How to check if Telnet connection is still established? using telnetlib - telnetlib

I'd like to check if a connection using the telnetlib is still up.
The way I do it is to send a ls command and check the answer, but I'm sure there must be a smoother solution.

I've got the idea from here, so kudos to them, the code could be something like this
def check_alive(telnet_object):
if telnet_object.sock:
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
return True
the idea is pretty simple:
if the close() was called .sock will be 0, so we do nothing
otherwise, we try to send something harmless, that should not interact with what ever the underlying service is, the IAC + NOP was a good candidate. LaterEdit: seems that doing the send only once is not enough, so I just did it 3 times, it's not very professional I know, but ... "if it looks stupid, but it works ... than it's not stupid"
if everything goes well we get to the "return True" thous we get our answer, otherwise, the exception will get ignored, and, as there's no return, we will get a None as a response
I've used this method for both direct and proxied(SocksiPy) connections against a couple of Cisco routers


How do I have my Bot respond with arguments?

So I've built a Telegram bot, which can receive the following commands:
/info 123
This works great, as I can catch /info and pass the additional arguments as ints. But, sadly, the Telegram clients don't see /info 123 as a complete command, but just the /info part. Is there a way to make it recognize the entirety of the command as the command?
I've tried Markdown-ing it: [/info 123](/info 123), but no joy. Is this possible?
I've reached out to #BotSupport with the same question, and he/they/it responded swiftly with the following answer:
Hi, at the moment it is not possible to highlight parameters of a command. I any case, you may can find a workaround if you use correct custom keyboards ;)
— #BotSupport
Custom keyboards may be an option for someone, but not for me. The solution I've gone for is to give the command as /info123. As the bot receives all / commands, I check if the received command starts with info, and if so, I remove the info part. I convert the remaining string/int to arguments, and pass that along to the relevant command.
If you mean to pass the 123 as an argument for your command info and if you happen to use the python-telegram-bot, then here's how you do it:
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('hello', SayHello, pass_args=True))
According to the documentation: pass_args Determines whether the handler should be passed the arguments passed to the command as a keyword argument called args. It will contain a list of strings, which is the text following the command split on single or consecutive whitespace characters. Default is False.
you can use RegexHandler() to do this.
Here is an example
def info(bot, update):
id = update.message.text.replace('/info_', '')
update.message.reply_text(id, parse_mode='Markdown')
def main():
updater = Updater(TOKEN)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(RegexHandler('^(/info_[\d]+)$', info))
The command /info_120 will return 120
and /info_007 will return 007
for newer versions, you may use this method instead!
MessageHandler(filters.Regex(r'^(/info_[\d]+)$'), info)
To get the argument of command you don't even need to use pass_args as said Moein you can simply get it from context.args look at Github page. So you can pass as many arguments as you want and you will get a list of arguments! Here is an example from Github.
def start_callback(update, context):
user_says = " ".join(context.args)
update.message.reply_text("You said: " + user_says)
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_callback))
Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
a simple shot
In this case, a user should send a valid number with /audio command (e.g. /audio 3, if they forgot it, we can inform and force them to do so.
This is a fairly rudimentary way of creating kwargs from user input.
Unfortunately, it does require the user to be aware of the fields that can be used as parameters, but if you can provide informative response when the user doesnt provide any detectable kwarg style messages then you could probably make a better experience.
As I say, extremely rudimentary idea, and would probably be achieved faster with the regex filters available. And this would be much more reliable when checking input from the user of the "pesky" variety.
The script relies on || delimiter preceeding the command and as is shown will trim any extra characters like new lines and spaces
You can remove the extra check for commit as this is provided in order to tell the bot that you want to save your input to the database explicitly.
def parse_kwargs(update):
commit = False
kwargs = {}
if update.message:
for args in update.message.text.split('||')[1:]:
for kw_pair in args.split(','):
key, value = kw_pair.split('=')
if key.strip() != 'commit':
kwargs[key.strip()] = value.strip()
elif key.strip() == 'commit' and value.strip().lower() == 'true':
commit = True
return kwargs, commit

Twain always returns TWRC_NOTDSEVENT

I use twain 2.3 (TWAINDSM.DLL) in my application with HP Scanjet 200 TWAIN Protocol 1.9.
My TWAIIN calls are:
and as a result of the last call I allways get TWRC_NOTDSEVENT instead of TWRC_DSEVENT.
Could please someone help with this?
Once you use DG_CONTROL / DAT_EVENT / MSG_PROCESSEVENT, all messages from the applications message loop must be sent to the data source for processing. Receiving TWRC_NOTDSEVENT means the forwarded message isn't for the source so the application should process it as normal.
Keep forwarding all messages to the source until you receive MSG_XFERREADY which means there is data to transfer. Once the transfer is finished and you have sent MSG_DISABLEDS that's when you can stop forwarding messages to the source.
Twain is a standard, and when many company implement that standard, not all of them do the same way. Along the way to support Twain, we will learn and adjust the code to support all the different implementations.
I experienced this situation before, and this is my workaround:
Instead of placing (rc == TWRC_DSEVENT) at the beginning of code (will skip the following MSG_XFERREADY processing afterward) you can move the comparison to the end after MSG_XFERREADY processing, so that MSG_XFERREADY is always checked and processed.
(rc == TWRC_DSEVENT) is only to determine if we should forward the window message or not.
I don't know your specific situation. I ran into a similar issue because I called OpenDSM with a HWND/wId which is from another process. You should call OpenDSM with the HWND of
the active window/dialog which is owned by current process.

How can I call an "AT command" in Codesys for a GSM modem? Not standard send_sms, etc

I have a GSM modem and a PLC. The PLC sees a modem (I use a *.lib and functional block "openPort"), but I don't understand how send an "AT command" to the modem, for example, "ate0".
First, to increase your understanding of AT commands in general, read the V.250 specification. That will go a long way in making you an AT command expert.
Then for the actual implementation, I do not know Codesys, so the following is pseudo code of the structure you should have for handling AT commands:
the_modem = openPort();
// Start sending ATE0
writePort(the_modem, "ATE0\r");
do {
line = readLinePort(the_modem);
} while (! is_final_result_code(line))
// Sending of ATE0 command finished (successfully or not)
Whatever you do, never, never use delay, sleep or similar as a substitute for waiting for the final result code. You can look at the code for atinout for an example for the is_final_result_code function (you can also compare to isFinalResponseError and isFinalResponseSuccess in ST-Ericsson's U300 RIL, although note that CONNECT is not a final result code. It is an intermediate result code, so the name isFinalResponseSuccess is not 100% correct).

SWI-Prolog http_post and http_delete inexplicably hang

When I attempt to use SWI-Prolog's http_post/4, as follows:
:- use_module(library(http/http_client).
update(URL, Arg) :-
http_post(URL, form([update = Arg), _, [status_code(204)]).
When I query this rule, and watch the TCP traffic, I see the HTTP POST request and reply with the expected 204 status code both occur immediately. However, Prolog hangs for up to 30 seconds before returning back 'true'. What is happening that prevents the rule from immediately returning?
I've tried this variant as well, but it also hangs:
:- use_module(library(http/http_client).
update(URL, Arg) :-
http_post(URL, form([update = Arg), Reply, [status_code(204)]),
I have a similar issue with http_delete/3, but not with http_get/3.
library docs state that http_post
It is equivalent to http_get/3, except for providing an input document, which is posted using http_post_data/3.
http_get has timeout(+Timeout) in its options. That could help to lower the latency, but as it is set to +infinite by default, I fear will not solve the issue. Seems like the service you are calling keeps the connection alive up to some timeout.
Personally I had to use http_open, instead of http_post, when calling Google API services on https...

Blackberry JDE HTTPConnection problems

So, I'm using the HTTPConnection Class, like so:
HttpConnection c =
Following what LOOKS like the right way to do things in the Blackberry JDE API.
However, my code crashes if I try to do just about anything with the variable 'c'.
all cause it to crash.
I can, however get the URL from it, and I can look at the variable 'c' itself to know that it did, in fact, get created.
Did I manage to create a broken Connection? Do I need to do something else to actually do things with the connection? Under what circumanstances will this happen (I know the link is good, I can use the blackberry's browser to visit it).
Am I just using HttpConnection wrong? How would I do things correctly?
What error is it throwing when it crashes? You may want to try adding the "Connector.READ_WRITE" as a second argument to your open call - even if it's just a "read only" connection like a GET, some OSes such as 4.6 will throw an exception unless you open it in read/write mode.
I figured out what was wrong by finding some sample code that was using HttpConnection, (at least, I think I did, at least, I can access all those variables, now). Before, I wasn't ever casting it as a "Stream Connection" (the examples I saw had it cast from Connector to HTTPConnection).
StreamConnection s = null;
s = (StreamConnection)"");
HttpConnection c = (HttpConnection)s;
InputStream i = c.openInputStream();
System.out.println("~~~~~I have a connection?~~~~~~" + c);
System.out.println("~~~~~I have a URL?~~~~" + c.getURL());
System.out.println("~~~~~I have a type?~~~~" + c.getType());
System.out.println("~~~~~I have a status?~~~~~~" + c.getResponseCode());
System.out.println("~~~~~I have a stream?~~~~~~" + i);
player = Manager.createPlayer(i, c.getType());
Even though the stream is now successfully being created, I'm still having problems USING it, but that might be because my connection is so slow.
The API documentation for HttpConnection suggests the first call should be to c.getResponseCode(), try that.
You should find everything you need in my blog post "An HttpRequest and HttpResponse library for BB OS5+"
And for invoking media within your application you can do either a browser invokation or directly from app. You would probably be best to use the browser like so:
BrowserSession invokeHighQuality = Browser.getDefaultSession();
invokeHighQuality.displayPage("URL goes here");
OR you can try this:
// CHAPI invocation
Invocation invoke = new Invocation(_data.getUrl(), null, BlackBerryContentHandler.ID_MEDIA_CONTENT_HANDLER, false,
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
