Google Geocoding Api "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" - google-maps-api-3

I am using the Google geo-coding API with its API Key; I am using code as below:
string url = "" + area + "," + City + "&Key=ABZIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
After handling some requests I am getting the status code "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT";
does any one have any idea about this problem?

Either you are sending too many requests or you are sending the requests too fast:

The standard version is limited to 2 500 daily requests and 10 requests per second:
You should throttle requests to stay within allowed per second limit. If you need more than 2 500 daily requests you can enable Billing and get 100 000 daily requests.


How to increase the number of request limit per day for linkedin creative api endpoint?

Linkedin Creative API endpoint request limit per day seems to be dropped from 1 million requests to 5000 requests.
The API returns the response after the 5000 request limit is raised - HTTP-error-code: 429, Error: Resource level throttle APPLICATION DAY limit for calls to this resource is reached.
Earlier Base URL API endpoint with 1 million requests - Reference
Latest Base URL API endpoint with 5000 requests - Reference

HTTP request caputure (hidden)

I am trying to analyse http posts and get requests made to google finance.
I use Fiddler to view requests, but I don't understand how the real time quotes data has been transferred, as there are no calls made to the server.

Coinbase HTTP Request for Ether Spot Price

I can currently issue the following request: and receive a json response with the current (spot) price of BitCoin (BTC).
What I want is to retrieve that information for Ether (ETH). I note that the HTTP request that I am using does not specify BTC, it just defaults to that.
I have reviewed the Coinbase API without success in locating an answer.
I was just wondering if anyone is aware of an HTTP request to obtain that data, or if this request is not currently supported via HTTP.
The Coinbase API docs, shows the following URI structure for getting the spot price for Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH), which is different from what you have posted.
The part of the url indicated as :currency_pair is a string containing
the symbol for the coin, a hyphen and then 'USD', such as BTC-USD or ETH-USD.
I am able to get BTC and ETH spot prices from the api with the following:

When does the Xively API return 406 "Not acceptable" or "403 Rate too fast"?

The Xively API is rate-limited but I'm trying to understand what the limits are so that I can adjust my client accordingly. In fact there seems to be more than one limit: in some cases I see a 406 (Not acceptable) HTTP response, and other times I see a 403 (Rate too fast) HTTP response.
I think the 406 occurs when the number of API calls exceeds a certain rate - in my test the limit seems to be around 25 API calls per minute. The HTTP response includes a "Retry-After: 5" header.
If my test queries more than one device the limit still seems to be 25 API calls per minute - I don't think this limit is per device. The 406 error code is not mentioned in the Xively API documentation.
The 403 error code is described in the Xively documentation:
The page talks about per-device limits and suggests the limit is different for reading and writing but doesn't really give any more detail than that.
Can anyone shed any more light on what the limits actually are? I am currently using a development-mode account - it's possible the 406 error only occurs in development mode. However the link mentioned above suggests you can get the 403 error in production mode too.

Google translate API: cannot send more than 2000 characters per request

The Google translate API FAQ at states that the maximum number of characters per request is 5000. However, I am unable to send more than 2000 characters without getting HTTP error 414: The requested URL /translate... is too large to process.
I am getting this from my .NET app but have also reproduced the same error from Fiddler.
Below is the URL I am sending (just over 2000 characters). Am I misunderstanding the 5000 character limit?
You'll need to POST the data if you wish to process more than 2000 characters:
All other query parameters are optional. The URL for the GET,
including parameters, must be less than 2K characters.
Note: You can also use POST to invoke the API if you want to send more
data in a single request
