Google Analytics data discrepancy between page url and title - google-analytics

I have Google Analytics on my intranet site.
Doing a search for one year back, when I search for a page URL, I get 1 page view. But when I do a search for the pages title, I get 142 page views.
What's causing this discrepancy?


Why is GA appending / at the end of all my page urls in Google Analytics admin panel?

This is our first post here. We're technical noobs with a 6 year old small local business WordPress website and we check our Google Analytic visitor stats approx. 1x/mo. Over past 6 months we noticed under Behavior > Site Content > All Pages, all of the website page URLs now display with our homepage URL appended to the end of each page/post URL name. What's happening, why and how do I correct this?
(Also, when you click the link icon next to that page name, it tries to go to that full erroneous URL, and of course lands on a 404 since it doesn't exist.)
Thank you
Examples of site name appending to page name URLs:
[GA Screenshot of extra appending to all pages urls][1]

Can you collect the page depth by page using Google Analytics API

In GA you're able to see data for landing pages and second pages (the second page viewed in a session) as well as the conversion rates associated with it.
Are you able or legally allowed to collect the 3rd/4th/5th page viewed in a session as a custom dimension? If so how would you write the code for a custom dimension.
Example data: the /shop page of a website had 300 pageviews as 2nd page, 700 pageviews as the 3rd page, 100 pageviews as the 4th page, etc.

i have 1000 pages now i want to display page views on my website,can this be done from google analytics API

If i have 1000 users and every one have 1 page on my website,
now i want to display Page views on my website (respectively on user pages).
Can this be done from google analytics API ?
IF yes then what is full procedure ?

Filtering Page URLs in Google Analytics

I have created a custom report which contains
Page (url),
Page Title,
Visitor Duration,
Bounce Rate
I am using Adwords for advertising and want to see which pages get more hit and visit duration. When I view my custom report some of the page URLs looks like
"/tr-url/" so I am having 3-4 different hit for about-us page.
Is there a filter to get only the real page URL like /about-us, /contact, /company-info ?
Thanks in advance

Track a link on a page, but not a pageview in Google analytics

I have a several web pages with a graphic banner to be used in an iframe on affiliates website. But what is happening is that those iframe pages are bloating our pageviews in Google Analytics. I want to track the link of the banner, but not count the webpage as a page view.
I have a noindex and follow in the meta information, but I am taking that this is not enough because the pages are still being tracked as a pageviews.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
Any insight would be great!
Thanks in advance.
Are you embedding your GA tracking code in your iFrame? To begin with, I don't think you want to do this. But if you want to track the number of clicks, and do this within Google Analytics, I presume you would have to make your link a Redirect and then create a custom event in the redirect.
