I would like to launch sbt with a specific port number directly :
sbt run 9001
does not work as 9001 is ignored.
What works however is to first launch sbt and then use the command run 9001
How could I combine both directly in one command line I could run in my shell ?
If I remember well, I think you have to add all the parameters between quotes. In you case:
sbt "run 9001"
When you run sbt console it's enough to use run 9001 without any quotation marks.
If you are using IntelliJ and using inbuild SBT Shell, then you can use the below command
run 8080
The server will be started in the mentioned port 8080
When I set up the configuration on IntelliJ, I had to add quote.
I am trying to use Run/Debug Configurations on WebStorm, however it doesn't seem to source .zshrc and produces errors about not finding commands and environment variables. (An example of this would be yarn tauri dev when using Tauri)
I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL and the project I opened in WebStorm resides under the $HOME directory. WebStorm is installed in Windows.
For the interactive shell, I have made zsh the default by chsh -s $(which zsh), but when using Run/Debug Configurations it uses the default non-interactive shell, which is dash as far as I know. And my environment variables and PATH are all set in .zshrc, which is not sourced by dash.
It seems in CLion, it is possible to execute commands in the login shell according to this YouTrack issue, but such an option is not available on WebStorm.
Is it possible to use zsh instead of dash as the default non-interactive shell? If not, it would help me a lot to know what is the best practice in such situations.
There are several questions and points you make:
First, from the question title (and the summary at the end):
Can I use zsh as the default non-interactive shell for WSL2 Ubuntu?
Well, maybe (using symlinks), but it would be a really bad idea. So many built-in scripts rely on /bin/sh pointing to Dash, or at least Bash. While Zsh might be compatible with 99.9% of them, eventually there's a strong likelihood that some difference in Zsh would cause a system-level script to fail (or at least produce results inconsistent with those from Dash).
It is possible in Ubuntu to change the default non-interactive ("system" shell) from Dash to Bash with sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash. If you select "No" in the resulting dialog, then the system will be updated to point /bin/sh to bash instead of dash.
But not to Zsh, no.
when using Run/Debug Configurations it uses the default non-interactive shell, which is dash as far as I know
I don't run WebStorm myself, so I'm not sure on this exactly. Maybe #lena's answer (or another) will cover it for you, but if it doesn't, I'm noticing this doc page. It might be worth trying to specify Zsh in those settings, but again, I can't be sure.
And my environment variables and PATH are all set in .zshrc, which is not sourced by dash.
Hmm. I'm guessing you would need these set in a .profile/.zprofile equivalent regardless. I would assume that WebStorm is executing the shell as a non-interactive one, which means that it wouldn't even parse ~/.bashrc if Bash was your default shell.
... it would help me a lot to know what is the best practice in such situations.
Best practice is probably to make sure that your ~/.profile has any environment changes needed. Yes, this violates DRY (don't repeat yourself), but it's probably the best route.
Thanks to the answer here and the discussion below, I was able to figure it out. (Thank you, #NotTheDr01ds and #lena.)
The main problem is that WebStorm is installed on Windows and therefore knows only the environment variables in Windows. There are two ways to solve the problem as follows.
Sharing WSL's environment variable to Windows through WSLENV
Add the line below to .zshrc so that it sets $WSLENV when zsh starts.
# Don't forget to insert the colon
# And for some reason, appending the variable after $WSLENV didn't work well
In Windows, run
wsl -e zsh -lic powershell.exe
This runs WSL using zsh (logged-in and interactive), then runs powershell which brings you back to Windows. Although this doesn't seem to achieve anything, by going through zsh in WSL, .zshrc was sourced and therefore $WSLENV set as well. You can check if it worked well by running the below command after you've run the above.
Run WebStorm from the PowerShell that was just created.
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\WebStorm 2022.1.3\bin\webstorm64.exe'
When you run or debug any of the Run/Debug Configurations, you will see that the environment variable is shared successfully.
Setting the PATH in Windows
For most environment variables, the previous method works well. However, PATH is an exception. The Windows PATH is shared to WSL by default. The opposite doesn't work, probably because the PATH in WSL should not interfere with Windows.I've tried adding the $PATH of WSL into $WSLENV but it didn't seem to work.
In the end, what I did was manually adding each needed $PATH of WSL into the Windows PATH.
For example, if there was export PATH=$PATH:home/(username)/.cargo/bin in .zshrc, you can then add \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\(username)\.cargo\bin to the Windows $env:Path using the Environment Variable window.
I might have made some mistakes, so feel free to leave an edit or comments.
You can try using npm config set script-shell command to set the shell for your scripts. Like npm config set script-shell "/usr/bin/zsh".
When npm run <script name> spawns a child process, the SHELL being used depends on NPM environment. Cм https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script:
The actual shell your script is run within is platform dependent. By
default, on Unix-like systems it is the /bin/sh command, on Windows it
is the cmd.exe. The actual shell referred to by /bin/sh also depends
on the system. As of npm#5.1.0 you can customize the shell with the
script-shell configuration
See also https://github.com/npm/npm-lifecycle/blob/10c0c08fc25fea3c18c7c030d4618a401963355a/index.js#L293-L304
I have been working on an ASP.NET application using Docker, and when I launch it through Visual Studio it works great! However, if I try to run anything from the command line (or powershell, or VS's CLI/Powershell) it will run, but the container it generates refuses all connections.
I am on Windows 10 NT with Docker Desktop installed trying to run an ubuntu:18.04 image (i've tried Alpine, ubuntu:16.04 as well).
Steps to reproduce:
-Create a default ASP.NET application in Visual Studio
-Add Docker Support
-Run with 'Docker' selected
-Open browser, navigate to localhost:[YourPort]
-Success! Works as intended.
Then, either using the same image or a downloaded one (I tried dockersamples/static-site to confirm it wasn't a problem with the specific project):
-Open CMD
-Run docker run -p [HostPort]:[ContainerPort] [SameImageVSUses:tag] on a different port
-See that docker ps shows both containers running next to each other
-Open browser (Firefox), get error
The connection was reset
I changed the ASP.NET app's program class to use instead of localhost, I believe this was necessary but now I see
Secure Connection Failed
If I curl localhost:[MyPort], I get (52) empty reply from server
Well, maybe Visual Studio does more that I'm not aware of.
A little bit of digging shows yes, it throws in a ton of extra arguments! Using the copy/pasted command Visual Studio does gives me... the exact same error.
To clarify, the containers still run from the command line, I can ssh in or docker inspect them (in fact, the VS-started and CMD-started containers' docker inspect is identical other than network addresses it's bound to). I get no error messages at all from the process of building and starting the container, so if some part of it is failing it is doing so silently.
I'm relatively new to Docker but I can't seem to find a fix for this, or even a reason behind it. What is Visual Studio doing that I'm not? I've tried everything I'm aware of, I even had to wipe my machine (unrelated) and the exact same thing happened when I got everything reinstalled. My gut tells me it's something on my machine, but then the VS-launched one should fail too, right?
I can't find anything that tells me to flip a magic switch if I'm running CLI stuff, and nothing I do to the dockerfile or command arguments seems to work. I've never used VirtualBox or Docker Toolbox, this shouldn't be a wonky configuration screwed up by an old program because It works fine when launched from Visual Studio! Agh!
I hope that this is indeed a magic switch I haven't flipped, otherwise there is something very basic that I don't understand about what I'm working with.
If you are trying to run recent VS template you just need to follow this instruction:
Go to the Api project directory:
cd ./src/YourApiDirectory
Build Command:
docker build -f ./Dockerfile --force-rm -t yourapiimage:dev ..
Run Command:
docker run -it --rm -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -p 58817:80 --name yourapiname yourapiimage:dev
please note that "-it" flag in last command will run your image in "interactive" mode. Also please note I am using only http connection via port 58817.
Thank you for the suggestions, it ended up being something rather frustrating. I think that it was a combination of two problems:
This stuff could be causing problems for others but I was mistaken, this did not work for me
First and foremost, no amount of docker configuration tells your website to listen for anything inside the container. I believe the website wasn't listening for anything when I initially tried most fixes.
The real problem was that the launchSettings.json in the .csproj Properties folder apparently overrides arguments from the command line!
Remember how I said '...run it alongside the first...'? That means I was never running the website on the correct set of ports. Apparently, -p 8001:443 -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=443 is not enough to make the site listen on 443. You must also set the sslPort in the launchSettings.json. Such is life, I suppose.
This is what finally worked
I ran docker-compose up in the solution directory. That's it. I didn't see a docker-compose.yml when I was looking in VS so I didn't think about it, but that's only because VS doesn't show solution-level items. I guess the thing that VS was doing that I wasn't was running docker-compose instead of individual commands.
When directly launch with Docker profile which is done via docker-compose file in Visual Studio, visual studio behind the screen merges different override files and does different tasks and one of them is attaching remote debugger in the container etc.
To help you I've created a sample asp.net core api via Visual Studio 2019 selecting .Net Core 3.0.
The following is the docker-compose that VS2019 generated on my machine when I launched my API via VS2019.
docker-compose -f "C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\testwebcore\docker-compose.yml" -f "C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\testwebcore\docker-compose.override.yml" -f "C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\testwebcore\obj\Docker\docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yml" -p dockercompose14364360289538262671 --no-ansi up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
I can get it work directly on powershell by running the following command, here I am using the same settings used in the override file by default created by VS2019. You have to run this command from parent folder outside the project folder.
docker-compose -f "C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\testwebcore\docker-compose.yml" -f "C:\Users\myuser\source\repos\testwebcore\docker-compose.override.yml" up
If you have directly build and run with the docker file instead of docker-compose
You can build with the following command and like before should run from outside folder of the project file.
docker build -f testwebcore/Dockerfile -t testcore
After building the image, you can run it with the below command but before that you need to create a certificate and pass couple of environment variables to the run command. The details of this is mentioned in the following page.. Especially the section Windows subsystem for Linux. I am running Linux containers on my Windows 10 laptop.
So you have to run the following command to generate certificate
dotnet dev-certs https -ep %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https\aspnetapp.pfx -p testpassword
So the complete run command with environment variables and certificate generated above the command is as follows.
docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 -p 8001:443 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http://+" -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT=8001 -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password="testpassword" -e ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/aspnetapp.pfx -v c:\users\myuser\.aspnet\https:/https/ testcore:latest
I have tried the run spring boot jar file using putty. but the problem is after closed the putty session service was stopped.
then i tried up the jar file with following command. its working fine .
**nohup java -jar /web/server.jar **
You should avoid using nohup as it will just disassociate your terminal and the process. Instead, use the following command to run your process as a service.
sudo ln -s /path/to/your-spring-boot-app.jar /etc/init.d/your-spring-boot-app
This command creates a symbolic link to your JAR file. Which then, you can run as a service using the command sudo service your-spring-boot-app start. This will write console log to /var/log/your-spring-boot-app.log
Moreover, you can configure spring-boot/application.properties to write console logs at your specified location using logging.path=path-to-your-log-directoryor logging.file=path-to-your-log-file.txt. Also, it may be worth noting that logging.file takes priority over logging.path
I´m just evaluating HHVM + NGINX instead of PHP7 + APACHE2 for one of my projects. This project serves a Webfrontend via NGINX and has also some PHP jobs running as service in the background.
My issue now is, that HHVM + JIT compilation isn´t a good idea for command line processes as I read (bytecode has to be created for each call).
So my question is: How can I disable JIT compilation only for CLI calls to HHVM? Is there a parameter I can pass to the call similar to "-v Eval.JitWarmupRequests=0"?
Thanks in advance for an hint,
As mentioned on the INI settings page (under JIT), there's the hhvm.jit INI setting that can be used to disable the JIT.
To pass this along on the command line, you use the -d flag. So, you'd want hhvm -d hhvm.jit=0
I already use -Djetty.port=xxx to set the http port on command line but I also need to specify a different port for https. I got some hints online about jetty.ssl.port and aleady tried -Djetty.ssl.port=yyy but that did not work.
As to why provide ports on command line versus the config xml file, it's because depending on some conditions I need to start Jetty on certain ports.
I'm using Jetty 6.1-SNAPSHOT.
Ultimately I need something like: java -Djetty.port=XXX -Djetty.ssl.port=YYY -jar start.jar
Note...that is really old version of jetty, we are releasing milestones for jetty 9 today even.
regardless, look in the jetty.xml and you should see where there is a property defined for jetty.port, just make a similar property for jetty.ssl.port or the like and then use that.
the jetty.xml file should be very easy to read, though thinking back you might need to look in the jetty-ssl.xml file.
first do:
mvn package
To start the server with default port: 8080 do
mvn jetty: run
To specify an alternative port: 8090
mvn jetty: run -Djetty.port=8090
To specify multiple transfer protocol port
mvn jetty: run -Djetty.port=8090 -Djetty.ssl.port=8555
Simply execute the following from the project directory:
mvn -Djetty.port=8686 jetty:run