OrientDB Version: 2.2.0-beta2
Hello Everyone,
Use case we are working on, is giving user access to Graph Visualization and hide the complexity of the query via Javascript function. Ex:
Function: SELECT findCountry(‘CANADA’)
Now, users are asking questions if there is a way to adjust the look n feel of the graph visualization.
I am looking for your suggestions as an advice or point to some kind of document?
Most of our data is in hierarchy format – Is it possible instead of circles, we display data in org-chart format or pure right to left?
Also, instead of circle can we use another other shape? i.e. rectangle or triangle? Depend on the class.
Possible to word-wrap the label in the circle?
Possible to show multiple properties in the circle? i.e. ID + Name
Possible to change the Stroke colour based on the property in the class ex: If the City is also the capital then can the stroke color to RED and size to 5 but keep the fill color same as other cities?
Any way to undo on the Graph tool? Ex: if we are doing drill down from 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 and undo 4 and back to number 3?
Really appreciate your thoughts.
I'm trying to create a graph in Gephi. This graph is undirected and has over 100 nodes. I would like to color the nodes in this graph according to my convenience. Say I'd like to color the nodes in 9 different colors. For doing this, I downloaded a plugin to Gephi which may be found here.
Though the plugin works, I still have to go and enter the color value for every single node manually. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this programatically. And I'd have to create about 10 such graphs, so that means a lot of manual labor.
Can someone help me out with this problem? Does someone know a better way to have custom colors for each node generated programatically? At this point, I'm generating a .gdf file, the format looks something like this.
I also know that Gephi is quite buggy, is there any other graph visualization software that I can use? Out of the other usual things that one does to the graph, I definitely want the capability to set edge weights. In other words, I'd like to make the edges thicker if the edge weight is more and vice-versa.
I can't use D3 coz I don't know Javascript. I looked into using GraphViz but it seems like it requires a lot of manual manipulation of the graph file. I'd like to have something that I'm able to generate programatically.
What seems to be working is to add a column named color VARCHAR where you add the color hex value prepended with the # sign and no quotes.
nodedef> name,label,color VARCHAR
d,"Did it!",#0012ca
e,"Ed 209",#121212
edgedef> node1,node2,weight
For a more informed answer take a look at the Gephi documentation. The color values in the link are rgb triples but I tried with hex and it worked
This is a follow up to this question which has to that day still 0 answers.
What I really want to do is having in a tableview, a column that has the symbol for the plotted data corresponding to the objects in the table view row. I have managed to generate the colours supposedly followed by the JavaFX chart. The issue I have of course is that my own colour generation works (it goes back to the first colour without fail after 8 elements), when the one from the chart has the issue outlined in my unanswered question.
I would like now to try to pick up the style actually applied to each series of the chart independently from pre-supposed rule about the default order of colours. How do I do that?
This way I could apply those to my table view and even if the colours randomly change upon reloading then at least I will know what I am looking at.
Thanks in advance for your help.
After a bit of research I found that the following code allows me to get what I want, supposing I am interested in the series at index intitem:
This will produce a ObservableList containing the following string values (here example for the series at index 8 (9th series)):
From this I can then get the information that I need. that is the colour actually applied to that curve. I can then generate a symbol to be used in my tableview.
I would still be interested in an answer to the question linked, which prompted the present question...
I'm getting familiar with Graphviz and wonder if it's doable to generate a diagram/graph like the one below (not sure what you call it). If not, does anyone know what's a good open source framework that does it? (pref, C++, Java or Python).
According to Many Eyes, this is a bubble chart. They say:
It is especially useful for data sets with dozens to hundreds of values, or with values that differ by several orders of magnitude.
To see the exact value of a circle on the chart, move your mouse over it. If you are charting more than one dimension, use the menu to choose which dimension to show. If your data set has multiple numeric columns, you can choose which column to base the circle sizes on by using the menu at the bottom of the chart.
Thus, any presentation with a lot of bubbles in it (especially with many small bubbles) would have to be dynamic to respond to the mouse.
My usual practice with bubble charts is to show three or four variables (x, y and another variable through the size of the bubble, and perhaps another variable with the color or shading of the bubble). With animation, you can show development over time too - see GapMinder. FlowingData provides a good example with a tutorial on how to make static bubble charts in R.
In the example shown in the question, though, the bubbles appear to be located somewhat to have similar companies close together. Even then, the exact design criteria are unclear to me. For example, I'd have expected Volkswagen to be closer to General Motors than Pfizer is (if some measure of company similarity is used to place the bubbles), but that isn't so in this diagram.
You could use Graphviz to produce a static version of a bubble chart, but there would be quite a lot of work involved to do so. You would have to preprocess the data to calculate a similarity matrix, obtain edge weights from that matrix, assign colours and sizes to each bubble and then have the preprocessing script write the Graphviz file with all edges hidden and run the Graphviz file through neato to draw it.
I am having trouble determining if you can create a heatmap with DS3 or R that can map onto a list of icons. Specifically wanted to use little people icons like these http://goo.gl/Yt8CG and then show concentrations of activity onto them. I am fairly new to data visualization with DS3.js and R so I might not be doing the right google-fu. Thanks ahead of time if anyone can show me an example or let me know if you CAN do shading on icons not just dynamically generated blocks like http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063318
The basic approach is no different from drawing a normal heatmap (see for example here). The only difference would be that instead of appending rectangles, you append a container for the graphic that you want to use.
Whether you would be able to adjust the shading depends on the graphic itself -- if it's a bitmap you're out of luck. If it's an SVG for example you can simply select the path inside that SVG and set the fill color just like you would for a rectangle in a normal heatmap.
When making a line chart, Lets say its for business sales for different depts and horizontally is days and vertically is dollars. When you hover over a line it tells a dataTip tells you the sales for that dept. on that day. I want it to show all the depts at the same time, so say you hover over day 3, I want the dataTips for all depts on day 3 to display so you can compare the values for all the sales on the same day. I set the mouseSensitivity for the dataTips to display all the lines at once but I end up getting day 2 for one dept and day 3 for another which is not wanted. This is actually posted as a bug and explained better here: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXDMV-1853
I am wondering if anyone can come up with a work-around for this?
I ran into a similar problem to this recently and came up with a solution that also applies to your problem. I had a step LineChart and wanted to display a data tip when the user hovered anywhere on the line instead of just at defined data points.
You can read about the solution I wrote for that problem here: Flex: Customizing data tip location and behavior in a LineChart
You'll have to modify my solution slightly to fit your problem:
On line 47 you can remove the Math.abs(last.y - mouseLoc.y) < 50 check. This constrains the data tips to lines that are within 50 pixels vertically of the mouse.
I'm assuming that you're using the default segment line chart which just draws lines directly between data points. You'll need to modify the code that calculates the line value at a given x-coordinate to work with that chart type. I already find the closest data point to the left of the mouse with lines 33-41 and store it in last. Just get the next data point (which will be the one closest to the right of the mouse) and use something like this to get the value at the mouse:
var slope:Number = (nextPoint.y - last.y) / (nextPoint.x - last.x);
var lineYAtMouse:Number = (slope * (last.x - mouseLoc.x)) + last.y;
var lineValue:Array = line.localToData(new Point(mouseLoc.x, lineYAtMouse));
Then replace lines 69 through 72 with:
hitPoint.x = mouseLoc.x;
hitPoint.y = lineYAtMouse;
hitPoint.xValue = lineValue[0];
hitPoint.yValue = lineValue[1];
I haven't tested these modifications so there could be a bug or 2 but the general idea is there. I hope maybe this is still useful to someone. This question is getting pretty old. :)
Not an answer, but a poor alternative:
You could create your own DataTip renderer that [ahem] mapped the location of every point and drew the tip for each one there.
Basically, you would be duplicating a lot of the code inside the charting classes.
I have the same problem but working on column charts. Was thinking that I could enable the vertical gridLines using backgroundElements and then add a chart event listener for mouse over (which fires when mouse passes over a vertical gridline). Using the localX value, i could compare it to the closest datapoint, maybe.