Difference between complement and invert in SASS? - css

I was going through SASS documentation and found that complement and invert have the same output, Can you tell me what is the difference between these two?
//SASS Code
//Returns the complement of a color.
$invert:invert($color);//Returns the inverse of a color.
.complement {
background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code
.invert {
background: #00ff66;//Same Color Code

For some reason, many online examples for complement/invert use color values resulting in the same output for both functions.
While the complement/invert of many color values are the same, there are also many values that result in different colors.
$color: #ff6699;
complement($color) = #66ffcc;
invert($color) = #009966;
To re-word the Sass documentation:
Returns the color that is 180 degrees opposite on the HSL color wheel.
To calculate the complement of a color:
Convert the color value to RGB
#ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153
Add the highest and lowest RGB values
255 + 102 = 357
Subtract each of the original RGB values from the number in step #2
(357-255) (357-102) (357-153)
102 255 204
This corresponds to #66ffcc
Returns the inverted red, green, and blue values of the color.
To calculate the invert of a color:
Convert the color value to RGB
#ff6699 = RGB 255, 102, 153
Flip the values by subtracting the original RGB values from 255
(255-255) (255-102) (255-153)
0 153 102
This corresponds to #009966


Adapt given color pairs to adhere to W3C Accessibility standard for ePubs

We are trying to produce ePub publications that adhere to the W3C accessibility standards. One of the remaining issues is insufficient color contrast between the text color and the background color. We use Ace by DAISY (great tool!) which provides information about this sort of issue in both textual form and JSON:
And here is the JSON (it's not very straightforward to extract the two color values from the dct:description, but with a regular expression we manage):
"#type": "earl:assertion",
"earl:result": {
"earl:outcome": "fail",
"dct:description": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.86 (foreground color: #fd5f07, background color: #fff5ea, font size: 28.1pt (37.52px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 3:1",
"earl:pointer": {
"cfi": [
"css": [
"html": "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" class=\"inbrief-title\">In Brief</div> <!--##--> <div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" class=\"box-container inbrief\">"
"earl:assertedBy": "aXe",
"earl:mode": "automatic",
"earl:test": {
"earl:impact": "serious",
"dct:title": "color-contrast",
"dct:description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
"help": {
"url": "http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/css/color.html",
"dct:title": "Color",
"dct:description": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast"
"rulesetTags": [
However, I'd like to adapt these colors programmatically to create sufficient contrast between background and text colors by changing the colors as little as possible. For example, if there is a light yellow with white text, change the yellow to a darker hue until it meets the contrast requirement. Or, conversely, make the text black.
Is there an algorithm that one could implement that can do this? I couldn't find anything that seemed useful. When describing the use case above I found myself noticing that it is probably quite a subjective decision and therefore hard to automate.
The first thing you'd have to do is decide which color to change, the foreground or background. What I'd probably do is decide which color is the furthest from white or black because its value could be changed the most.
But before that, you have to figure out which color is light and which is dark. Fortunately, that's pretty easy. Since white is #fff and black is #000, whichever color value is the smallest (ie, closer to #000) is the darker one.
Then just subtract the light color from #fff (hexadecimal subtraction or convert the colors to decimal) and compare that to the darker color.
If the subtracted value for the light color is smaller than the dark color, then the light color is closer to white than the darker color is to black so you'll want to start modifying the darker color.
If the subtracted value for the light color is larger than the dark color, then the light color is further from white than the darker color is from black so you'll want to start modifying the light color.
When changing the color, just add or subtract 1 from each RGB component. Add 1 if you're making the light color lighter or subtract 1 if you're making the dark color darker.
After you add or subtract 1 from each RGB, compute the luminance contrast to see if you're above 4.5 (if the font is small), or above 3 (if the font is large - where "large" is defined as 14pt bold or 18pt normal).
The contrast ratio formula is kind of messy but doable.
(L1 + 0.05) / (L2 + 0.05)
L1 is the relative luminance of the lighter of the colors, and
L2 is the relative luminance of the darker of the colors.
You already know which color is lighter and which is darker.
The relative luminance value (L) is the messy part, although it initially looks simple. It's just:
L = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
Essentially, it's 21% red, 71% blue, 7% green. But it's not the straight values of R, G, and B from your color. First you have to take each R, G, B value and divide by 255. Then depending on that value, you do some magic on the values.
R = R / 255
if R <= 0.03928 then R = R/12.92
else R = ((R+0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4
Do that for G and B too. Now that you have new values for R, G, and B, then you can apply the 21%/71%/7% relative luminance above and that gives you L1 or L2, and then you can add 0.05 to both values and divide L1 by L2.
I told you it was messy but doable. This will give you the contrast value which should be between 1 and 21. (1 is when the two colors are the same [white on white, red on red, orange on orange, etc] and 21 is when the two colors are black (#000) and white (#fff).
If you haven't reached 4.5 (or 3.0, depending on the font size), then add or subtract 1 from each R/G/B again and compute the ratio again.
For funsies, here's an example:
color1 = #5EBA7D (the green background color on stackoverflow that shows the upvote value)
color2 = #FDF7E2 (the yellow background color on stackoverflow for the sidebar)
(The upvote text color is white but that's boring for an example so I chose yellow instead).
It doesn't matter which color is foreground or background. You get the same ratio. So lets use C1 as foreground and C2 as background. If you use a tool, such as CCA, it shows a value of 2.2:1, which fails WCAG 1.4.3.
Let's plug those numbers into the formula.
R = #5E (94)
G = #BA (186)
B = #7D (125)
Divide each one by 255
R = 94/255 = 0.368
G = 186/255 = 0.729
B = 125/255 = 0.490
None of those values are less than 0.03928 so we have to apply the messy part. Add 0.055 then divide by 1.055 then raise that to the power of 2.4.
R = ((0.368 + 0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 = 0.112
G = ((0.729 + 0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 = 0.491
B = ((0.490 + 0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 = 0.205
Now you apply the percentages (21%/71%/7%) to get the first color's luminance value.
L1 = 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B
L1 = 0.2126 * (.112) + 0.7152 * (.491) + 0.0722 * (.205)
L1 = 0.024 + 0.351 + 0.015
L1 = 0.390
Then you do it for the other color to get L2 = 0.929
L2 was the yellow color so is actually the lighter color and should be L1 in the original formula. So we'll make the green, which is darker, L2.
(L1 + 0.05) / (L2 + 0.05)
= (0.929 + 0.05) / (0.390 + 0.05)
= 2.226
If you use a color contrast tool, you should get the same value, although most tools typically round to one decimal place so you'll get 2.2.
Now that you know the ratio, which color is further away from black or white so you know which color to adjust?
color1 = #5EBA7D (green)
color2 = #FDF7E2 (yellow)
The smaller number is darker (closer to #000 black) so that would be #5EBA7D (green).
How far is the lighter color (#FDF7E2, yellow) from white (#fff)?
#FFFFFF - #FDF7E2 = #02081D
Now, which is bigger? The dark color, #5EBA7D (green), or the distance from yellow to white, #02081D? In this case, the green is bigger so it's further away from black than the yellow is from white.
Doing a gut check, that makes sense. The green isn't very dark, kind of a light-ish green so it's not very close to black. But yellow is very light and is close to white.
Since green is further from black than the yellow is from white, you can start adjusting the green and making it darker. Do this by subtracting 1 from each R/G/B value then recomputing the luminance. It probably won't change much so you'll have to keep adjusting the green and making it darker until you reach 4.5 (or 3.0, depending on font size).
If you program out this case, the green should eventually get to #258144 (which ends up subtracting 57 from each RGB value), which has a color ratio of 4.6 to the yellow.
If any of the RGB values reach 0 before you get to a decent contrast ratio, then you have to start making the light color lighter by adding 1 to each RGB value and recomputing the contrast. By adding or subtracting 1 from each RGB, you keep the color hue. The green is still green but is darker, or the yellow is still yellow but is lighter.
Are you wishing you hadn't asked the question now?
Minor Update:
Adjusting the RGB values by 1 each time and recomputing the luminance might not be very efficient. In my example, that would have to be done 57 times. You might want to add or subtract 10 from each RGB component instead of 1 and see how close to 4.5 you get. If not there yet, adjust by 10 again. Once you get greater than 4.5, you can tweak it back a bit and adjust by 2 in the opposite direction until you get as close to 4.5 without going under.

Scaling a color based on a target contrast ratio

I am trying to create a Sass function that receives a foreground color and background color and calculates the contrast ratio. From there (and the part I'm stuck on) is that it would simply return the foreground color if it meets the target contrast ratio, but if it doesn't it would lighten or darken the foreground color to meet the target contrast ratio.
For example, if the background supplied was #000 and the foreground supplied was #444 (a contrast ratio of 2.15), this function would lighten the foreground to #757575 and return that color.
I've got everything working except for the part where I need to reverse the contrast calculation. My initial thought was to approach it with what percentage it was away from target and simply lighten/darken (depending on which color was originally darker) by 100 minus the percent difference. This approach, in hindsight, was a little naive and I'm afraid some more advanced math will be involved.
Here is what I created so far (and here is a simplified fiddle):
#function wcag-color($bg, $fg, $size: 16px, $level: "aa"){
#if ( $level == "aa" ){
$wcag_contrast_ratio: 4.5; //For text smaller than 18px
#if ( $size >= 19 ){
$wcag_contrast_ratio: 3; //For text larger than 19px
#if ( $level == "aaa" ){
$wcag_contrast_ratio: 7; //For text smaller than 18px
#if ( $size >= 19 ){
$wcag_contrast_ratio: 4.5; //For text larger than 19px
$actual_contrast_ratio: contrast($bg, $fg); //This function returns the contrast between the two colors.
#if ( $actual_contrast_ratio > $wcag_contrast_ratio ){
#return $fg; //Foreground color is acceptable
//Scale the lightness of the foreground to meet requested WCAG contrast ratio
$difference: 100 - $actual_contrast_ratio / $wcag_contrast_ratio * 100; //There is more to it than this...
//Edit: here are a few new lines to ponder. This assumes BG is darker than FG (would need to add a condition to compare luminance of each).
$acceptable_luminance: luminance($bg)*$wcag_contrast_ratio; //What the luminance of the FG must be to comply
$difference: ($acceptable_luminance - luminance($fg)); //How far away the FG luminance actually is (not sure if this helps anything...)
#return scale-color($fg, $lightness: $difference); //Unfortunately luminance is not the same as lightness.
Notice the commented line "There is more to it than this..." – that is where I need to reverse my contrast formula, but I'd love if there was a simpler formula to use since I already know what the target contrast ratio is.
I've been thinking about this for a few days an I'm stumped. I'd prefer to avoid a guess-and-check method by looping through 1% lightened/darkened colors and testing each individually for their contrast ratio– that would work, but I'm sure there is a more optimal solution.
This was my reference for my initial functions (contrast and luminance) and was very helpful: https://medium.com/dev-channel/using-sass-to-automatically-pick-text-colors-4ba7645d2796
Note: I am not using Compass or any other Sass libraries.
Edit: Here is a simplified fiddle for reference: https://www.sassmeister.com/gist/445836123feb42885a0cf7f4709261ff
So given #000000 and #444444, you can calculate the contrast ratio (2.15 in this case). The math is pretty straightforward, albeit a little hairy. (See the "relative luminance" definition.)
Now you want to go backwards? If you have #000000 and want a ratio of 4.5, starting with #444444, what should the color be? Is that what
I need to reverse my contrast formula
It's a little complicated because you're solving for 3 variables, the red, green, and blue components, plus the luminance formula doesn't treat the red, green and blue equally. It's using 21.25% red, 71.5% green, and 7.25% blue.
Plus, the luminance formula isn't a simple linear formula so you can't just take a percentage short of luminance and bump the color value by that same percentage.
For example, in your case, the ratio was 2.15 but you need it to be 4.5. 2.15 is 108% short of 4.5, the desired value.
However, if you look at your original RGB values #444444 and you calculated it needed to be #757575 (in order to have a 4.5 ratio), then if you treat those RGB values as simple numbers (and convert to decimal), then #444444 (4473924) is 72% short of #757575 (7697781).
So you have a disconnect that your ratio is short by 108% but your RGB values are short by 72%. Thus you can't do a simple linear equation.
(The numbers aren't quite exact since #757575 gives you a 4.56 ratio, not an exact 4.5 ratio. If you use #747474, you get a 4.49 ratio, which is just a smidge too small for WCAG compliance but is closer to 4.5 than 4.56. However, #444444 is 71% short of #747474, so it's still not the same as 2.15 being 108% short of 4.5, so the basic concept still applies.)
Just for fun, I looked at the values of 0x11111 through 0x666666, incrementing by 0x111111, and calculated the contrast ratio. There weren't enough points on the graph so I added a color halfway between 0x111111 and 0x222222, then halfway between 0x222222 and 0x333333, etc.
RGB contrast % from 4.5 % from 0x747474
111111 1.11 305.41% 582.35%
191919 1.19 278.15% 364.00%
222222 1.32 240.91% 241.18%
2a2a2a 1.46 208.22% 176.19%
333333 1.66 171.08% 127.45%
3b3b3b 1.87 140.64% 96.61%
444444 2.16 108.33% 70.59%
4c4c4c 2.45 83.67% 52.63%
555555 2.82 59.57% 36.47%
5d5d5d 3.19 41.07% 24.73%
666666 3.66 22.95% 13.73%
6e6e6e 4.12 9.22% 5.45%
As you can see, the lines interset at the 3rd data point then converge toward each other. I'm sure there's a formula in there so you could take the contrast percentage, do some (probably logarithmic) function on it and get the percentage needed to change the color.
This would be a fascinating math problem that I currently don't have time to play with.
Update Jan 18, 2019
I got it to work going backwards, but it doesn't handle edge cases such as when making a dark color darker but you've already reached the max (or a light color lighter but you reached the max). But maybe you can play with it.
Test case
#ee0add for the light color (magenta-ish)
#445566 for the dark color (dark gray)
contrast ratio 2.09
When computing the "relative luminance" of a color, it has a conditional statement.
if X <= 0.03928 then
X = X/12.92
X = ((X+0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4
Before X is used in that condition, it's divided by 255 to normalize the value between 0 and 1. So if you take the conditional value, 0.03928, and multiply by 255, you get 10.0164. Since RGB values must be integers, that means an RGB component of 10 (0x0A) or less will go through the "if" and anything 11 (0x0B) or bigger will go through the "else". So in my test case values, I wanted one of the color parts to be 10 (0x0A) (#EE0ADD).
The relative luminance for #ee0add is 0.23614683378171950172526363525113 (0.236)
The relative luminance for #445566 is 0.0868525191131797135799815832377 (0.0868)
The "contrast ratio" is
(0.236 + .05) / (0.0868 + .05) = 2.09
(You can verify this ratio on https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/?fcolor=EE0ADD&bcolor=445566)
If we want a ratio of 4.5, and we want #ee0add to not change, then we have to adjust #445566. That means you need to solve for:
4.5 = (0.236 + .05) / (XX + .05)
So the second luminance value (XX) needs to be 0.01358818528482655593894747450025 (0.0136)
The original second luminance value was 0.0868525191131797135799815832377 (0.0868), so to get 0.01358818528482655593894747450025 (0.0136), we need to multiply the original by 0.15645125119651910313960717062698 (0.0136 / 0.0868 = 0.156) (or 15.6% of the original value)
If we apply that 15.6% to each of the R, G, and B relative luminance values, and then work through the conditional statement above backwards, you can get the RGB values.
Original luminance for #445566
r = 0x44 = 68
g = 0x55 = 85
b = 0x66 = 102
r1 = 68 / 255 = 0.26666666666666666666666666666667
g1 = 85 / 255 = 0.33333333333333333333333333333333
b1 = 102 / 255 = 0.4
r2 = ((.267 + .055) / 1.055)^^2.4 = 0.05780543019106721120703816752337
g2 = ((.333 + .055) / 1.055)^^2.4 = 0.09084171118340767766490119106965
b2 = ((.400 + .055) / 1.055)^^2.4 = 0.13286832155381791428570549818868
l = 0.2126 * r2 + 0.7152 * g2 + 0.0722 * b2
= 0.0868525191131797135799815832377
Working backwards, take 15.6% of the r2, g2, and b2 values
r2 = 0.05780543019106721120703816752337 * 15.6% = 0.00904373187934550551617004082875
g2 = 0.09084171118340767766490119106965 * 15.6% = 0.01421229937547695322310904970549
b2 = 0.13286832155381791428570549818868 * 15.6% = 0.02078741515147623990363062978804
Now undo that mess with ^^2.4 and the other stuff
to undo X^^2.4 you have to do the inverse, X^^(1/2.4) or X^^(0.4167)
then multiply by 1.055
then subtract 0.055
then multiply by 255
pow( 0.00904373187934550551617004082875, 1/2.4) = 0.14075965680504652191078668676178
pow( 0.01421229937547695322310904970549, 1/2.4) = 0.16993264267137740728089791717873
pow( 0.02078741515147623990363062978804, 1/2.4) = 0.19910562853770829265100914759565
multiply by 1.055
0.14075965680504652191078668676178 * 1.055 = 0.14850143792932408061587995453368
0.16993264267137740728089791717873 * 1.055 = 0.17927893801830316468134730262356
0.19910562853770829265100914759565 * 1.055 = 0.21005643810728224874681465071341
subtract 0.055
0.14850143792932408061587995453368 - 0.055 = 0.09350143792932408061587995453368
0.17927893801830316468134730262356 - 0.055 = 0.12427893801830316468134730262356
0.21005643810728224874681465071341 - 0.055 = 0.15505643810728224874681465071341
multiply by 255
0.09350143792932408061587995453368 * 255 = 23.842866671977640557049388406088 = 24 = 0x18
0.12427893801830316468134730262356 * 255 = 31.691129194667306993743562169008 = 32 = 0x20
0.15505643810728224874681465071341 * 255 = 39.53939171735697343043773593192 = 40 = 0x28
So the darker color is #182028. There are probably some rounding errors but if you check the original foreground color, #ee0add with the new color, #182028, you get a contrast ratio of 4.48. Just shy of 4.5, but like I said, probably some rounding errors.
I tried doing the same thing with #ee0add, keeping #445566 the same, but when going backwards and getting to the last step where you multiply by 255, I got numbers greater than 255, which are not valid RGB components (they can only go up to 0xFF). If I stopped the number at 255 then took the difference and added it to the smallest color value, I got a decent color but the ratio was 5.04, overshooting 4.5. I can post that math too if you want.

rgb() with ggplot2 in R

In ggplot2, we have the option of setting colours by name or hex code. Is there any way to use rgb values in the same way? I searched the docs but the quick answer seems to be 'no'. (The reason I would like to use rgb is that I have some colours that I am going to use for some plots, and I have them all in rgb format. I can get the hex from places like here, but it would be great if I could just enter the values straight into ggplot().
You can use the function rgb(r, g, b) to convert fractional RGB values to hex:
[1] "#1A334D"
If your values are based on 8-bit color (or any other limit), you can use the maxColorValue option to specify the maximum number:
rgb(207, 31, 46, maxColorValue = 255)
[1] "#CF1F2E"

Calculating how "colorful" a color is

I like to create a ratio between 0-1 of how "colorful" a color is, by colorful i mean:
Black colors have ratio 0 (no light)
White colors have ratio 0 (no saturation)
A fully saturated / lighted color has ratio 1
i tried by converting the color to HSV colorspace and calculating the ratio as:
ratio = (color.value / 100) * (color.saturation / 100)
This works somewhat, but it feels like the curve is wrong, for example a
HSV(hue=0, saturation=80, value=80)
only gives a ratio of 0.64 but looks very close to the fully saturated / lighted color.
Maybe i need to somehow create a "ease-out" on the values? i thought about taking human perception of colors into account aswell (using LAB or YUV colorspaces) but i dont think that is needed here, but i might be wrong.
The definition of saturation from HSV is not what you want, because it does not compensate for the lightness of the color.
From the Wikipedia article on Colorfulness:
[Perceived saturation] is the proportion of pure chromatic color in the total color sensation.
where Sab is the saturation, L* the lightness and C*ab is the chroma of the color.
This definition uses the L* and C*ab components of the CIELAB colorspace. My guess is that for your application you could use Lab colorspace instead. Then your code would look like this:
function perceived_saturation(L, a, b)
return 100 * sqrt(a*a + b*b) / sqrt(L*L + a*a + b*b)
For your example color RGB = (204, 41, 41), this returns a perceived saturation of about 86%, when converting the color via the path RGB &rightarrow; sRGB &rightarrow; Lab.
As a simple approximation, you could use max(r,g,b)/255 - min(r,g,b)/255. It has the properties you seek, where anything on the gray spectrum between black and white has a colorfulness of 0, and only fully lit colors will have a colorfulness of 1. A fully saturated but dark color will be in between, e.g. (128, 0, 0) will have a colorfulness of ~0.5.

rgb values to 0 to 1 scale

I'm trying to calculate some RGB colors (0 - 255) for a 0 to 1 scale. Does anyone knows a online converter or it exists a math formula?
Lets say that I want to convert 125 RGB with (0 to 255 scale) to a 0 to 1 scale.
It's simply a case of dividing your RGB value, call it x by 255:
If x = 95 then your value is 95/255 = 0.373 (to 3 d.p.)
a = x / 255
x = a * 255
where x is the RGB value and a is your desired result.
if you want to continue using 0-255 can create a function for this as the following example.
function setFillColor2(...)
local object,r,b,g=...
object:setFillColor( r/255, b/255,g/255)
circle1 = display.newCircle(150,250, 50 )
The simplest way if to divide by either 255 for 0-1 or 256 for 0 - a bit less than 1. The latter sometimes has advantages. You need to do the divisions in fixed or floating point, not in integer arithmetic, of course.
However in fact the human response to an rgb channel value on 0-255 is not linear, neither is the device's response. Often you need to do gamma correction. It all gets very involved very quickly, and it doesn't usually matter much for low end graphics. For high end graphics, however, you often want to be out of rgb colourspace altogether, and then you need non-linear conversion functions to finally flush the rgb pixels to the end image.
use like this
color: rgb(140 / 255, 180 / 255, 205 / 255),
divide 255 to each actual value , its always falls between 0-1 scale
Actual RGB Color : 140 180 205
0-1 scale code - rgb(140 / 255, 180 / 255, 205 / 255)
