How to extract average ROC curve predictions using ROCR? - r

The ROCR library in R offer the ability to plot an average ROC curve (right from the ROCR reference manual):
# plot ROC curves for several cross-validation runs (dotted
# in grey), overlaid by the vertical average curve and boxplots
# showing the vertical spread around the average.
pred <- prediction(ROCR.xval$predictions, ROCR.xval$labels)
perf <- performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")
Lovely. Unfortunately, there's seemingly no ability to obtain the average ROC curve itself as an object/dataframe/etc. for further statistical testing (say, with pROC). I did do some research (albeit perhaps after the fact), and I found this post:
Global variables in R
I looked through ROCR's code reveals the following lines for passing a result to a plot:
performance_plots.R, (starting at line 451)
## compute average curve
perf.avg <- perf.sampled
perf.avg#x.values <- list( rowMeans( data.frame( perf.avg#x.values)))
perf.avg#y.values <- list(rowMeans( data.frame( perf.avg#y.values)))
perf.avg#alpha.values <- list( alpha.values )
So, using the trace function I looked up here (General suggestions for debugging in R):
trace(.performance.plot.horizontal.avg, edit=TRUE)
I added the following line to the performance_plots.R after the lines listed above:
perf.rocr.avg <<- perf.avg # note the double `<<`
A horrible hack, yet it works as I can plot perf.rocr.avg without a problem. Unfortunately, when using pROC, I can't compare my averaged ROC curve because it requires a pROC roc object. That's fine, but the catch is that the pROC roc object requires the original prediction and reference data to create. As far as I can tell, ROCR is averaging the ROC curves themselves and not the predictions, so it seems I can't get what I want out of ROCR.
Is there a way to reverse-engineer the predictions from the averaged ROC curve created by ROCR?

I met the same problem as you. In my perspective, the average ROC generated by the ROCR package just assigned numeric values, while other statistical attribution (e.g. confidence interval) lacks. That means statistic with the average ROC may make no sense and that's why the roc object can't be generated by (tpr, fpr) list in PRoc package. However, I find a paper to address this problem, i.e., the comparison between average ROCs. The title is "The average area under correlated receiver operating characteristic curves: a nonparametric approach based on generalized two-sample Wilcoxon statistics". I hope that's helpful.


How to add the optimum threshold to the ROC curve plot in R

I got this example below and wondering how to get the optimal threshold (Youden's index = sensitivity+specificity-1) for each method and plot that value on the ROC curve to know the coordinate obtained from that optimal threshold. How to do that? My real ROC curves consist of 4 roc curves (see the example below) for four different methods and I want to plot the optimum threshold for each method on each corresponding method. For simplicity, I use the example below instead.
df <- data.frame(ROCR.simple)
pred <- prediction(df$predictions, df$labels)
perf <- performance(pred,"tpr","for")
This is an example of my ROC curve.
You can do that easily with the pROC package (disclaimer: I am the author and maintainer of this package). Setting the print.thres
my_curve <- roc(df$predictions, df$labels)
plot(my_curve, print.thres=TRUE)

Survival Curves For Cox PH Models. Checking My Understanding About Plotting Them

Im using the book Applied Survival Analysis Using R by Moore to try and model some time-to-event data. The issue I'm running into is plotting the estimated survival curves from the cox model. Because of this I'm wondering if my understanding of the model is wrong or not. My data is simple: a time column t, an event indicator column (1 for event 0 for censor) i, and a predictor column with 6 factor levels p.
I believe I can plot estimated surival curves for a cox model as follows below. But I don't understand how to use survfit and baseplot, nor functions from survminer to achieve the same end. Here is some generic code for clarifying my question. I'll use the pharmcoSmoking data set to demonstrate my issue.
model <- coxph(Surv(data$t, data$i) ~ p, data=data)
As I understand it, with the following code snippets, modeled after book examples, a baseline (cumulative) hazard at my reference factor level for p may be given from
base<-basehaz(model, centered=F)
An estimate of the survival curve is given by
plot(s~t, typ = "l")
The survival curve associated with a different factor level may then be given by
beta_n<-model$coefficients #only one coef in this case
s_n <- s^(exp(beta_n))
where beta_n is the coefficient for the nth factor level from the cox model. The code above gives what I think are estimated survival curves for heavy vs light smokers in the pharmcoSmokers dataset.
Since thats a bit of code I was looking to packages for a one-liner solution, I had a hard time with the documentation for Survival ( there weren't many examples in the docs) and also tried survminer. For the latter I've tried:
ggadjustedcurves(model, variable ="p" , data=data)
This gives me something different than my prior code, although it is similar. Is the method I used earlier incorrect? Or is there a different methodology that accounts for the difference? The survminer code doesn't work from my data (I get a 'can't allocated vector of size yada yada error, and my data is ~1m rows) which seems weird considering I can make plots using what I did before no problem. This is the primary reason I am wondering if I am understanding how to plot survival curves for my model.

How to calculate risk difference from a regression model in R?

I know how to calculate risk difference with a 2x2 table, but I have no idea how to do this with a regression model, even though it is a quite widely used method when you need to adjust variables in question.
In case I'm not making any sense, here's an article that discusses proper ways to calculate risk difference, but unfortunately it doesn't contain any code:
If I have understood your question, I think the book Regression Modelling Strategies may be what you are looking for. For example:
# Load the rms Package by FE Harrell et al., remember to install the package first..
# Create a fit object using some dummy data in the package
fit <- npsurv(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml)
# Then you can plot a Kaplan-Meier survival curve.
# Then plot the 'Risk difference' for your data, with 95% confidence limits
survdiffplot(fit, xlim = c(0,60))

Contrast plot for GAM using mgcv

When using the visreg package to visualise a GAM with a contrast plot, the confidence interval goes to zero at the inflection point when the graph is U-shaped:
# Load libraries
# Synthetic data
df <- data.frame(a = -10:10, b = jitter((-10:10)^2, amount = 10))
# Fit GAM
res <- gam(b ~ s(a), data = df)
# Make contrast figure
visreg(res, type = "contrast")
This seems dodgy and doesn't happen when making a conditional plot (i.e., visreg(res, type = "conditional")), so instead I'm looking at the mgcv package to make the same plot. I can make a conditional plot using mgcv (e.g., plot.gam(res)), but I don't see the option to make a contrast plot. Is this possible with the mgcv package?
This is due to identifiability constraints imposed on the spline basis/bases used in the model. This is a sum-to-zero constraint and effectively removes an intercept-like basis function from the basis used for each smooth term so that these are not confounded with the model intercept. This allows the model to be identifiable, rather than having an infinity of solutions.
Using standard theory, the confidence interval has to tend to zero where it crosses zero on the y-axis (the centred effect usually, but here as shown it is on on some transformed scale) as the constraint implies that at some point x, the effect is 0 and has 0 variance.
This is nonsense of course and recent research has investigated this problem. One solution provided by Simon Wood and colleagues employs extensions to Nychka's observation that, for the Gaussian case, the Bayesian credible interval for a smooth has good across-the-function interpretation as a frequentist confidence interval (so not pointwise, but not simultaneous either). Nychka's results (the coverage properties of the interval) fail in situations where the estimated smooth has squared bias that is not substantially less than the variance of the estimate; clearly this fails to be the case when the variance hits zero where the estimated smooth passes through zero effect as the bias is not actually quite zero at this point.
Marra and Wood (2012) have extended these results to the generalized model setting, basically estimating the confidence interval for one smooth by assuming that all the other terms in the model have had the identifiability constraints applied to them, but not the smooth of interest. This shifts the focus of inference from the smooth directly to the smooth + intercept. You can turn this on in plot.gam() with the argument seWithMean = TRUE.
I don't see an easy way to make visreg do this however, although it is trivial to get back the information you want via predict.gam() with the options type = 'iterms', = TRUE. This returns, on the scale of the linear predictor, the contributions of each model smooth term plus the standard error that include the correction implied by seWithMean. You can then fiddle with this to your heart's content; adding on the model constant term (the estimate for the intercept) for example should provide you something close to the figure you show in your question.

how can I predict probability of an event using the weibull distribution

I have a data set of connection forces based on axial force in N (
Some previous analyses has been undertaken (by another party) and has fitted a Weibull distribution to it, and then predicted that the chances of recording a force of 60N or higher is around 1.2%.
I have to say that eyeballing the data, that doesn't seem likely to me, but I know nothing about this particular distribution.
So far I am able to fit the curve:
force<-read.csv(file="forcestats.csv",header = T)
fitdistr(force$F, 'weibull')
I am trying to understand
is a weibull distro really the best fit for this data ?
how I can make that same prediction using R (how to calculate the probability of values above 60N);
is it possible to calculate the 95% confidence interval for that value (i.e., 1.2% +/- x%)
Thanks for reading
To address your first item,
is a weibull distro really the best fit for this data ?
conceptually, this is more of a question about statistical inference rather than programming, so you most likely want to tackle that on CrossValidated rather than SO. However, you can certainly inquire about the means of investigating this programmatically, such as comparing the estimated density of the observed data to the theoretical density function or to the density function of random samples from a weibull distribution with your parameter estimates:
Weibull <- read.csv(
params <- fitdistr(Weibull$F, 'weibull')
Shape <- params[[1]][1]
Scale <- params[[1]][2]
"observed data"),
Of course, there are many other ways of assessing the fit of your model, this is just a quick sanity check.
As for your second question, you can use the pweibull function with lower.tail=FALSE to get probabilities from the theoretical survival function (S(x) = 1 - F(x)):
## Pr(X >= 60)
> pweibull(
[1] 0.01268268
As for your final item, I believe that calculating confidence intervals on probabilities (as well as certain other statistical quantities) for an estimated distribution requires using the Delta method; I could be recalling incorrectly though, so you may want to double check on this. If this is the case and you aren't familiar with the Delta method, then unfortunately you will probably have to do a fair amount of reading on the subject because the calculation involved is generally non-trivial - here's another link; the Wikipedia article doesn't give a very in-depth treatment of the subject. Or, you could inquire about this on Cross Validated as well.
