Cannot find c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\Qt5Widgetsd.lib when compiling QtWebEngine examples - qt

I downloaded Qt5.6 VS2013 32bit and try to run the official example of QtWebEngine.
I just followed the instruction but
When linking it gives out an error of
LNK1104 file not found c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\Qt5Widgetsd.lib.
However, I have no idea of where this path c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\ comes from.
I did text search in all directories of example folder and no hits other than generated files(makefiles and pdbs).
I also checked system environment variables but no hits.
Furthermore, I checked Qt Creator'r Projects panel and its Build Environment and still no hits.
Did I miss something?
P.S. this error was given out by linking DemoBrowser example of QtWebEngineWidgets pro

The link is generated by qmake when it generates the build scrip from the qt project file (*.pro). It is based from the qmake application path that is generaly installed together with the libraries (check you qt kit setup to change it if needed: Jst browse to qmake.exe application).
Then try regenerate the build script. It should fix the issue.
You may also have issue with installation not being in debug mode; you are trying to use Qt5Widgetsd.lib library instead of the non-debug one Qt5Widgets.lib


Where does the Qt sqlite plugin look for extension libraries

I have made the appropriate modification as found in this thread to enable the Qt sqlite plugin to load extensions. However, when I run SELECT load_extension('spatialite_mod'), I now get the error The specified module could not be found
On a Windows Qt installation, where do I need to put the spatialite_mod.dll file so that it can be found a runtime? I have already tried putting it in the binary directory without any success.
This turned out to be a multi-part problem.
The answer to the original question is that Qt looks for the libraries in the working directory (QDir::currentPath()) and in the Windows PATH.
Part 1:
On Windows, the specified module could not be found error also can mean that one of mod_spatialite.dll dependencies was not found. In my case, I had forgotten to move these dependencies to the same directory as mod_spatialite.dll. They include:
Part 2:
The libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll libraries shipped with libspatialite do not work with Windows 10. Read more about this here and here. They would crash the program when loaded. The fix for me was to grab the same libraries from my Qt installation at C:\Qt\5.11.3\mingw53_32.

Error in OpenCV configuration for Qt Creator

I followed these instructions in the configuration of OpenCV SDK for using it in Qt Creator IDE, but I couldn't conclude point 6.5, due to configuration errors in Cmake-GUI. I setup the configuration in CMake of the compilers gcc and g++ contained in Qt folder for MinGW32, and all looks Ok. But when Cmake-GUI starts the process of build configuration it ends up saying
"Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid".
It can't find the following:
After this issue I tried to go on with following points of configuration tutorial, without reaching the final instruction of mingw32-make install. I'm using the following versions of softwares: Qt 5.3.0, OpenCV 2.4.9, CMake My OS is Windows 7.
How can I recover the missing Qt files in CMake configuration?
Is there an alternative way for configuring OpenCV with Qt (like using precompiled build of OpenCV libraries)?
You just need to indicate CMake the correct paths to each one. Click oh the path to browse and set each one individually:
For this one, you need to search inside the Qt installation folder for the /bin directory. On it, you' ll find the qmake.exe. In my case it was C:/Qt/5.3/winrt_x64/bin/qmake.exe
All the following ones are in the Qt's /lib/cmake directory. In my case: C:/Qt/5.3/winrt_x64/lib/cmake :
Then click generate. It' ll show a new error and ask you for the QT5OpenGL_DIR. Just as before, show CMake the correct directory. In my case: C:/Qt/5.3/winrt_x64/lib/cmake/Qt5OpenGL. Finally, click Configure again, and then Generate, and now you're done creating the build files.
You have to specify the location of Qt manually by passing it as an argument for QT5Core_DIR. Qt5_DIR or CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH does also the trick.
Given your Qt 5 is installed at /opt/selfcompiled/Qt5. When calling cmake, add the flag from above:
cmake -DQt5_DIR=/opt/selfcompiled/Qt5 <pathToSourceDir>
Once the Qt 5 directory is set and found by CMake, all the other variables related to Qt 5 should be found from there, too.

Creating Qt Statically "The system cannot find the specified file"

After running configure -static in C:\Qt\Qt5.1.0\Source, I ran mingw32-make. and I get this error (at the bottom of image).
System cannot find the specified file
What files am I missing? I am using Qt 5.1.0, I have downloaded and extracted it into C:\Qt\Qt5.1.0\Source, Installed Perl64 in C:\Qt\Qt5.1.0\Source\, ran the prompt as admin, and I have followed this guide:
Building v8 needs python installed and in path make sure that you have it, see more information here especially the requirements to build Qt on windows.

How to compile SpeechMe

I am trying to compile the SpeechMe project: so that I can use the voice recognition in another project I want to make.
I have followed all the instructions and downloaded the full sources of Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx and used them to add all the missing files to the Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx directories included in SpeechMe. I have compiled them all in the order the wiki says and they all returned: "***Build Complete" but it seems that they did not produce any output files?
I then tried compiling SpeechMe in Qt Creator but it gives me these three errors:
Here is the build log for all configurations:
Please help, I really don't understand why this is not working!
I'm guessing Carbide should have created those 3 files when compiling but it didn't, any ideas why and what I can do to fix it?
Files must be created inside pocketsphinx tree but they shouldn't be placed in the required location. Most likely you need to find library files and put them into the required folder manually.
Another reason might be that you are compiled a debug version of pocketsphinx while the latest project is looking for a release version of the libraries.

qt cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib'

I am using qt 4.5
I have created a project and I want to compile on visual studio 2008 for windows mobile 6.0
So I have created the project files doing this:
D:\Projects\Phone_PDA\Phone_PDA>set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2008
D:\Projects\Phone_PDA\Phone_PDA>qmake -tp vc
The VS project was created. However, when I try and compile I get this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib'
However, when I check my librarys and includes under project properties in visual studio. I have this:
Additional Include Directories
Additional Library Directories
Additional Dependencies
However, when I browse to the directory c:\Qt\qt\lib all I have is:
qtmain.prl and qtmaind.prl
However, I don't have qtmaind.lib or qtmain.lib
Many thanks for any suggestions,
Are you sure you are using the correct QMAKESPEC?
I would think you would need to use wince*-msvc2008
See Qt: Supported Platforms
Open the Visual Studio command prompt (you can find a shortcut in the start menu). It has all the appropriate environment variables set. Go to C:\Qt\20****\qt. Type configure and then nmake.
Did you download the source distribution? If so you would need to compile Qt before you get the libs.
My commercial version comes precompiled. If I remember correctly, when I used the open source version I needed to compile everything myself.
First you have to configure the Qt to your machine to get the libs! It will takes several minutes. Follow the steps in:
in properties -> linker -> input
remove ANY path for qt libraries such qtmaind.lib
sometime you need remove :
/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS%40QMAKE_SUBSYSTEM_SUFFIX%40) from the VS project (under Properties --> Linker --> Command Line).
this is known BUG in VS addin
