I'm trying to import wso2person.ldif (http://pastebin.com/kvGX2RWr) into openldap 2.4.4. I see that openldap expects ldif file to contain different elements from what I have. However I can import the same ldif files in to ApacheDS.
I see the following error.
SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth
modifying entry "cn=schema"
ldap_modify: Invalid syntax (21)
additional info: attributeTypes: value #0 invalid per syntax
Do i need to manually convert the ldif file or is there an utility that does the conversion?
Manually edited those schema files to match what is expected by openLDAP
I'm trying to set the GLOBAL time of my MariaDB database to UTC. I've followed the recommendations of their official documentation and default_time_zone="+00:00" in the my.cnf file, however it does NOT work and I get the following error when I start it in the shell: mysql: unknown variable 'default_time_zone=+00:00'.
Does anyone have an idea?
Remove the quotes
As the error message states command line client (mysql) complains about unknown variable, since default_time_zone is a server but not a client variable. So you added it in wrong section. Move the entry to the server section:
When I try to create connection (SSH) in Airflow with username and password it fails an error like below
"Failed to update record. Could not create Fernet object: Incorrect padding"
You'll need to set fernet key in airflow.cfg or as env variable:
export AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY=your_fernet_key
See documentation for more information.
We have tried to evacuate the instance with the "on-shared-storage" option but that parameter is not recognized. Please help me with this issue.
nova evacuate --on-shared-storage <<Instance_UUID>> <<host_name>>
error: unrecognized arguments: --on-shared-storage
Try 'nova help ' for more information.
According to the Nova release notes, the onSharedStorage option is no longer necessary:
gibizer Remove onSharedStorage from evacuate API
Latest commit c01d16e on Nov 10, 2015
1 contributor
7 lines (7 sloc) 353 Bytes
- Remove ``onSharedStorage`` parameter from server's evacuate action in
microversion 2.14. Nova will automatically detect if the instance is on
shared storage. Also adminPass is removed from the response body which
makes the response body empty. The user can get the password with the
server's os-server-password action.
The fact that your nova client doesn't recognize the option implies that your Nova service's default microversion is later than 2.14.
You could try forcing the microversion, but there doesn't seem to be much point ... based on what the release note says.
(According to the current python-novaclient source code, the --on-shared-storage option is recognized for microversions 2.0 through 2.13. See https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/blob/master/novaclient/v2/shell.py)
I am trying to import oracle dump in Oracle 11g XE by using the below command
imp system/manager#localhost file=/home/madhu/test_data/oracle/schema_only.sql full=y
Getting like below
IMP-00037: Character set marker unknown
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
Any one please help me
You received IMP-00037 error because of export file corrupted. I'd suspect either your dump file is corrupted or the dump file was not created by exp utility.
If the issue was occured because of corrupted dump file, then there is no choice other than obtaining uncorrupted dump file. Use impdp utility to import if you have used expdp utility to prepare dumpfile.
Following link will be helpful to try other option:
If you are not sure which command(exp/expdp) was used, you could check log file which was created during dump export. It contains exact command which was executed to prepare the dump file.
I intend to export one table from My database as a dmp File. This is what I am doing:
expdp SYSTEM/manager#UATDB FILE=F:\LLT.dmp log=F:\llt.log tables=TBAADM.LLT
The error I am getting is:
LRM-00101: unknown parameter name 'FILE'
What is my mistake. Please Help.
Ok Guys I fouund the Answer you need to first Create a Directory where the the dmp File is going to be. Then Import Like this:
And you can also use
Below one is shell command, so execute this in the shell. Once Data export is completed, the search dpdump folder in oracle installed directory where you can find your exported file with log.
expdp userid/pwd schemas=dbschema dumpfile=file.dmp logfile=file.log