular.
You can check other methods for eg. renderer2, hostbinding, etc.

How to do this background transition in CSS [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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how can I animate a linear gradient use as background as it is in this video: ? I tried the technique of one gradient, whith a big background size, where I animate the background-position property, but it hasn't been a success.
How can I set a good animation with the background-position property, to have a gradient for each of the image.
It's definitely possible.
Personally, I'd take the approach of having two divs with background: cover and in an window.setInterval() callback, transitioning the opacity of the one in front (to be introduced) from zero to 1, then removing the one behind.

how to text wrap the tooltip in ag-grid in angular 6 [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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please click here to see the image
is there any way to wrap the text inside ag-grid in the image the tooltip is not fully visible since it is a long text. i tried using customTooltip but its not worked also i have tooltip for all columns as well
You need to create a custom cell renderer component using ICellRendererAngularComp
and pass that in your column definitions.

How to create a texture paper background using CSS without image [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there a way to create a background using CSS without the image? with color, and texture?
As Dustin said, there's no "texture" CSS feature. however, if you're using CSS3, you can do some pretty cool tricks like gradients or shadowing to make some neat backgrounds.
No, there is no "texture". However if you find a color and could drop the texture then you can. I would just find a small image to repeat.
