Prevent an order from being created if credit card is declined? - wordpress

When a user places an order on my woocommerce site, an order will be created in the back end with a pending status even if the user's credit card is declined.
I want to be able to prevent the order from being created until a successful response is recieved. I am using as my payment gateway.

You can use the woocommerce_order_status_failed hook to handle this use case.


PayPal Instant Payment Notification for Held Payments

So I'm using an API to receive payment notifications,
I don't really care what's in the notification I just want paypal to notify the API when a payment has been made and execute my own code.
So first off is this even going to work?
I put the URL for the API in the Instant Payment Notification under my account settings. My account is still new because I sent a test payment and it didn't work, do held payments not notify the IPN?
If the payment is held within PayPal it will notify via IPN, yes. You will be able to see such held payments by logging into and viewing the activity. There will also be a "pendingreason" value in the IPN, to notify you of why it is held.
Note that if at transaction time a "notify_url" is set by the integration (many older shopping carts do this), that URL will be used in place of whatever is set at the account level in Whatever was set at transaction time has precedence.
If an order is "on hold" by your shopping cart (pending payment), PayPal will not send any notification as nothing has taken place within its system (except maybe a checkout attempt that was clicked on but not finished for whatever reason)

WooCommerce - Send new order emails at different order status

I have an issue that WooCommerce sends out the “New Order” / “Order Confirmation” email as soon as an order is placed.
When working with a payment provider like stripe or paypal, this leads to issues since people have the option to cancel within the payment process (for example at paypal with “Cancel and go back to store X”).
This works fine so far, the order gets set to “canceled” and nothing more happens.
But the Order Confirmation email gets still send, even though the user is not even done with the payment itself or cancels it.
Is there any solution how to send this email only at a different status – for example “Processing” or “Completed”?
I tried using Send WooCommerce New Order email notification only for paid orders with processing status answer code, but it didn't worked for me.

WooCommerce Email on Payment Done but not received to Admin

I would like to know which WooCommerce email is sent to the admin when user has done the payment, money left from the user (bank) account, but admin haven't received the amount. Is there an email trigger for this situation by default ?
The new order email to the admin looks for the order status to switch to Processing (it also looks at other states, but Processing is the one relevant to your question). The payment gateway will decide what makes an order "paid" (and thus Processing in WooCommerce), so the answer to your question may vary with different providers.

WooCommerce pay for manually created orders without logging in

I have a situation where customers cannot check out for manually created orders without logging in. When checking out via the direct pay link, if they are not logged in they are still able to see the order total and check out via PayPal or card, however when checking out via PayPal they will be returned to an empty cart page and when checking out via card, they will be sent to the page before the 3D secure redirect and thus their order will not be processed.
We had taken payments before in this way, via manually created orders and sending the customer the payment link however I believe updating Wordpress/PHP caused this error. Can anyone help?
I think this snippet will surely help to allow customer to pay without login in.
Please have a look over here

How to transmit data recieved from the product/service buyers to the payment gateway?

I am willing to know how the process of sending the user account information, payment amount information as well as product/service id information to the payment gateway is conducted.
Where does the data from my last jsp page goes out there in the payment gateway?
How the transmitted information is synchronized and understood when they don't know my thing about the product/service m offering,prices and other flexibilities associated
or whether they expect me to be preparing a fully accomplished shopping cart and the finally tell them the final amount the buyer has to pay. what actually happens out there?
Most inline payment processors are willing to just take an amount. If you're sending the user to an external payment site, you'll normally have to send a cart. Each different payment processor will most likely give you a schema or webservice to use to send them a cart. The cart won't stay synchronized, just updated whenever you send that user to the payment processor.
