IIS7 Conditional Redirect - iis-7

I am trying to use IIS7 URL Rewrite to:
1) Individual home page:
Redirect to
individual home page:
2) subdomain.domain.com/?URL=http://subdomain.domain.com/site/preview/xxxx
Redirect to
Where xxxx is a 4-digit article number that changes based on the article opened.
unfortunately, while we were able to make the first rule work, the second one didn't, as it redirects to the same location as the first one
Any assistance on this matter would be much appreciated.
Thank you.


Need wildcard 301 redirect for WordPress on IIS

I'm running a WordPress blog on IIS. I currently have the permalinks for the articles set to:
So a sample article would be, right now:
I now want to change the permalink URL to not have the time at the end, which I can set up in WordPress just fine. In fact right now if you go to
It actually works without changing anything.
However, when I change the permalink in WordPress, the old links with the time at the end no longer work. This is a problem for Google, since it'll see my whole indexed site as 404 page not found errors.
I want to put in a single rule in Web.Config that will redirect:
https://example.com/[ALL-HEADLINES]/* (anything after the headline being the "*")
https://example.com/[ALL-HEADLINES]/ (basically redirecting as a permanent 301 when someone/Google links to the previous URL with the time) To be clear, if someone goes to:
They're automatically redirected to:
Can I do this in Web.Config? Or can I do this in WordPress (I've tried, I think not).
I don't want any 404 errors. I want them all to be 301 permanent redirects.
Is there a simple way to do this?

Redirect 301 wp url based on year/month/day to post-name.html

I recently changed the permalink structure from
"RedirectMatch rule 301 ^/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([^/]+).html$ https://www.domainName.ro/$4.html" and works.
Now I want to redirect, within the same site (old URL), the URLs from
I tried different rules and did not work.
The two rules must work at the same time on the site
Can you help me?
Thank you very much!
You can manually change the url using wordpress plugin called redirection after install the plugin you can simply add url which you need to redirect from old to new just simple go to tools and there you find redirection click on that and you will find 2 box in 1box you need to enter old url which you need to redirect and 2box you need to enter new url where you need to redirect and click on save and you are done redirecting
Hope this will work for you

Website url with or without www to reduce wait time during page load

I have a Wordpress site. I see in pingdom tools test that if my site url has www and user types the URL without www, then he/she is forced to wait. And the wait time is affecting my page ranking. Can anyone help me with the following questions:
Which URL is better for higher page ranking, with www or without www?
Is it possible to redirect my user to my site without having to wait i.e, whether www is used or not redirect to my page? And if yes, then how do I do that?
Please take a look at google webmaster tools1 there you will find many answers of your questions.
tl;dr: you could set up prime address there and tell google what to index first www or without www!

301 ht access whole domain on wordpress redirect resulting in - too many redirects

301 ht access whole domain on wordpress redirect resulting in - too many redirects
I removed my site from h3adrush.com and placed it on h3adrush.co instead
I placed a dummy wordpress site on h3adrush.com and the full original site on h3adrush.co
I placed this code on h3adrush.com
Redirect 301 / http://www.h3adrush.co/
The result when loading h3adrush.com is a redirect to h3adrush.co
but it displays a too many redirects error in the browser
this is not cookie related as I loaded the url through 3 different browsers on 3 different devices
What is the solution to fix this please?
* please explain this to in a simple way so I can follow the steps step by step

IIS7 Subdomain pages redirect to main domain

I need to keep an old version of website in tact as a subdomain, so subdomain.domain.com points to the old IIS server running DNN and the default page appears fine.
However, any interior pages, /contact.aspx for example, return a 404 error. If I revert to ugly urls (default.aspx?TabId=##) the page works but attempts to redirect to domain.com instead of subdomain.domain.com.
Unfortunately I am unfamiliar with IIS and DNN, but the task is the task! Any help would be greatly appreciated. I will supply any additional details should anyone know what details I need to supply...
Note: a binding for the subdomain has been added, but the above happens with our without this addition.
Have you added that "subdomain" as an Alias in DNN? You can do this in the PortalAlias table
