rpmbuild: how to skip generation of "debuginfo" packages (without change SPEC file ; neither .rpmmacros) - rpmbuild

We need to (re)generated third party packages on EL7 but we don't want to change SPEC file as suggested (%define debug_package %{nil} https://www.redhat.com/archives/shrike-list/2003-April/msg00069.html) and neither changing the ~/.rpmmacros file as it is on a shared box for RPM build.
Is there any way to solve this via command line (additional parameter) with rpmbuild?

After many tests I found the solution. In fact, it is possible to define debug_package outside of the SPEC file, using --define. Which gives:
rpmbuild --define "debug_package %{nil}" -ba SPECS/original.spec
Result is: I don't modify the third party SPEC file and no RPM -debuginfo is generated.

rpmbuild --rebuild --nodebuginfo file.src.rpm -- this still generates debuginfo rpms
Another solution:
cat /etc/rpm/macros
%debug_package %{nil}


Customizing Powerleve10k prompt

I just added the Powerlevel10k theme to my zsh and i'm trying to configure certain parts.
It currently looks like this:
The ~/.p10k.zsh has a lot of configurations done and I've been trying to change certain things but i'm not there yet.
I don't want to print the whole path on the left prompt, just the directory. Also, not sure what those numbers indicate in the git section. And the right prompt is displaying my ruby version, although I haven't used Ruby in ages and want to change it to a different setting.
I've tried adding a PS1=... to .zshrc but it seems to be overriden by the P10K config file.
Any suggestions?
Display only the last directory segment
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Change the value of this parameter to truncate_to_last.
Alternatively, change the value of POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH to 1. This will maximally shorten current directory while keeping the transformation reversible. You can restore the original directory by copy-pasting the shortened directory to the command line and pressing TAB.
Ruby version
Powerlevel10k has several prompt segments that can display Ruby version. By default only those are enabled that display Ruby version when it has been manually overridden by some tool (e.g., rbenv or asdf).
To remove Ruby version from prompt:
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Remove or comment out the following elements: rbenv, rvm and asdf.
Alternatively (and perhaps preferably), find out which tool is overriding Ruby version for you and remove the override if you no longer need it.
shorten dir segment to show only deepest directory
To show only last n significant path segments, you can set following in your config .zshrc, e.g n=1 means show only last folder in present working directory:
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/49027654
explain Git symbols
The question/exclamation mark in Git segment (vcs segment, next to path) means the number of files untracked (?) and unstaged (!). For detailed description see What do different symbols in Git status mean?
change version segment
You can change the version segment (on the right of prompt) to reflect another tool. For example to replace shown ruby version by python version replace the element within right promt elements in your config .zshrc:

Failed to create wallet for ton with Fift?

Right now I'm trying to create wallet for TON.
I downloaded and built Fift interpreter an was trying to create new wallet with: ./crypto/fift new-walelt.fif
[ 1][t 0][1559491459.312618017][fift-main.cpp:147] Error interpreting standard preamble file `Fift.fif`: cannot locate file `Fift.fif`
Check that correct include path is set by -I or by FIFTPATH environment variable, or disable standard preamble by -n.
Although my path variable is set. Could anyone please help me with this?
First, locate {{lite-client-source-direcotry}}/crypto/fift
This is not the build directory, that's the directory where are the source files (lite-client that you downloaded). So verify you have that it contains Fift.fif file.
If you installed it in the user working directory, it should be:
Now, you should either set FIFTPATH variable to point to this directory or run fift with -I option:
export FIFTPATH=~/lite-client/crypto/fift/
./crypto/fift new-walelt.fif
./crypto/fift -I~/lite-client/crypto/fift/ new-walelt.fif
Have you tried ./crypto/fift -I<source-directory>/crypto/fift new-wallet.fif instead of setting environment variable? Are Fift.fif and Asm.fif library files inside FIFTPATH?
Make sure you have followed all the instruction written here:
It should work if you do all the above instruction correctly. If not, it might be a bug. Remember that TON is in a very early beta strage. You can submit the issue here:
You also can use this:
cd ~/liteclient-build
crypto/fift -I/root/lite-client/crypto/fift/lib -s /root/lite-client/crypto/smartcont/new-wallet.fif -1 wallet_name
Try this (worked for me)
export FIFTPATH=~/lite-client/crypto/fift/lib
./crypto/fift new-wallet.fif

GNAT Metric and RTL files

For running GNAT metric (for Windows, GPL 2017 or CE 2018) I'd like to include the RTL sources as well. There is a "-a" switch but it seems to be ineffective. When I'm forcing visibility of RTL sources, only ada.ads and system.ads are processed. Guessing it is a "crunched name" issue (RTL file names forced to 8 character names) I've tried other tricks without success.
My question is: is there a way to get the RTL source metrics (of the source files actually used) with GNAT Metric?
I'm using the command
gnatmetric -a -xs -nt -j0 -Pmyproj.gpr -U somemain.adb
In the meantime I've found a workaround by using the gnathtml.pl script.
I've customized the script a bit by removing the H1 headers.
The result is a few hundreds of HTML files with the sources of units actually used: the script does find all dependencies, recursively, through the .ali files - including the RTL.
Then I group the HTML files together, convert them back to text files, pass them through Adalog's Normalize tool for removing comments and empty lines, count lines with the wc command, and the job is done.

How to replace rrpmrc file functionality in rpm 5.1.6

In my project I use --rcfile option for rpmbuild settings ... however with new rpm version (5.1.6) this option is not available ... how can I replace the rpmrc file with the new version .. Any doc for help ?
There was this post from the mailing list that explains some options for getting around the removal of the --rcfile command.
Set %optflags in a file and use --macros to point to the file is the replacement for --rcfile. You can use a macro like %{target_cpu} in the path if you wish to have multiple arches supported by a single --macros invocation.

cmake command syntax question

I require the syntax of a CMAKE macro that generates .cc and .h files from a tool like lex/yacc.
Could someone please show me the syntax for the following contrived example:
say I have a file y.cc that depends on x.cc and x.h, the two files mentioned are generated by tool z_tool from file x.z. What would the syntax for this be ?
For this example assume that y.cc will be turned into a static library, and as I am quite new to CMAKE the full CMakellist.txt for this contrived example would be very helpful.I'm looking for a portable solution as the tools I am using are available on windows as well as UNIX variants.
Rather than give you the answer to a contrived example, here is the way you would generate an executable using flex and bison
BISON_TARGET(MyParser parser.y ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/parser.cc)
FLEX_TARGET(MyScanner lexer.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lexer.cc)
target_link_libraries(Foo ${FLEX_LIBRARIES} ${BISON_LIBRARIES})
The CMake find packages for bison/flex are included in the default installation, so this is cross platform.
In general to create an output that will later be used as an input you can use the add_custom_command function. If you use an output from the custom command as an input to a library or executable, then CMake knows to run your custom command before compiling the sources for the library/executable target.
The following line has Typo
FLEX_TARGET(MyScanner lexer.l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BIANRY_DIR}/lexer.cc)
BIANRY should be spelled as BINARY.
Note: CMake Documentation has this typo there as well. ( in 2.8.0, this is fixed in 2.8.10 documentation)..
/* To make it work on my Mac with Lion. I changed the files names to y.tab.c and lex.yy.c, which are the output files if you run lex lex.l and yacc -D yacc.y from command line. See below.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project (LexYacc)
target_link_libraries(LexYacc ${FLEX_LIBRARIES} ${BISON_LIBRARIES})
