channel originate, how to do call from a local channel? (call intercom and send dtmf) - asterisk

My goal is to :
run a background task activated by dynamic feature while in active call, that will execute dial to another EXT and send DTMF.
It means, when a user is active call with someone, when the user press 5555, the door will be opened.
In order to open the door today, I have to manually call EXT 6(the door) and send DTMF digits: 00*
All of this has to happen automatically when the user press 5555 without interfering the active call.
I tried before to do all of this with dial, but dial blocks the call or bridges with another extension and then I lose the original call.
I figured out that I need to do this with ASYNC, means I can not use dialplan, I need to use CLI, and then originate some how.
Asterisk will need to create a local session / local channel and establish/connect to the door extension, then send DTMF and hangup
All of this – in background.
this is somthing i managed to do so far:
openthedoor=> 5555,caller,macro,OpenIntercomCall
then in ->
exten => s,1,System(asterisk -rx "channel originate SIP/6 extension#yoyo")
i do not understand how do i call to SIP/6 from asterisk(using a local or random channel), and then send DTMF on answer.
the door ext is SIP/6, and 00* is the dtmf to open it.
What i am trying to do is that when a user 5555 in a call, the door will be opened.
means i want asterisk to call the intercom and send dtmf

There are no any sence do exec asterisk from inside asterisk. You can do Originate command.
For example you can do something like this
exten => s,1,Originate(SIP/6,app,SendDTMF,ww00*)
Should be enought for your need.


Asterisk ARI - Pass channel to Stasis before Ringing

My goal
Pass an incoming call directly to Stasis and allow the app to decide whether to play a ringing or busy tone to the caller.
The problem
With my ARI app, if I omit the same => n,Ringing line from my dialplan, the Stasis app returns an error if the caller hangs up. I can have a call hang without any early media, until I pass a command, via the ARI.
This solution has 2 issues:
The Stasis app receives a second StasisStart when the caller hangs up, returning a Channel not found error.
There is no command for channel.busy
Does anyone have any suggestions?
My only option that I can currently see is to ensure that all users have voicemail and a busy tone is never played. Not everyone wants / likes voicemail and it is not ethical to answer the call and play a busy tone, without the caller knowing that their call is connected.
Using the following dialplan, I can get this to work in the desired way (plays busy to a user if they're not available), but with an error:
exten => _.,1,NoOp()
same => n,Stasis(myStasisApp, ${SIP_HEADER(to)})
same => n,Busy(10)
same => n,Hangup()
// The user is available
// The user is busy
Another StasisStart is sent when the caller hangs up, followed by:
Unhandled rejection Error: {
"message": "Channel not found"
We faced the same problem and lost precious time finding out the reason so I'm sharing the solution here and maybe it will help.
exten => _.,1,NoOp()
same => n,Stasis(myStasisApp)
same => n,Hangup()
When Asterisk receive a call, it will start the stasis app.
Create a Bridge.
Add the incomming channel A in this bridge.
Create a new outgoing channel B from your ari app with POST /channels/create.
Add the outgoing channel B in that bridge.
Dial from channel B the destination, where both of the channels
are in the same bridge with POST /channels/{channelId}/dial
Now, you will be able to see a new ARI Dial events with Ringing and Answer.
For the Hangup, you will receive Channels end events with Hangup Cause Code not a text like 17 for busy
Asterisk Hangup Cause Mappings
It's simpler to originate a channel (Asterisk version 13) instead of create and dial (Asterisk version 14) but you will not have the early media or a full control on that channel because it's created by Asterisk and not the ARI app so this channel will start sending event back to ARI when the call start and not before.
Asterisk 14 ARI: Create, Bridge, Dial.
ARI and Channels: Manipulating Channel State
This thread helped us a lot:
Re: ARI: add channel to bridge immediatelly after originate action
Have fun ! and Hope this will help.

Asterisk ringback tone recording

I made an outbound-call service application using Asterisk AMI interface.
Following is how my application works.
I generate an Originate request to internal channel using TCP/IP socket.
my dialplan accepts the request and run dial command. extension.conf file is
exten => _X.,1,NoOP()
same => n,MixMonitor(${DialMonitorFile}.wav)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}#TRUNK_100-1234-5678,30)
What I want to do is record whole call process (from ringback tone sound until user hangup).
But, when dial started, only 44 byte size file is generated (maybe wav file header?) before user accepts the call. And, file increased after user accepts call.
Can someone help me how can I record ringback tone sound as well ?
You should do Answer before MixMonitor if you want that
Please note, CDRs will be affected

No ring back tone on outbound calls. [FreePBX]

I have a FreePBX 13 server set up with a SIP Trunk connection, however for some reason we are not getting the ring back tone for calls going out of the trunk connection.
I was able to implement a work around for this by placing the "Tr" options under "Asterisk Trunk Dial Options" to force Asterisk to produce the ring back tone for outbound calls.
However this only works while manually dialing from a soft-phone / VoIP Phone, when I try to launch a call via the Asterisk AMI "Originate" command we are not getting the ring back tone, even when the "r" option is set on the trunk. This is how the command I'm sending looks:
Action: Originate,
Channel: SIP/{extension},
Context: from-internal,
Exten: {phoneNumber},
Priority: 1,
Callerid: {callerId},
Timeout: 30000,
Async: yes
Any idea about what can I do to force the ring back tone?
This could be due to inband progress.
Try to add the following to your sip.conf
under [general] section,
if you are using freepbx, then navigate to your trunk settings in the user interface and add the above 2 configs under the peer settings.
restart asterisk and try after that.
Launch Originate via Local/ channel call, if still not work, launch via custom context which answer first.
This is not an uncommon problem. Your ITSP is being lazy and either not providing or not forwarding RFC-complaince SIP 180/183 responses.
My usual solution is to put the local caller into an MOH state where the MOH is a ring tone, and then when the other end picks up, bridge the two calls.
This is kind of jarring, however, if the remote end is busy or is congested, since you go from "fake ring" to "real error tone". The other option is to reverse your dialing process ... call the remote end and then hook the local end, so that the local end doesn't need to hear ringing.
Of course, you can also reach out to your ITSP and tell them you need them to be RFC SIP 180/183 complaint.

Asterisk AMI - How to simulate a DTMF sending action over AMI

I am building an application in Asterisk , which has to simulate the phone keypress action i.e DTMF. For instance , if a caller calls a number and the IVR requires to press a digit , the application (say a webpage) should also be able to simulate the same key press. I tried the following:
- I have a web application that triggers PlayDTMF action over AMI to simulate the key press on the caller channel. Unfortunately this didn't work , as it played the DTMF digit on the channel (the keypress could be heard) but asterisk didn't receive the DTMF. It was just playing the DTMF, which is what the AMI action was designed for. I technically need to "send" the DTMF digit on the channel.
- the sendDTMF function in asterisk couldn't be used either,as it is a dialplan function and I need a AMI action to trigger DTMF from an external source.
A similar issue was reported sometime back: Asterisk AMI: DTMF not received on SIP channel
I am using Asterisk 11. Is there a way to implement the above using AMI/AGI? Or do i need to further upgrade my Asterisk to 12 to make use of ARI?
Appreciate your inputs.
I managed to simulate the DTMF action , by Dialing/Originating out to a local context and using the outgoing bridging channel id for DTMF input. So the flow is :
call lands on Asterisk -> Asterisk Dials out to a Local context -> The dialout creates a bridging event which has the outgoing channel id(store in some DB) -> The local context can have the IVR flow and using the stored channel and PLayDTMF action - dtmf digits can be inserted. Not sure if there is a more elegant solution to this!

Asterisk HOLD functionality workaround

I'm using asterisk with webrtc in chrome (SIPml5 client) and also using their webrtc2sip gateway.
My problem is that I can't send the hook-flash/flash signal to asterisk for some reason.
Is there a possibility to trigger hook flash by sending DTMF signals ? (which apparently work for me )
Example: I want to trigger the standard hold functionality by sending the following DTMF sequence: #123.
On the other hand as a workaround, could I hold a channel using AMI or AGI ?
Basically I want the other party to hear OnHoldMusic while the channels/call remain active. On the local side I can just mute the audio tag which is fine.
Yes, you can do hold using ami command hold or AGI exec command musiconhold
That info is availible in AMI/AGI documentation
You can handle dtmf by using features.conf
