how to edit past minDate in bootstrap3 date picker - bootstrap-datepicker

I am using bootstrap3 date picker, and using property minDate with today's date, now i need to change this date later, but i am unable to view yesterday's date in datepicker in edit mode, how to edit past minDate ?

$('#datePickerID').prop('minDate' , [NEW DATE HERE]);
This should work I believe.


how to add categories in contact form 7 in dropdown menu

I am new to wordpress and I want the following kind of dropdown menu in my contact form 7.
Here Year, Month and Date should be visible in dropdown menu but it should not get selected where as the options below that should be able to select
Pls suggest me as to how can I achieve this.
You can check it here:
Maybe you can create shortcode to populate the dates, instead of hard coding it.
You could have something like this:
Select Year (required)
[select* year include_blank "2010" "2011" "2013" "2014"] and you can repeat this for month and day.
Each of the items i.e. year, month and day is a new field.
Or alternatively, you could use the plugin Contact Form 7 Datepicker to add a date picker field to your form

JQuery Mobile Date picker not showing date in Chrome

I have an MVC 4 site using JQuery Mobile. I'm using a model with an EditorFor to render the date editor. in MVC I have this:
#Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.ActionDate)
The model property is defined as:
<RegularExpression("\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}", ErrorMessage:="Please enter a date in the format of MM/DD/YY")>
<DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode:=True, DataFormatString:="MM/dd/yyyy")>
<Display(Name:="Action Date")>
Public Property ActionDate As Date
It renders HTML with the value of:
<input type="date" ... value="04/24/2013" />
But what shows to the user is this:
The date isn't visible to the user, and the 4/24/2013 is not the default of Chrome's date picker. How do I get chrome to actually show the date?
According to the W3C, the value passed to an <input type="date"> element should be in RFC3339 format. This is a specific profile of ISO8601.
In other words, you need to pass the value in yyyy-MM-dd format.
Just hit this exact same problem.
My solution was to avoid the type="date" problem by changing the type to text when I connect the datepicker:
$('#Date').removeAttr('type').attr('type', 'text').datepicker();
If you are not using JQueryUI, just drop the datePicker part.
As I also needed to force the default date format (again thanks to Chrome) it was:
$('#Date').removeAttr('type').attr('type', 'text').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
Chrome is now biting us regularly with jQueryUI issues and has gone from being our favourite dev browser to our most troublesome (for compatibility issues).

Display the month in QCalendarWidget

I use a QCalendarWidget for my application. I would like to display the month and the year in the Calendar but by default, I have just the number of the week, and it's not useful.
Is it possible to display these parameters ?
just set setNavigationBarVisible (true);
The navigationBarVisible property is what you are looking for. Also you can look through this example to learn more about calendar widget.

Setting next date to devexpress dateedit

I have one devexpress dateedit control.i am trying to provide navigation to it.i kept two buttons "next" and "prev" when user click next button i want to change the current date to next date for example if current date is 02/feb next date is 03/feb like that.similarly for previous button.
how i can achieve this using java script.
Thanks in advance.
This example has everthing you need and more.
Give your control a clientinstancename (myDateEdit or something), and refer to the control in that manner. Then in the function called by the next button get the date from the control and set it to a Date. Then set the date plus one day back to the control.
var curDate = myDateEdit.GetDate();
var newDate = new Date(curDate);
newDate.setDate(curDate.getDate() + 1);

Custom calendar Component

I need a Date custom component which is date should be disable when selected the calendar icon.
If any one have pls share me.
What did you mean?
