Workarounds for jsdom document.readyState being readOnly? - jsdom

I'm using mocha with jsdom for unit testing of a JavaScript library. One of the modules in the library has different behavior depending on whether or not the document is ready. In order to test that behavior, I need to simulate a document that isn't completely ready (i.e. it's readyState property is "loading"). The simple solution
delete document.readyState
document.readyState = 'loading'
// perform tests ...
doesn't work because jsdom treats the readyState property as readOnly. Even after that code the readyState remains "complete"
Has anyone come across any clever work-arounds for this limitation?

Just like a browser, you cannot delete or set document.readyState. Just like in a browser, you can change what the getter returns by redefining it:
Object.defineProperty(document, "readyState", {
get() { return "loading"; }


Server Side Rendering with viperHTML

I'm working on a Symfony application and just got SSR for JS working using So far I only worked with "readymade" SSR solutions for React, but currently I'm trying to use hyperHTML/viperHTML and am facing a few issues that so far I wasn't able to solve by looking at the available docs/examples.
My current test snippet is this:
const viperHTML = require('viperhtml');
class Component extends viperHTML.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props;
render() {
return this.html`
<h1>Hello, ${}</h1>`;
console.log(new Component({ name: 'Joe' }).render().toString());
The thing here is that without explicitly calling render() I get no output. Looking at some of the official examples this shouldn't be necessary, at least not with Component. I already tried using setState() in the constructor, for example, but no difference.
Also, without using both, console.log() and toString(), I get no output either. Which is unexpected. I get that toString() might be necessary here (without it a <buffer /> is being rendered), but the console.log() seems odd. This might not be related to viperHTML at all of course. But instantiating the component is the only thing I expected to be necessary.
It's also not clear to me yet how I can write an isomorphic/universal component, i.e. one file which has the markup, event handlers etc., gets rendered on the server and then hydrated on the client. When I add an inline event handler as per the docs ( it actually gets inlined into the rendered markup, which is not what I want.
I checked hypermorphic and the viperNews app, but that didn't really help me so far.
In case it helps, you can read viperHTML tests to see how components can be used.
The thing here is that without explicitly calling render() I get no output.
Components are meant to be used to render layout, either on the server or on the client side. This means if you pass a component instance to a hyper/viperHTML view, you don't have to worry about calling anything, it's done for you.
const {bind, Component} = require('viperhtml');
class Hello extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super().props = props;
render() {
return this.html`<h1>Hello, ${}</h1>`;
// you need a hyper/viperHTML literal to render components
bind({any:'ref'})`${Hello.for({ name: 'Joe' })}`
// by default you have a buffer to stream in NodeJS
// if you want a string you need to use toString()
Since NodeJS by default streams buffers, any layout produced by viperHTML will be buffers and, as such, can be streamed while it's composed (i.e. with Promises as interpolation values).
It's also not clear to me yet how I can write an isomorphic/universal component, i.e. one file which has the markup, event handlers etc., gets rendered on the server and then hydrated on the client.
The original version of hyperHTML had a method called adopt() which purpose was to hydrate live nodes through same template literals.
While viperHTML has an viperhtml.adoptable = true switch to render adoptable content, hyperHTML adopt feature is still not quite there yet so that, for the time being, you can easily share views between SSR and the FE, but you need to either take over on the client once the SSR page has landed or react, for the very first time, differently and take over on the client at distance.
This is not optimal, but I'm afraid the hydration bit, done right, is time consuming and I haven't found such time to finalize it and ship it.
That might be hyperHTML v3 at this point.
I hope this answer helped understanding how viperHTML works and what's the current status.

How can I use collection.find as a result of a meteor method?

I'm trying to follow the "Use the return value of a Meteor method in a template helper" pattern outlined here, except with collections.
Essentially, I've got something like this going:
(server side)
queryTest: function(selector) {
console.log("In server meteor method...");
return MyCollection.find(selector);
(client side)'queryTest', {}, function(error, results) {
console.log("in queryTest client callback...");
queryResult = [];
results.forEach(function(result) {
// massage it into something more useful for display
// and append it to queryResult...
Session.set("query-result", queryResult);
query_test_result: function() {
return Session.get("query-result");
The problem is, my callback (from doesn't even get invoked.
If I replace the Method with just 'return "foo"' then the callback does get called. Also, if I add a ".fetch()" to the find, it also displays fine (but is no longer reactive, which breaks everything else).
What gives? Why is the callback not being invoked? I feel like I'm really close and just need the right incantation...
If it at all matters: I was doing all the queries on the client side just fine, but want to experiment with the likes of _ensureIndex and do full text searches, which from what I can tell, are basically only available through server-side method calls (and not in mini-mongo on the client).
Ok, so I migrated things publish/subscribe, and overall they're working, but when I try to make it so a session value is the selector, it's not working right. Might be a matter of where I put the "subscribe".
So, I have a publish that takes a parameter "selector" (the intent is to pass in mongo selectors).
On the client, I have subscribe like:
Meteor.subscribe('my-collection-query', Session.get("my-collection-query-filter"));
But it has spotty behaviour. On one article, it recommended putting these on Templates.body.onCreate. That works, but doesn't result in something reactive (i.e. when I change that session value on the console, it doesn't change the displayed value).
So, if I follow the advice on another article, it puts the subscribe right in the relevant helper function of the template that calls on that collection. That works great, but if I have MULTIPLE templates calling into that collection, I have to add the subscribe to every single one of them for it to work.
Neither of these seems like the right thing. I think of "subscribing" as "laying down the pipes and just leaving them there to work", but that may be wrong.
I'll keep reading into the docs. Maybe somewhere, the scope of a subscription is properly explained.
You need to publish your data and subscribe to it in your client.
If you did not remove "autopublish" yet, all what you have will automatically be published. So when you query a collection on client (in a helper method for example), you would get results. This package is useful just for quick development and prototyping, but in a real application it should be removed. You should publish your data according to your app's needs and use cases. (Not all users have to see all data in all use cases)

Meteor - Making DOM Changes from Helpers

Is it a good practice to make DOM changes from Meteor helpers? I'm currently relying on a javascript function to run inside the Meteor helper which makes the function run every time a collection data change occurs.
I know there is Tracker.autorun() but as far as I know, Tracker.autorun() only works for Session variables and does not work for collection data changes.
My current ways so far has not failed me or caused any problems but I'm not 100% sure if this was how Meteor was meant to be used.
Code Example
orange: function() {
This code will make sure that do_some_rand_function() is ran every time changes ( is a variable gotten from a Mongo Collection, therefore it is reactive).
No. Helpers should not have side effects (such as manually updating your DOM, modifying the database, making an HTTP request, etc.).
Your description sounds like a good use case for adding a template autorun in the rendered callback. All autoruns are reactive computations so they will rerun if any reactive variable used within them changes (Session, Meteor.user, Collections, etc.).
Give something like this a try:
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function() {
this.autorun(function() {
if (MyCollection.findOne()) {
Also note that template autoruns are automatically stopped when the template is destroyed.

Purely functional feedback suppression?

I have a problem that I can solve reasonably easy with classic imperative programming using state: I'm writing a co-browsing app that shares URL's between several nodes. The program has a module for communication that I call link and for browser handling that I call browser. Now when a URL arrives in link i use the browser module to tell the
actual web browser to start loading the URL.
The actual browser will trigger the navigation detection that the incoming URL has started to load, and hence will immediately be presented as a candidate for sending to the other side. That must be avoided, since it would create an infinite loop of link-following to the same URL, along the line of the following (very conceptualized) pseudo-code (it's Javascript, but please consider that a somewhat irrelevant implementation detail):
actualWebBrowser.urlListen.gotURL(function(url) {
// Browser delivered an URL
link.receivedAnURL(function(url) {
actualWebBrowser.loadURL(url); // will eventually trigger above listener
What I did first wast to store every incoming URL in browser and simply eat the URL immediately when it arrives, then remove it from a 'received' list in browser, along the lines of this:
browser.recents = {} // <--- mutable state
browser.recentsExpiry = 40000;
browser.doSend = function(url) {
now = (new Date).getTime();
link.sendURL(url); // <-- URL goes out on the network
// Side-effect, mutating module state, clumsy clean up mechanism :(
browser.recents[url] = now;
setTimeout(function() { delete browser.recents[url] }, browser.recentsExpiry);
return true;
browser.process = function(url) {
if(/* sanity checks on `url`*/) {
now = (new Date).getTime();
var duplicate = browser.recents[url];
if(! duplicate) return browser.doSend(url);
if((now - duplicate_t) > browser.recentsExpiry) {
return browser.doSend(url);
return false;
It works but I'm a bit disappointed by my solution because of my habitual use of mutable state in browser. Is there a "Better Way (tm)" using immutable data structures/functional programming or the like for a situation like this?
A more functional approach to handling long-lived state is to use it as a parameter to a recursive function, and have one execution of the function responsible for handling a single "action" of some kind, then calling itself again with the new state.
F#'s MailboxProcessor is one example of this kind of approach. However it does depend on having the processing happen on an independent thread which isn't the same as the event-driven style of your code.
As you identify, the setTimeout in your code complicates the state management. One way you could simplify this out is to instead have browser.process filter out any timed-out URLs before it does anything else. That would also eliminate the need for the extra timeout check on the specific URL it is processing.
Even if you can't eliminate mutable state from your code entirely, you should think carefully about the scope and lifetime of that state.
For example might you want multiple independent browsers? If so you should think about how the recents set can be encapsulated to just belong to a single browser, so that you don't get collisions. Even if you don't need multiple ones for your actual application, this might help testability.
There are various ways you might keep the state private to a specific browser, depending in part on what features the language has available. For example in a language with objects a natural way would be to make it a private member of a browser object.

How to detect whether a child_added event is local?

In a web app I have this:
function onChildAdded(snapshot) {
// ...
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
I'm looking for a 100% reliable way to detect whether the child_added event is immediate, so that I can handle the two cases correctly: when after push() the function gets called immediately (sync) vs when the function gets called async.
Setting a flag before the push() call is not reliable I think. (Potential race condition when an async event comes in, and the flag might not get reset when there's an error).
Another option would be
var pushed = push(...);
and then in child_added
if ( === pushed)
but an incoming message could have the same .name() thus there could be collisions. The probability of a clash is debatable, but I'd prefer a simple and watertight way to get the info.
It would be great if I could do this:
function onChildAdded(snapshot, prevChildName, isImmediateEvent) {
if (isImmediateEvent) {
// Handle as sync event.
} else {
// Handle as async event.
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
or this
function onChildAdded(snapshot, prevChildName) {
if (snapshot.isFromImmediateEvent) {
// Handle as sync event.
} else {
// Handle as async event.
someFirebaseLocation.on('child_added', onChildAdded);
Is there some other reliable option? Otherwise I'll ask the Firebase guys whether they could generally pass a bool "isImmediateEvent" into the callback (after snapshot,prevChildName).
You've covered the two options for now and either one should work reliably (see notes below). We might add features in the future to make this easier, but nothing concrete is planned at this point.
A couple notes:
Setting a flag should work fine. No async events will happen until after your synchronous code has finished running. You can avoid the error issue by using a try/finally block to reset it.
push() id's are designed to be universally unique, so you really shouldn't worry about conflicts.
