Sharepoint FormField default value? -

Is it possible to add default values to a sharepoint FormField object?
Here is my code:
<SharePoint:formfield runat="server" id="ff8{$Pos}" ControlMode="Edit" FieldName="Body" ItemId="{#ID}" __designer:bind="{ddwrt:DataBind('u',concat('ff8',$Pos),'Value','ValueChanged','ID',ddwrt:EscapeDelims(string(#ID)),'#Body')}" />
<SharePoint:fielddescription runat="server" id="ff8description{$Pos}" FieldName="Body" ControlMode="Edit" />
Basically, I want the form field's default value to be more than just the Body parameter (perhaps 2 parameters and some custom text). Is this possible?
(Also, I know you can substitute the SP form Field with an ASP TextBox, but I'm running into problems with that--specifically, the text box doesn't support rich text, and the post-back doesn't preserve line breaks.)
Thanks in advance!

It looks like I was able to solve this. Other forums had me using an ASP Text box and writing code behind in C#, but it's really not necessary if you use a Sharepoint:InputFormTextBox instead.
<SharePoint:InputFormTextBox ID="ff8{$Pos}" RichText="true" text="{concat(#Body, "CustomText", #secondparameter)}" RichTextMode="FullHtml" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" __designer:bind="{ddwrt:DataBind('u',concat('ff8',$Pos),'Text','TextChanged','ID',ddwrt:EscapeDelims(string(#ID)),'#Body')}" Width="99%" Rows="10"/>
If this was an obvious solution, please forgive my ignorance. This is new territory for me.


How to dynamically set text on a label inside an EditForm template?

I've got a DevExpress 11 ASPxGridView in a .NET 3.5 ASP.NET web forms application. I'm trying to get a header in the edit form, and am doing that like this currently:
<h3>Edit item details</h3>
<dx:ASPxGridViewTemplateReplacement runat="server" ID="tr" ReplacementType="EditFormContent"/>
This is working fine. However, I want to localize the text in the <h3>Edit item details</hr>, but can't seem to figure out a way to do so.
I've Googled around a bit but haven't found any solution. I've also tried changing it to an asp:Label with specific ID, and inside the HtmlEditFormCreated event I called:
However, this returns null.
I should note that I've got some custom localization going on, so basically I'm looking for a way to dynamically set some text inside the EditForm using code behind. Is there any way to do this?
Try to use the
Label lbl = gridView.FindEditFormTemplateControl("myHeaderId") as Label;
method instead.

Commentbox instead of text box?

I want the user to be able to leave comments, a few sentences perhaps. TextBox is to no use, but I see no asp:CommentBox
Any advice on what to use instead?
Set property TextMode to MultiLine
As this
<asp:TextBox ID="Text1" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" />
You can see more on MSDN
If the comments part of your project is so important i suggest using third-parties for these such functions
check these 2 sites
Disqus Elevating the discussion, anywhere on the web.
i know that's not answer to your question, but i think you should at least know they are exist.

Why does AjaxControlToolkit TabContainer render all custom control markup properties?

This is a strange one to explain but hope I make sense.
Our organisation has a library of custom controls that we use in our solutions. One example of these controls is a textbox combined with a set of validators which can be configured appropriately by its properties set in the markup.
I now have a problem when using this control in (which I beleive to have narrowed it down) a TabContainer.
If I wanted to use the following markup in the container:
<scc:TextBox ID="txtEmailAddr" runat="server" CssClass="input EmailAddress" EnforceEntry="EmailAddress"
ErrorMessage_RequiredFieldNotCompleted="" ErrorMessage_ShowExclamation="true"
MaxLength="150" ShowErrorMessageBelow="false" Label="Email Address " />
When I save or reload the .aspx markup it then renders the following markup for the same control:
<scc:TextBox ID="txtEmailAddr" runat="server" CssClass="input EmailAddress" EnforceEntry="EmailAddress"
ErrorMessage_RequiredFieldNotCompleted="" ErrorMessage_ShowExclamation="True"
MaxLength="150" ShowErrorMessageBelow="False" Label="Email Address "
ClientSidePreventInvalidChars="True" EnableClientScript="True"
EnfoceOnPaste="False" EnforceMaxLengthWithRXOnMultiline="True"
EnforceOnPaste="False" EnforceSpaceInPostcode="True"
ErrorMessage_InvalidFormat="Email Address : Please enter a valid email address"
ErrorMessage_NumericValueInvalidOrOutOfRange="Email Address requires a number to be entered in the range to ."
GuidanceText="" GuidanceText_RenderInMouseoverPanel="False"
JavascriptURL="~/Include/TextBoxMaximumLength.js" LabelBold="False"
LabelCSSClass="" MaxValue="9999999" MinValue="-9999999" Read_Only="False"
RememberAnswer="False" RenderInParagraphs="True"
RenderRequiredTextForRequiredFields="True" Required="True"
RequiredField_InitialValue="" Rows="0" ShowMaxLength="False" Text=""
TextBox_TabIndex="0" TextboxSkinID="" TextMode="SingleLine"
TooltipPopup_BodyText="" TooltipPopup_TooltipText="(guidance)"
ValidationGroup="" ValidationExpression="" />
This would not be a problem other than the properties that are now being rendered in the markup are overriding default functionality of the actual control. In this case the default Email Address regular expression is being ignored because the property 'ValidationExpression' is being set to an empty string!
Again I could place the default regex in that property, but I would just like to understand why the markup is behaving in this manner?
Get the code for the AjaxContolToolkit and step through it to see why all properties are rendered. You can adjust that code as you need and compile the dll and use that. From personal experience, that is the only way I have found use for the Toolkit because of behaviors like you describe.

Label Text Property and entities

The following asp label fails to be displayed in the browser, can someone please
tell me what I am doing wrong. I expect to see the value <abc> but instead
I get nothing.
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="<abc>"></asp:Label>
By the way, I realize that I can accomplish the same thing doing the following:
<asp:label id="Message1" runat="server"> <abc> </asp:Label>
But that is not really what I am asking for, what I would like to know is if using a string such as "<abc>" in an attribute value for an asp elements is allowed or not. In other words, is this an ASP.Net bug or is this behavior by design and if it’s by design what’s the reason for such design?
Thank you very much.
Believe it or not, but you can include entities without escaping them, thus:
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="myLabel" Text="<abc>" />
This will render an <abc> tag.
Edit: OK, sorry, you want to display the brackets, not make a tag, of course..
Using entity references in the Text attribute will give the same result - an (invisible) <abc> tag - because they are translated when the tag is parsed server-side. What you must do is:
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="myLabel" Text="&lt;abc&gt;" />
This will give the desired result - the & entity reference will render an ampersand to the client. Followed by lt;, the result is a correct client-side entity reference (<). Which will render as <.
To answer you questions explicitly: Yes, using entity references in ASP.NET attributes is (obviously) OK, since it's an XML format. This is not really a 'decision' on Microsoft's part (and certainly not a bug) - i's simply XML.
The trick is realizing when the entity references are parsed (when the tag is parsed on the server), and what the resulting text is, which is what will be sent to the client.
Yes it's allowed of course. Label control's purpose is to show text and markup to client. And it's really useful I think. injected code is your responsibility.
The aspx parser will unescape the "<" and ">" to "<" and ">". It will generate something like this method:
private Label __BuildControlLabel1()
Label __ctrl = new Label();
base.Label1 = __ctrl;
__ctrl.ID = "Label1";
__ctrl.Text = "<abc>";
return __ctrl;
If you wanted to write it in the text property you could double escape like "&lt;", but it is probably easier just to write it between start and end tags like you mention.
<asp:Label ...><abc></asp:Label>.

Best way to custom edit records in ASP.NET?

I'm coming from a Rails background and doing some work on a ASP.NET project (not ASP MVC). Newbie question: what's the easiest way to make a custom editor for a table of records?
For example: I have a bunch of data rows and want to change the "category" field on each -- maybe a dropdown, maybe a link, maybe the user types it in.
In Rails, I'd iterate over the rows to build a table, and would have a form for each row. The form would have an input box or dropdown, and submit the data to a controller like "/item/edit/15?category=foo" where 15 was the itemID and the new category was "foo".
I'm new to the ASP.NET model and am not sure of the "right" way to do this -- just the simplest way to get back the new data & save it off. Would I make a custom control and append it to each row? Any help appreciated.
You can REALLY cheat nowadays and take a peek at the new Dynamic Data that comes with .NET 3.5 SP1. Scott Guthrie has a blog entry demoing on how quick and easy it'll flow for you here:
Without getting THAT cutting edge, I'd use the XSD generator to generate a strongly typed DataSet that coincides with the table in question. This will also generate the TableAdapter you can use to do all your CRUD statements.
From there, bind it to a DataGrid and leverage all the standard templates/events involved with that, such as EditIndex, SelectedIndex, RowEditing, RowUpdated, etc.
I've been doing this since the early 1.0 days of .NET and this kind of functionality has only gotten more and more streamlined with every update of the Framework.
EDIT: I want to give a quick nod to the Matt Berseth blog as well. I've been following a lot of his stuff for a while now and it is great!
There are a few controls that will do this for you, with varying levels of complexity depending on their relative flexibility.
The traditional way to do this would be the DataGrid control, which gives you a table layout. If you want something with more flexibility in appearance, the DataList and ListView controls also have built-in support for editing, inserting or deleting fields as well.
Check out Matt Berseth's blog for some excellent examples of controls in action.
Thanks for the answers guys. It looks like customizing the DataGrid is the way to go. For any ASP.NET newbies, here's what I'm doing
<asp:DataGrid ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="RuleID" Visible="False" HeaderText="RuleID"></asp:BoundColumn>
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Category">
<!-- in case we want to display an image -->
<asp:Literal ID="litImage" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="categoryListDropdown" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
This creates a datagrid. We can then bind it to a data source (DataTable in my case) and use things like
foreach (DataGridItem item in this.GridView1.Items)
DropDownList categoryListDropdown = ((DropDownList)item.FindControl("categoryListDropdown"));
to populate the intial dropdown in the data grid. You can also access item.Cells[0].text to get the RuleID in this case.
Notes for myself: The ASP.NET model does everything in the codebehind file. At a high level you can always iterate through GridView1.Items to get each row, and item.findControl("ControlID") to query the value stored at each item, such as after pressing an "Update" button.
