R - nolptr - Find the 50 better solutions, not only the best one - r

I'm using the nerldermead() function of the nolptr package and I would like to find, for instance, the 50 most likely solutions. In this example :
opti= function(x){x-12}
solution=neldermead(x0,opti,lower,upper,control=list(maxeval = 1000,stopval = -Inf))
I will only obtain solution=12, but I would obtain this best solution and 49 other around. Is there a way to extract this information of the nerldermead() function ?
Thanks a lot !

The simplex is a local algorithm that won't allow you to find different local optima, but only one optimum value (being global or local). You can iterate your simplex optimisation with something like a Multi-Level Single Linkage algorithm that will find different starting points for your simplex, depending on the results of the previous simplex. Here is an example with your function:
table <- NULL
opti <- function(x){
res <- x-12
table <<- rbind(table, c(x, res))
lower <- c(0)
upper <- c(100)
local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = "NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD",
opts <- list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_GN_MLSL_LDS",
"local_opts" = local_opts,
OPT <- nloptr(
x0 = runif(1, min=lower, max=upper), # random starting point
lb = lower,
ub = upper,
table <- table[order(table[,2]),]
As your function is simple, your 50 results are the same but with a rougher surface you may expect interesting results. To my knowledge nloptr does not allow you to get the trace of your optim path so you have to write it in your evaluation function. Here the number of iteration is very low: you have 50-random starting 15-iteration simplex, don't forget to change that.


How to combine two optimization problems in R with optim(.)?

Roughly speaking, I seek to solve a maximation problem in R, where the objective function has the following structure: log[f(theta)*g(theta)]. Thus I want to solve
Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)]
The problem comes from the fact that g(theta) is obtained from another (minimization) problem in theta with restrictions. g(theta) is defined as:
g(theta) = argmin {Min h(x,theta)*g}.
Since h(x,theta) depends on theta, the optimal g that minimizes h(x,theta)*g must be a function of theta.
My approach, so far, has been to first define the function constrOptim(.) such that I can tell R that I want to minimize h(x,theta)*g subject to some restrictions, and then I incorporate that optimal g(.) into the second function (in theta). With this, I use the function optim(.) to try to max log[f(theta)*g(theta)].
Here is my code:
First, the function problem_min, which is a function of theta, gives the optimal g(theta), which is obtained as a solution to the minimization problem with constraints (sol_min).
problem_min <- function(theta_est){
reg_theta_int <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:(n*T)){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
L_1[i,j] = exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i])/(1+exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i]))
y_tilde <- full_data$y - L_1[,1]
L_1_tilde <- L_1[,-1] - L_1[,1]
eval_funct_g <- function(g){
sol_min <- constrOptim(theta = g_int, f = eval_funct_g, grad = NULL, ui = R, ci = r, mu = 1e-04,
method = "Nelder-Mead",
outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 1e-05,
hessian = FALSE)
g_theta = c(1-sum(sol_min$par), sol_min$par)
Once I have the optimal g(theta), which is a vector of numbers, I plug in log[f(theta)*g(theta)] to maximize the whole expression using optim(.) :
funct_f_g <- function(theta_est){
full_data$reg_theta_est <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:n){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
for(t in 1:T){
product[t] = exp(full_data$y[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]*(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))/(1+exp(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))
L_ml[i,j] = prod(product)
sol_ml <- optim(par = theta_int, fn = funct_f_g, method=c("Nelder-Mead"),
lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
hessian = FALSE)
theta_opt <- sol_ml$par
sol_ml intends to solve Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)] while incorporating the fact that g(theta) should be previously chosen optimally.
A variable_int means that it gives an initial value.
When I run the previous code R tells me that the objective function in optim(.) cannot be evaluated. Nevertheless, when I evaluate funct_f_g at some give theta_est it runs perfectly. Thus I think that there is something wrong with the optim(.) function regarding how I am trying to tell R that the problem has the previous structure.
If you have a different approach to approach my problem, or an explanation about what I am not doing correctly, it will be great!
I know that I am not giving a description of all the matrices and operations that are involved in the previous problem. I skip this for simplicity, hoping that the general structure of the problems can be understood.

Finding optimal parameter for each input combination in the objective function in an optimization

I am calibrating a model and for that I have to estimate a parameter for each input combination I give to the objective function. I have a bit more than 10k input combinations and I want to minimize the parameter for each combination. All other variables in the model are known. I achieved to estimate 1 minimal value for the whole set but that doesn't help me, and when I tried my approach for each combination I get the error: Error in mP[, logik] <- mPv[, logik, drop = FALSE] : NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments.
My objective function looks like this
x_vol <- vector(mode = "double", length = 10776)
objective_function_vol <- function(x_vol){
S <- calibration_set$index_level
K <- calibration_set$strike
tau <- calibration_set$tau
r <- calibration_set$riskfree_rate
q <- calibration_set$q
model_prices_vol <- vector(mode = "double", length = 10776)
for (i in 1:10776){
model_prices_vol[i] <- hestonCallcf(S = S[i], K = K[i], t = tau[i],
r = r[i], q = 0,
v0 = x_vol[i],
vbar = 0.1064688, rho = -0.9914710,
a = 1.6240300, vvol = 0.98839192)
diff_sq <- (market_price - model_prices_vol)^2
wdiff <- diff_sq/market_price
error <- sum(wdiff)/10776
I am using NMOF::DEopt for the optimization. Is it maybe possible to write a second loop which stores the optimal values of x_vol because I think using the subscript i for the known inputted values as well as the unknown is somehow wrong.
The error means that some objective-function calls resulted in NA.
If you only wish to minimize a single parameter (i.e. a scalar), Differential Evolution is probably not the method you want. A grid search along one dimension, possibly with refinements, would likely work better.

Vectorize Hoeffding's distance

I am trying to vectorise the following function which calculates the Hoeffdings distance between two random variable on [0,1]^2, in a discretise way.
Indeed, if you use the hoeffd function from the Hmisc package, it provides you with a fortran implementation ( that you can find here : https://github.com/harrelfe/Hmisc/blob/master/src/hoeffd.f ), but only give back the maximum of the matrix i'm trying to analyse here. I'm here interested in the place of the maximum, and hence i need to compute the whole matrix.
Here is my current implementation :
hoeffding_D <- function(x,y){
n = length(x)
indep <- outer(0:n,0:n)/(n)^2
bp = list(
c(0,sort(x)) + (c(sort(x),1) - c(0,sort(x)))/2,
c(0,sort(y)) + (c(sort(y),1) - c(0,sort(y)))/2
pre_calc <- t(outer(rep(1,n+1),x)<=bp[[1]])
# This is the problematic part :
dep <- t(sapply(bp[[2]],function(bpy){
rez <- abs(dep-indep)
To use it, consider the folloiwing exemple :
# for 10 values, it's fast enough, but for 1000 it takes a lot of time..
x = pobs(rnorm(10),ties.method = "max")
y = pobs(rnorm(10),ties.method = "max")
I already suppressed a first sapply via the use of the outer function, but i cant get rid of the other. The issue is that the comparaison x<=bpx must be done for all x and for all bpx, and the same for y, altogether this is a lot of dimensions to the problem...
Do you have an idea on how to speed it up ?

Function to Produce Repeating Spikes

I asked a similar question on CrossValidated, but did not get a response. I went ahead anyway, and built out a function but am having a problem with replication...
The original question, posted here is as such:
I am seeking a function (or short algorithm, ideally implemented in R) that produces something similar to the following:
See, I would like to be able to generate a vector of n items that follows this sort of pattern, mapped to a set of inputs (say, seq(1:n)). Ideally, I would be able to tell the algorithm to "spike" to a maximum height h on every kth time period, and decay at rate r. However, I would be sufficiently happy with simply being able to generate a spike pattern that occurs periodically.
I wrote some code in R, which is included here, that works fairly well...
## Neural Networks / Deep Learning ##
# first, must install Python from:
# https://www.anaconda.com/download/#windows
# https://www.python.org/downloads/
if (!require(keras)) devtools::install_github("rstudio/keras") ; library(keras)
# install_tensorflow()
spikes_model <- function(maxiter, total_spikes = 10, max_height = 0.001, min_height = 0.000005, decay_rate = 1) {
value_at_iteration <- rep(0, maxiter)
spike_at <- maxiter / total_spikes
current_rate <- min_height
holder_timeval <- 0
for(i in 1:maxiter) {
spike_indicator <- i / spike_at
if (is.integer(spike_indicator)) {
current_rate <- max_height
value_at_iteration[i] <- current_rate
holder_timeval <- spike_indicator
} else if (i < spike_at) {
current_rate <- min_height
value_at_iteration[i] <- current_rate
} else {
timeval <- i - (holder_timeval*spike_at)
current_rate <- max_height*exp(-decay_rate*timeval) + min_height
value_at_iteration[i] <- current_rate
asdf <- spikes_model(maxiter = 100)
plot(asdf, type="l")
... which results in the following plot:
This is exactly what I want, except there is only one spike. I know there is a code or logic error somewhere, but I can not find where I am going wrong. Please help me replicate this spike procedure across time.
The code this scheduler is used in:
eps <- 1000
sch <- spikes_model(eps)
lr_schedule <- function(epoch, lr) {
lrn <- sch[as.integer(epoch)]
lrn <- k_cast_to_floatx(lrn)
## Add callback to automatically adjust learning rate downward when training reaches plateau ##
reduce_lr <- callback_learning_rate_scheduler(lr_schedule)
## Fit model using trainig data, validate with validation data ##
mod1.hst <- mod1 %>% fit(
x=X.train, y=Y.train,
epochs=eps, batch_size=nrow(X.train),
validation_data = list(X.val, Y.val),
shuffle=TRUE, callbacks = list(checkpoint, reduce_lr)
Wow, I just figured out my own error. I was using the is.integer() function, which does not work how I wanted. I needed to use the is.whole.number() function from mosaic.
Fixing that single error, I find the following chart, which is exactly what I wanted.

Optimization using package "nloptr"

I am trying to replicate results in R from Excel's "Solver" add-in. I don't know about the inner workings of optimization (mathematically), hence my confusion at most post results as well as the error messages I am receiving. I tried using the optimx package, but apparently that doesn't allow for too much control over the constraints in the optimization, so now I'm trying out the nloptr package.
Basically, what I'm trying to do is replicate an optimum portfolio calculation (financial). Below is a sample of my code:
ret.cov <- cov(as.matrix(ret.p[,1:30]))
wts <- rep(1/portfolioSize, times = portfolioSize)
sharpe <- function(wts) {
mean.p <- sum(colMeans(ret.p[,1:30])*wts)
var.p <- t(wts) %*% (ret.cov %*% (wts))
sd.p <- sqrt(var.p)
SR <- (mean.p - Rf)/sd.p
fun.eq <- function(wts) {
sum(wts) == 1
optim.p <- nloptr(x0 = wts, eval_f = sharpe, lb = 0, ub = 1, eval_g_eq = fun.eq)
Calculates the covariance matrix of 30 stocks and their returns
Initializes the weights of those stocks to optimize (equally weighted to start)
Sets up a function to maximize which calculates the portfolio's Sharpe Ratio
Tries (???) to specify the equality function for nloptr that states that the sum of the wts vector must be equal to 1.
Tries to maximize the function (though I think it's minimizing by default, and I don't know how to change that to maximize instead).
Checks the resulting, maximized Sharpe Ratio
The Sharpe calculation function works fine, when I try it outside of the nloptr function. The issues are various, from needing to specify the proper algorithm to use, to the function not accepting the equality function I supplied.
So, the questions I have are:
How do you change the nloptr to maximize instead of minimize?
How would one write an equality function to specify that the sum of the input vector (weights) must be equal to 1?
What is the proper algorithm to specify using opts = list() here? Excel uses something called "GRG Nonlinear".
Thank you in advance!
Hope it's still relevant...
You don't supply data so I can't run it but I'll try to help.
1) In order to maximize just minimize the -sharpe
2) eval_g_eq needs to be in format of h(x)=0, meaning that you need on fun.eq to change sum(wts) == 1 to sum(wts) - 1.
3) There are a lot of decent options. I use NLOPT_LN_COBYLA
