nginx match specific file from different folder on certain routes - nginx

I have an angularjs app, it has a blog as well. This url shows all blog posts under
And specific blog posts under
Now i'm precompiling HTML of blog posts for SEO purposes and i want to serve them completely separately from my main app like this:
root "/home/ubuntu/client/public";
location / { ## Handle default requests ##
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
location /blog { ## serve precompiled blog HTML
alias /home/ubuntu/bloghtml;
try_files $uri.html $uri/ index.html;
And this works, by going to nginx successfully serves file /home/ubuntu/bloghtml/example-blog-post-title.html
However the issue is that in this case nginx doesn't correctly route blog post list under to my main angular app, i get error 403 on that URL.
I tried changing location /blog to location /blog/ in conf file, this makes the work, howewever i get 404 errors on
How can i make this work for both cases?

If you change the location from /blog to /blog/ you need to remember to change alias from /home/ubuntu/bloghtml to /home/ubuntu/bloghtml/. The alias and location need to have the same ending, otherwise the calculated pathnames are wrong.
I try to avoid using alias and try_files in the same block because of some known issues. You might consider making the last directory in the path blog so that you can use root instead.
I presume that your angular app is /index.html, in which case your try_files statement is incorrect. The $url/ will cause it to try /blog/index.html (assuming you have an index directive in force) and index.html is missing a leading /.
I would suggest you try:
location /blog {
alias /home/ubuntu/bloghtml;
try_files $uri.html /index.html;
but consider designing out the alias directive too.


NGINX try_files works for all but one url

I have a simple dashboard for my site. Here is the directive:
location /dashboard {
try_files $uri /dashboard/index.php;
It works for all items after /dashboard. For example, /users or /pages - all CRUD operations work as expected.
The index.php file at /dashboard is my "controller". It parses the url and includes and runs scripts from there.
For example: /dashboard/group/edit/123456 works as expected and I get the edit page for group number 123456.
But when I post from that page to /dashboard/group/update, it serves /dashboard/group/index.php
So, in the first example, The edit page is loaded and the url at the top of the screen does not change.
In the second example, NGINX is CHANGING the url so my script cannot get the url parts to do the job.
I thought it may have something to do with POST, but I have other forms that use POST without issue.
In addition, or possibly a clue, try_files is returning /dashboard/group/index.php while the directive should return /dashboard/index.php.
Is there another NGINX file that could have so old code in it that is overwriting this domain's config?
I've been at this a few hours and have run out of ideas. Any thoughts?
* One More Clue *
When I BROWSE to /dashboard/group/update, NGINX shows the page as expected. It is only when I POST to that page that NGNIX sends me to /dashboard/group/index.php.
Again, at the very least, it should be sending me to /dashboard/index.php and NOT /dashboard/group/index.php.
You not send all after /dashboard try this:
location /dashboard {
try_files $uri /dashboard/index.php?$uri&$args;
location /dashboard {
try_files $uri /dashboard/index.php?$query_string;
Nginx docs:
Instead of
location /dashboard {
try_files $uri /dashboard/index.php;
location /dashboard {
index index.php; #adding this may work alone
try_files $uri /dashboard/index.php?$uri;
I have concluded that I have a cache problem. The location directive works on all items that I have not yet accessed.
So, my configuration - as described - works as it should.
I just have to figure out how to clear my cache ( which in NOT set up in NGINX that I can see!)
Thank you all who helped!

How do I correctly use try_files when looking in two different directories for files to serve?

I'm quite new to Nginx so I might be misunderstanding of what try_files can do.
For my local development set up I have multiple installations that will each be accesible via their own subdomain. These installations are being migrated into a new folder structure but I still want to have the ability to support both at the same time. When pulled via git the new full path looks like this :
The old structure goes 1 directory deeper namely as follows:
Where installation is variable according to the installation name and the /public folder will be the root for nginx to work from.
The root is determined by the subdomain and is extracted via regex like so:
server_name ~^(?<subdomain>[^.]+)\.local\.project\.test;
So far I've managed to get all this working for one of the folder structures but not both at the same time. My Nginx configuration for this local domain looks like this. Below is what I've tried but just can't seem to get working. As soon as I pass the #workspace named location as fallback for try_files it always defaults to 404.
index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html index.php;
server_name ~^(?<subdomain>[^.]+)\.local\.project\.test;
root /home/tom/git/project/v3/$subdomain/public/;
location / {
try_files $uri #workspace =404;
location #workspace {
root /home/tom/git/project/v3/$subdomain/workspace/public/;
try_files $uri =404;
I have also tried shortening the root and passing the following parameters to try_files
root /home/tom/git/project/v3/$subdomain;
location / {
try_files /public/$uri /workspace/public/$uri =404;
But this still defaults to a 404, with a $uri/ as a third parameter there it will emit a 403 forbidden trying to list the directory index of the root.
I hope someone can provide some advice or an alternative as to how to approach this issue I am facing. If I need to provide additional data let me know,
Thanks in advance.
The named location must be the last element of a try_files statement.
For example:
location / {
try_files $uri #workspace;
location #workspace {
See this document for details.
The $uri variable includes a leading /, so your constructed pathnames contain a // which may be why they fail.
For example:
location / {
root /home/tom/git/project/v3/$subdomain;
try_files /public$uri /workspace/public$uri =404;

nginx same location but with different directives

Trying to see if this is possible.
We have an app and a wordpress install.
Is it possible to use 2 locations for the same folder but under different circumstances. Example.. - This shows the APP - This shows WP permalink
Right now, we have it so (without the /) shows the app (witht the /) shows WP.
This does work, but would it be possible to have it so, it will only show WP IF the URL contains text after subfolder/*
Current Nginx conf:
location ^~ /knowledge {
root /opt/;
try_files $uri #backend;
location /knowledge/ {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
root /opt;
include /etc/nginx/php-wpsc.conf;
try_files $uri $uri/ /knowledge/index.php?q=$uri&$args;
Obviously it makes sense to keep the location /knowledge/ block for WordPress, as that matches the majority of cases, with just one case that needs to be overridden.
A specific URI can be taken away from that location block by using a location block with a higher precedence. See this document for details.
One possibility would be an exact match location block:
location = /knowledge/ {
rewrite ^ /knowledge last;
Or possibly, change your existing location ^~ /knowledge block from a prefix location to a regular expression location, making the trailing / optional.
location ~ ^/knowledge/? { ... }
Note that this changes the order of evaluation of this location block, so there may be side-effects that need to be considered.

nginx with site in a subdir which does not match the ends of url

When I try to use laravel PHP framework, I try to place it in a dir called /home/usr/proj/laravel, but as we know that the public html of laravel is settled in /home/usr/proj/laravel/public, thus my problem is how to make the setting of nginx such that when I access by or, we in fact redirected to the location laravel/public/index.php.
Also, it seems that there is a rule of nignx which is suggested by the official of laravel, to make the url looks pretty
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
How can I use this in my case?
It seems the following code works for me (but give me error NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 145:, maybe caused by my router setting)
location /laravel{
root /home/usr/proj/laravel/public;
index index.php index.html;
try_files $uri $uri/ /laravel/public/index.php?$query_string;
Regarding your Update, I think that you should keep your original try_files syntax:
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
since the location is set to /laravel and the root is in the public folder. The way it is currently written ends up looking for file /home/usr/proj/laravel/public/public/index.php in the disk.
You should also check to configure your application URL so that it contains the /location part of the URL. I am not quite sure about how Laravel 5 is configured since my experience is with Laravel 4.

Nginx try_files won't trigger response from index.php

I'm having a problem with try_files not appearing to pass off requests for non-existent files to the last specified value, in my case index.php. I'm using Wordpress and the XML Sitemap generator plugin I use creates virtual XML files and a virtual robots.txt that's handled by Wordpress. Unfortunately try_files doesn't seem to be passing the requests for these files to Wordpress.
Here's my server configuration:
server {
## Web domain
## Site root
root /var/www/;
## Index
index index.php index.htm;
## Common Wordpress configuration
include wp.conf;
## Include PHP configuration
include php.conf;
## Gzip Compression
include gzip.conf;
## Include W3TC configuration
include /var/www/w3tc/;
I run multiple separate Wordpress sites on this server, so to save time I created a file wp.conf that contains all the commonly used configuration elements for Wordpress. Here is the contents of wp.conf:
location / {
## Prevent PHP files from being served as static assets, and fall back to index.php if file does not exist
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
## If a file exists, serve it directly
if (-f $request_filename) {
## Wordpress Rewrite
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^ /index.php last;
Everything else is working perfectly, but the try_files arrangement just doesn't seem to hand off properly. Any ideas?
you're running into one of the problems described at
the ifs you specified in the wp.conf are uneeded you already have them covered with your try_files, so you can just remove them, yielding:
location / {try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;}
that will:
check if a file matching $uri (relative to the location specified by the root directive) exists
if not check if directory match exists
else redirect to /index.php$is_args$args
Where $is_args evaluates to ? when $args is set.
