Drupal 8: Mismatched entity and/or field definitions - drupal

While trying to understand why my view is not displaying, I noticed the following error in the log:
I do not think it is possible to delete the URL alias from Taxonomy terms. At least I cannot find how to do this.
I have, however gone through ALL of my taxonomy terms and removed the value for this field.
I have also done the following with Pathauto:
Also, I have checked the report located at admin/reports/fields and can confirm that there are no entities that use a field called URL alias.
I have gone through each content item and ensured that they have the following setting (anyone know how to do this in bulk?). But still the error remains.
Anyone know then how I can fix this strange error?

Im not entirely sure what this command does, but it fixed the error:
drush updb --entity-updates

Since https://www.drupal.org/node/2554097, the magic in Drupal core that took care of updating entity definitions is gone. drush updb --entiy-updates is an alternative to this but it is not a silver bullet. Instead, it is safer to write database updates.
Taking the screenshot at the top as an example, here is a database update that would delete those two field definitions:
* Fix taxonomy and node field definitions.
function mymodule_update_8101() {
$manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'node')) {
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'term')) {
Have a look at the rest of the available methods at https://www.drupal.org/node/2554097 in order to write database updates for each scenario.

use the entity_update module or the devel_entity_updates module


Fix for the "The following theme is missing from the file system" error in Drupal 7

I keep getting this same error from bugsnag for my site, and I'm unsure how to fix it/why it's popping up in the first place.
User Warning · The following theme is missing from the file system: <em class="placeholder">Theme_Name</em>. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page.
The theme that it claims it is missing is the only theme I have for the site and is the one it is currently using. Besides overloading my bugsnag reporting, it's not causing any issues. Is there a way to resolve this? I checked the documentation page and all the articles I found only refer to modules.
It's likely that the there is an old reference of Theme_Name in the systems table of your database.
You can look for the references that your Drupal instance is checking against by running this query:
SELECT name, status, filename FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'Theme_Name';
Find the reference that doesn't look quite right, preferably by the name of "Theme_Name", and delete it.
DELETE FROM system WHERE type = 'theme' AND name = 'Theme_Name' AND status = 0 AND filename = 'path/to/Theme_Name.info' LIMIT 1;
Once deleted, flush your Drupal caches.
Well this is embarrassing. The source of the problem was that I was adding an image using:
src="<?= drupal_get_path('theme','Theme_Name'); ?>/sites/all/themes/theme_name/img/image.png">
The first problem is that the theme name I was calling was using capitals when the actual theme was all in lower case. But to actually resolve the problem I changed the image call to:
src="<?= drupal_get_path('theme',$GLOBALS['theme']); ?>/img/image.png">
Unsure if this turns out to be the same problem others have had, but that's what fixed it for me. If you're getting this error I'd suggest double checking how your src's are being called. Thanks to everyone that answered/responded!

Doctrine: "1/1ReflectionException: Property Power\SelfBundle\Entity\Check::$part1 does not exists"

I am working with symfony. I have an entity Check. It has a relation field part.
The definition is something like:
/** #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Power\SelfBundle\Entity\Friends", mappedBy="check")*/
protected $part1;
In the inverse relation (at Friendsentity) the declaration is like:
/** #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Power\SelfBundle\Entity\Check", inversedBy="part1") */
public $check;
Now for removing ambiguity I have deleted the field and replaced it by part. I have updated the schema and cleared the cache and logs.
Later I am inserting into the friends entity (table infact) and it gives an error while event calling the entity:
1/1ReflectionException: Property Power\SelfBundle\Entity\Check::$part1 does not exists
But $part1 is deleted long ago. The cache is cleared and the log is cleared too. I have searched the whole project but nowhere even the text part1 is found.
I am out of my wit!!
Can anyone please help me!!
The problem is fixed after lots of researching.
The problem was in doctrine metadata cache.
In my config.yml file metadata_cache_driver was set to use APC. So clearing the doctrine app/cache was not helpful.
After lots of searching - I have done
php -r "apc_clear_cache(); apc_clear_cache('user'); apc_clear_cache('opcode');"
and BINGO it worked!!
So in my config_dev.yml I have overridden the setting to set the metadata_cache_driver to array.

Drupal user permissions & odd content types

I have a permissions problem in Drupal. I want users to be able to create a certain node type, but there are two different paths I need to give them permissions for to let them do this. The type is content created by a module called isbn2node, and there are two ways to make content through it, each with different paths:
One has an underscore and the other one has a hyphen. The first path leads to a form that lets users enter information on a book manually; the second path lets them enter an ISBN, searches for it, and populates the form for them based on the results.
I've changed permissions in the People menu so they can add isbn2node-book content manually using the first path, but there isn't an option to let them use the second method. Aliasing the url so it didn't have node/add in the path didn't work either.
Creating a duplicate content type seems like an ugly solution to this; is there a more elegant way to let users access that second path?
A little code in a custom module using hook_node_access should do it.
$node is either a node object or the machine name of the content type on which to perform the access check (if the node is being created then the $node object is not available so it will be a string instead).
So this should do it:
function MY_MODULE_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
if ($op == 'create') {
$type = $node;
if($type == 'book' && $account->uid) return NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW;
I figured this out, and the issues I was having were specific to this content type. The ISBN2Node module requires users to have the Administer Nodes permission to use its lookup and bulk import features.
There is some extra code for the module's hook_permission and hook_menu sections submitted as a fix in the module's issues thread.

"Undefined property: stdClass"

This error suddenly occurred when Pressflow was added to our Drupal installation. It is coming from a custom module that, prior to Pressflow seemed to work fine. After the addition of Pressflow, running Drush causes this error to display on screen.
The function that is identified as the source of the error looks like this:
function user_search_location_get(&$user) {
if (count($user->user_location_pref)) { // This line is causing the error.
return $user->user_location_pref;
// …
The error message is the following:
WD php: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$user_location_pref in user_search_location_get()
Short answer, in your custom module, you should check if that property exists before you count it. That, or make sure the $user object has that property before you use it.
if (isset($user->user_location_pref) && count($user->user_locaion_pref) > 0) {
return $user->user_locaion_pref;
While it is a little more work, when you start developing with notices turned on, you will find errors in your code that otherwise would have not appeared till later, and would have been more difficult to track down.
In your previous environment or install, the PHP error reporting was probably set to not show notices. While I recommend keeping notices on and making your code work with them, you can turn them off through the Drupal 7 UI. Configuration -> Development -> Logging and Errors. Then set the value to 'Errors and Warnings' ... Otherwise, you can set your error reporting level in your php.ini to report all except notices.
Note that Drupal 6 did not force notice reporting on, while Drupal 7 does. That prompts this type of question a lot.
If this is your only notice issue though, it makes more sense to just correct your custom module.

Using specific drupal-related functions in a non-drupal.php file INSIDE the drupal dir

Good morning all.
I'm having some issues while trying to make the function "field_file_load" work in a php script I've done to process an AJAX call.
I've read about bootstrapping drupal core elements inside, but it doesn't seem to work.
So far I've succesfully populated a Select Box using the data from another Select Box, making an AJAX call to this php file (which is in the drupal directory folder, in a theme to be precise)
$var = $_GET['q'];
$con = mysql_connect('*******', '******', '********');
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("drupal", $con);
$sql="SELECT DISTINCT xc.field_brand_value FROM node
INNER JOIN term_node AS tn ON node.vid = tn.vid
LEFT JOIN content_type_extra_content AS xc ON node.vid = xc.vid
WHERE tn.tid IN (SELECT th.tid FROM term_hierarchy AS th WHERE th.parent = '149')
AND xc.field_location_value = '".$var."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo(' <select name="brand" id="brand">
<option value="default" selected>Select a brand</option>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo('<option value="'.$row['field_brand_value'].'">'.$row['field_brand_value'].'</option>');
And this is working like a charm because all I have to do is connecting to the drupal db and fetch the desired values.
The problem arises when I want to fetch the url of some pictures (with a query that uses values from the first and second dropdown) and use the "file_field_load" to load the url of the given picture.
I get (obviously) a "call to undefined function" error.
So I tried bootstrapping drupal.
But it doesn't work anyway.
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
Since I don't have full access to the server where the site is hosted, assuming that drupal is convenientrly installed in the root, how can I figure out the path to drupal site htdocs ?
Moreover, does calling a full bootstrap (instead of just the needed part) can cause some problems?
So, to be brief:
1] how can I call a drupal function (in this case which comes from the filefiled module) in a non-drupal php script which resides however in the drupal directory?
2] Which is the correct way of bootstrapping?
3] Do I need to connect to the db (like in the previous working example) IN ADDITION to bootstrapping?
Or, finally. there's a different, speedier way you know how to do what I need to do?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Hmm that's weird. If the FileField module is enabled, the function should be available. So maybe FileField is not actually enabled?
If that's the case you're gonna have to manually add the file that contains the function definition, which is the field_file.inc file in the module's directory, so you'd add that dependency to your bootstrapping code:
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
module_load_include('filefield', 'inc', 'field_file');
AFAIK what you're doing for bootstrapping Drupal from an outside script is the "correct" way.
Now, I'm not sure if, on a big picture level, whatever you're trying to do is a good idea at all... That is: You're making a little nonDrupal script which:
manually connects to the Drupal database with plain mysql functions instead of Drupal's DB API functions, in order to
fetch CCK information using a query that's 100% vulnerable to SQL injection, and
all of this put in a theme directory no less!
So you might want to rethink your angle of attack here, you know?. Maybe making a custom module for this.
But if you just have to do things this way (for reasons I can't think of), then at least use db_query so you don't have to do the whole mysql_connect() stuff, and do something like
db_query("YOUR BIG QUERY HERE... xc.field_location_value = '%s'", $var);
...for at least some degree of security.
I would also recommend that you browse the involved modules a bit (FileField, etc) to see if they have APIs (or at least some internal functions) that might return what you're trying to get through plain DB querying.
