Wordpress json api error while generate_auth_cookie - wordpress

I'm having problem with wordpress json Api When login the user. Currently I'm Using Wordpress version 4.5.1 with listed below plugin:
Here are the step I follow:
1) Generate nonce
Below is Response:
2) Generate Auth Cookie
Below is Response:
{"status":"error","error":"SSL is not enabled. Either use _https_ or provide 'insecure' var as insecure=cool to confirm you want to use http protocol."}
Why I'm Getting this error?

It seems that JSON API User and JSON API Auth plugins allow by default only connections over https.
In order to turn off this setting, you should send an extra parameter in the request:
So try the following request:


Bearer token invalid on here fuel prices API even though apikey is included as parameter

I am new to Here and am trying to make my first API call but I keep getting back this error:
{"Type":"Unauthorized","Message":["Bearer token invalid. Bearer missing or bearer value missing."]}
Here's the URL that I'm using to call the API:
I have also tried including the api key in an authorization header and get the exact same thing. I've tried with apikey= and apiKey= and the results are the same. I've also tried moving the apikey param to after the prox param (though I know that shouldn't matter). I feel like I'm following the documentation when it says that I can use api key authentication for this call and that app code authentication is deprecated, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I am currently on a Here Freemium plan and making this call from a Node JS server application.
The token expires in 24 hours, you need to generate a new token and test again
In order to use OAuth token authentication please use the below request
And in header please include
Authorization = Bearer "Oauth token"
other way to include the token is -

Here API - browser decode - api function not working

http://reverse.geocoder.api.here.com/6.2/reversegeocode.json?xnlp=CL_JSMv3.0.17.0&app_id=Ca548bnNQGuB45wgmgrU&app_code=WTve4O4ccq_5ErqHb7MQfoiAJP4hLw9UmIeNvjc8s4M&mode=retrieveAddresses&maxresults=1&prox=<.....> request failed
On using the Here API with valid API key and codes, it yields an error as above. It wants to use the reverse geocode API over https, but is being loaded over HTTP.
Check out this request which results in success response.
Request using App_id and App_code
Request with Api_Key
These request using Https instead of Http.
for more details you can check this link-

Marketo REST API token keeps expiring

I followed the Quick Start Guide on Marketo's site for their REST API. This went well. I was able to get a successful response from their website.
curl https://ABC-DEF-123.mktorest.com/rest/v1/lists.json?access_token=123:ab
However, when I tried the same request the next day, I received:
{"requestId":"123#abc6731ab6f","success":false,"errors":[{"code":"601","message":"Access token invalid"}]}
I logged into the Marketo admin and noticed that the token I copied and pasted out of the dialog box was different. I tried this new one and it worked.
(This is taken from the guide)
I came across another guide on their site that describes a different authentication process. Marketo Authentication Guide
This guide mentions the token that is returned from the API endpoint has an expiration so I suspect that all Marketo tokens expire (or I need to disable this). However, I have not been able to successfully make requests to this endpoint with my client ID and client secret.
curl https://ABC-DEF-123.mktorest.com/identity/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=ACLIENTID&client_secret=ACLIENTSECRET
{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext"}
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
REST API tokens expire. So you typically will need to request a token for each session.
from your specific installed URL, like: MARKETOURL/identity/oauth/tokengrant_type=client_credentials&client_id=abc&client_secret=xyz
Which will result in (example):
"access_token": "1234",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": "email#email.com"
You will need to start out your sessions with this request to do subsequent calls. I have code that runs this first and then requests a new token if it expires. The expires_in field is in seconds.
Source: http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/rest/authentication/
I was not able to figure out why my curl requests were failing, but I was able to successfully call the Marketo API with mrkt, a Ruby Gem for Marketo.
I've looked through the logs of what the gem is generating for requests and they appear to be exactly the same. But at least I now successfully calling Marketo.
You need to use following sequences.
grant_type= client_credentials
client_id =you will get Marketo admin where you generate token
client_secret=you will get Marketo admin where you generate token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
GET <Identity URL>/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<Client Id>&client_secret=<Client Secret>
Your first call failed because your token expires every hour currently, according to Marketo's docs.
Your curl call to get a new token failed because curl (or something) was stripping off the auth arguments. Try wrapping the url in quotes.
curl "https://ABC-DEF-123.mktorest.com/identity/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=ACLIENTID&client_secret=ACLIENTSECRET"
You can get more information about what curl is sending with the -v flag. Running this would have given you enough information to at least know that your entire url wasn't being passed down to the request.
curl -v https://ABC-DEF-123.mktorest.com/identity/oauth/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=ACLIENTID&client_secret=ACLIENTSECRET

Can't get authentication token from web api 2

I am new to Web Api 2. I am trying to build a project to explore token authorization. I created a new project in VS 2013 and selected the WebApi2 template and used Fiddler to emulate http requests. I didn't change anything in the template, just ran it as it was and tried to play with it with Fiddler. I successfully created a user by issuing request to /api/account/register but I can't login by issuing a POST request to the /Token endpoint. The request is:
(i also tried to pass the parameters as a json object in the request body).
I get back this:
From other posts such as ASP.NET WEB API 2 OWIN Authentication unsuported grant_Type I learned that I needed to enable CORS for web api and at the token endpoint, but that hasn't worked for me.
Are you sure that you are sending POST request message and not GET?
If you simply go to the URL with query string (or open connection to this URL from your code) you are sending GET message by default. It's not what WebAPI with "/token" path is listening for.
If you are calling web service from same place, CORS is not needed. The error "unsupported_grant_type" could be in the format of the data you are passing server in post action.
Try sending with Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Linkedin API access token generation error

i am trying to generate access token to collect linkedin data. I followed the instructions provided in the linkedin API documentaion. I created an app in developers page and got the following:
Application Details
• Company:
• Application Name:
• API Key:
• Secret Key:
• OAuth User Token:
• OAuth User Secret:
Using the API Key i generated the authorization_code with the URL:
but when i finally tried to generate the access token using the below URL, i got an error response :
{"error_description":"missing required parameters, includes an invalid
parameter value, parameter more than once. : Unable to retrieve access
token : appId or redirect uri does not match authorization code or
authorization code expired","error":"invalid_request"}
Even after multilple validations, the same error messages appears.
please help. thanks.
finally, i got the access token. The authorization code expires in 20 seconds, so the access token URL must be called immediately after generating the authorization code.
Well, I went through the same problem and here is the process which i went through to fix it.
STEP#1: Authentication:
Firstly, the authentication API is to be hit to fetch the authentication token.
For this, a URL with Encoded parameters is to be hit as a GET request.
Example: https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=[your_client_id]&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flinkedin%2Fcallback&scope=r_emailaddress
Please note that here, the parameters are to be encoded programatically.
My non-encoded callback URL is: http://localhost:8080/linkedin/callback
Therefore, my encoded URL is: http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Flinkedin%2Fcallback
Once you hit this as a GET request, you will receive a callback with a code and an optional state parameter.
STEP#2: Getting Access Token:
There are three pre-requisites to this call:
The call must be POST
It must have a header Content-Type with value application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The data must be sent in request body.
The value of redirect_url MUST BE SAME as in the previous call.
In my case, it was: http://localhost:8080/linkedin/callback
Now the trick here is, that the call in (STEP#1 Authentication) was a GET request. Therefore, the redirect_url had to be programatically encoded.
Since the second call for is POST and is also application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoded, therefore the request body parameters do not have to be explicitly encoded. So, in this case, the redirect_uri would be sent as-is (http://localhost:8080/linkedin/callback)
Here is a snapshot of my Access Token API via postman:
My problem was in redirect_uri which contained url with query parameters (like redirect_uri=encodeURIComponent(http://example.com/callback?query=string)).
If redirect url is completely different linkedin will show you an error before showing you login form, but if redirect_url matches what you specified in linkedin app and contains extra query parameters, you'll not get an error, so once login form is submitted you'll get an invalid code and as a result error as above.
This error may be scopes related.
On the details of your application when selecting scopes there is this message:
Selecting both r_basicprofile and r_fullprofile is redundant.
r_basicprofile will be selected if neither r_basicprofile nor
r_fullprofile is checked.
If you are selecting both r_basicprofile and r_fullprofile just uncheck r_basicprofile or remove it from your Authorization Code Request.
I had the same problem, in my case I was using different redirect_uri for authorization and for access token. I had "proxy": "localhost:3001" in my package.json, and it overriden my request_uri.
So my suggestion: make sure the hosts and redirect_uri are all the same for two requests (both backend and server side).
